Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 150 Acquaintances

Chapter 150 Acquaintances
OT's box is on the second floor of the bar, which is semi-enclosed. From the stairs on the second floor, you can directly overlook the booths, dance floor and DJ booth below.

Su Wei and the others followed Xiao Xiao up, and then Liu Qiang and the others followed up for a circle. After they saw that there was no problem, all four of them came down.

The four of them blocked the stairs, and now no one can go to box 888 without Su Wei's greeting.

"Brother Su, you have such a big name in the bar." From the moment Lin Mengmeng entered the door, she saw marketing and security personnel constantly coming over to say hello to Su Wei, and some of them wanted to take a photo.

"If you can spend more than 200 million yuan at a time, you also have this treatment." Su Wei still doesn't know that he is working in the bar circle in Kyoto. He thinks that he is so popular because of the 200 million yuan last time.

Although there is indeed a reason for the 200 million, the main reason is his own status. After all, he is one of the only four convertible Lafayette owners in China. That car costs tens of millions. Who is the owner of such a magical car? I don't want to fawn on.

Even if you can't flatter, say hello, take a photo, get acquainted, and next time you brag with someone, there will be something to talk about.

"It's too unimaginable to spend 200 million in one night." When Cao Yuqing heard that Su Wei spent 200 million in one night, she was sitting and holding Su Wei's hand. After hearing that he spent 200 million last time, she became Arm around the neck.

After all, Ya'er Hutong is so expensive, only the top-notch gods who don't treat their money as money can afford this kind of courtyard house, and the bosses of ordinary listed companies don't have this ability.

After all, many listed companies have a market value of only a few billion. If you ask their bosses to buy a 15 billion courtyard house, how can they afford it?

"Xiao Xiao, give me the list, let me see if there are any good wines." Su Wei doesn't plan to order so many Aces of Spades today, after all, he is ordering so many wines in the box instead of the deck , the people downstairs can't see it either.

Moreover, the taste of the Ace of Spades is so-so. If Principal Wang was not the general agent of the Ace of Spades in China, and his marketing was good, this wine would not have become a brand in the bar at all.

There are really too many wines on the market that are more expensive than the Ace of Spades, but President Wang is really good at marketing, and the bar also needs customers to order more of this wine for the sake of the cards. mutual achievement.

The two women don't care what kind of wine to order, anyway, they come out to play with Su Wei, if they pay for it themselves, then the basic champagne with Jagermeister is almost the same, but Su Wei is here today, it is definitely impossible to drink Jagermeister Yes, that's too cheap.

"You bring me five bottles of Royal Salute 62, another five bottles of Hennessy Richard, and a set of Great Dragon, let's order this much first." Even though Su Wei ordered 16 bottles of wine today, the unit price is comparable to last time. The Ace of Spades is much more expensive.

Last time, 100 bottles of Ace of Spades cost Su Wei a total of 73 yuan, but today's 16 bottles cost Su Wei 60 yuan.

"Okay brother, then I'll serve you the wine now." Seeing that Su Wei spent another 60 today, Xiao Xiao felt that he really had a super thigh in his arms. He planned to ask Su Wei when he had the chance , Is really his family?

Lin Mengmeng and the others saw that Su Wei spent more than 60 today, and felt that this is life.

Unlike them, when ordering wine, he had to look specifically at which one was worth the money, but when Su Wei ordered wine, he saw which one was more expensive, so he ordered that one.

Today, there are not as many wine-raising girls as there were last time. After all, there were only 16 bottles of wine in total. Last time, there were 100 bottles.

The people in the bar were just a little surprised when they saw the girl who held the wine coming out. After all, many people didn't know the price of the 62-gun Royal Salute and the price of Hennessy Richard. A bottle of wine costs 888.

But those who are knowledgeable are really shocked. Although they know that there are many rich second generations in OT, they did not expect the rich second generation to be so arrogant.

The guest who also planned to order box 888 is now in box 908. His companion told him that box 888 has ordered wine, so he went to the stairs specifically to see what wine was ordered in box 888, so that OT Give him the Leopard box without hesitation.

Before, he thought that OT was a bit of a low-minded person, so he didn't give him the box, but gave him a big money who only came once.

He scoffed at everyone's rumors that belonged to this rich man. After all, he had met the son of the boss of, and he was not the rich man at all.

Now I see that in the box No. 888, I ordered the Great Dragon Set, plus five bottles of Royal Salute 62 rings, and five bottles of Hennessy Richard. These OT drinks are all transparent. , Hennessy Richard 108000, after calculation, box 62 easily spent over 46888.

He was looking at the more than 8 yuan of wine he had just ordered in his box, and felt that OT really had no reason to give him the box.

"Brother, the girls are all downstairs, and I need to pick them up, so should I open the wine now, or wait until they all come up?" There are Liu Qiang and the others downstairs, and the little girl who raised the wine just now came, and they are all the same. Xiao Xiao went down and took over.

"It's okay, you can drive it after they come." Su Wei doesn't care, anyway, he is holding Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing around now.

When Xiao Xiao was asked to arrange some girls, he also planned to give Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing wine, but who knew that the plot was developing too fast, because the two girls had already started to compete with each other in the courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong.

Even if he didn't drink alcohol today, Su Wei would definitely be able to hug the two beauties home.

"Brother Su, the two of us are here today, why are you calling the other girls?" Cao Yuqing never expected that they both agreed to accompany him tonight, yet he actually called the other girls.

No wonder they ordered so much wine, and she wondered how the three of them could drink so much.

"That's right, you're not afraid of being dirty when you look for women who are not clean." Lin Mengmeng has always been angry with Cao Yuqing today. After all, she was the first to tell Su Wei about the house in Ya'er Hutong. What a shame, even took away half of the agency fee.

When the two hugged each other just now, they kept making small movements.

But now that they heard that other women were coming, they immediately began to fight against each other.

"How can I find a job, don't worry, I just asked Xiao Xiao to find a few atmosphere groups, who wants you two to not deal with each other just now, I am afraid of being left alone." If Su Wei knew that the two of them would be like this , What bar did he come to, what girl was he called, and he went back to the hotel directly.

At that time, I will get a few bottles of wine in the hotel, and after I finish drinking, I will sleep together in the big quilt.

After chatting for a few words, I saw Xiao Xiao brought 6 girls up, but one of the girls' eyes made him dodge every time he saw Su Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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