Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 151 Tao Xiaojun and the Twins

Chapter 151 Tao Xiaojun and the Twins

When Tao Xiaojun was downstairs, she felt the security guard guarding the stairs, as if she had seen it somewhere before. When she got to the second floor, she realized that the person sitting on the sofa was the person who gave her the doll last time.

She also remembered the security guards downstairs, they were not OT's security guards, they were the bodyguards next to this man last time.

She has a boyfriend who has been together since high school. Because she didn't take the exam in the same place, she has been in a long-distance relationship. She is in Kyoto, and her boyfriend is in Tianjin Wei.

That time, her boyfriend came to see her in Kyoto. The two of them were going to watch a movie. When they came out, they saw that someone had taken over the claw machine, and it happened to be the hlkt machine she liked. She was filled with righteous indignation and condemned with everyone. Such domineering behavior.

As a result, the man said that he wanted to charter a flight to catch all the dolls, so of course she didn't believe it.

After all, this doll is worth 4000 yuan each, and the boss certainly can't let someone grab it for only 4000 yuan. After all, they are not doing charity.

The man caught it until one o'clock, and she watched it with him. Her boyfriend urged her several times to go back to the hotel, but she didn't leave. She just wanted to see if this man would really take the doll. Catch them all.

As a result, the man not only grabbed all the dolls, but also gave her a hlkt cat.

She really feels so embarrassed now, her toes can dig out three rooms and one living room, she can only keep hiding behind, hoping that Su Weineng will not notice her later.

"This is Brother Su. Brother Su, everyone has already come up, so I'll open the wine." Xiao Xiao introduced Su Wei to the girl, then ignored it, and went directly to open the wine.

Su Wei looked at a few girls and found that they were quite good-looking, basically with a score of 80 or above, and that acquaintance had a score of 90.

"It's already here, why don't you introduce yourself?" Su Wei looked at these new girls playfully.

The acquaintance inside was the woman that Su Wei gave the doll to. He remembered that she had a boyfriend that day. He didn't know how she came here to earn this quick money. I really felt sorry for his boyfriend.

"Hello Brother Su, hello sisters, my name is An An" An An heard that there is a boss in OT today, and asked her to come and have a few glasses of wine with her, and it was just for drinking, and she would also give five thousand for transportation.

After she came, she found that not only she was called over today, but also other women, and they were all very beautiful.

She thought that there were several men up there, and she planned to choose a handsome one first. Who knew that there was only one man up there, and there were already two female companions sitting next to him. Look at the two female companions. He hugged that man so tightly, it couldn't possibly be bent.

"Your introduction is not good. You must at least report your height, weight, and occupation. You are so dry. How do I know you?" Su Wei was not angry, after all, he is not a professional.

"Then I'll do it again. Hello Su, hello sisters. My name is An An. I'm 19 years old. I'm 168 in height and 47 kg in weight. I'm still a student." I think she's a professional.

"It's fine this time, sit here." Su Wei pointed to the side of Lin Mengmeng.

Although this An An is not tall, she has a good figure and face, and she has that kind of innocent personality, which suits Su Wei's appetite very well.

Su Wei was satisfied, but Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing were going to die of anger. This is An An, what kind of sister is she? Are you mocking their old age? It looks like green tea.

"Brother Su, my name is Tutu. I am 20 years old this year. I am 173cm tall and weigh 48kg. I have a C and I am still studying now." I knew that coming out to accompany Su Wei in work clothes must be because of business needs. She despises such people the most, selling her body for the sake of performance.

"Brother Su, I'm UU. I'm 22 years old. I'm 171cm tall and weigh 50kg. I just graduated." UU is a veteran of bars. If she meets a boss, she will occasionally take a part-time job.

This time, I will come here because I heard that she is here to accompany Su Wei. She pushed her friend's drinking party away. Who would have thought that there would be so many girls today, and Su Wei was the only man. She felt that she had no chance of winning.

After all, there was Wang Zha behind her. When she rushed over to see them, she wanted to leave at that time, but she chose to stay after thinking about the 5000 yuan for a drink.

"Hi Brother Su, my name is Bingbing, I'm the older sister of the twins, I'm 18 years old this year, and I just entered freshman year." UU saw the two sisters just now, so he felt that he had no chance of winning.

After all, these twins are not inferior to her in appearance alone, but if they are together, she believes that no one can give up the twins and choose her, after all, she knows men too well.

"Brother Su, my name is Yunyun, I'm the younger sister of the twins, do you think I look like my elder sister?" The two sisters look alike, and today they are wearing uniform clothes, making it even more difficult to tell them apart Who is who.

"I can't say that you are very similar. After all, you are exactly the same. By the way, you twins, do you have a telepathy, just like the twins in Zhou Xingchi's movie?" Su Wei met so many women, and it was the first time As for the twins, although their appearance alone is not considered top-notch among the 8 women, the two of them are twice as happy.

"I don't know, but if you are curious, Brother Su, you can experience it yourself and see if our two sisters have telepathy." The women who came today are all here for the boss Su Wei. , Earn the 5000 yuan by the way.

Yun Yun looked at the women before him, all of them were coy, and wanted to curry favor with Su Wei, a big boss, but they couldn't hold back their face, after all, they were not professional.

Seeing that her sister Bingbing did the same thing, Yun Yun became anxious, after all, there were not many chances of being able to curry favor with a big boss like Su Wei.

She and her sister were the first to come to the bar. Because they were young, they hadn't developed the habit of being late.

At that time, Xiao Xiao came down to order wine, and saw that they were the only ones there, and no one else came, so he kindly pointed out to them that the person in box 888 is a super god, who spent more than 200 million at the bar last time, and ordered another 60 today. There is a lot of wine, so they should seize this opportunity.

"Then we'll have to wait and see how you perform." Su Wei didn't agree to her directly. Although the twins are very attractive, he couldn't separate them today.

He was more interested in Lin Mengmeng, Cao Yuqing, and the girl whom he had met while grabbing the doll.

"Hi Brother Su, my name is Junjun, I'm 173cm tall, I'm 20 years old, and I'm also a student." Tao Xiaojun now only hopes that Su Wei will not recognize her, after all he knows that she has a boyfriend.

 It's been a long time since I asked for a ticket. If you have a ticket, please give it. I feel like you guys are big.

(End of this chapter)

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