Chapter 152

"Junjun, come here, come here, sit next to me." Since this Junjun pretends not to know him, Su Wei plans to have fun with her.

Lin Mengmeng was very conscious, and sat down a little to the side, leaving a seat for her.

Because Su Wei had already agreed with her that he had met this woman before, but now she pretended not to know him, and he wanted to punish her.

"Brother Su, I'll just sit next to you. This place is pretty good." Tao Xiaojun already knew that Su Wei recognized her, but she didn't say she knew her just now, so now she can only bite the bullet and continue pretending.

The women next to me were jealous when they saw that Junjun could directly be next to Su Wei, especially the twins, their eyes were about to burst into flames. She's kind of mean.

"I told you to sit here, you just sit here, okay, what are you doing with so much nonsense?" Su Wei saw that she was talking well, but she didn't listen, and her tone became more serious.

Tao Xiaojun thought that Su Wei was really going to lose his temper, so he quickly sat down next to Su Wei from the far side.

"Brother Su, I'm still young, you scare her like this. Junjun, hurry up and grab a wine glass and have a drink with Brother Su, Brother Su won't mind after drinking." Cao Yuqing also knew that Su Wei and this Junjun knew her, she deliberately teased her.

"Brother Su, I'm sorry, I'm too smudged, let's drink one, please forgive me." Tao Xiaojun looked at Su Wei with innocent eyes.

"It's okay to have a drink, then tell me first, have we met?" Su Wei felt a little overwhelmed by Tao Xiaojun's gaze.

The main reason is that Tao Xiaojun's eyes are too pure. Although he knows it's from a show, a straight man like Su Wei will only accept this.

"Well, I won't pretend anymore, we did meet, and you gave me a limited edition hlkt cat at the time." Tao Xiaojun saw Su Wei clarifying the matter, so she could only confess.

"That's about the same. Come on, let's all have three drinks first." Su Wei would definitely not be able to drink with Junjun alone. After all, if he drank a toast from one person, it would be difficult for Su Wei to refuse if other women came to drink. .

Just now the other women were still thinking that this Junjun was too unreasonable. Now it's all right, Su Weisu will be angry, and they will lose a strong opponent.

In the end, it took a long time to figure out that the clowns were themselves, and they knew Su Wei before, which made them very happy.

After three rounds of drinking, the DJ just below played an explosive song, and the atmosphere upstairs unconsciously started to cheer up.

As soon as the wine was drunk and Di jumped, the women felt that their coats were getting in the way.

When the women took off their jackets, one of them was more revealing than the other, showing their good figures.

Lin Mengmeng didn't wear work clothes today, but a long skirt. After she started dancing, she ran to the toilet in the private room. When she came out, the long skirt turned into a short skirt, and she even put on black silk.

Cao Yuqing was originally wearing work clothes, but as soon as she took off her suit and put on a white shirt, she started jumping up. It seems that the old aunt often comes out to dance too.

When Su Wei was dancing, he felt that these women were always grabbing the position in front of Su Wei. After less than 10 minutes of dancing, Su Wei couldn't jump anymore, because if he didn't take a rest, he felt that the women would be all over the place. Can fight.

"Does your boyfriend know that you're out to do this?" Su Wei saw Junjun sitting on the sofa alone after dancing. He walked over and asked, grabbing her shoulder.

Just now, Jun Jun actually wanted to join Su Wei to play disco, but she was squeezed out by several women, so she never squeezed to Su Wei's side.

"He didn't go to school in Kyoto. We are in a long-distance relationship. He went back to school yesterday." Jun Jun didn't know why, why did these women exclude her, just because she knew Su Wei before?Then why not exclude Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing, but exclude her alone.

Who wants this Junjun to be the most handsome among these people, plus she and Su Wei knew each other before, then other people must not be able to compete with her.

But Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing are different. They feel that the two of them cannot be compared with them. After all, they are younger. Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing may both be married, and they came out in work clothes today. Ask someone to do something, so they are not so guarded against them.

"Why did you come out to do this? You are so beautiful, is it because you are short of money?" Men, what I like the most is to pull Liang's house into the sea and persuade prostitutes to be good.

"Who is not short of money? My mobile phone is broken and I want to change it, but I am short of money. Someone told me that if I come over for a few drinks, I can get 5000 yuan, so I came here." Tao Xiaojun is indeed because It's really not a lie that she's short of money to buy a mobile phone, but it's not the first time she came out to drink with her.

After all, girls now spend a lot of money and want to buy so many things, and they really can't support themselves with the living expenses provided by their families.

But she has not been taken out by anyone, because she is quite principled, and it is impossible for her to go out with others without spending a certain amount of money.

"Isn't it easy to ask for money? I see that all of you are dead after dancing, so let's play a game." Su Wei suddenly thought of a game at this time, and thought it should be very fun.

"What game?" Junjun and Su Wei were recently, and they were chatting well just now, but suddenly they saw him stand up and said that he wanted to play a game.

"I like playing games the most." When Lin Mengmeng heard about playing games, she also became interested.

"Did you drink if you lost?" Bingbing thought that Su Wei was planning to drink someone else.

"Why don't we play truth or dare?" Yun Yun was very curious about Su Wei and wanted to ask him many questions.

"We don't play that one. Let's play Truth or Dare later. Let's play an exciting one first. You should have all played squats before." Su Wei was at a loss when he heard Junjun say that she was short of money. What he has the most is money. As long as she has the ability, she can definitely make money for mobile phones here.

"What are you doing squatting up and down? It takes a lot of energy." When Cao Yuqing heard that Su Wei wanted to play squat up and down, she didn't care. Not afraid to squat up and down.

"Brother Su, if you squat a lot, will there be any rewards?" An An has been called out before, but those people are not as generous as Su.

"What I want to play, of course, is not as simple as squatting up and down. Like us, you girls, two by two team up to PK each other. One squats up and down for 100 yuan. The loser gets as much as squatting down." How much money is eliminated. The winners can collect the money of the losers and continue to advance to the next round of pk." In this game, endurance, physical strength, and strategy are all required.

Because if you use too much force in the first round, then you will definitely not be able to last.

"Brother, you are not lying, are we 8 people, if we squat hundreds of people at a time, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it." Tutu only knows that Su Wei is a big boss, but she doesn't know how to get rich anyway. .

No one told her who Su Wei was, and Xiao Xiao never reminded her that she was the only one here who came here purely for 5000 yuan.

Hearing Tutu's question, the other women couldn't help laughing, and some even laughed out loud.

"Let me tell you this, let alone 8 of you, 800 or 8000 people, I am not afraid. In this way, I will show you something so that you can have a better idea." Su Wei said at this time The LV bag was brought over, and it just contained the 50 that was taken out today.

Su Wei put the 50 yuan directly on the table, and made a small pile.

When the women saw the money on the table, they knew that Su Wei was serious. Although the money was only 50, it still had a great impact on them.

After all, they can all come out to accompany drinks for 5000 yuan, and this 50 yuan can allow them to accompany them for a hundred drinks.

And they thought, what is so difficult about squatting up and down, one person can easily earn tens of thousands of dollars back, and there is enough money to buy bags.

An An was already quite bold, otherwise she wouldn't have been the first to come forward and introduce herself.

"Brother Su, I'll do it first. I'll choose Sister Shirt as my opponent." An An chose Cao Yuqing simply because she felt that Cao Yuqing was the oldest and probably not as physically strong as her.

"Okay, then Yuqing, you and An Anlai will stand in the middle here. The rules are very simple. I will wait for the shouting to start, and you will start to do it. Whoever does less squatting will lose." Cao Yuqing was very confused and didn't know. Why was it chosen first.

"Okay, I'm ready." Since Cao Yuqing was selected, she wanted to let An An see if she was a persimmon.

"I'm ready too." An An looked at Cao Yuqing, she was full of confidence now, after all, she was so much younger.

"Get ready, start" Gao Wei saw that both of them were ready, so he directly announced the start.

Su Wei was very busy at this time, and Xiao Xiao didn't know where to go. He opened 3 bottles of wine, answered the phone and went down. Now there is no one to help.

When the two women heard Su Wei start, they immediately started doing squats.

At the beginning, both of them were very fast, but after thirty, both of them began to feel a little strenuous.

Su Wei was sitting opposite them, and both of them were wearing short skirts, so Su Wei could see Xiao Nei Nei directly.

Both Cao Yuqing and the others noticed that Su Wei was watching, but they only paid 100 yuan for a squat. They didn't want to disturb the rhythm, so they could only temporarily put down their shyness and wait until the competition was over.

In the end, An An did 66, while Cao Yuqing did 69. Sure enough, she is a regular exerciser. An An misunderstood the person.

It's just that now that Cao Yuqing has done so many things, I don't know if she will get old in the future.

After An An lost, Gao Wei counted 66 banknotes to her on the spot.

When the other people saw Su Wei counting money on the spot, their eyes were straightened. A big boss is a big boss, and when he talks, he promises everything, and he will give money when he says he will.

Unlike many fake bosses nowadays, talking is like farting. You can only listen to what you say, and it is impossible to realize it.

An An didn't expect Cao Yuqing to be so strong. If she knew she would have chosen someone else, although the 6600 is a lot more than her traveling expenses today, but Cao Yuqing advanced, but now there are 135 squatting, worth [-] Five hundred.

Because Cao Yuqing was the winner, she advanced to the next round with 135 squats.

Knowing that the person who advances can keep the squat until the next round, the rest of the people are excited, because if it goes wrong, the last person will really get a lot of money.

"Brother Su, my sister and I want a second match." Yunyun and her sister, in order for one of them to advance to the next round, first PK by themselves, so as to maintain their physical strength and ensure that one of the two sisters will advance.

If you choose someone else, it is very likely that you will choose a strong one, and you may lose both of them.

"Okay, are you ready?" Su Wei saw their tactics, but he didn't want to care about them. Although they came from two sisters, other people can also form an alliance.

"We are ready" Because they are two sisters, the two of them are not nervous, after all, one of them must be able to advance.

"Get ready, start." Seeing that the two of them were ready, Su Wei called out.

The twins were wearing shorts, really short pants, and they could see inside when they squatted down, and they knew that Su Wei was watching from the front, so they didn't change positions, and squatted where Su Wei could see.

The two of them squatted at a constant speed, not as fast as the previous group.

However, although the two of them maintained a constant speed, their physical strength was average. My sister gave up automatically when she reached 50. Yunyun made 53 and successfully advanced.

Su Wei saw that the two of them had finished squatting, because the older sister lost, Su Wei ordered 5000 yuan for the older sister.

Sister Yunyun took 103 squats and advanced to the next round.

"I am the third one, I choose Junjun." Tutu is the most dissatisfied with Junjun today, because she wants to curry favor with Su Wei, but she looks so much better today, and has twin sisters.

However, Su Wei obviously likes Junjun the most, so Tutu intends to eliminate Junjun in the first round. For those who don't get Su Wei, it would be nice to get more money.

"You two stand in the middle, okay, get ready to start" This is already the third batch, and Su Wei didn't need to say, the two of them stood up consciously.

I don't know what happened today, all the girls stood where Su Wei could see, no one changed positions, even Jun Jun was like this.

Tutu doesn't look like much, but there is a reason why she is so confident. She has done 89, and the reason why she has done so many is that Junjun can't do it until she has done 87.

Both of them are very strong. If they hadn't been selected in the first group, Su Wei felt that both of them might be able to advance to the next round, but it was a pity that there was no such thing.

Su Wei doesn't care whether Junjun advances or not. He held this event just for fun, not specially for Junjun.

It's just that Junjun was a little unhappy when she got the money. Although 8700 yuan was already very happy, she didn't advance to the next round.

Although Tutu is very strong, she chose Junjun in the first round and did not choose other relatively weak chickens, which consumed too much energy.

In the end, only UU and Lin Mengmeng were left. Lin Mengmeng usually likes to receive customers to see new houses, but doesn't like to take customers to see old houses, and doesn't like to exercise, so she has been keeping a low profile just now, hoping to find a weak opponent.

Sure enough, as she wished, she was ranked in UU, and UU is a very weak player.

The duel between the two of them can be called a chicken pecking at each other, not only the speed is slow, Su Wei has to remind, but also the movements are extremely non-standard.

In the end, UU gritted his teeth and made 62. Lin Mengmeng's teeth were broken, and he only made 59.

Lin Mengmeng also acted like a baby to Su Wei, asking him to give more, but Su Wei didn't like her, so he only gave her 5900 yuan.

UU advanced to the next round with 121 squats.

"Let's rest for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, Yuqing, you will start selecting people again." Because Cao Yuqing was the first to win, she must be the first to play.

"Okay, then I'll choose Tutu later." In fact, among the three people who have advanced, Cao Yuqing thinks that Tutu is the strongest among them, but they just spent too much energy.

In Yunyun's case, her strength is mediocre, but she maintained too much physical strength in the last round.

UU is a weak chicken. If she hadn't met Lin Mengmeng, she wouldn't be able to win against anyone else.

If Cao Yuqing wants to win, she must kill Tutu first, or give Tutu a rest, and Tutu will definitely make it to the final.

"Okay, Yuqing and Tutu have finished their rest, then we will start the semi-finals now, two people get ready, start" Su Wei waited for a few minutes, felt that it was almost done, called the two people to the middle, and started the next round of competition .

Cao Yuqing had the longest rest this round, so she was in the best condition, but Tutu is really strong, so she insisted on doing 65 rounds, and Cao Yuqing did 68, which is a miserable victory, because Cao Yuqing feels My feet are numb.

In the last round, Tutu had 89 of his own, plus 87 of the one who defeated Junjun, plus 65 of this round, a total of 241, or 100 yuan.

Those who were eliminated in the first round are so envious, especially Junjun, she is also very strong, but she was eliminated by Tutu, and she only got more than 8000 yuan, while the Tutu who eliminated her got more than 2 yuan .

In the second round of the rematch, Yunyun and UU are now duel.

This time UU’s microcosm exploded, and this time I made 53 of them, and I was paralyzed on the ground when I finished it, and I couldn’t even get up.

Yunyun waited for work with ease, and did 56, easily defeated his opponent and advanced to the final.

In the first round of UU, there were 62, plus Lin Mengmeng's 59, and this one's 53, a total of 174. Su Wei ordered her 400 yuan.

When UU got the money, he kissed Su Wei hard on the cheek, leaving a very obvious lipstick mark.

"Okay, let's have a few glasses of wine first, and after 10 minutes, we will have our most exciting final session this time." Su Wei gave the winner some money, and was quite tired.

I originally planned to call Xiao Xiao to help, but he hasn't come back yet.

After a few glasses of wine, about ten minutes passed quickly, Cao Yuqing and Yunyun had almost rested.

Junjun is cheering for Cao Yuqing, the main reason is that everyone excludes her, even Lin Mengmeng excludes her. Among the women here, only Cao Yuqing does not exclude her, so she can also be a human being. Give Cao Yuqing a calf massage.

"Okay, I've almost rested now, then I announce that the squat finals have officially started"

(End of this chapter)

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