Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 153 1st Place and Throwing Money

Chapter 153 No.1 and Throwing Money
"Okay, I've almost rested now, then I announce that the squat finals will officially begin." Su Wei saw that the time was almost up, so he summoned the two of them to come over for the finals.

Because it's the finals, both of them have cheerleading teams, and I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the people cheering on both sides are quite average. Lin Mengmeng, Junjun, and UU are cheering for Cao Yuqing.

Yunyun has her sister Bingbing, An An and Tutu to cheer her on.

In fact, other than her sister and An An, the people who cheered for Yunyun, Tutu was entirely because she was eliminated by Cao Yuqing.

It was impossible for her to cheer for Cao Yuqing, that's why she came to cheer for Yunyun. If it wasn't for this reason, she must have gone to cheer for Cao Yuqing.

Among the 9 people present, except for Bingbing, no one was optimistic about Yunyun's victory, including Su Wei.

When Cao Yuqing and Yunyun heard Su Wei yelling to start, they kept squatting at a constant speed.

After all, I have done it so many times, I am not as impatient as I was at the beginning, and there is no time limit for squatting up and down, as long as you don’t stop, so if the speed is too fast, it will consume more energy and endurance.

Cao Yuqing is a person who exercises regularly, and she also showed her best form in the finals, and she did 50 easily. Starting from 50, each time she did it was like a needle prick.

Even so, Cao Yuqing still made 73 in the end, which is already in the middle among so many people.

After Cao Yuqing finished, she only felt that her feet were shaking now, and it was Lin Mengmeng and Junjun who helped her up, otherwise she would have collapsed on the floor.

But it's a pity, Cao Yuqing worked so hard, but it was useless, because she met Yun Yun.

Seeing that Bingbing only made 50, everyone thought that Yunyun's strength should be mediocre, and that she was lucky enough to get into the finals.

It was not until the finals that Yunyun showed her true strength that everyone knew that Yunyun was the real sports beauty here.

Cao Yuqing couldn't do it when she made 73, but Yunyun made a total of 95 in the last one, breaking the previous record of 89, and she did it in the third round this time. In the first round or the second round, I believe she should be able to do more than 100, which is very easy.

Seeing that Yunyun made 95 in the end, Cao Yuqing was also convinced that she lost. After all, who would have thought that Bingbing was so weak and her sister would be so strong.

When the opponent in the final was Yun Yun, Cao Yuqing thought she was sure of everything, but who knew that Yun Yun was the real master of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Seeing that her sister had won, Bingbing jumped up for joy, because among so many people, she was the only one who really believed in her sister's strength, after all, she had seen such strength.

She and her younger sister have two completely different personalities. She is very quiet and doesn't like sports, while her younger sister is very lively and cheerful, and she especially likes sports.

After the two squatted up and down, Su Wei began to count the numbers of the two of them.

Cao Yuqing made 69 in the first round, 66 with Anan, 68 in the second round, 241 with Tutu, and 73 this time, making a total of 517, which is 700 yuan .

"Yuqing is fine. I didn't expect you to make it to the final, but you are much better than Mengmeng." Regarding the two candidates for the final, Su Wei actually didn't guess any of them correctly. After all, he didn't expect Cao Yuqing to explode, let alone Yunyun turned out to be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and tricked him all over.

"It still doesn't work. I can't even get up now." Cao Yuqing mainly held her breath. Anyone who wanted An An disrespected her too much at the time, and even thought she was a soft persimmon, easy to bully.

She has been working hard for so many years, and people who basically know her admire her, but this An An treats her as a soft persimmon, so how can she bear it.

Although the process is very tiring, and I may have to take a day off tomorrow, I am still very happy to have earned 5 yuan. [-] yuan is already equivalent to her salary for more than a month.

"This is your money, take it." Su Wei counted the money on the spot and handed it to Cao Yuqing.

Finish the calculation for Cao Yuqing, and then start to calculate for Yun Yun, this is the real big head.

In the first round, there are 53, 50 with Bingbing, 56 in the second round, 174 with UU, 95 in the final, 517 with Cao Yuqing, a total of 945, that is 500 [-] yuan.

Hearing the money calculated by Su Wei, those who were eliminated in the first round were really dumbfounded. They didn't expect to add so much money in the end.

They were eliminated in the first round, basically only a few thousand yuan, just like Junjun, if she hadn't met Tutu in the first round, she would not have been eliminated, and now she was eliminated in the first round, she just got it phone money.

And those who were eliminated later, not to mention the money to buy mobile phones, even had the money to buy luxury bags, which really made her envious.

Junjun's house is quite ordinary, but her boyfriend's house is a little better. They have been in a relationship for so long, and her boyfriend basically came to see him, but she never visited him because she had no money. .

But her boyfriend is still studying, so the family didn't give him much money, which is basically enough to live, and he came to Kyoto to open a few times.

But that's not the life she wants, because every time his boyfriend and her go to Rujia, Hanting, the star has never been there.

Because she has no money, she will come out to accompany the drink. After all, this person does not sell herself, but also makes money.

When Su Wei ordered the money, Jun Jun would also think, it would be great if the money belonged to him, and it would be even better if Su Wei was his boyfriend.

"These nine bundles are [-], and the rest is [-]." Su Wei handed the money to Yunyun who had been rubbing beside him, and sighed that she was indeed a sports girl. After Cao Yuqing sat on the sofa, she was getting up I won't come, it doesn't look like her.

After finishing the squats, she rested on the sofa for a while, and she was still running around like a normal person.

When Su Wei gave her some money, she clung to Su Wei and seduced him there.

"Thank you Su Ge, Su Ge, I am No.1, besides money, are there any other rewards?" After getting the money, Yun Yun didn't put it in her bag, but gave the money to Bing Bing and asked her to put it in in her bag.

Because she is a careless person, she often forgets the things she brought out when she goes out, and goes home empty-handed.

But her elder sister is more careful than her. She has never dropped anything since she was a child.

So when the two of them went out, she handed over the basic valuables to her sister for safekeeping.

"What do you want, talk about it" Su Wei reacted to being rubbed by her, a few people were doing it in front of her just now, he had already set up his pole at that time, and now Yunyun is still by his side, just with a kitten Same, keep rubbing against each other, it will be strange if he doesn't respond.

"I want you to kiss me." Yunyun has always wanted to find a rich man who can make her live comfortably.

But it wasn't that there were no big boss dinners before, but those big bosses were either ugly, old, or fat and bald, so they didn't go there once.

When I met Su Wei today, she knew what it means to be rich, what it means to be young and promising, what it means to spend a lot of money, and what it means to spend money like water.

She also wanted to live such a life, although she knew that Su Wei was more interested in Junjun, but she was definitely not willing to let her go just like that.

And she also has a unique trick, that is her sister, the two sisters go out together, and they haven't met anyone who can refuse them until now.

After all, like Su Wei, many people want to know if the twins have telepathy.

"It's that simple, okay, I'll satisfy you." Su Wei thought she at least wanted a bag or something, but unexpectedly asked Su Wei to kiss her.

"Brother Su, we were eliminated in the first round. We don't need a reward. I want you to kiss me as an encouragement, okay?" An An saw Su Wei kissing Yun Yun, and she also wanted to get closer to Su Wei.

"You all want to kiss, okay, I will satisfy you today, but if you want me to kiss, there are conditions, a glass of wine, a kiss." Su Wei definitely can't let them kiss for nothing, there must be conditions.

"Brother Su, do you want to have a few drinks, then let's kiss a few times?" Tutu didn't know how rich Su Wei was before, but after this time, she knew that Su Wei turned out to be so rich. jokes about her.

It turned out that everyone knew that he was rich, and she was the only one who came here for 5000 yuan.

"Okay, as long as you drink a lot, it's fine for me to sleep with you tonight." Su Wei saw that after everyone finished exercising, the wine was too much to drink, so he began to persuade him to drink.

"Brother Su, there are so many of us today, if you take them all home, I'm afraid you will be drained overnight." UU looked at Su Wei provocatively.

"That's only if you can drink. If you want to squeeze me dry, you have to have a threshold. Let me see how many drinks you have had first." Seeing how arrogant UU was, Su Wei thought how much she drank, but in the end As soon as I saw it, I drank a small four cups.

"It can't be my fault, I'm out of wine." UU is that kind, screaming fiercely, but when he really drinks, he can't drink a few glasses.

"Why hasn't Xiao Xiao come back yet? Some of you call him and ask him to bring some ice cubes and a bottle of Coke." Su Wei planned to have a good night with these women tonight.

An An was the most active. She took out her mobile phone and called Xiao Xiao. After hearing this, Xiao Xiao on the other side of the phone said that the ice cubes would be delivered soon, and then hung up the phone.

After 5 minutes, Xiao Xiao did not come back, but a female colleague of his brought over a large glass jar filled with one-third of ice cubes and a large unopened bottle of Coke in her hand.

"Where is Xiao Xiao, why didn't he send it here?" Su Wei wondered, where did Xiao Xiao go, and it took so long to answer the phone?

"Xiao Xiao's girlfriend is here, maybe he's still chatting." The female colleague put down her things, then poured Coke into the glass jar, opened three bottles of Royal Salute, and added a bottle of Hennessy to form a Super Coke bucket.

When Bingbing heard that Xiao Xiao's girlfriend was coming, her whole body trembled, and then she pretended to be nonchalant.

"It turned out to be like this." After seeing Xiao Xiao and his colleague finish the coke bucket, Su Wei grabbed a few Red Bulls from the table, and stuffed them into her clothes through the neckline.

He didn't expect this woman to be so informative. The environment was too dark just now, so he didn't see it.

In fact, Su Wei knew that something must have happened to Xiao Xiao, but since he didn't tell him, Su Wei didn't plan to take care of it. After all, if a person wants to live a long time, he should keep his hands off his own business.

And this Xiao Xiao is not related to him, he just ordered wine twice.

As for the matter of Xiao Xiao's girlfriend and the twins, he doesn't care much, after all, it's not a good thing to say, he is in the capital, except for Wu Fei, everyone else is just a kidney relationship, just for fun, don't take it seriously.

"Thank you, Brother Su, thank you, Brother Su." The female colleague didn't expect Su Wei to be so generous. She just came to deliver an ice bucket for Xiao Xiao, but she didn't expect Su Wei to give her a tip.

And when Su Wei grabbed it just now, it cost at least 1000 yuan.

No wonder Xiao Xiao would rather offend his girlfriend than curry favor with the boss Su Wei.

Today, the twins Bingbing and Yunyun are actually relatives of Xiao Xiao's girlfriend. They met when Xiao Xiao visited his girlfriend's house.

At that time, Xiao Xiao paid attention to the two of them. After all, there are so many twins, and there are relatively few good-looking ones.

Originally, even if Xiao Xiao paid attention to them, there was no way to get involved with them. After all, they were students, and he was his cousin's boyfriend and worked in a bar.

But once, when the two of them were playing in a bar, Xiao Xiao met them.

They just added WeChat with Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao originally wanted to eat them, but they only wanted to catch the rich second generation. For Xiao Xiao, the two of them looked down on them.

It's not that no one in the bar wants to drink them, but because every time they come out, they are two together, the younger sister drinks, and the older sister doesn't drink.Or if the elder sister drinks, the younger sister doesn't drink, so those who hit their attention all returned home.

After Xiao Xiao knew that they wanted to find a rich boyfriend, he also deliberately looked for opportunities for them.

In fact, some bosses needed girls before, but Xiao Xiao never called them out.

Just like the twins knew before, those bosses are basically either ugly or bald, and those who are good-looking basically have no money.

It wasn't until he met Su Wei that Xiao Xiao boldly called the two sisters to accompany him for a drink.

After all, if they really caught Su Wei, he would have to rely on their sisters to take care of him from now on.

The female colleague knew the inside story, but she definitely couldn't tell Su Wei. If she did, she would not behave well with Xiao Xiao, and Su Wei would not thank her, and the twins would hate her even more.

And to be honest, if she had the resources, she would dare to introduce her own relatives, not to mention the target's relatives.

After the Coke bucket was adjusted, everyone started to drink.

Cao Yuqing couldn't get up, and sat on the sofa and drank like this.

Because the bar is already very hot, drinking this icy and sweet wine will give you the feeling of drinking ice soda in summer.

By the time Xiao Xiao finished chatting with his girlfriend and came over to take over, Su Wei's coke barrel was already the second.

Su Wei was drunk at this time, took a bundle of cash, tore off the bandage, and threw the money into the crowd below.

 Today is the Lantern Festival, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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