Chapter 155 Crow'er Hutong Siheyuan (big chapter)

Su Wei and the eight of them stayed in the Bulgari suite for a whole day and two nights. It was not until Wednesday that the women were released by Su Wei.

Except for Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing, each of Su Wei transferred 5 yuan to them. It was mainly because of this kind of breakthrough of the three views. Giving more would be considered compensation.

Su Wei also deliberately tried the twins' telepathy, and found that it was completely nonsense, but because the twins are exactly the same, they really have a different kind of happiness.

As for these women who want to curry favor with Su Wei, then they just have to think about it, after all, dreams have everything.

In the past [-] hours, Su Wei never let them out of the Bulgari suite. Anyway, there is a lot of food and drink here, and even if there is no food here, you can still order takeaway or ask the front desk to buy. .

It looks like being in heaven, but if it happens again, Su Wei will definitely not choose so many people, and at most two people can be accepted, otherwise it will not be fun, but torture.

Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing were the first to go back, and they still had to go back to sort out the materials, because today was the day when they went to see the courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong for sales in Kyoto, and they would also welcome Su Wei to see it in the afternoon house.

Su Wei waited until all the girls had left, took a shower inside and out, and then sent a message to Zhang Xuewei, asking her how long she was free, and he went to pick her up.

"I can do it, it just depends on your time." Seeing her reply, Zhang Xuewei felt that she was so green.

She sent Su Wei a message these two days, but Su Wei didn't reply to her. Before noon, she was still wondering if Su Wei forgot about it.

Li Qiuhua was quietly asking her if she was stuck, and why she felt a little absent-minded these days.

"Then I'll pick you up later, and I'll be at your school in 20 minutes." Su Wei's Ferrari pista had already arrived in Kyoto last night. At that time, Su Wei was not free, so Liu Qiang picked up the car.

This morning Liu Qiang has already settled the insurance and temporary license plate for Pista, so Su Wei plans to drive this car out today.

After all, he was really annoyed by the Lamborghini Urus, and he didn't have any passion for driving. He still felt that he was more suitable for sports cars.

After all, no matter how good an SUV is, its handling is incomparable to that of a sedan, let alone a sports car.

When Su Wei arrived at the underground parking lot, the red Ferrari Pista had already parked there quietly, waiting for his owner to get on the car.

"Old Liu, how do you feel driving this car?" Su Wei took the key from Liu Qiang.

"Mr. Su, I think this car is much easier to drive than your 488, and the tuning is more aggressive and fierce. It is indeed its track version." After Liu Qiang received the car in the early morning yesterday, he walked all the way from the Ferrari store. Bulgari drove back. There were no cars on the road at that time, and he had a brief experience of the car's acceleration performance.

"After all, this car is the track version of the 488. If there is no difference, then I will lose money." Su Wei plans to drive this pista hardtop when he is in Kyoto, and drive the pista convertible version when he returns to Shanghai. He has already ordered the convertible version.

Su Wei got the key and looked at it. It was exactly the same as his 488 key. Fortunately, it was different from the Rafa key. Otherwise, people who didn't know it would think it was the Wuling car key.

Open the door, sit in, hit the brakes, turn on the ignition, boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

Su Wei felt that his soul had come back, no wonder he felt uncomfortable in the capital these few days, it turned out that it was because he didn't drive a sports car.

If he had known that driving a sports car would be more comfortable, Su Wei would have bought a Porsche 911 to drive instead of a Lamborghini off-road vehicle, because that car really didn’t have any fun to drive, by the way, neither did Da Niu .

On the way Su Wei went to pick up Zhang Xuewei, he overtook the car all the way, feeling like he was moving like a cloud, but after all, it was a new car, so Su Wei still didn't step on the gas pedal much. After all, this car is not familiar with it, and it can't reach the point where people and cars are one.

Originally, Su Wei said that he would arrive in 20 minutes, but he just said the time out of habit, but he overtook the car all the way, and he really arrived at their school in 20 minutes.

"Beauty, are you waiting for someone?" Su Wei parked the car in front of Zhang Xuewei, and originally wanted to act as a flirt, but who knew that just after saying this, she looked up and saw Zhang Xuewei looking at her with a half-smile she.

"Do you often use this trick to pick up girls?" Zhang Xuewei couldn't help laughing when she saw Su Wei's expression of being forced back without saying a word.

"How do you know it's mine?" Su Wei didn't answer, but instead asked Zhang Xuewei, after all, it was the first time he drove this car, how did she know it was his.

"I saw those two Volvos without license plates." Zhang Xuewei heard the sound of the sports car from a long distance away, and when she saw the red sports car, she found that it was not far away, followed by two Volvos from a distance. She knew Su Wei was nearby.

And the most expensive car in the vicinity is this Ferrari, so don't think about it, Su Wei is either in this Ferrari or in a Volvo.

So when Su Wei drove the car in front of her to strike up a conversation, Zhang Xuewei kept watching him perform.

"Fuck, I didn't expect Old Liu to expose me. Get in the car and let's change places." Su Wei always had the feeling that Wu Fei was going to catch him at the school gate. He just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Okay, why did you suddenly change the car? Didn't you just buy that Lamborghini a few days ago?" Zhang Xuewei remembered that the Lamborghini had only been driven for a few days, so why did you change the car?

"That car doesn't feel good to drive. Don't you think a sports car is more suitable for me?" Su Wei waited until Zhang Xuewei got in, kicked the accelerator and fled Zhang Xuewei's school.

"I also think this car is more suitable, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what are you doing?" .

"Didn't I show you how fast this car is? Let's go, I'll take you somewhere." Su Wei wouldn't tell Zhang Xuewei that he just saw someone who looked like Wu Fei, that's why he sped up and ran away from them School.

"Where are we going, it's still so early, why don't we go to other places first?" Zhang Xuewei thought that Su Wei was in such a rush that he was going to take her back to Bulgari in broad daylight.

"I'm going to see a house today, and you just happened to accompany me." When Su Wei heard that he was going back to the hotel, his feet almost softened, and he quickly clarified that he was not going to the hotel, but to see the house. After all, he is a little weak now and needs to be nourished keep.

"Are you going to see Wanliu Academy? Why didn't you ask Wu Fei to accompany you?" Zhang Xuewei thought that Su Wei was planning to visit Wanliu Academy. She was a little unhappy because this house would belong to Wu Fei in the future.

"No, it's a courtyard house. You'll know when you get there." Su Wei opened WeChat, clicked on the location sent by Cao Yuqing, and then set off directly with a kick of the accelerator.

There was a man on the side of the road. He wanted to strike up a conversation with Zhang Xuewei when he saw how beautiful she was, but he didn't expect that a Ferrari drove up to strike up a conversation with that beauty.

He silently prayed in his heart that this woman must not be a gold digger, and hoped that she would sternly reject this rich second generation, and then he went to strike up a conversation. The beauty saw his strengths and chose to be with him.

At this time, he saw this beautiful woman smiling, and he thought about where he and his sister would be buried in 50 years. Suddenly, he saw her getting into a Ferrari, and the sports car roared away. Then he didn't look at the road, hit It was only when I reached the electric pole on the side of the road that I woke up.

Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing came out of Bulgari, went home and changed their clothes, and then hurried to Ya'er Alley.

After looking at the house with real estate elites from other companies in the morning, they were really impressed by this courtyard house. They didn't expect this house to be so good, and they also admired this company for being able to open their minds to such an extent.

Although Su Wei hasn't come to see the house yet, I don't know if he likes it or not, but after the two of them saw it, they were very satisfied.

Then contact the landlord of this courtyard house, they have potential customers in their hands, and they will come to see the house in the afternoon.

The landlord asked for proof of assets, and then Lin Mengmeng called her sister she knew at the bank. After the two parties talked, the landlord actually knew Lin Mengmeng's acquaintance at the bank.

The bank told the landlord that Su Wei is a super VIP of their bank. I don't know if he will buy this courtyard house, but it is absolutely no problem to buy this 15 billion courtyard house.

After seeing that the property was okay, the homeowner left two staff members, one dedicated to running errands, and the other dedicated to introducing the house.

"Store Manager Cao, why hasn't the boss you mentioned come here yet? We've been waiting here for almost two hours." Xu Meng was very annoyed at staying to introduce the house to the inspector.

Because she had made an appointment with her best friend to have afternoon tea, but it happened that someone came to see the house in the afternoon, and her father insisted that she come to introduce this courtyard in person, saying that he wanted to exercise her.

Now that her father has spoken, let's exercise as soon as possible. Who knows that she waited from one o'clock at noon until three o'clock, but she still didn't see the shadow of this big guy.

Moreover, the two women next to her have been yawning continuously since noon, and from time to time, one of them disappears, and the other chats with her here.

"It's coming soon, it's already on the way here. I just called, and the boss said he will be there soon." Lin Mengmeng didn't call Su Wei at all. When he called before, Su Wei said he was on the way Eat, so Lin Mengmeng will not be so stupid as to keep urging.

After she called her acquaintance at the bank and found out that Su Wei bought this courtyard house for a small reason, she is now very happy. She never thought that Su Wei was so rich. If she sold this courtyard house, she would be able to buy a house in Kyoto. , How could he be so stupid as to make Su Wei unhappy.

As for Xu Meng's complaints, she also went in with her left ear and out with her right ear, so it was just a matter of perfunctory.

Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing really haven't slept well in the past two days. Although there are seven women and only Su Wei is a man, there is only one bed in the room. Although there is an extra bed at the back, But the extra bed was not that big, and there were often several people sleeping together on it, so they couldn't fall asleep at all. They finally fell asleep, and they might be dragged by Su Wei to the room for exercise at any time.

So when Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing were waiting for Su Wei here, they couldn't bear the drowsiness anymore, and the two of them took turns going to the car to catch up on sleep, leaving one person here to accompany Xu Meng's nonsense.

Xu Meng also noticed later, she stopped waiting with her, but went back to her Mercedes-Benz big G to play with her mobile phone.

Only then did Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing realize that Xu Meng was not an easy person. They thought she was just an ordinary employee before.

"The courtyard house you want to see is here. Isn't this Shichahai?" Here in Houhai, Zhang Xuewei has of course been here, but she never thought that the courtyard house Su Wei wanted to see would be here.

She heard that the courtyard houses here are quite expensive, and the basic price is hundreds of millions. At that time, she just came to Kyoto. When she heard the price, she felt that she could buy a community in her hometown.

"Yes, it's here, but looking at the navigation, this courtyard house doesn't seem to be near Houhai. Unfortunately, if it's close to Houhai, it would be perfect." Su Wei is a little regretful. If this courtyard is near Houhai, or like the courtyard in Ms. Deng's house , across the river from the Forbidden City, it is really perfect.

"If it's close to Houhai, it's basically a historic residence, and it can't be sold," Zhang Xuewei replied after hearing Su Wei's sigh.

"That's right." Su Wei looked at the Prince Baylor Mansions near Houhai, and they all turned into protection units, and they were all things that could not be moved.

Think about how uncomfortable it would be if you bought such a courtyard house. Although the property rights belong to you, even if your home is repaired, you have to apply for it, and you may not be able to pass it.

Then it is not buying a house, but buying an ancestral house, which cannot be lived in, but must be paid for.

As soon as Su Wei drove into the alley, he saw Cao Yuqing and Lin Mengmeng standing there, and they knew they were waiting for him.

"Su Wei, you're here, the car stops here." Lin Mengmeng and the others specially reserved a place near the courtyard for Su Wei.

"The courtyard is the one in the back, right? There's no receptionist? It won't be the two of you who will introduce it to me later." Su Wei parked the car in the parking space, and said teasingly after getting out of the car.

"Boss Su, the people they are receiving are in the back. I'll call them." Lin Mengmeng saw Su Wei asking, although Xu Meng was very upset, but she still didn't give them eye drops in front of Su Wei, after all, they might have a relationship with the landlord. It doesn't matter, the landlord is also surnamed Xu.

Neither of them was surprised by the Ferrari that Su Wei drove today, because yesterday, when she, Cao Yuqing and Su Wei were doing squat exercises, Ferrari called Su Wei and said Yes, a car has arrived.

When they came out of Bulgari today, she and Cao Yuqing went to the parking lot to have a look. Ferrari called yesterday to say that the car was delivered, and now there are still photos taken in the morning on the phone.

"President Su, don't you want to introduce your girlfriend?" Cao Yuqing was actually a little jealous when she saw Zhang Xuewei. After all, the man in front of her was still hugging her in the morning, and brought her girlfriend to her in the afternoon.

"This is Zhang Xuewei, this is Cao Yuqing, and the one who just passed by is called Lin Mengmeng." Su Wei introduced the two of them, then hugged Cao Yuqing and slapped her on the ass.

 average order
(End of this chapter)

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