Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 156 Was shocked

Chapter 156 Shocked (big chapter)

"Ah, Brother Su, what are you doing?" Cao Yuqing didn't expect Su Wei to spank her in public. This Ya'er Alley is on the Houhai Sea, and there are people walking around everywhere.

Besides, Zhang Xuewei, who had an unknown relationship with him, was standing next to him, which made Cao Yuqing's face turn red all of a sudden. She is so old, and she has never been spanked in the street. Fortunately, no one here Know her, otherwise she really dare not go out to meet people.

"Next time, don't give me any smugness, or I won't be here to spank your ass." It's against the sky. Fortunately, Su Wei brought Zhang Xuewei here today. If he brings Wu Fei here today, something will happen right away. .

Zhang Xuewei saw Su Wei flirting with Cao Yuqing in front of her. In fact, she felt very uncomfortable, but after thinking about it, Su Wei is not her boyfriend, so what right does she have to control him? , Is it because I slept with him?And looking at it like this, there is a high probability that that woman has slept with Su Wei, maybe more than once.

In fact, Zhang Xuewei's feelings for Su Wei are very complicated, because Su Wei is her first man after all, and she does like Su Wei a little, but she hasn't risen to the level of love.

Moreover, Su Wei is also her roommate's boyfriend, and she is a Neptune herself, so she might just be a small shrimp in his pond.

According to her previous temper, she would not keep in touch with a scumbag like Su Wei at all. However, Su Wei is really too rich, so rich that she can make her change herself.

Because Su Wei is the only one who can help her settle down in the capital, she can only put away her tantrums, and every time she talks to Su Wei, she will deliberately be gentle.

Su Wei and Cao Yuqing finished their quarrel, and when they were looking at the courtyard, they saw Lin Mengmeng bringing two girls over. They were both pretty good-looking, and it was the tall beauty who almost raised her head. He went to the sky, and looked at this side with a displeased face.

Of course Xu Meng had reason to be upset, she waited here for Su Wei for several hours, and then he finally arrived late.

She thought the janitor was really busy, so she and her subordinates followed Lin Mengmeng over here, okay, she saw the janitor flirting with Cao Yuqing from a long distance, she Only then did I realize that Cao Yuqing was so familiar with the house attendant.

And this house-watcher, she felt very unreliable, because he didn't have a standing figure, and he was just hanging around. He dragged his shoes and didn't even wear socks inside.

In addition, he is so young, it seems that he is about the same age as her, so he said that he wanted to buy this 15 billion courtyard house, and it would be about the same if the adults in his family came to buy it. She doubted that this person would not be her father, who specially arranged for a blind date Bar.

But it doesn't look like it. After all, he brought his girlfriend here and molested the female real estate consultant in front of her. If he was really looking for a way to go on a blind date, he probably wouldn't do such a thing.

"President Su, this is Ms. Xu Mengxu. She will introduce you to the details of this courtyard house later." Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing just took a brief look at this courtyard house this morning, and focused on It's the basement, so I don't know where to start when I ask them to introduce it.

"Hello, Mr. Su, I'm Xu Meng." Seeing that Su Wei didn't take the initiative to reach out his hand for a long time, Xu Meng knew that he must have misunderstood. This person surnamed Su really didn't come to have a blind date with her, but really came to see the house .

"Hello, you'll be the one to introduce this house to me later, right?" Su Wei grabbed Xu Meng's hand and didn't want to let go.

When shaking hands, I feel that her fingers are very long, and the hands are very tender, and they feel good to the touch. This kind of hands cannot be raised by people who go to work. Even Wang Xiaoyuan, because of stepping on the sewing machine and doing manual work, feels better than hers. It's a little bit worse.

"Yes, can President Su let go of my hand now?" Xu Meng's impression of Su Wei was already very bad, and now it is even worse. If it wasn't because she wanted to sell the courtyard house, she would have slapped him right away. .

Let this person surnamed Su know how powerful she is under Sister Mengmeng, how could it be so easy for him to take advantage of it.

Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing knew about Su Wei's virtues, Zhang Xuewei only felt ashamed, while Xu Meng's subordinates were quite indignant, but she thought Xu Meng could forget about it, so she couldn't say anything.

"I'm sorry, the main reason is that Ms. Xu is so beautiful. For a while, I forgot that I was still holding Ms. Xu's hand." Su Wei now wants to take it for himself as long as he is good-looking, just like he thinks this Xu Meng was very beautiful, if he didn't sleep with her, he would feel bad.

And he likes this kind of rose with thorns now, and he has that sense of conquest when he fucks her. After all, too many women have taken the initiative to throw themselves into his arms after seeing his wealth.

"Then Mr. Su, please come with me. Let's go around the courtyard first, and then go in to introduce the situation inside." Xu Meng now just wants to finish introducing the courtyard quickly, and then send Su Wei away early.

She was already very upset with this person, because this person's eyes were too naked, and there was really no hiding the look in his eyes that wanted to eat her up.

This is the first time for Zhang Xuewei to visit a courtyard house seriously. She has seen many courtyard houses before, but she has never entered them. She just walked by the door, or watched them in TV dramas.

She felt that the courtyard that Su Wei came to see today was really high-end, and she followed Xu Meng and walked around the courtyard. She also found that the courtyard was very large, and there were 6 garage doors, two It leads to the underground, and the other four are surface garages.

According to Xu Meng, the underground garage is very large and luxurious, but Zhang Xuewei has little experience, so she can't imagine how luxurious it can be.

"This is our main gate. It has three three-bay gates. In the past, only the county king and above could have such a large gate. Moreover, there are brick carvings, forehead square, queti, drum-holding stone, and The odd-numbered steps are all very particular. When you open the door and enter, you will be facing the green screen door. This door is not open. Although Xu Meng hated Su Wei, she introduced this house very carefully, because she also really wanted to sell it.

After all, this courtyard house was bought at the time, and it cost a few hundred million in addition to the reconstruction. If it can be sold, a large amount of money can be withdrawn immediately to invest in other things.

"I'm here, why isn't this door open? Am I not considered a VIP?" Su Wei heard that the VIP entered through the green screen door, so he didn't want to go in from the side. Could it be that he is not considered a VIP if he is so rich.

"President Su, of course you are a distinguished guest. Xiao Zheng, open the green screen door and let President Su come in through the green screen door." Xu dreamed that Su Wei was going to go through the green screen door, and she didn't want to fuss about this trivial matter, after all Those who can afford this courtyard house are indeed VIPs.

In addition to the special cleaning and security in the courtyard, because it is not open to the public, there is no special reception staff here.

The security guards and cleaning staff spend most of their time in the basement. After all, the upper part is a blank, and all the valuable things are in the basement.

Xu Meng and Xiao Zheng are here today because Xu Meng was arrested by her father, and Xiao Zheng is Xu Meng's subordinate, so of course he was also kept.

But Xu Meng is only responsible for introducing the courtyard house, and she doesn't care about the price negotiation.

If Su Wei takes a fancy to the house, he will talk to Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing first, and then the landlord will come to negotiate the price in person when he sees that Su Wei is sincere.

And because of the scarcity of the location of this courtyard house, there is basically no room for price negotiation.

"This set of courtyard houses is made up of five courtyard houses. The courtyard house we are in now used to be a five-entry courtyard house called Qianyuan. There are two three-entry courtyard houses named Yuan and Heng respectively on both sides. Li, Zhen, these five names are based on the hexagrams of the Qian hexagram in the gossip, and they are chosen to be auspicious." Back then, Xu Meng's father bought the Qianyuan courtyard at the beginning.

Then it happened that the courtyard house next to it was going to be sold, so her father took advantage of the opportunity to buy it, and slowly put it away, until he collected five sets of courtyard houses.

When these few courtyard houses were in his hands, some of them were well preserved and looked like they could still be lived in, while some were poorly preserved and could not treat people at all.

So her father simply pulled down all the five courtyard houses, and then invited famous experts from the Forbidden City to come here and build such a low-profile courtyard house according to the former Prince Gong's Mansion.

"That is to say, this is the renovation of five large courtyards. Then what are you talking about, the gate of the palace, and the green screen gate, which made me think that the royal relatives lived here before?" Su Wei actually came in. I have found that this courtyard house is relatively new, and I thought it was just a renovation, but it turned out that it was demolished and rebuilt.

"You can't say that. The Jia Mansion in Dream of the Red Chamber, their house is just a courtyard with five entrances, which is about the same size as the courtyard we are in now, not counting the other four courtyards. Just this courtyard house. It’s also impossible to live in. And if it’s really the kind of palace outside, it’s basically a protection unit now, not to mention rebuilding, it’s not enough to live in.” Xu Meng is very proud of this courtyard house in her home. After all, this courtyard house, The location is in the second ring road, you can walk tens of meters to Houhai, and you can drive to the Forbidden City in more than 10 minutes.

Su Wei actually said that this is a courtyard house. She was really speechless. She felt that he didn't understand at all, and she had no hope for this sale. After all, he didn't understand the courtyard house in Kyoto. How could he spend 15 billion to buy it.

"There is no decoration here, so if I buy it, it will be no problem to renovate this area." Su Wei bought it, at least there must be a toilet in the room, otherwise he can't bear to go out to use the toilet.

"There is no problem with this, because we are not a protection unit, and we have rebuilt the underground parking lot first. When you really buy it, you only need to decorate the inside of the house. The movement is not that big, and there will be basically no problems. And even if there is a problem, I believe President Su will definitely have a way to solve it." Although Xu Meng thought that Su Wei would probably not buy it, she still did not forget to flatter her when she spoke.

After all, if Su Wei really bought it, then her father would have no reason not to buy her the Porsche 918 that she had been thinking about for a long time.

"What do you mean by "several advances and advances?" He really didn't know what it meant that the northerners were familiar with how many times they entered the hospital.

"This is actually very easy to understand. For example, the word means that as soon as you enter the courtyard, you will be in the courtyard after entering the door. Now many large courtyards in Kyoto are all reformed from the courtyard once you entered.

The Japanese character is a courtyard with two entrances, that is, the front hall is the front hall, and the back is the main room plus east and west wing rooms.

The word "mu" refers to a three-entry courtyard house. For example, the ladies in ancient times lived in a three-entry courtyard house. They said that the door does not go out, the second door does not step, and they do not say that they go out. I don't go to the halls, and I only live in the courtyards of the three entrances.

According to this comparison, this courtyard has five entrances, plus the four three-entry courtyards on the side, it can already form a six-entry courtyard. In ancient times, it was indeed the county prince's mansion that had this specification." Cao Yuqing saw that Xu Meng was a little confused If you ask, go to the field immediately.

Although she has an affair with Su Wei, it is more important to sell the house. After all, if the house is sold, she will have at least 1000 million in agency fees.

"This courtyard house covers an area of ​​6722 square meters, or ten acres, with a construction area of ​​11550 square meters. There are two floors above the ground, plus a large underground garage. Each courtyard is connected by a verandah. Here, a stage and a fish pond were specially built. In ancient times, these high-ranking officials would call the troupe to come and sing at home when they were free." Xu Meng did not expect that Cao Yuqing would speak for her, after all, she had told Cao Yuqing and the others before, Attitude is not very good.

In fact, she was overthinking it. After all, Cao Yuqing wanted to sell the house. He has been around for so many years. If she stopped selling the house because she was angry, how could she buy a house with her husband in Kyoto at the age of 30?

"It's really nice here, but if I buy it, the reconstruction will start at least a year ago, and I don't see where the value of this house is 15 billion." It was sold at a price of 20 million yuan, but if he really wanted to make money, he would buy all of the 15 billion Tesla shares now, and in a few years, he would be able to buy several such courtyard houses.

But it was because he didn't want to be so tired, so he didn't work hard to make money. After all, his life already had unimaginable wealth. Why should he be so tired? , Money is just a number.

His current worth is more than 1000 billion. Compared with those who are worth hundreds of billions, he can experience and enjoy the same things that they can experience and enjoy.

As for the mansions that the richest people on the rankings can live in, not to mention Su Wei, they can also afford tens of billions of people.

That being the case, why should he work so hard to make money, isn't it good to just experience life like this.

Zhang Xuewei followed behind, neither talking nor expressing her own opinion, because she knew that this courtyard house must be very expensive, so she kept being a little transparent, just because she was afraid that it would affect Su Wei's viewing of the house, but when she heard that this courtyard house would sell for 15 When she was [-] million, she was completely stupid.

She began to think that this courtyard house would sell for two to three hundred million yuan at most, and she couldn't imagine any more. After all, she was only a sophomore in college, and her family was only middle-class.

It wasn't until Su Wei started to criticize that she didn't know that this courtyard house would sell for [-] billion yuan. She never thought that a house could be sold for such an expensive price, and she didn't dare to act like this in TV dramas.

"Boss Su, the upper part of this house may indeed look a little ordinary because there is no decoration, then I will take you to see this courtyard house. It's really amazing, and see if you can get extra points." Xu Meng said to the courtyard house So satisfied, I couldn't stand Su Wei's criticism at all.

She was upset with Su Wei at first, and she was angry when she saw his disdain for this courtyard house, and planned to let him see the truly shocking part of this house.

"Seeing that Ms. Xu is so confident, I can get extra points by looking at the basement. It seems that your company has used all the essence in the underground garage." Su Wei now buys things, not depending on the price, but only on whether he likes it or not.

This house is indeed expensive at 15 billion, but if he likes it, he will definitely take it without hesitation. If he doesn't like it, even if the house rises to 30 billion later, he will not buy it.

After all, there are so many things to do to make money, especially when you have a lot of cash, it is really not easy to make money.

"Now we have come to the basement of the courtyard house, and when we open this door, we can see the garage. This door is made of brass, and the cost of this door is not less than 30.

Well, when we came through this door, the floor tiles we stepped on, and the floor tiles we saw at a glance, were all found by famous experts, handcrafted one by one, with graphics on them.

Mr. Su, look up, the beams above and all the wood in the basement are all made of huanghuali.

These stone pile carvings on the wall are all imitations of the stone piles in the Imperial Garden in the Forbidden City.

This basement is not only expensive to build, but now that the digging of basements in courtyard houses is no longer approved, such a large garage here is already out of print in the second ring road of Kyoto." Xu Meng took Su Wei and the others to the basement, and then Ask the security guard to turn on all the lights and introduce them to Su Wei one by one.

"Wow, what a big garage, how many cars can it park here?" Zhang Xuewei was really dumbfounded, she didn't expect that there would be such a big underground parking lot under the courtyard.

"This underground parking lot has a total of 26 parking spaces. If you park in a crowded place, it's no problem to park 40 SUVs. This underground parking lot cost us [-] million yuan to make it what it is now," Xu Meng said to the courtyard house. I am really satisfied with the underground parking lot, because this location and this quality are really unrepeatable.

(End of this chapter)

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