Chapter 157
"Looking at this basement, it's a bit of a feeling." When Su Wei just looked at the above part, he really felt quite ordinary. After all, apart from the fact that the house is a bit bigger, it is indeed not very attractive to people who don't have a courtyard plot.

But this basement really satisfied him. After all, it is in the second ring road, and there is such a large basement for parking. If the family wants to live in Kyoto later, this house is enough.

Although the basement hasn't been finished yet, he has almost decided to buy the house in his heart.

"It's good that Mr. Su is satisfied, so can we go up now?" Xu Meng took Su Wei to see the basement, and she had nothing to introduce, and her best friend kept urging her, so she already planned Start seeing off guests.

After all, she doesn't believe that Su Wei can really get out 15 billion. In their second generation circle, she has never seen a rich second generation who can get more than [-] million, no matter how rich his family is.

It is basically impossible for the incompetent rich second generation to have so much money, and the capable rich second generation will not allow themselves to have so much cash. After all, money makes money is the best way to make money.

"No hurry, by the way, you ask the security guard to open the garage door, I'm going to try to drive my car in." Su Wei knew that Xu Meng had something to do, because when she introduced her, the phone kept ringing.

But he had already taken a fancy to her today, and he really wanted to buy this house, so how could he let her go.

Xu Meng didn't know what Su Wei wanted to do, after all the tour was over, why bother to park the car.

But since he wants to stop, let's stop, the left and right are just a matter of pressing the key.

After Su Wei waited for the garage door to open, he not only drove his car into the underground garage, but also asked Liu Qiang and the others to drive the car into the underground garage as well.

When the security guards in the courtyard saw Liu Qiang and the others, they planned to come over immediately to stop them. They thought that foreign vehicles had used the place as a parking lot.

It was Lin Mengmeng and the others who immediately explained that the two cars in the back were Su Wei's bodyguards, and the security guards finally put down their vigilance.

"President Su, I don't know how you like this courtyard house." Cao Yuqing saw Su Wei smiling when he got out of the car, thinking that he should be satisfied.

When visiting above, Su Wei didn't have any expression on his face at that time, and even if he had an expression, he looked dismissive, so that she and Lin Mengmeng didn't dare to disturb him, for fear of causing bad luck.

She waited until a smile began to appear on Su Wei's face before she dared to come over and ask Su Wei how the house looked.

"This house is okay, I'm quite satisfied, do you think it can be less?" Su Wei only remembered that the courtyard house was sold in 21 years, and he didn't know what price the house sold in 18.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult, because the landlord of this house is not in a hurry to sell it, and it is testing the waters now, but Mr. Su, you can ask Ms. Xu, she is an insider after all." Cao Yuqing knew that Su Wei wanted to buy this house After that, she started to trick Xu Meng, who told her to have such a bad attitude before.

She thought that Xu Meng was at most a relative of the landlord, so it didn't matter if Su Wei took advantage of it, maybe the landlord could not sell the house because of this trivial matter.

"Miss Xu, I don't know if the price of this house can be discounted." Su Wei saw Xu Mengmeng running at this time, and quickly stopped her.

"Mr. Su, you need to discuss the price of this house with Manager Cao. I'm just in charge of introducing, not negotiating the price." Xu Meng's best friend kept urging her, and said that if she didn't go, she would come to her, so she Going to make a call back.

Who knew that Su Wei would come over, and asked her if she could have less courtyards.

If it weren't for Su Wei's client today, she would kill him with a blank stare, bragging about not making a draft like this, this 15 billion courtyard house would be less than a few million, does Su Wei have the money to buy it?

"Okay, it's okay, I'll buy this courtyard house, Miss Xu can accompany me to have a meal, the location is up to you." Su Wei wanted to have Xu Meng, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

It's just that Xu Meng didn't expect that Su Wei would tell her in front of so many confidantes of his, and even connected eating with buying a courtyard house.

If she doesn't want to say that she can't, Su Wei won't tell the outside, it's because she doesn't eat with him, so he shouldn't buy it. The more Xu Meng thinks about it, the more Su Wei thinks that maybe that's what Su Wei planned. He got his wish.

"Are you sure I'll accompany you for a meal, so you just buy this courtyard house? This is a 15 billion house, and the deposit must be at least 5000 million." Xu Meng first made it clear that the 15 billion house, 5000 million deposit, see Why don't you pretend to be Su Wei?

"Actually, you can see that it doesn't matter whether I buy this courtyard house or not, but as long as you accompany me to have a meal, I will buy this house, and the deposit will be paid today." Su Wei was just teasing Xu Meng, but She seemed to take Xu Meng seriously, so he pushed the boat along, saying that he spent 15 billion to treat her to a meal.

In fact, Xu Meng refused to allow him to eat, so he would buy this house. After all, Xu Meng is definitely not worth 15 billion, but the house itself is worth it.

"Okay, as long as you pay the deposit today, then I agree to accompany you to dinner." Xu Meng saw that Su Wei still pretended to be pretending, and when she really asked the lawyer to come over with the contract, she could see if Su Wei could still pretend .

"Then you go and get the contract, I bought this house." Seeing Xu Meng's good routine, Su Wei waved her to get the contract.

"Store Manager Cao, then you can go shopping with President Su, I'll make a phone call and ask the lawyer to send over the contract." Xu Meng didn't expect Su Wei to be so stubborn now.

In the current situation, she can only really ask the lawyer to take the contract over, and see if Su Wei will pay the deposit later.

In fact, Xu Meng herself has no idea now, she can no longer tell whether Su Wei is telling the truth or lies, whether he really plans to buy a house, or just to have a meal with her.

Anyway, she felt very disturbed now, and thought it was stuffy in the basement, so she called Xiao Zheng, and the two of them went out from the garage, returned to her car, and started calling her father.

"Brother Su, do you really want to buy this 15 billion courtyard house just to have a meal with her?" Zhang Xuewei really thinks that Su Wei is crazy, and she wants to buy this just because she wants to have a meal with a beautiful woman 15 billion courtyard houses.

And she really didn't think that Xu Meng was so good-looking just now. If she was compared with her, the two of them would be [-]-[-]. If they were compared with Su Wei's real girlfriend Wu Fei, it would be even worse.

"How could Brother Su buy this courtyard house just because of a meal? He must have taken it because he was satisfied with this courtyard house." Lin Mengmeng didn't believe that Su Wei was such a person. Although he was lustful, he In fact, he himself is very thoughtful, but ordinary people only see lust when looking at him, and ignore other things.

But is it just his personality that is lustful?But Lin Mengmeng thought about the past two days, and felt that it should not be a human design, but it might be a matter of going with the flow.

"The location of this courtyard house is really good. It's better than the two large flats I bought, and it's not a remote villa in Shunyi. In addition to this parking lot, you will definitely not lose money if you buy it. Look at me. Is the pista handsome if you stop here?" The location of this courtyard house is really good. It is more than one kilometer away from the Chinese Opera and less than two kilometers away. It is within walking distance of the Forbidden City.

"This car is parked here, with the spotlights on, it's really handsome." Cao Yuqing is dreaming now, because this courtyard house is really about to be sold by her and Lin Mengmeng, thinking that tens of millions of advances are in front of her eyes Yes, she feels so unreal.

After she got the money, she planned to sell the current house. After all, she bought a two-bedroom apartment outside the Fifth Ring Road because she had no money at the time and the family had no support.

At that time, she wants to buy a house in the third ring road, preferably with three rooms, so that when she has children in the future, she can still have a room for her parents to live in occasionally.

The only bad thing is that after selling this courtyard house, she has to accompany Su Wei for a year, but the commission is 1000 million, so let's stay with Su Wei for one year, anyway, she is still very satisfied with Su Wei's ability.

"It's really good-looking, and it's more stunning than before on the road." Zhang Xuewei said the truth. Originally, Pista's appearance was very high. Now, under the blessing of the lights, the color of Ferrari red looks full and bright.

"Who is this Miss Xu? Why do I feel like she doesn't look like an ordinary receptionist?" Su Wei has never seen a security guard who is so obedient. If you say that Xiao Zheng is obedient, she is her subordinate, but the security guard is not like them. A system, why are you so obedient.

"She is definitely not an ordinary worker. The Mercedes-Benz G parked outside is hers. She parked the car outside to wait for you, and the landlord's surname is Xu." Lin Mengmeng is the same as Cao Yuqing , did not suspect that Xu Meng was the daughter of the landlord, but thought she was a relative of the family.

After all, the landlord must be very rich, so how could he let his daughter do the reception work.

But they didn't expect that the landlord really asked her daughter to do the reception work, because the house is just trying to sell the house now. If it is sold, everyone will be happy. If it is not sold, then they will wait a few years to sell it. After all, the land price is very high. If it is rising every year, it is not afraid that it will not be sold.

"I didn't expect her to be a rich and beautiful woman. It's interesting." Su Weicai didn't care who she was, he went to her first, and there were not a few of them.

After Su Wei and Zhang Xuewei looked inside and out of the basement, they came out of the basement and saw that there were obviously more people in the yard.

"This is Mr. Su, he really is a good-looking talent." Just as Su Wei and the others arrived in the front hall, they saw a fat man in his 40s approaching, and he looked a little like Xu Meng.

"Hello, who are you?" Su Wei saw that the staff were crowding around this person, so he guessed that he might be the landlord.

"I'm the landlord's younger brother. I just heard from my niece that Mr. Su has taken a fancy to this house?" He is Xu Meng's third uncle Xu Jinhui. This house belongs to his elder brother. He was called to entrust the sale of the house with carte blanche. .

"I like it, mainly because of its permanent property rights, which can be passed on to the next generation in the future." Su Wei looked at Xu Meng when he was speaking, and he only now knew that this house belonged to Xu Meng's family, no wonder he belittled this set Xu Meng will not be happy about the house.

"Mr. Su is really a fearsome young man. This 15 billion courtyard house can be bought as soon as you say it. It really makes an old man like me ashamed. I heard that you have agreed with my niece. If you buy this courtyard house, she will accompany you." Do you have a meal?" Xu Jinhui had a good impression of Su Wei, after all, Su Wei walked with his head up and his chest up, and he spoke gracefully.

Unlike Xu Meng's friends, who cringed every time they saw him, and panicked to death after saying a few more words.

He knew there were still a few of them and wanted to pursue Xu Meng, but he didn't like any of them.

"My fair lady, gentlemen are so good. It's normal for me to think that Ms. Xu is so good-looking. It was just a joke at the time. If Ms. Xu doesn't want to, it's fine." Su Wei was advancing in retreat, after all, it was Xu Meng's own promise. He didn't believe that Xu Meng's third uncle could say that it was over.

"Of course it can't be forgotten. The promised things must be done. Since Xiaomeng herself agrees, let Xiaomeng find a place to treat Mr. Su to dinner after the account transfer is completed." Xu Jin Hui is also a ghost spirit, this sentence made Xu Meng invite Su Wei to dinner, from after paying the deposit to after closing the account.

The main reason is that his niece has a bad temper. If the two of them lose their temper while eating, Su Wei's house has already been bought by that time anyway, and they cannot be refunded.

As for allowing Xu Meng to eat, it was also because Xu Jinhui felt that Su Wei was more pleasing to his eyes than those of Xu Meng's friends.

Although there is Zhang Xuewei beside Su Wei, Xu Jinhui understands this kind of confidante, and he will definitely not marry him back home. As long as he is a person with a little money, there are not many such confidante and blue confidante around him.

When Xu Meng saw her uncle agreeing to the appointment for her, she originally wanted to object, but thinking that she had just called to tell her father that the courtyard house was going to be sold, her father was so happy on the phone, and her objection came. The mouth swallowed again.

Now she only hopes that Su Wei really wants to buy this courtyard house, not just for fun. As for her going to dinner with Su Wei, anyway, she chooses the place, and she is not afraid that Su Wei will mess around.

Seeing that Xu Meng didn't object, Su Wei took out his phone, left her phone number, and added her WeChat.

Before Su Wei came up, he had already called Zhiyuan Law Firm. Originally, he wanted them to recommend a better law firm in Kyoto. Who knew they also had a branch in Kyoto, so that was just right. Just let them send a lawyer and come over and show him the contract.

While waiting for the lawyer, Su Wei was chatting with Xu Jinhui all the time, not talking about business, but talking about playing cars and which car is best to get off the track.

The lawyer from Zhiyuan didn't keep Su Wei waiting long, and came over soon. The main reason is that it's really not far away. Their company in Kyoto is located in Xicheng.

When they arrived, Lin Mengmeng went out to pick them up, and Zhiyuan sent three people over, two lawyers and one trainee lawyer.

Originally, according to Su Wei, it was just to look at the contract, and it would be fine to send someone here, but because Zhiyuan paid more attention to Su Wei, after all, all his current legal matters were handed over to Zhiyuan's lawyer office.

So Zhiyuan specially sent two elites from the firm, plus a trainee lawyer.

Although this courtyard house is worth 15 billion yuan, it only depends on whether there are any traps in the contract. In fact, it is enough to come to any person. The three people who come here are mainly to show Su Wei. Their Zhiyuan Law Firm attaches great importance to matters related to Su Wei.

When they met, the lawyer on Zhiyuan's side and the lawyer on Xu Meng's side actually knew each other. After all, the lawyers who came this time were not unknown, and it was normal for them to know each other.

Although the lawyers of both parties knew each other, when looking at the contract, it should be what it should be, and it should be what it should be, without any intention of releasing water.

This matter has been busy until after 8 o'clock in the evening. The main thing is that the contract alone has been revised no less than three times according to the wishes of the two lawyers.

After signing the contract, it would be easy. Su Wei directly transferred 4 million to the account designated by the landlord, and paid an extra deposit, mainly because he asked for the transfer to be done quickly, otherwise it would be good to complete the transfer by the end of April.

Then the two parties agreed on the 5th of next month, when Su Wei came to transfer the ownership, because his birthday was on the 6th of the Gregorian calendar, so he could drop by to celebrate Wu Fei's birthday at that time.

After Su Wei sent the money, Xu Meng was already in a daze. In fact, she didn't just start now. Ever since Su Wei called the lawyer over, she began to be a little distracted, because she didn't expect that someone would actually do it because of Want to have a meal with her, and buy this 15 billion courtyard house.

When Xu Meng received a text message from her father, saying that he would buy her a Porsche 918 next month, she couldn't even get excited. After all, how much a 918 costs, compared to a courtyard house, it is only a few dollars what.

After signing the contract and paying the money, everyone started to go back one after another, and the people from Zhiyuan Law Firm also went back to the law firm to clock in and get off work.

Today was just to sign the contract, so Su Wei didn't go to dinner with them, but he had already agreed that after the account transfer was completed, there would be red envelopes for them, and a one-stop meal and drink waiting for them.

The other people's cars were all parked outside the courtyard and did not go to the basement, but Su Wei's car was parked in the basement, so only he and Zhang Xuewei had to go to the basement to pick up the car.

"Xiao Meng, what do you think of this Su Wei? I think he likes you very much." On the way Xu Meng and her third uncle came out of the courtyard, her third uncle began to ask her for her opinion.

"I don't know, after all, it's the first day I met today, but he has a good relationship with the opposite sex." Originally, Xu Meng wanted to speak ill of Su Wei, but remembering that Su Wei was going to buy a 15 billion courtyard house for her today, she Those words are beyond words.

"Men, if you are rich, there will naturally be more women posting it. Didn't he ask you out for dinner? You can just get in touch with him." Xu Jinhui didn't mean to ask his niece to find a rich man, but he really liked her. Su Wei has nothing to dissatisfy.

As for being popular with women, isn't that normal? He is over 40 years old and still so fat, so there are still women jumping on him.

"Okay, I see." Xu Meng, the third uncle, is considered an elder in the family who has a good relationship with her. Sometimes her parents will ask her third uncle to go to the meeting.

"Xiaomeng, you are done with your work. Hello third uncle." There are two men and two women standing next to Xu Meng's Mercedes-Benz big G. These people are all her friends in Kyoto, and the best friend whom she let loose for a day is also there. .

"Hello, Xiaomeng, I won't bother you if you young people have activities at night. I have to meet your father, so I'll go first." Xu Jinhui saw that Xu Meng's friends were all at the gate of the courtyard, Knowing that they should have activities, an old man like him will not join in the fun.

But he didn't go to the company, but took his subordinates to a KTV. His elder brother, Xu Meng's father, had already opened a box and waited for him.

"Third uncle, we will take good care of Xiaomeng, and we won't let her lose a single hair." Xu Meng's friends are still quite afraid of Xu Jinhui, because they heard that her third uncle had been in society for a while before, and it is said that Temper is quite hot.

"Xiaomeng, have you eaten yet? Why don't we go to Dadong for dinner? I'll treat you. After dinner, we can go to OT to have fun." Liu Kai didn't dare to suggest going to the bar until he saw Xu Jinhui was gone.

At this time, I only heard the roar of an engine coming from the underground next to it, and the sound was getting closer.

"What kind of evil is this, I thought he had a sports car, right?" Xu Meng's friends were basically the second generation of rich people, and everyone present even had a luxury car.

But the most expensive ones here are a Ferrari 488 and a Lamborghini Maverick. Although Xu Meng is rich, her circle is average, because these people are her high school classmates, not the kind of car club circle.

Why Xu Meng's friends are afraid of Xu Jinhui, one is that he has been in society, and the other is that Xu's family is much richer than theirs.

Liu Kai is one of Xu Meng's suitors. Apart from her beauty, he also pursues her because her family is rich. If he marries Xu Meng, his Maserati GT can be replaced by a Ferrari 812 immediately.

"Mengmeng, don't forget our date." Su Wei originally planned to go out, but when he saw a lot of people beside Xu Meng, he got a bad taste and drove the car in front of Xu Meng.

"Don't worry, I won't forget." Xu Meng didn't expect Su Wei to appear here, and told her friend about the meal, which made her very shy.

"Then we'll see you in a few days." Su Wei ignored the others, kicked the accelerator and left.

"Who is this guy? He drives 488 so arrogantly. I don't know. I thought he was walking sideways in Sijiu City." Liu Kai was very unconvinced. everyone except .

"He is the one who bought my courtyard house"

 It’s almost all booked, thank you everyone, let’s count the tickets if you have tickets
(End of this chapter)

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