Chapter 158

"He's the one who bought my courtyard house." Xu Meng watched Su Wei's Ferrari go away with a complicated expression, because she saw the quiet beauty sitting in the passenger seat of Su Wei's car.

"He's the one who spent 15 billion to buy this courtyard house? So young? What did he mean by what he just said, Xiao Meng, you want to date him?" Xu Meng's best friend is very curious about the relationship between the two of them, after all, from just now From that person's words, it can be heard that the two must have a story.

"I just listened carefully to his exhaust. That car is not an ordinary 488. It can't be a 488pista. Someone picked up the car now? It's too expensive. I bought this first batch of cars, but I need to add another one. Portofino can do it." Among Xu Meng's friends, Zhang Junhao likes cars the most, and he owns a 488 himself.

So when I saw Su Wei's car just now, I focused all my attention on the car. I felt that Su Wei's 488 was a little different from his car. He thought it was because of the changed exhaust and carbon fiber appearance. The reason for the kit.

When he found out that the owner of the car was the one who bought the courtyard house for 15 billion, he came to his senses and thought that that car should not be an ordinary 488, but a 488 track version of Pista.

"Boss Su is very rich. He will buy this courtyard house because Miss Xiao Meng promised to accompany him to have a meal." Xiao Zheng is Xu Meng's assistant, and Xu Meng will bring it with him every time he goes She, so she also knew Xu Meng's friends.

"No way, he spent 15 billion just to have a meal with Xiaomeng? Xiaomeng, you are so attractive now? If one day I meet a man who is willing to spend so much money for me, I will definitely Marry him without saying a word." Xu Meng's other best friend, looked at the direction Su Wei was going away, and began to be infatuated.

"Xiaomeng, you won't agree to him, will you? That man named Su doesn't look like a good person at first glance. There is still a woman sitting in the passenger seat of his car, and he came to pursue you." Liu Kai didn't expect that his rival in love would be so powerful , In terms of strength, he can't win, he can only rely on slander.

"He was just joking, how could it be possible that he bought this courtyard because I had dinner with him. I agreed to have dinner with him only because of the etiquette of hospitality, and I decide the place. Besides, you said he is the king of the sea, you It’s not the same, you’re also Neptune, so don’t laugh at it.” Xu Meng knew that Liu Kai liked her, but today she really had a bad impression of Liu Kai, after all, he himself was a Neptune, and he thought she didn’t know.

"That's right, in ancient times, there was King You of Zhou who smiled for Bomei and played princes in Fenghuo. Today there is a super rich second generation who bought a courtyard house for 15 billion to treat Xiaomeng to a meal. Liu Kai, if you are not convinced, you can take this I bought a courtyard house." Xu Meng's best friend, Xiang Ning Jie, didn't like Liu Kai in the first place.

Because of this Liu Kai, every time he pretended to be affectionate in front of Xu Meng, but he heard from other friends that this Liu Kai had talked about several girlfriends behind his back, and he thought that Xiao Meng didn't know about his affairs .

Moreover, his family owed a lot of debts now, and they thought that everyone didn't know, and everyone just gave him face without saying it. In fact, everyone knew that he pursued Xu Meng for another purpose.

They came here today because Liu Kai couldn't date Xu Meng by himself, so after he knew that Xu Meng had let her go, he called a few friends over, saying that it was a long time since we all got together, and today we just happened to be together Get together.

"Aren't you embarrassing people? Xiaomeng's courtyard house sells for [-] billion yuan. Not to mention Liu Kai can't get it out, there are not many in the country who can get it out. Hey, the person you said bought the courtyard house, he is Who is so young and so rich?" Zhang Junhao saw that Liu Kai was being bullied and couldn't get off the stage. He and Liu Kai had a good relationship, so he helped to change the topic.

"I seem to know who this person is. I've seen him in Moments." Wu Hanying just saw Su Wei, and felt very familiar. She checked Moments, and sure enough, someone posted his photo.

Su Wei is very popular in the bar circle in Kyoto now. The things about Su Wei in OT have been fermented. Everyone knows that Su Wei is a big boss from Shanghai. Many people who hang out in the bar circle even send Su Wei to OT. Sometimes I'm afraid, there are frontal faces, there are side faces, and some people post photos of her and Su Wei, but those who post group photos are basically girls.

"Who, there are people you know that we don't know?" Xiang Ningjie never thought that Wu Hanying would know the person who bought the courtyard house.

Actually Xu Meng also wanted to know, but she was too embarrassed to ask, but she was not in a hurry, she knew that Wu Hanying would definitely tell it by herself.

"Look, is it the person in the photo? He is right. I heard that he is a top rich second generation from Shanghai. His name is Su Wei. He has done two most famous things. One is to invite OT Drinking the Ace of Spades, it is said that he spent several million that night, and the day before yesterday in OT, I heard that he was in the box and threw hundreds of thousands downstairs, and I heard that at most someone picked up a dozen "Wan" rich second generation is actually very gossip, especially when it comes to getting the limelight.

During this period of time, Su Wei not only has a lot of bars in Kyoto, but also is very popular in the second generation circle in Kyoto. After all, many rich second generations like to go to bars.

If he had been a few years earlier, he might have been given the nickname of "Zhou Zha Tian", because nicknames were popular at that time.

Moreover, the more this kind of rumored rumors are passed on, the more people behind will blow them up. If in a few years, Su Wei's two things will be blown up as a one-night treat and spending tens of millions, how much money will be spent? Millions are not uncommon.

"It turned out to be him, so I knew it. I have a brother who has been saying for the past two days that he wants to go to OT to distribute money, and he plans to ask me to borrow 10 yuan. The original source is him." Zhang Junhao heard Wu Hanying He knew what he said, because he had also heard about it in the group.

He also told the people in the group at the time that this behavior is really nouveau riche, just like a dick.

But in fact, if he has so much money, he also wants to play like this. After all, it seems that people have spent a lot of money, but if they have money, people who are not short of money have already established themselves.

"That's him. When I signed the contract today, I saw that his name was Su Wei, and when others called him, he was also called Mr. Su." Xiao Zheng didn't expect Su Wei to be so famous, but what he did was a bit too prodigal .

Liu Kai originally planned to say something, but when he heard that his potential rival was so powerful, he fell silent.

"You guys are too gossip. Do you still eat or not? I'm starving to death." After hearing what she wanted to know, Xu Meng stopped others from wanting to continue chatting.

"Then let's go to dinner, Liu Kai, didn't you say you were treating guests, then let's go to Dadong." Although Xiang Ningjie hurt Liu Kai, he still planned to let Liu Kai come for the treat.

"Forget it, let me treat you today. This courtyard house is sold, and my dad finally agreed to buy me a 918." Xu Meng didn't want Liu Kai to treat him, because she didn't like him.

"Wow, Xiaomeng, when will you buy your car? Do you want me to find a car for you? I don't have any other requirements. After you buy a car, let me drive it for a few days."

"Xiaomeng, when the time comes, I must take more pictures in your car"

"Xiaomeng is a big money now, let's eat more today"
Dividing line---
Su Wei didn't arrange for people from Zhiyuan Law Firm to have a meal together today. The main reason was that he was too tired. He wanted to go back to the hotel and sleep now.

After Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing signed the contract, they talked to Su Wei and the others, saying they wanted to go back to the store to release the contract, and left first.

In fact, they didn't go to the store, but fell asleep. The two of them didn't go home, so they found a hotel nearby, and the two of them opened a room and went to sleep.

Cao Yuqing and the others had seven of them, and Su Wei had only one, and neither of them could resist, let alone Su Wei.

"Brother Su, I think you're all dozing off now, why don't I drive it?" Seeing Su Wei in this state, Zhang Xuewei almost fell asleep when the red light came on.

"You come to drive? Okay?" Su Wei couldn't take it any longer, so he parked the car on the side of the road, and then changed places with Zhang Xuewei.

Zhang Xuewei drove Wu Fei's Portofino once, so there is no problem driving this Pista.

But the speed is a bit slow, Bulgari with a speed of more than 30 rounds.

"Sure, I didn't expect you to be very good at driving, drive it often." Su Wei squinted for a while, feeling a little more awake.

"This winter vacation, I have been driving the family car, and I have been a driver for my dad for a few days." Zhang Xuewei is indeed skilled. She is slow today. One is that when she was driving, Su Wei had already fallen asleep, and she didn't want to wake her up. he.

The other one is the car Pista, which is very irritable in itself. The accelerator sensor of this car is completely different from that of the family car, so she doesn't dare to step on the accelerator deeply.

"By the way, do you have a car you like? I'll give you one." Su Wei and Zhang Xuewei chatted and returned to the Bulgari suite.

Now the inside has been cleaned up, and it doesn't look like it did in the morning.

When Su Wei went out, the quilts and pillows were all on the floor, as well as a lot of torn clothes and stockings.

"I don't want a car, I want a house." When Zhang Xuewei heard that Su Wei was going to give her a car, she hurriedly shook her head.

After all, it is of course very happy to send her the car, but she wants a house more because she wants to stay in Kyoto.

"You want a house, that's very simple, you give me a son, and I'll give you a house too." This is the first time Su Wei has encountered such a person who wants a house without a car.

The women in the past always gave and wanted what they wanted, and no one had put forward conditions with him.

But Zhang Xuewei is pretty, and it was the first time he was with him at the time, so Su Wei could also give her a house, but there are conditions.

"Is it also from Wanliu Academy?" Zhang Xuewei went to check Wanliu Academy, and knew that the neighborhood was among the top-ranked neighborhoods in the entire capital.

"No, it's Oceanwide Family. I bought two houses at the time. The house in Wanliu Academy cost 9000 million. I have already promised to give it to Wu Fei. But the house in Oceanwide Family costs more than 7000 million. As long as Give me a son, and this house will be yours." Since Zhang Xuewei wants a house, it's easy, just give birth to a son.

When Zhang Xuewei and Su Wei were eating, she was absent-minded. After all, as long as she had a child, she would have a house worth 7000 million yuan and be able to stay in the capital.

But if she is pregnant now, she will have to suspend school, and there is a high probability that Su Wei will not marry her.

At that time, her relatives and friends will all know that she had a boyfriend in college, was pregnant, and had to give birth to a child.

What if Wu Fei finds out that the child in her belly belongs to Su Wei, what if she wants to kill it.

Zhang Xuewei kept thinking about these things while eating, and she didn't know when Su Wei left.

Su Weicai didn't care about Zhang Xuewei's ideological struggle, anyway, after he finished eating, he put the bowl away and went straight to sleep.

Zhang Xuewei sat alone in the dining room for half an hour, and finally made up her mind, planning to get the house and talk about it, after all, it is a 7000 million house.

Putting down the bowl, I went to the bedroom to find Su Wei, only to find that he had fallen asleep on the bed and started snoring.

At this time, Li Qiuhua sent a message, asking if she had gone to Bulgari.

When she came out this afternoon, she had already said in advance that she would not go back to the dormitory to sleep. The reason she found was to stay at her cousin's house for one night.

Everyone in the dormitory knew that Zhang Xuewei had a cousin who worked hard in Kyoto, and bought a house in Kyoto by herself.

So Wu Fei and Sun Yanfang didn't suspect anything, only Li Qiuhua didn't believe what she said at all.

Wu Fei and Sun Yanfang don't know, but Li Qiuhua is Zhang Xuewei's best friend. She accompanied Zhang Xuewei to her cousin's house. Her cousin's house only has two rooms, and there is a little nephew at home. It is impossible to entertain Zhang Xuewei. , so Zhang Xuewei must be lying.

Zhang Xuewei has been holding back for a whole day today, and she desperately wanted to find someone to talk to, and it happened that Li Qiuhua sent a message.

"What's the situation, I can't send a message, I have to come out of the dormitory and call you." Li Qiuhua was watching a movie on the bed, but Zhang Xuewei said he wanted to talk to her, so she insisted on calling her after she went out of the dormitory. Telephone.

"Wu Fei and Sun Yanfang are not by your side." She didn't want Wu Fei and Sun Yanfang to know that she was the third party in the relationship.

"Don't worry, I'm not so stupid. By the way, why do you have time to call me now? Su Wei went to take a shower?" Li Qiuhua was actually a little envious of Zhang Xuewei, because she actually often sent Su Wei messages, but all of them Like nothing but nothing, Su Wei never looked back at her.

"No, he fell asleep. I'm alone in the living room now. I want to discuss something with you." Zhang Xuewei didn't know who to talk to about this matter. After much deliberation, only Li Qiuhua could say it.

"What's the matter, it's so mysterious, can't we talk about it when you come to school tomorrow?" Li Qiuhua felt that Zhang Xuewei had encountered some kind of problem.

"Su Wei said, if I give birth to him a son, he will give me a house worth 7000 million." This matter has been pressing in Zhang Xuewei's heart. After she said it, she felt that she was a few pounds lighter.

"He said he wanted to give you a house again? He also wanted to give Wu Fei an apartment. He couldn't be lying, did he have so many houses to give away?" Li Qiuhua heard that Su Wei was going to give away another house. Wei is an emotional liar.

"Didn't Su Wei come to pick me up this afternoon? I thought he would take me somewhere to play, but he took me to see the house." Zhang Xuewei told Li Qiuhua that Su Wei was a liar. She didn't believe it, after all, she was a liar. I have witnessed with my own eyes how proud Su Wei is.

"You guys just went to see the house he said he was going to buy for you this afternoon, right? Let me tell you, I didn't feel it before. Now the more you talk about it, the more I feel that he is a liar. I admit that he does have some money, but he definitely doesn't To the point of giving away tens of millions of houses to others." Li Qiuhua now feels that he has discovered the truth, and Zhang Xuewei is the one who was deceived.

"No, listen to me first. He took me to see a courtyard house this afternoon. That courtyard house is worth 15 billion." Zhang Xuewei saw that Li Qiuhua didn't know where he was going, so she could only say that Su Wei couldn't be a liar things to prove.

"What do you mean? A 15 billion courtyard house? Could it be that Heshen's Prince Gong's Mansion is about to be sold?" Li Qiuhua began to mock when Su Wei took Zhang Xuewei to see such a sky-high priced courtyard house.

"It's not Prince Gong's Mansion. That courtyard house is on the Houhai Sea, in a place called Ya'er Hutong. There is a huge courtyard house for sale, and he paid a deposit of [-] million yuan today." Zhang Xuewei's words were interrupted by Li Qiuhua. finish talking.

"A deposit of [-] million yuan? Are you sure? Tell me about this matter in detail, and I'll help you sort it out." Li Qiuhua didn't believe that Su Wei was really rich to this extent, but Zhang Xuewei said that she saw that Su Wei was really rich. After paying [-] million, if she doesn't believe it anymore, she can only choose to believe it.

Then Zhang Xuewei and Li Qiuhua explained everything that happened today in detail.

After coming out of school, going to the courtyard, and Su Wei's conversation with Xu Meng in the basement, he told Li Qiuhua everything.

"If Su Wei really bought the courtyard house, tell me, does it have anything to do with Xu Meng when he bought the courtyard house?" Li Qiuhua heard what Zhang Xuewei said, and remembered nothing but Xu Meng.

"He himself said it's okay. He said that the land price of this courtyard house is worth this price. Do you want me to try to conceive a child?" Zhang Xuewei did not forget the main purpose of her calling Li Qiuhua, and she talked with her for a long time. She brought it back.

"If he is really so rich, of course he is pregnant. That's 7000 million. How many people can earn so much money in this life, and if you really give birth to him a son, you will basically have nothing to worry about in your life. "If this choice is for Li Qiuhua, she promises not to hesitate.

"Then I'll come to school tomorrow, and I'll talk to you in detail. Go to sleep now, or the dormitory will be closed later." In fact, Zhang Xuewei had already thought about it, and she called Li Qiuhua just because she wanted to find someone to talk to. stated.

I don't really want Li Qiuhua to give her some advice. After all, Li Qiuhua is about the same age as her, and the market she has really seen is limited, and she is not a person who will listen to other people's ideas.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have kept in touch with Su Wei when Li Qiuhua told her to be careful with Su Wei.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xuewei came to the bedroom and saw that Su Wei was still sleeping soundly. She took off her clothes and slowly climbed onto the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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