Chapter 159

The next day.

"What time did you wake up?" Su Wei slept the most comfortably in the past few days today.

The past few days have been a bit too much fun, this feels more exciting than the ancient emperors, singing every night, and there is no woman around me,
Originally, Su Wei didn't plan to exercise yesterday, but he was woken up by Zhang Xuewei, and then came with her once.

"My biological clock has already woken me up at seven o'clock. What are you eating? I'll call the front desk and ask them to bring you something to eat." After Zhang Xuewei made up her mind last night, she crawled onto the bed and found that she couldn't wake up Su Wei. .

No way, she just learned the techniques from the movies she had seen before, and ate a lollipop first

After Su Wei woke up, he was actually very reluctant to do sports, but Zhang Xuewei's appearance was obviously to get pregnant, so Su Wei could only fight with her.

"Just eat something. By the way, do you have any favorite car? Let's go to see the car in the afternoon." Su Wei still planned to buy a car for Zhang Xuewei, because after he got up, he saw Zhang Xuewei browsing the car website.

And although Zhang Xuewei said yesterday that she wanted a house, the condition for Su Wei to buy her a house was that she was required to give him a child.

But buying a house is conditional, and it doesn't conflict with buying her a car. After all, Su Wei originally wanted to give her a car.

"Ah, if you want to buy me a car, I can actually do it. After all, I don't know much about cars. I think Sun Yanfang's mini is pretty good." How could Zhang Xuewei not want to buy a car? She really wants to buy a car.

After coming to school this year, seeing Sun Yanfang open a mini, she was so envious.

After Su Wei gave Wu Fei a Ferrari, she was about to cry.

After all, last semester, everyone just took the subway and bus to go out. By this semester, there are already two people in the dormitory with cars.

And as the one with the best conditions in this dormitory family, she doesn't even have a two-wheeler.

She will be with Su Wei, Sun Yanfang's mini played a big role, and Wu Fei's Ferrari was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"Audi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porsche, which brand do you like, let's wait a minute, I'll take a call." Su Wei was about to say, when they went to see which brand of car in the afternoon, a call came in, and it was Chen Lu called.

Signaled to Zhang Xuewei that he was going to the bathroom to answer the phone.

Zhang Xuewei knew it was a woman calling, but she still gave Su Wei an ok sign, otherwise, what should she do, she is not the main palace, she is a mistress herself, and she has no position to get angry.

If Su Wei's call is from a man, he will answer it directly, regardless of whether there is anyone nearby.

And if a woman calls, he will go to the side to answer the phone no matter who is around him.

And after Su Wei has more girlfriends, when he puts his mobile phone on the dining table, the front of the mobile phone will always be attached to the table, and it will not be placed upside down.

"What's wrong Lulu, I miss me again, didn't we just call yesterday, why did you call me again today?" Su Wei came to the toilet, first turned on the faucet of the bathtub, and then answered the phone.

He and Chen Lu, from the beginning of the phone call every day, now she calls once every two days. Normally, she should call tomorrow.

"When are you coming back?" Chen Lu spoke weakly, half of it was real weakness, and half of it was pretending.

"Didn't I say it, probably the day after tomorrow, when I come back like this on the 2st, I'll go to your place on the [-]nd" The day after tomorrow, I'll go back to Shanghai to rest for a day, and then I'll meet Chen Lu in the past.

"I was kicked out today. I'm not allowed to live in Lao Huang's house now, woo woo woo, if I don't see you today, I'll be on the street, woo woo," Chen Lu said. Then, he began to cry aggrievedly.

"What's the situation? Why are you living on the street? What about the house you lived in before?" Su Wei was a little anxious when he heard that Chen Lu was living on the street. After all, she was still pregnant with his child. Miscarriage, Su Wei will regret it to death.

"Old Huang's inheritance is not much, and a lot of his property is pre-marital property. The house he lived in before, and the two houses in Binjiang and Gongshu were all bought before he married me. And his parents and ex-wife's My sons and daughters are still alive, so I can only get a little bit, and now I am driven out by them." When Chen Lu spoke, she felt even more wronged and cried even more sadly.

"Don't cry, you are still pregnant, crying too much is not good for the fetus. So where do you live now, did you not find your best friend? So, I will come to you tonight, okay?" Su Wei originally planned , Going to participate in the opening of GE's bar tomorrow, and now the child's mother is going to sleep on the street, so he can only rush there as fast as possible.

"Lan Ke is next to me. Fortunately, I have her today. She gave me a room at the Hilton here in Xiasha, otherwise I would have to sleep on the road today." Chen Lu heard Su Wei mentioning the child, and hurriedly controlled own tears.

"Hilton? Then you stay there well, I'll be there in the evening, and then we can change to a better hotel." Su Wei didn't expect Chen Lu to be so miserable that he ended up staying at the Hilton.

Hang up the phone and quickly contact Golden Deer Airlines, asking them to help him arrange the fastest plane for him to go to Qiantang.

Jinlu checked and told Su Wei that a Gulfstream G550 could be arranged for him at five o'clock in the afternoon.

After Su Wei made arrangements, the water in the bathtub happened to be full at this time, so he took off his clothes and went down to take a shower.

In fact, Su Wei didn't really believe it. Chen Lu said that she was living on the street. After all, they were fine when they called yesterday, but they were kicked out today, which was too fast.

It must be true that she went to stay in a hotel. After all, Su Wei only needs to arrange someone to check, and he can know what time Chen Lu went to open the room today, whether it was before or after she called.

As for whether it was really that miserable, that's not certain, but he didn't want to take the risk, after all, Chen Lu was the mother of his first child.

Besides, he is here in the capital, and he has already done all the things that should be done, and there is nothing else that needs him here.

If something happens, it will be a week later, and then he will fly over to cooperate with the courtyard transfer.

"Brother Su, do you have something to do today, why don't we go and see the car next time?" Zhang Xuewei frowned when she saw Su Wei coming out, knowing that something difficult must have happened.

"Don't delay this matter, it's just that I'm going back to Shanghai this afternoon, and I won't be here until next week, but I still have time to accompany you to look at the car." It's been three hours.

But Su Wei buys a car quite quickly. After all, he is too rich. He can just buy whatever car he likes. Now he buys a car and buys a toy.

"Why don't you just forget it, I'm not in a hurry to buy a car, after all, you have to catch a plane at night." Zhang Xuewei didn't complain, but proposed to buy it next time very understandingly.

But in fact, Zhang Xuewei was going to die of anger. Su Wei was going to buy her a car, but he was in a hurry to go back to Shanghai.

"Among these brands, let's buy Porsche. Do you like 911 or 718?" Hearing what Zhang Xuewei said, Su Wei directly picked his favorite brand and asked her to choose one of the two.

Not mentioning other cars, that's because Su Wei looked at the cars that Zhang Xuewei saw today, all of them were sports cars.

"718, I've seen someone drive this car before, and I think it's very beautiful." Zhang Xuewei didn't expect Su Wei to buy her a Porsche. The four brands that Su Wei mentioned before, when Su Wei went to make a phone call, she I have checked.

Of course, the 911 is the most expensive among them, but choosing this car will leave an impression on Su Wei that she has a big appetite. After all, yesterday she no longer wanted a car, but a house. It would be too naive to choose the most expensive one today. up.

"Okay, then we'll set off after dinner." Su Wei didn't plan to buy Zhang Xuewei a particularly expensive car, otherwise he wouldn't have given her the choice of Audi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Porsche.

But Zhang Xuewei's sensible appearance immediately grasped Su Wei's soft-hearted people, making him feel that apart from wanting to buy a house, Zhang Xuewei is pretty good in other aspects.

And it’s true that you want to buy a house, who doesn’t want to stay in a big city.

So I replaced the four options with one option and let her choose.

Su Wei is like that, the more you refuse, the more I want to give it to you, you can take what I give you, and you can’t take what I don’t give you.

It was already past one noon when the two of them went out. Seeing that Zhang Xuewei was about to buy a car, Su Wei asked her to drive of course.

But this time I didn’t drive a pista, but a Lamborghini. After all, there are too many cars on the roads in Kyoto during the day. If you drive a pista, it’s too tiring to stop and start. It’s better to let her drive a Lamborghini. This car is congested in the city Sometimes, there are still advantages, not so useless.

Although the time was short, Su Wei asked Zhang Xuewei to test drive the 718 and 911 while looking at the cars.

After Zhang Xuewei's test drive, she still chose the 718. One is the 718, which is really easy to drive, much easier to drive than the 911. The second is the 911 convertible, and the price can afford two 718s.

Since she has already pretended to think about Su Wei, she can only pretend to be the end.

Su Wei finally ordered a 718 Boxster S for Zhang Xuewei, and did not listen to her opinion, because according to Zhang Xuewei herself, she just wanted to choose a 2.0 displacement.

This car does not include a license plate, and the landing price is 98, which includes 10 configurations, and then the store gave 5 discounts because this car is an existing car.

This car was chosen by Zhang Xuewei herself. Originally, she didn't want to choose infrared, because this color collided with Wu Fei's Portofino.

But Su Wei told her that it didn't matter, because his pista was also red, and it happened that the three of them formed a couple color.

After Su Wei paid all the money, they took Liu Qiang and they left first, because time was running out.

Zhang Xuewei was also courageous, and after the procedures for the car were completed, she drove the car back to school by herself.

The Porsche saleswoman also said that if she was nervous, she could accompany her back to school, but Zhang Xuewei refused.

Zhang Xuewei directly opened the hood and drove the car back to the school, but because it was night, no one knew that Zhang Xuewei drove this car, otherwise the school intranet would definitely be slaughtered again.

Wu Fei drove back to school in Portofino, and told the truth that the car was given by her boyfriend.

As a result, many people rumored that her boyfriend was an old man, and she got the Ferrari because of the old man.

Because of this matter, Wu Fei was called to the office, and then her counselor was in the office, trying to persuade her that she should study hard and stop being obsessed with the colorful world outside so early.

Wu Fei had no choice but to ask the counselor to contact Su Wei by herself. After the counselor contacted, she realized that there was a misunderstanding. She did not expect that Su Wei's age was actually one year younger than her.

"Wei Wei, you're finally back, we'll starve to death waiting for you." Zhang Xuewei sent a message to Li Qiuhua after five o'clock, saying that she would invite the people in the dormitory to dinner tonight.

As a result, she didn't come back until after seven o'clock, and the three people in the dormitory were all hungry.

"I've been delayed by something, let's go, I'll treat you to some delicious food." Before, Sun Yanfang and Wu Fei treated everyone to dinner after picking up the car, so she also planned to follow this process this time.

"Wow, who bought a Porsche in our school? This car is so beautiful." After Sun Yanfang and the others got down, they saw a red Porsche parked next to Wu Fei's car.

"It's a new car. I guess the owner must be a girl." Li Qiuhua liked this 718 better than Wu Fei's Portofino.

"Sure, I didn't expect you to guess that the owner of the car is a girl." Zhang Xuewei directly opened the door of the owner of the car.

"This car is yours? Who bought it for you?" Seeing that this Porsche belonged to Zhang Xuewei, Sun Yanfang felt that the world was changing too fast.

Originally, when the school started, she still had only one car in the dormitory. Unexpectedly, in less than half a month, there were two more cars in the dormitory, and they were two sports cars.

"I bought this car at home. My family didn't let me stay in Kyoto. They gave me compensation. I went to my cousin's house yesterday. It was my dad who called her the money, saying it was such a large sum of money. I'm worried." Before Zhang Xuewei came to the school, she had already thought about her speech.

"How much money your father paid you, you can buy a sports car." Sun Yanfang was so envious. Although her family promised to buy her a house, she really wanted to drive a sports car.

"Called me 100 million. After buying this car, I still have 2 yuan. Isn't this treating you to dinner?" When Su Wei left, he wrote down Zhang Xuewei's card number and said that he would call her 10 yuan a month. , One is to refuel the car, and the other is to buy her clothes and cosmetics.

At Zhang Xuewei's family, she is paid 11 yuan a month, and she now has [-] yuan a month. Among the students, she is already a little rich woman.

"Then your father is really kind to you, and you should repay him well in the future." Li Qiuhua knew the inside story, she said with a pun.

"Don't worry, I will." Zhang Xuewei said something that only she and Li Qiuhua understood.

"Then what are we going to eat today, the Japanese food near the school?" Li Qiuhua now has a lot to ask Zhang Xuewei, but now he can only hold back.

"Okay, let's go to that restaurant, Feifei, are you alright? Let's take Xiaofang's car today." Zhang Xuewei looked behind, Wu Fei who had been on the phone with Su Wei, feeling sore.


(End of this chapter)

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