Chapter 160 Surprise
After Su Wei got off the plane, he didn't eat any food, and when he rushed to the Hilton, it was just around eight o'clock in the evening.

"Keke, I've already arrived at the Hilton Xiasha. Which room is Chen Lu in? I'll come up to find you." Su Wei forgot to ask what room Chen Lu was in at the time, but remembered when he arrived at the Hilton, and didn't ask which room.

But she was afraid that Chen Lu was already asleep. After all, she was a pregnant woman, so it would not be good to wake her up.

"Yo, young master Su still remembers to call me now. I sent you so many text messages before, but I didn't see you reply." Lan Ke often sent messages to Su Wei before because he was very satisfied with Su Wei's athletic ability, but Su Wei Wei, I guess, belongs to the kind of person who just pulls up his trousers and then turns his face and denies anyone.

Unless he needs to find you for something, if you want to find him, it will be really difficult.

It's not that he doesn't reply to your messages, he doesn't read your messages at all, so how can it be possible to reply.

"Hurry up and explode the room number. I think you haven't tried mine for a long time. You are a little itchy, don't you want me to make you unable to make a stool tonight?" Su Wei saw Lan Ke on the phone In order to provoke her, he threatened her directly.

After all, he had tried it before, and Lan Ke liked Su Wei's spanking, preferably with five finger prints.

"Okay, I'm scared of you. We're at 706. Come up by yourself and hang up." Lan Ke heard Su Wei's threat and felt like peeing, so she quickly hung up the phone.

"You're still eating, Su Wei is about to come up, can you still play this bitter trick? You watch TV and eat snacks. It doesn't look like you're living on the street. He can tell it's fake just by looking at it It's over." When Lan Ke came out of the toilet, she saw Chen Lu lying on the bed, eating potato chips while watching TV.

"Ah, he's here. Doesn't he get off the plane after eight o'clock?" Chen Lu panicked when she heard that Su Wei was coming, and quickly got up and shook the potato chips on the bed to the floor.

She clearly remembered calling him at around four o'clock in the afternoon. He was still in Kyoto. Why is it only early eight o'clock now, and he has already arrived downstairs at the Hilton.

Because of this bitter trick, she went to check the flight schedule from Kyoto to Qiantang. The last flight in the afternoon was after three o'clock, and then there would be no more flights from Kyoto to Qiantang until after six o'clock in the evening. .

Chen Lu's method is for ordinary people, so this time is indeed correct, but she got one thing wrong, that is, Su Wei is not an ordinary person, but a super rich man, and now he always charters a flight when he goes out.

"Where is the broom? Forget it. I can only pick it up with my hands. Turn off the TV quickly and lie down on the bed. The person who was kicked out of the house has a head like you." Lan Ke didn't find the broom, so he just picked it up. Go grab and throw the potato chips that fall off the bed in the trash.

Chen Lu was indeed kicked out of the house this time, but her way of kicking out was different from others, because she was kicked out voluntarily.

After Lao Huang's death, his second-hand car dealership went bankrupt immediately because of a broken capital chain. The cars in the dealership were basically mortgaged, and there was nothing left.

What is left now includes three houses, two facades, and stocks and funds. After these things are liquidated by someone, they will be worth about 4000 million.

Because there are a lot of assets in it that are his and Chen Lu's pre-marital property, and his parents are still alive, and his ex-wife has a son and a daughter, so Lao Huang's parents are in charge, and the inheritance is 1200 million for her. For other things, Chen Lu will Stop scrambling.

Chen Lu already felt guilty towards Lao Huang because she was pregnant with Su Wei's child, so she also agreed to this plan.

The reason why I moved out today is because the house is currently for sale, and the market in Qiantang is relatively good now, and there are quite a lot of people looking at the house, which affects her rest, so she moved out.

Although things like houses and stock funds have not been fully realized, Lao Huang's parents still gave Chen Lu 700 million first, plus when Chen Lu checked the safe before, he found millions of cash in it, plus her Her previous pocket money, her current balance is almost 900 million.

Moreover, Lao Huang's parents have already agreed that when the house is sold, they will call her the remaining 500 million immediately.

So Chen Lu is actually quite rich now. As for her playing tricks for Su Wei, it's because Su Wei always avoids her. This time she said she was going to Sanya, but after going to Sanya for so many days, she didn't return to the magic capital. Instead, he turned around and went straight to Kyoto.

If she doesn't want to find a way and play some bitter tricks, who knows if Su Wei will go to other cities again.

"Boom, boom, I'm here." Su Wei knocked on the door with his left hand, holding a bouquet of flowers in his right.

Su Wei actually arrived downstairs at 07:30. He waited in the lobby for almost half an hour before the flower delivery brother delivered the flowers.

He didn't expect to send flowers at first, but he saw several couples holding flowers in their hands, so he specially ordered eternal flowers at the roseonly store in Qiantang through his mobile phone.

"Su Wei is already here, you put it on. Here, here." Lan Ke looked at Chen Lu's appearance and found that her sad appearance was in place before running to open the door.

"Ke Ke, long time no see, this is for you." Seeing Lan Ke, Su Wei handed her the 35cm heart-shaped eternal flower in his hand.

"Wow, it's roseonly's eternal flower. It's so beautiful. If you're smart, Lulu is inside. Go in." Seeing the eternal flower, Lan Ke hurriedly took it.

After all, which girl would not like flowers, which girl would not like receiving flowers, let alone roseonly eternal flowers.

When Su Wei walked into the room, he slapped Lan Ke on the buttocks. Lan Ke felt as if he had been electrocuted, and his whole body was tense.

When he came to the room, Su Wei saw Chen Lu lying on the bed, looking listless.

"How did you make it like this? Is there anything uncomfortable? How about I take you to the hospital for a checkup?" Su Wei sat by the bed and took Chen Lu's hand.

But her hands felt oily, and she seemed a little panicked when Su Wei grabbed her hand.

"No need, Keke is with me today, I'm much better now. Your hands are dirty, Keke, help me get some paper to wipe Su Wei's hands. I was too hungry just now, I ate some potatoes piece" Chen Lu spoke cautiously, as if she had done something wrong.

The last time Chen Lu saw Su Wei was more than a month ago, and this time the two met, their identities had completely changed.

In the beginning, Chen Lu went to drink with Su Wei because Lao Huang ignored her for a long time, and she was depressed. When she drank too much, she had an accident with Su Wei on the spur of the moment.

After that time, Chen Lu really felt that being a woman was so happy, and that's why they met for the second time.

This is the third meeting, and Su Wei has become the father of the unborn child in her womb.

She was very disturbed, not knowing what Su Wei would do to her and the child in her womb, after all, he had been avoiding her before.

"Although I have no experience, I also know that it is not nutritious for pregnant women to eat this kind of junk food. You should eat less in the future. By the way, your environment is a bit too bad. I have already reserved a room in the Four Seasons Hotel. Wait We'll change places soon." When Su Wei came in, he took a look at the environment and found that the room was very small, and with Chen Lu's more than ten suitcases, there was almost no place to set foot in the room.

In fact, the suitcase here is the result of Chen Lu throwing away a large part of his clothes. If he brought all of them, he would be able to pile up this room without any gaps.

Now the things here are all Chen Lu's more expensive clothes, bags and jewelry, and there are more than ten boxes.

"I think this hotel is pretty good, so I won't move, it's too troublesome. By the way, can you lend me some money, I'm going to find a rented room tomorrow, and the cost of staying in a hotel is still too high" The way Chen Lu spoke softly was very similar to Lin Daiyu's appearance after burying the flowers.

"What are you looking for to rent a house? You are pregnant with my child. I asked you to rent a house outside. Isn't that a slap in the face? In this way, we will go to see the house tomorrow. What kind of house do you like? Daping floor, or Villa" When Su Wei heard Chen Lu say that she was going to rent a house, she immediately felt insulted.

The mother of her own child still needs to go out to rent a house to live in. How much she looks down on him. He just bought a courtyard house in Kyoto for 15 billion.

"Ah, let's go to see the house tomorrow? Let's go." The reason why Chen Lu wants cash instead of real estate for Lao Huang's inheritance this time is that she wants to live in Su Wei's house, so that the child in her stomach will be the eldest grandson of the Su family. , by the way, she will be able to be expensive according to the mother, let's see if she can become a royal palace.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei actually wanted to buy her a house, so it was another difficult step for her to enter the Su's house.

"Actually, there is no need to buy a house. If you spend this money, you might as well take her to live with you. After all, she is pregnant and needs someone to take care of her." The script Lan Ke and Chen Lu designed at the time was not like this.

But I didn't expect that Su Wei was so rich that he planned to buy a house to raise Chen Lu, and had no intention of letting Chen Lu into his house at all.

"It's okay, we'll go to see the house tomorrow. After seeing the house, I'll find a few nannies to take care of you. The Four Seasons car should have arrived. You change your clothes, and I'll ask someone to pick up your luggage." How could Su Wei take Chen When Lu came home, he didn't plan to get married.

When Chen Lu heard this, she could only get up obediently. She was wearing pajamas underneath, so a coat would do.

Su Wei called Liu Qiang and the others and asked them all to come up to help with their luggage. Because Chen Lu's suitcase hadn't been opened much, it was easy to carry more than a dozen boxes.

The Four Seasons Hotel arranged for an Alpha and a Mercedes-Benz E-Class to come over. They would arrange for a nanny car to come over. The main reason was that Su Wei took care of Chen Lu who was a pregnant woman, so he specially explained.

Because Chen Lu had too much luggage to fit in two cars, Liu Qiang even took a taxi to pack the luggage.

The car drove to the entrance of the West Lake Four Seasons Hotel, led by the housekeeper of the villa, got on the reception tram, and then drove to the villa area deep in the garden.

When they got off the car, Chen Lu and Lan Ke were shocked. They didn't expect that there were dozens of Chinese-style garden villas in the Four Seasons Hotel.

"How much does this villa cost for one night?" Chen Lu was still quite nervous. After all, when she and Lao Huang were together, she didn't know that the Four Seasons Hotel had such a villa for rent.

When she came, she thought that she would only live in a suite next to the lake view, but Su Weiding's room turned out to be a whole villa. You don't need to look at this kind of room to know that the price must be very expensive.

"It's not expensive, it only costs [-] yuan to stay here for one night." Su Wei originally wanted to find a more expensive one, but he didn't find a more expensive one after searching around.

"Seventy-five thousand, one night? It's too expensive, isn't it? Aman has really become a civilian hotel when you compare the price of this house." Lan Ke heard Su Wei say that the house cost seventy-five thousand a night, This was even more surprising than when she heard Su Wei say that she would buy a house for Chen Lu.

After all, Lan Ke is in the Hilton today, and the room opened for Chen Lu is more than 400 double-bed rooms. Although it is to pretend to be pitiful in front of Su Wei, they usually live in a room of about [-].

And Su Wei came to pick up Chen Lu today, how much is the room, 100, which is more than [-] times more expensive than the room that Lan Ke opened tonight.

Although she knew that Su Wei was rich, she really didn't expect him to be so rich.

"Ma'am, the average price of the Aman Hotel is high, and it is only for our ordinary guest rooms. Villas like our Four Seasons can't be lived in if you have money. The villa we are going to enter, before But there are people who have received heads of state.

If Mr. Su hadn't come to order today, our three villas would not be open to the public." The housekeeper of the villa, Miss Lan Ke, was surprised why the villa was so expensive, and explained with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, Su Wei, you are so famous, even the Four Seasons Hotel knows about you." Lan Ke really didn't expect Su Wei to be so famous, because she heard that Chen Lu was pregnant at the time, and she was pregnant with Su Wei's child, but I went to check on Su Wei.

It turned out that there was no information to be found, only that he was very young and the car under his name was very expensive, either 918 or Rafa.

The house I live in is also very expensive, either Tan Palace or Gubei No. [-].

At first she thought that Su Wei was some kind, the heir of an invisible family or something.

As a result, after a while, Su Wei's reputation began to spread in Qiantang, but it was basically about how many girls he brought, which bar he went to for drinks, and so on.

"It's okay, I stayed in the Bulgari suite in Kyoto for more than a week this time. If I don't even know the four seasons, then their source of information is too slow." Su Wei told the truth, Like him, he lived in the top suite of the top hotel for more than a week.

If Siji, who is a colleague, doesn't know at all, then it is really a failure.

"Of course we understand high-end customers like Mr. Su. After all, for someone of your worth, as long as you come to Qiantang, we will definitely be your first choice." The housekeeper of the villa turned her head and introduced while flattering Su Wei.

This presidential villa is in a villa area, three of which belong to the Four Seasons Hotel, and the rest of the villas belong to domestic business tycoons and financial giants.

The most famous person in it is Mr. Ma from Qiantang, and he owns two villas here.

"Wow, this is, this is roseonly's 120cm rose cat and roseonly's 90cm heartbeat." Chen Lu pushed open the door, and saw a rose cat with eternal flowers and a big heart of eternal flowers placed on the floor of the living room.

Just now Chen Lu was surprised that the housekeeper opened the door before, why did the housekeeper ask her to open the door.

"Do you like it or not? These two are the treasures of the roseonly store in Qiantang. I bought them specially to give you a surprise." When Su Wei ordered these two eternal flowers for Chen Lu, the blue Ke that was just incidental.

After all, the 1.2-meter rose cat costs 99999 yuan, and the 90cm big heart costs 69999 yuan, while Lan Ke's one only costs 6999 yuan, which is 10 times the price difference.

"I like it so much. I didn't expect you to give me this." Chen Lu was really happy. Originally, she was a little unhappy because she couldn't go to Su Wei's house, but these two things made most of her unhappiness disappear at once.

Lan Ke was very satisfied with the eternal flowers in her hand at first, but when she saw these two eternal flowers of Chen Lu, she instantly felt that the eternal flowers in her hand were not fragrant.

Liu Qiang and the others left after putting down their luggage. Although this villa has three suites, Su Wei didn't want other people to live here, so he booked another 4000-night garden view room for them.

The housekeeper showed Su Wei and the others a tour of the villa. There was a living room, reception room, dining room, kitchen, and two suites on the first floor.

The second floor is a large master bedroom, the basement floor is a reception room, a sports area plus a heated swimming pool.

"I'm going to swim tomorrow morning, so replace all the water in this pool." Su Wei hasn't swam for a long time, and today I just saw that there is a heated swimming pool in this villa, that's just right, you can come down for a swim tomorrow.

"Boss Su, we take care of the water in the swimming pool every day. The water quality is quite clean." The housekeeper heard that Su Wei wanted to change the water, so she hurried over to explain.

After all, it is very troublesome to change the water once. This swimming pool is a large pool of 20 meters by [-] meters. It takes at least several hours to drain the water and change the water. Also too big.

"Change it for me if it's clean. A resident must have swum in this water." Su Wei couldn't stand being swam in this water before. If he was alone, he wouldn't be able to clean it. I love sports, but Chen Lu is a pregnant woman, so she needs to swim more to be healthy.

Seeing that Su Wei had to change the water, the housekeeper could only call a female nanny over, planning to spend the whole night just to change the water.

(End of this chapter)

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