Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 161 Change of Thinking

Chapter 161 Change of Thinking
The next day.

When Su Wei woke up in the morning, he turned around and saw that Chen Lu beside him was still soundly asleep. He got up lightly and didn't bother her. Instead, he put on a bathrobe and planned to go downstairs to have a look.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening when I changed the hotel to Four Seasons yesterday. Su Wei was already yawning not long after he arrived at the villa yesterday because of the exhausted travel.

And because Chen Lu was pregnant, she was quite lethargic at this stage, so the two of them fell asleep before ten o'clock.

When he came downstairs, Su Wei saw that the nanny of the villa had already got up to work. There was a housekeeper and two nanny in this villa.

Among them, the butler does not live in the villa, and the two nannies live in the nannies' room on the first floor.

The one who is working now is only one of the two nannies, and the other nannie turned on the water all night yesterday and is still sleeping in the room.

Trying to open Lan Ke's door, she found that she didn't lock it. It seems that she was waiting for him last night, otherwise she would not have unlocked the door at night.

I went into her room and looked, and found that she was sleeping soundly. I didn't disturb her, so I went out after looking at it. After all, there are outsiders in the villa now. If Lan Ke yells later, it will be embarrassing to be misunderstood by the nanny .

Now in big cities, no matter if you are a man or a woman, as long as you don't clock in at 9 o'clock, you basically sleep until noon or afternoon, because everyone stays up late.

After coming out of Lan Ke's room, he pushed open the glass door of the living room and came to the yard. He found that there was a big bathtub in the yard, and it was no problem for three or four people to take a bath.

Taking a closer look at this bathtub, I found that it has quite a lot of water outlets. When people sit in it, the water in the water column can have a massage effect. Su Wei plans to try this bathtub tonight, and take a bath at that time. While asking Lan Ke to rub his back, it was quite refreshing to think about it.

When the housekeeper introduced it yesterday, because it was relatively late at that time, he only introduced the inside of the villa, and did not introduce much about the outside yard.

After looking at the bathtub, I walked casually in the yard, and found that there was a koi pond in this small yard, and Su Wei didn't have any food to feed, so he grabbed some soil next to it, like feeding food, and fed them Not to mention, there are quite a few koi that have been fooled.

Because the yard is very small, I finished reading it in a few minutes. Sitting on the reclining chair in the yard, I called Xiao Li and asked her to bring some breakfast. Su Wei was a little hungry.

After all, his last meal was steak on the plane at around six o'clock yesterday afternoon. After the plane landed, he went to pick up Chen Lu and change to the hotel. up.

The butler, that is, Xiao Li, brought a rich variety of breakfasts, including buns, fried dough sticks, bread, fried eggs, etc. Su Wei liked the crab meat buns inside the most. One basket was not enough. Go get a cage.

"Mr. Su, if you want to have breakfast tomorrow, we can take a boat tour of the West Lake and have breakfast on the boat." If Su Wei is a local, Xiao Li will definitely not recommend this to him, but Su Wei is a foreigner, and he has a clear understanding of Qiantang. unfamiliar.

Then this way of experiencing the beauty of the West Lake must be experienced by a distinguished guest like Su Wei. After all, this way of taking a boat tour of the West Lake and eating breakfast on the boat is a selling point of their Four Seasons Hotel.

"Then I have to get up tomorrow. By the way, have you changed the water in the constant temperature swimming pool? After I'm full, I plan to exercise." Su Wei doesn't like the breakfast of Four Seasons that much, mainly because it doesn't have a spicy taste , it’s okay to eat once in a while, but he can’t bear to eat this every day.

"The water in the constant temperature swimming pool has been completely changed. Does Mr. Su need me to help you get a new pair of swimming trunks?" Xiao Li knows how proud Su Wei is. Su Wei didn't know how long he would stay here yesterday, so he went ahead Pre-deposited 200 million to the Four Seasons account.

"Then send it directly to the swimming pool later, I'll go to the gym to exercise first." Su Wei didn't know if it was an illusion, he felt that Xiao Li was seducing him.

But who is Su Wei? No matter how you say it now, dozens of people have been beheaded, not as stupid as before.

Now unless she is really beautiful, otherwise, he will not take the initiative to pursue the girl, he intends to fight against me.

Let's see if Xiao Li really has any thoughts about him. If she really has thoughts, Su Wei doesn't mind playing a friendly match with her. Be more beautiful, compared with Chen Lu's appearance, the two of them can be 55 to [-].

Su Wei took advantage of the time when Xiao Li went to help him with his swimming trunks, and he started to do warm-up exercises. After all, swimming requires a good warm-up. For people like Su Wei who have not exercised for a long time, warm-up is essential, otherwise it is easy to get cramps.

Su Wei knew how to swim very early. When he was young, he would go back to his hometown every summer vacation.

At that time, men in the village took a bath in a small stream in the village. The stream was about seven to eight meters wide, and the deepest part was only a little over one meter.

He has been busy with homework since high school, and the old man passed away, so he will not go back to his hometown. Up to now, Su Wei has not swam for many years. In Sanya, he is basically on the beach or on a yacht, which is not serious. Go swimming.

"President Su, I brought a few pairs of swimming trunks here. Let's see which one you like, and I'll take the rest back." Xiao Li held several pairs of men's swimming trunks in his hand and chose them for Su Wei.

"These few are okay, you can keep all these swimming trunks, by the way, can you swim?" These swimming trunks came just right, they can be used as disposable swimming trunks.

"I can swim, Mr. Su, do you know how to swim, and you plan to let me teach you?" Since Xiao Li added Su Wei's WeChat and saw the things Su Wei posted in Moments, he had a crush on him. Thoughts, after all, he is so rich.

As for the two people in the villa, Chen Lu and Lan Ke, and their relationship with Su Wei, Xiao Li doesn't care, after all, happiness must be won by oneself.

Su Wei's guests who lived in this villa before were basically old men, either the company had a party, or the family had a New Year's party, and then the villa was contracted, so she did everything business-like, because of this, she However, she is called a high-cold goddess by many clients and colleagues.

It doesn't look like it is in front of Su Wei, with an amiable look, just like the sister next door.

If they knew that the cold goddess they thought looked like this in front of Su Wei, they would definitely hear a lot of heartbroken voices.

"Yes, I haven't swam for a long time. If you can swim, you can show me." Su Wei originally wanted to say that he was so boring swimming here by himself, and wanted to ask her to swim with her, but she offered to teach Su by herself. Wei, then of course Su Wei will not refuse.

After all, if you refuse, it will hurt the girl's heart.

"Okay, then Boss Su, wait for me for a while, I'll come over and change into a swimsuit." Although Xiao Li seemed to be flattering Su Wei, she didn't make it too obvious.

After putting on his swimming trunks, Su Wei plunged into the water when he saw that Xiao Li hadn't come yet, but because he hadn't touched the water for a long time, he came so suddenly that he choked on the water.

"Boss Su, are you okay?" Xiao Li came down with his swimsuit, and was going to change in the cubicle, but when he went down the stairs, he saw Su Wei choking on the water.

She knew that the opportunity came, she didn't even change her swimsuit, she took off the small suit outside, and jumped off directly.

"It's all right, I haven't been swimming for a long time, my body is not used to it, and I was choked by the water." Su Wei coughed for a long time, and when he got better, he looked up and saw Xiao Li.

When Xiao Li just jumped down, he took off the small suit outside, and now he is wearing a white shirt. After being soaked in water, the black lace tube top inside is particularly conspicuous.

"Ah, President Su, where are you looking?" Xiao Li was patting Su Wei's back to make him cough up the water.

Suddenly realizing that Su Wei stopped coughing and was still staring at her, she hurriedly lowered her head, only to find that her clothes had turned into see-through clothes after being exposed to water.

She quickly covered her chest with her hands, preventing Su Wei from looking inside her clothes.

"Xiao Li, I'm much better. You can go and change clothes." Su Wei was directly caught by Xiao Li, who was eating tofu, and his face was a little uneasy, so he hurriedly called Xiao Li to go up and change clothes.

Xiao Li clutched her chest, turned around slowly, and then quickly went up the stairs with the handrail. She picked up the swimsuit that fell on the ground, and then ran to the changing room to change.

As Xiao Li, who has worked in a top hotel in Qiantang for two years, although she wanted to send herself to Su Wei's bed, she knew that Su Wei couldn't get her so easily.

If Xiao Li let Su Wei get her easily, then Su Wei would definitely think that she is a very casual woman. After all, he got her so easily, then other people got her so easily, right? .

At that time, Xiao Li told Su Wei that it was the first time for her to do this. Su Wei could believe her, he certainly wouldn't.

So she wants to hang Su Wei's appetite, so that he can only see it, but not eat it, and occasionally give him a little bit of sweetness.

Su Wei saw Xiao Li went in to change his clothes, and plunged into the water. This time, he slowly regained the feeling of swimming before. He first swam to the opposite bank with freestyle, and then swam back with submersible.

Just about to come around again, Su Wei heard the door of the dressing room opened, and knew that Xiao Li was coming out, so he didn't continue swimming, but sat on the balustrade and waited for her.

"Boss Su, do you think I look good in this? Is it too revealing?" Xiao Li knew that she couldn't rush to seduce Su Wei, so she specially chose a one-piece swimsuit this time, only showing her hands, feet and head.

"You're still called Lu? You're a diving suit, right? On the beach in Sanya, 80-year-old aunts don't wear it like that." Su Wei saw Xiao Li's figure is very good before, and thought that Xiao Li would wear it sexy , who knew that she was dressed so conservatively that nothing was revealed.

Originally, Su Wei planned to take advantage of it, but Xiao Li dressed so conservatively that he felt bored all of a sudden, and all the troubles he started before went down.

"Is this really so conservative? I don't wear swimsuits very often, why don't you choose a swimsuit for me next time, Mr. Su?" Seeing Su Wei's disgusted eyes, Xiao Li felt that he was indeed wearing too conservatively.

Most of the swimsuits she wore in the past were also one-piece, but they were not as tight as this package, and today it seems that it is indeed a bit too much.

"You said it earlier, I was surprised, there are still people wearing it like this now, come on, I'll pick you up." Su Wei was not interested at first, but when he heard Xiao Li say next time, let him choose a swimsuit for her , his interest came again.

"President Su, I can just jump down by myself." Seeing that Su Wei occupied the handrail of the stairs, Xiao Li could only jump down from the side.

The two of them swam in the swimming pool for an hour. Su Wei felt that he couldn't swim anymore, so he came out of the water.

In this hour, Su Wei has been molesting Xiao Li for most of the time, but Xiao Li has been playing tricks and not letting Su Wei take too much advantage.

After Su Wei and Xiao Li got acquainted, they also knew Xiao Li's full name, which turned out to be Li Jiawen.

At first Su Wei was really trying his best to tease Li Jiawen, but after seeing that he couldn't take advantage of it later, he could only focus on swimming.

After swimming for almost half an hour, after he got out of the water, he felt that his hands were shaking a little.

Moreover, Su Wei felt that his muscles all over his body were a little sore after getting out of the water. He knew that he had overexercised.

"Jiawen, call a masseur for me. I need to press it. By the way, call for you too. Let's press it together." There is a spa room in the villa, and there is also a sauna room on the first floor.

"President Su, I don't need it. Let me wipe the water for you. You may have to wait in the spa room later. It will take a while for the technician to come." Li Jiawen held a large towel and gave Su Wei Start wiping water.

No one has received this service yet, and Su Wei is the first one.

"Do you have time at night? I think your butterfly stroke technique is very good. I want to learn it." Su Wei didn't take advantage of it just now. He wanted to see if he had a chance to eat her at night.

"Boss Su, you've been exercising a little bit today. It's better not to have high-intensity exercise at night. I'm here every day anyway. We can continue tomorrow." Li Jiawen didn't dare to swim with Su Wei at night. Here it comes, 100% to be eaten.

"That's it, then let's continue swimming tomorrow, but let me say first, I will pick out your swimsuit tomorrow." Su Wei plans to let Li Jiawen wear the three-point swimsuit that Song Nala wore in Sanya before.

That dress, matched with Li Jiawen's figure, is exciting just thinking about it.

When Su Wei was being massaged, because the female technician's techniques were very professional, he fell asleep directly on the massage table. He didn't wake up until the female technician finished massaging and woke him up.

Coming out of the room, Su Wei saw that Lan Ke had gotten up. She was in the living room, eating breakfast while watching TV.

"Today the sun came out from the west, and Young Master Su woke up so early. Just now, Miss Li told me that you were up. I still don't believe it." Seeing Su Wei, Lan Ke immediately began to mock.

"Isn't it because I went to bed too early yesterday? I went to your room this morning and saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't bother you. How about it? Did you sleep well yesterday?" Su Wei didn't seem to hear Lan Ke's ridicule He was the same, who wanted him to have an itchy mouth yesterday and said to go to her at night.

"Of course I slept well. After all, this villa is so expensive, the environment is so good, and the bed is so soft, how could it be possible that I couldn't sleep well?" Lan Ke didn't sleep well last night, because Su Wei said he would sleep well at night. come to her.

Lan Ke really thought that he would come, but who knew he was talking loudly, making her wait and wait until after two o'clock before falling asleep in a daze.

Now that Su Wei asked her if she was sleeping well, she wanted to hit someone. She clearly said that she would go to her at night, but it turned out to be a lie.

"Just sleep well. By the way, I have an appointment with an agent this afternoon. Are you free? Come with me and Chen Lu to look at the house." When Su Wei spoke, he began to hug Lan Ke's waist.

"No, I have something to do, what are you doing, I'm eating, and there are people outside." Lan Ke looked around, the nanny was feeding the koi in the yard.

Before, the nanny wandered around on the first floor and the first floor, but Li Jiawen specially arranged for the nanny to go to the yard to clean the bathtub and feed the koi in order not to expose her and Su Wei's affairs.

If the nanny knew that she had so many troubles in the morning because of this reason, she would definitely be scolded by a shrew.

"Go on, it's okay, let's just go to the room, didn't I promise you to find you at night yesterday, but I was really tired last night, I wanted to come here by force, but as soon as I touched the bed, I fell asleep Well, then I have no choice but to make up for you during the day, anyway, Chen Lu hasn't woken up yet." When Su Wei was speaking, he hugged Lan Ke directly, and then walked to the room.
Dividing line---
Li Jiawen asked Su Wei what he planned to do at noon, so that she could make arrangements for the kitchen.

Although Su Wei didn't come to Qiantang many times, he had heard of the Jinsha Hall, so he asked Li Jiawen to arrange a box for him in the Jinsha Hall.

Jinsha Hall is a very popular restaurant. Generally, you don’t make a reservation in advance. If you come here directly, there is no seat.

But as long as you live in the Four Seasons Hotel, it's very easy to go to the Jinsha Hall. Unless you really don't have a seat, you can definitely eat directly.

The general guest rooms are like this. For customers like Su Wei who live in villas, it really means that as long as you go to eat, there will be room for you if there is no room.

"I'm really going to see the house later. Even if I bought a house, it will take a long time to decorate it." When Chen Lu and Lao Huang were together, they bought the Gongshu house and said they would move there later.

It took more than a year to decorate that house, and now that Lao Huang has passed away, the house has not yet been renovated.

"Buy a well-decorated house first and live in it, and then change it later when you see a better one. You can live in a house for at least ten years, and you don't plan to live in it for a lifetime." Su Wei really thinks so, after all. If you live in a house for more than 10 years, a lot of furniture or hardware in the house will be old and broken.

And the decoration style will also be eliminated. If you have money, how can you live in one house forever.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you. If you don't have enough money, I still haven't got a sum of money from Lao Huang's inheritance." When Chen Lu said this, she really regarded Su Wei as her future support. .

Although Su Wei refused to take her into the house, Su Wei was the father of the child in her womb, and she could only rely on him.

The reason why Chen Lu wanted a child so much was because her parents had passed away, and she had no brothers or sisters. She didn't want to grow old, and she didn't even have anyone to take care of her.

"No need, how much can you buy a house in Qiantang?" Su Wei really looked down on the housing prices in Qiantang. After all, the average price difference between Qiantang and Modu is two to three times.

Although Su Wei is not short of money, he was very happy to hear what Chen Lu said. It doesn't matter if a woman worships money and has her own little calculations. What he is afraid of is the kind of egoist. He doesn't want his child My mother is such a person.

"Don't look down on the housing prices in Qiantang, the houses in Qiantang are not cheap now." Lan Ke was very upset when she saw Su Wei's stinky fart, and even looked down on Qiantang in front of the two of them from Qiantang.

As far as Wulin No. [-] she has heard, the price is as expensive as [-] square meters, and there are not many houses in the Shanghai city of [-] square meters.

"Really, then I have to see and see well today." What Su Wei said to the agent today is, look at the most luxurious neighborhood in Qiantang, don't have small apartments in the neighborhood, otherwise there will definitely be many tenants in the later stage.

And the requirement is that it is best that after the decoration is completed, no one has ever lived in it.

When the intermediary heard this request, their eyes really shined, because the request was not difficult.

The provincial capital of Jiangsu and Zhejiang is Qiantang, but there are also many big bosses in the cities below, and many people in Shanghai have bought houses in Qiantang. Their houses have been renovated and have never been lived in. As long as Su Wei can afford the money Come on, the intermediary can find a large number of such houses for him.

"No need, didn't you say that you just want to buy a house to live in first? Let's just buy an ordinary house to live in. Now this villa costs 200 yuan a night, which is really too expensive." Chen Lu said to Living in this villa costs so much money, I really feel a little reluctant. If I live in this villa for a month, it will cost more than [-] million. She divides Lao Huang into her inheritance and uses all of it to live here. She can't live here for a year.

"Yo yo, Lu Lu is so distressed, Su Wei, if I meet a woman as good as Lu Lu, I will definitely take her home to live in, and it can save the money to buy a house." Lan Ke still He wanted to send Chen Lu to Su Wei's house.

After all, if Chen Lu didn't go to Su Wei's house for a day, she would have no status at all, so she was worried for her best friend.

"Don't feel sorry for me, just treat it as the things I bought for you now, you are saving the family property for the little guy in your stomach." Su Wei is sure that there will be many children in the future. Personality, when the child grows up, he will have a lot less property than his brothers and sisters.

When Chen Lu heard what Su Wei said, she nodded. Indeed, she thought it was a little simple before.

Su Wei has already said it almost directly, that he has a flirtatious temperament, and he will not change it.

If you want the child in your womb to have a good life in the future, then you have to fight for these things yourself.

"I like the house in Blue Qianjiang, let's go and see it in the afternoon"

 It's been a long time since I asked for tickets, please count your votes, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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