Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 163 Coffee Shop

Chapter 163 Coffee Shop

"Mr. Su, you can send 50 to our company's account. It's only two o'clock now. I promise to give you a result before four o'clock." Cai Guoguo is actually sure that the landlord will agree to this. price.

Because in the blue Qianjiang, only this one is selling the duplex on the top floor of Kanjiang, but because the area is too large, it is very difficult to close the transaction.

Last time it was hard to find a suitable homeowner, but because of the incident in Building No. [-], it ended up being yellowed.

At that time, the house was not sold, and the landlady saw that she was very depressed, and comforted her in turn, saying that it was okay, the house was just not destined for the buyer.

But she believed that the house could still be sold in Cai Guoguo's hands.

Then the two landlords added WeChat. Years ago, Cai Guoguo felt that the landlord of 2901 was not in a hurry to sell the house.

But after the beginning of the new year, she clearly felt that the eldest sister of the landlord of 2901 began to get anxious.

Before, I was just talking about whether there are many people looking at the house recently, whether the price has changed, whether the incident in the No. [-] building has a big impact now, and so on.

After the beginning of the new year, the question becomes, is there any client buying a house now, and whether I want to lower the price. I quoted 4300 million before, but now I directly quote 4000 million. You can see if it will be easier to sell.

Cai Guoguo felt that the landlady was a little out of sorts. After chatting with her, she found out that her husband's business had problems after the new year, and now their family is selling the property.

So at this time, if she quotes a full price of 3700 million yuan, she may really be able to make a deal.

After all, although there are many rich people in Qiantang, there are still relatively few people who are willing to spend 4000 million yuan to buy a house.

If it is a new house, there may be more customers, but for the second-hand house, the number of customers is much less.

Not to mention Qiantang, even Kyoto and Shanghai, there are quite few people who are willing to spend 4000 million yuan to buy a second-hand house.

Because buying a second-hand luxury house, the bank card will be very difficult to get a loan, but if you buy a new house and a luxury house, the price is cheap, and the bank can also get a loan.

"I'll pay 50 yuan to your company, and you can get it done at this price?" Su Wei wondered if he had encountered a trick, because this Cai Guoguo, why did she think that the full payment could impress the landlord? Could it be that she was thinking , if the negotiation fails, the sincerity money will not be refunded, and then give him a 380-square-meter apartment?
If she really does this, then Su Wei must let her know what money ability is.

"Because this owner, if it weren't for the matter of Building No. 4100, he would have sold [-] million yuan with my client last year.

At the beginning of this year, her husband urgently needs a large amount of cash flow to start a business, so I am sure that the negotiation will be successful.

But if you, Mr. Su, don’t pay some money, I’m afraid I’ll negotiate the price with the landlord, and if you don’t want it at that time, then I’ll break my word with the landlord.” Cai Guoguo didn’t think there was anything to hide , after all, she was telling the truth.

"What you said makes sense. In this way, you give me your company's account number, and I will call your company 50 yuan now." Su Wei thought about it, and it was the same reason.

Before buying a house, most of the salesmen knew who he was, but the salesman in Qiantang knew nothing about Su Wei's identity.

In the past, when Su Wei contacted Zuo Qing, he would still use the Leopard account. Zuo Qing also knew that Su Wei must be rich or expensive through the Leopard account.

At that time, Lin Mengmeng was even simpler, because he was introduced by the bank and had the bank's endorsement. How could Lin Mengmeng not believe Su Wei.

When I arrived at Cai Guoguo, I used an ordinary number to contact her, and the WeChat account I added was also a small number.

When I came here, I sat in Alpha. The only place where I was rich was that I had a bodyguard and a secretary by my side.

Su Wei was not afraid of Cai Guoguo's company, and took the 50 yuan to run away. After all, the agency fee for this house was more than this 50 yuan.

"The money has already been credited to the account. Then, Mr. Su, do you want to go to the rest meeting? Or go to the Wangjiang Park next to it? Whether it works or not, I promise to give you an answer before 4 p.m." I only sold a small apartment because I knew how to do that.

The 3 yuan commission for that apartment was only more than 1 yuan in her hands. Now she has to pay back more than 1 yuan in mortgages every month, so she has to win Su Wei's order no matter what.

After all, if this order is won, she can get at least more than 30 yuan from the money in her hand.

After she just sent the company's account number and WeChat to Su Wei, she saw that Su Wei was very straightforward, and transferred the money directly through the mobile phone.

Within a few minutes, her store manager sent her a message, saying that Mr. Su's sincerity money had been called.

"I won't go to the park. When the house is bought, I have some time to come. By the way, is there a cafe nearby? We plan to sit and rest for a while." Chen Lu has not controlled her diet much since she became pregnant. , as long as she is hungry, she will eat. After all, she was hungry before and only she was hungry, but if she is hungry now, it is the child in her stomach who is hungry.

"Coffee shop, yes, it's on Kunpeng Road between Phase I and Phase II of Blue Qianjiang. There are several coffee shops over there in Phase I. I'll take you there directly." Contact the landlord, she is planning to make coffee for Chen Lu herself.

Su Wei and his party of three followed Cai Guoguo, came out from the west gate of the community, walked for tens of meters, and indeed saw several cafes.

However, most of these cafes are in the name of coffee, but they are actually restaurants.

"This Encounter Cafe is a pure coffee shop. It only sells coffee and some snacks, and does not provide food service." Seeing Chen Lu frowning, Cai Guoguo knew that she was just going to find a coffee shop to take a rest. I didn't want to eat, so I quickly introduced the only pure coffee shop here.

Before, Cai Guoguo thought that this coffee shop must be closed down. After all, she can only make some money by selling coffee now. Now she just feels that it is lucky that this shop has not closed down. Otherwise, her customers would run away if they wanted a cup of coffee. so far.

After Cai Guoguo brought Su Wei and the others in, she wanted to pay the bill, but Su Wei asked her to contact the landlord immediately, after all, Su Wei's time was precious.

Su Wei and the others shared a table, Liu Qiang didn't follow, he went to drive the car over, and then sat at a table not far from Su Wei and the others with three other bodyguards.

Liu Qiang and the others follow Su Wei out, basically no matter whether they are staying in a hotel or going out for dinner, Su Wei has never lived in the Four Seasons, let Liu Qiang and the others live in the Hilton, he lives in the Four Seasons Villa, and Liu Qiang and the others live in an ordinary suite.

The same is true for eating, Su Wei usually eats in the private room, Liu Qiang and the others eat in the lobby, and they have all meals and accommodations covered by Su Wei.

At the beginning, Liu Qiang and the others were also very apprehensive. After all, they ate so well and lived so well that they were not used to being bodyguards.

But Su Wei made him feel at ease and let them eat and drink well. Su Wei, an employer, can do it. It is their responsibility to protect his safety.

"I didn't expect that there are so many coffee shops here in Blue Qianjiang. I was thinking, if there is no coffee shop here, I plan to open a coffee shop by myself." Chen Lu leaned forward now Su Wei, she doesn't have to worry about the rest of her life, but she doesn't want to be just a canary.

After all, she has been a canary by Lao Huang's side for so many years, and she has already had enough of being a canary, so she plans to find something for herself to do.

Seeing Su Wei like this, she knew that Su Wei would not be by his side often. After all, he had so many women and was so rich, so he definitely didn't have much time for her.

At that time, she will be alone, living in such a big mansion, if she doesn't find something to do, she will definitely be very lonely.

And she is actually alone with Su Wei, when the two of them are together, she will be a little embarrassed, and she can feel that Su Wei is also a little embarrassed.

After all, the two of them don't have much affection, and it was really just an accident to have this child.

Su Wei had been avoiding her before, which really made her very sad. She thought she could only raise this child by herself, but every time she called him, he said that he would definitely be responsible.

This time when Su Wei came here, he did shoulder the responsibility of a child's father. She was really satisfied. As for Su Wei not taking her back to Su's house in the magic capital to meet his parents, she calmed down and thought about it. In fact, it is also understandable. After all, if a wealthy family like Su Wei's family really brought her a widow home, it might make their family a laughing stock in the circle.

"If you want to open it, open it. There is no rule for this coffee shop. Only a few shops can be opened on a street. If you like it, I will be directly next to this shop when the time comes. It is better than this shop. coffee shop" Su Wei didn't know that these women all had a heart to open coffee shops, flower shops, and milk tea shops.

The problem is that this kind of shop makes very little money, and it just looks very elegant. Except for the milk tea shop, which may still make money, the other two are all scams.

"Keep your voice down, the waiters can hear you." Just as Chen Lu was about to say something, she saw the waiters behind her coming over with their coffee and snacks.

Chen Lu also felt very embarrassed to open the same coffee shop in front of other shop assistants and compete with her shop.

She looked at the next order and felt that it was enough. She didn't plan to add anything else anyway. Who knows if the clerk will add some ingredients to the food? The clerk's mouth is so high, Must be very upset with them.

"Miss Sister, may I ask, do you, the owner of the coffee shop, have any plans to transfer this shop?" Su Wei knew that except for Starbucks, this kind of coffee shop does not make money at all.

Most of the time when they open a shop, they open it as soon as their heads are hot. After operating for a period of time, they find that this kind of shop is a pit, so someone is willing to take over, and most cafes can't wait for it.

"What are you doing? I'm sorry, he's talking nonsense, little sister, don't take it seriously." When Chen Lu saw Su Wei asking the clerk directly if the store was for sale, she quickly stopped her, because she opened the store just for an idea Moreover, there is no need to act so vigorously.

Although she wants to open a coffee shop, she also knows that this kind of shop is definitely not profitable. As long as you are not stupid, you can calculate the consumption in the shop and look at the turnover rate, and you can basically know the daily turnover of the shop. up.

She often went to Lao Huang's car dealership at that time, so she was not that kind of daydreamer.

"What's the matter, I'm just asking. If we really meet this boss and don't want to do it, then we just take over. It would be great if we can open the store directly without decoration, and I like this decoration very much. What do you think? So." Su Wei really thinks that this cafe is very romantic.

There are two facades, upper and lower floors. There are 13 tables on the first floor. If the upstairs is similar, there are 26 tables on the upper and lower floors. There are bookshelves on both sides, full of books.

Those who can open this kind of coffee shop are basically the kind of people who have a little spare money and a bit of literary temperament. They will come to open a coffee shop, and they don’t want to make a lot of money. They just think that they can make more money than going to work. up.

The coffee shops that are really profitable are basically opened in shopping malls, or places with a lot of traffic nearby.

But this cafe, although it is backed by the Blue Qianjiang Community, and there are apartments and office buildings, the rent of her shop must be very expensive. After all, there are two floors above and below, and the area must exceed 200 square meters. It takes up a lot of space, and the tables are placed quite far away. One can tell at a glance that the boss is not a real businessman.

"I just have some ideas, but I don't really plan to open a store. After all, if this store is open, it will definitely not make much money, and it may lose money." When Chen Lu graduated from university, she had two ideas. Ask her future husband to buy her a house in Blue Qianjiang, and the second is to open a cafe by herself.

But now that so many years have passed, she also knows how naive her thoughts were at that time, not talking about the house in Blue Qianjiang, but opening a coffee shop.

A friend of hers just opened a coffee shop. I heard that after a year, she was exhausted and lost more than 10 yuan, and the area was not as large as this shop.

"If you don't make money, you don't make money. Why do you have to do business that makes money? Others can't do business that loses money. We can do it. The most important thing is that you like it. Even if the store loses millions a year, I think it's okay. There's no problem." Su Wei will definitely not have so much time to come to Qiantang in the future.

Since Chen Lu wanted to open this store, he really planned to make it so that she could find something she likes to do.

Pregnant people are the easiest to think a lot, and finding something to do can also make her less cranky, and Su Wei is so rich, if he wants to buy this cafe, he must not only buy this cafe, but will Even this facade was bought together.

"Forget it. I thought about finding a small shop. I asked Lan Ke to open a store together. When I gave birth, there would be a person in charge in the store." Chen Lu really thought so Yes, after all, Lan Ke is boring anyway, and his husband's family conditions are not bad, and she doesn't need her to go to work.

She has been married for so many years and has never worked. She and Chen Lu mentioned several times whether they want to open a store together.

Before, Chen Lu didn't agree because she often went to the car dealership. Now that Lao Huang passed away and the dealership closed down, she decided to think about whether to open a shop with Lan Ke.

When Su Wei heard this, he didn't say anything. He planned to wait for the house to be settled before dealing with the cafe. She could see that Chen Lu, like him, liked this cafe very much. decoration.

"Huahua, what are you doing, you look so angry, did you see your ex-boyfriend?" Yang Tianzhen, the manager of the coffee shop, saw Luo Xiaohua, an employee under her, staring at the table number six.

I thought there was an acquaintance of hers at table six, so I asked jokingly.

"Sister Zhenzhen, what are you talking about? When I went to serve them a table, that woman said that she also wanted to open a cafe." Luo Xiaohua pointed at Chen Lu and said angrily.

"They may be joking, why do you take it seriously? Then did they say anything else?" Yang Tianzhen heard Luo Xiaohua say that the woman wanted to open a coffee shop. She had a bad feeling and planned to listen What did they say next.

"The man said that if he wants to open a coffee shop, he can open it right next to our shop. Do you think there is something wrong with this man? Why does he want to open next to our shop? The entire Qiantang is so big. There are already several coffee shops on this street, why do you still open here?" Luo Xiaohua is only 19 years old this year, and just came out of her hometown to work in Qiantang.

After she came out of her hometown, because she didn't want to work in a factory, she found a job as a waiter in a restaurant, or a female network administrator in an Internet cafe. However, due to various reasons, she didn't work for a long time, so she quit.

It was her third job to meet this coffee shop, and among her three jobs, it had the most money, the least work, and the best boss. She still wanted to work in peace of mind for a few more years.

She really doesn't want anyone to open a coffee shop nearby, because she has heard the boss complain to the store manager, saying that this store does not make money at all.

If the table number six really opens a cafe next to them, then their boss's business will definitely be even more difficult. In the end, the only option is to close the shop, and she will have to look for a job again.

"Did he really say that? Did he say anything else?" Yang Tianzhen didn't expect to meet another person who wanted to open a coffee shop on this street. Because of the blue Qianjiang community and office buildings on this street, They have already opened several coffee shops. Since their family only does coffee and not catering, their business is very average. If they open another coffee shop, the business here will be robbed of a lot.

Many of the people who come to the store now are looking for their bosses. The two women at table six are no worse than their bosses in terms of appearance.

At that time, her boss opened the coffee shop on a whim.

At the end of last year, I didn’t know if I didn’t count the accounts. I was shocked when I settled the accounts. After the goods were purchased, the wages were paid, and the rent was paid, the boss’s money was not as much as hers, which was similar to that of a shop assistant.

At that time, her boss planned to quit, but because no one took over, she could only continue to resist.

She looked at their boss, if no one took over, at most in the middle of the year, the boss might admit his loss and close the business and leave.

"He also asked me if the boss wants to sell this store." Luo Xiaohua didn't take this sentence to heart, because their store was the least profitable among the nearby stores. Because their store only sells coffee and snacks, it's not like other stores are restaurants, just in the name of a coffee shop.

"He really said that? He wants to take over?" Yang Tianzhen didn't expect that the man at table six wanted to take over their store, so she planned to ask to see if they planned to take over. If she takes over, her boss will lose less money.

"He really said that, but the woman said she was joking. If he really plans to buy our store, will the boss sell it?" I sold it to others, after all such a good job is hard to find.

"This is not something you should worry about. Okay, you go upstairs and see if the guests upstairs need your help." Yang Tianzhen planned to test it out later, but Luo Xiaohua couldn't let Luo Xiaohua see it.

After all, this matter has not been written yet, if the clerk finds out, it will make people panic.

Li Jiawen didn't talk much today. One was that she and Su Wei were not very familiar with each other. The other was that she came to take care of Chen Lu as a nanny today, so she basically just watched and rarely talked.

Only when Su Wei or Chen Lu asked her, would she answer.

Before that, she was still curious about the relationship between Su Wei and this Chen Lu. After all, Chen Lu was a few years older than Su Wei, and they didn't look like a husband and wife.

She walked with her for a day today, and she seemed to have sorted out her thoughts a little bit.

There is no doubt that Chen Lu is Su Wei's woman, but she is not Su Wei's wife, more like an underground lover.

This Chen Lu is pregnant with Su Wei's child now, but it seems that Su Wei's family doesn't know her existence yet.

Originally, for this kind of behavior, Li Jiawen would definitely condemn Su Wei, a scumbag, but he is really too rich, and he is willing to spend money on women.

They came to Blue Qianjiang to look at houses, and they saw two houses in total, one was 380 square meters, and the other was 715 square meters. Su Wei chose to buy a 715 square meter house without any hesitation, and it was the full price. pay.

What is the concept of full payment, full payment means not bad money, otherwise money makes money.

While Su Wei was playing with his mobile phone, he chatted with Chen Lu from time to time. At this time, a call came in. When he saw that it was Wang Xiaoyuan's call, he talked to Chen Lu, then went out to answer the phone, and opened the door. It was so big that it almost hit someone.

Chen Lu actually saw who was calling, Wang Xiaoyuan, she knew this woman, she was Su Wei's real girlfriend.

Hearing that she is a standard Bai Fumei, Chen Lu also paid attention to her scarf and Xiaohongshu, and often watched her updates.

"Scared me to death. What is this person doing? He was in such a hurry that he almost bumped into someone. He didn't even say sorry." The woman Su Wei almost bumped into just now, if it wasn't for the fact that Liu Qiang was following Su Wei, she would definitely He scolded people directly.

"Forget it, this kind of person who goes out with bodyguards, the ghost knows what he does. Isn't this Chen Lu? Long time no see." Yuan Linfang came out to look at the house with her best friend today, and the two of them just came out of the blue Qianjiang to look at the house.

Feeling a little sore on the feet, I planned to have a cup of coffee first. When the two of them were about to enter the cafe, someone opened the door and almost bumped into her best friend. When she was comforting her, she found a table of guests near the bookshelf, which seemed familiar to her. Take a closer look, it's not Chen Lu.

"So it's Lin Fang. It's been a long time. I'm sorry, there's someone here." Seeing Yuan Linfang and her best friend, Chen Lu planned to sit down at their table and hurriedly reminded her.

"Why, I haven't seen you for a few months. I can't sit at the same table with you now? Let me tell you, I'm sitting at the same table with you now. That's how I think of you. Now that Huang Shiyou is gone, you, Chen Lu, are nothing." what"

(End of this chapter)

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