Chapter 164

"Why, I haven't seen you for a few months. I can't sit at the same table with you now? Let me tell you, I'm sitting at the same table with you now. That's how I think of you. Now that Huang Shiyou is gone, you, Chen Lu, are nothing." What?" When Yuan Linfang heard Chen Lu telling her not to sit, she became angry on the spot.

When Huang Shiyou was alive before, you, Chen Lu, were richer than me, but now that Huang Shiyou is dead, and the car dealerships have closed down, what qualifications do you, Chen Lu, have to show off to yourself.

"Yuan Linfang, I didn't offend you, did I? Is there something wrong with your brain? You can sit anywhere, but you are not allowed to sit here." Chen Lu felt that this Yuan Linfang was a little inexplicable.

Because their car dealership has cooperation with Yuan Linfang's family, the two will often meet.

But she didn't know why this Yuan Linfang always had an inexplicable hostility towards her.

She also asked Lao Huang if her family had robbed her of her business, otherwise why would her mouth be raised to the sky when she saw her.

"You didn't offend me, but your face offended me. Look at yourself, you go to the car dealership in such flamboyant clothes every day, which made our old Dong go to Lao Huang's car dealership every day when he has nothing to do." Her husband Dong Dapeng, for a while, went to Lao Huang's car dealership every day, and at first she thought it was some sports car.

As a result, one night, after she woke up, she saw Dong Dapeng looking at the photos. She squinted her eyes and saw that her husband was actually looking at Chen Lu's circle of friends.

In her family, it was her husband who controlled the economic power, so she didn't dare to quarrel with her husband.

As for Chen Lu, she didn't dare to call. After all, it was her husband who had a crush on Chen Lu, not Chen Lu seducing her husband.

Although it was her husband's fault, from that day on, when she looked at Chen Lu, she felt that no matter how she looked at her, she was like a vixen, who had taken his husband's soul away.

"Look at her like this, she is very happy. She must have found a pretty face. She doesn't look like her husband just died." Yuan Linfang's best friend also knew Chen Lu. They had played mahjong together before, but they didn't expect the old As soon as Huang passed away, she immediately took Yuan Linfang's position and began to step on Chen Lu.

After all, Chen Lu's current backer, Huang Shiyou, has passed away, and she knows one thing here, which ruins the three views even more.

"What about me has nothing to do with you. I said why Dong Dapeng kept sending me messages these days. I thought he was concerned about my sister-in-law. It turned out that he had this purpose, and he deserved it.

A toad like him, only a mother toad like you can fall in love with him." Chen Lu almost threw up when she thought of Yuan Linfang's husband, Dong Dapeng's wretched look.

Since Lao Huang passed away, she turned off her mobile phone, and has been using a spare number for contacts recently.

After the old yellow car dealership closed down, many people found her by phone and WeChat, asking her to pay back the money.

Because too many incoming calls have affected her life, she has no choice but to turn off her mobile phone, and she dare not log in to WeChat, because her WeChat also has partners added.

As for whether Dong Dapeng sent her a message, of course she didn't know. As for what she said just now, of course it was a lie to Yuan Linfang.

"What do you have to be proud of now? You have been kicked out by Huang Shiyou's parents. You think you are still Mrs. Huang Shiyou now. The old couple know their daughter-in-law, who is Huang Shiyou's ex-wife. What are you? Serve as a dish by yourself." Yuan Linfang heard what her best friend told her today, and she planned to tell Chen Lu little by little, so that she could experience the feeling of having nothing.

She could already imagine that after Chen Lu heard the truth, he would suddenly change from a white swan to an ugly duckling.

"Who they like to recognize as their daughter-in-law is their business. It has nothing to do with me now. After all, Lao Huang has passed away." Chen Lu didn't know what Yuan Linfang wanted to do, they both had to be so proud ?

"That's true, who they recognize as their daughter-in-law has nothing to do with you, but they took all the money, and then planned to take the money to go abroad, and also took away the former daughter-in-law and their grandson and granddaughter" Yuan Linfang My best friend, when she heard her friend tell her this morning, she was stunned. She didn't expect Huang Shiyou's parents to be so decisive.

And their plan should not be a temporary idea, otherwise it would not be so easy to succeed.

"They sold the real estate under Huang Shiyou's name and their own house yesterday, you don't know, and they don't plan to give you any money, do you know about this?
You still come to see the house in Blue Qiantang, do you still have money?Could it be that before Lao Huang's parents left this morning, their conscience discovered that they gave you a sum of money to buy a house? "After Yuan Linfang heard what her best friend said to her today, she was also frightened. After all, she met Huang Shiyou's parents. It seemed easy to deal with before. She didn't expect to do something. You can't judge people by their appearances.

"They moved away? How is this possible? How could the house that was listed yesterday get all the money yesterday? Let me tell you, don't sow discord here. I won't believe you." Chen Lu didn't believe it, Lao Huang Even if my parents want to leave, they are not so fast.

She just moved out from home yesterday, even if she sells the house, it will take time, and she will go abroad, did they apply for a visa?

"You don't believe it, do you? Let me tell you, the house you lived in before was bought by my friend. The market price of your house is 660 million. My friend bought it with the full price of 620 million. His total I went to see the room three times, and yesterday was the third time.

I heard that there was no deal before because the house could not go through the process without your authorization.But yesterday Huang Shiyou's parents took your authorization and sold 5 houses under Huang Shiyou's name yesterday afternoon. Including the house they lived in, they sold a total of [-] houses, all of which were sold in full.

I know you won’t believe it. Fortunately, my friend took a video at the real estate bureau yesterday. Look, this is Huang Shiyou’s parents. Seeing that Chen Lu didn't believe it, Yuan Linfang's best friend opened her friend's Moments to show Chen Lu.

"But it's impossible. I just moved out of my house yesterday. How did your friend get into the house? If he goes to see the house, I can't possibly not know." Chen Lu looked at the photos sent by her friend, Those in the bureau are indeed Lao Huang's parents and ex-wife, and the house behind is indeed her previous home, that's right.

But Chen Lu was really puzzled, because she just moved out yesterday morning, and she had been living in that house before, and she didn't know why anyone came to see the house.

"Of course, when you came out, Huang Shiyou's parents brought people in to look at the house. I heard that their house sold for almost 3000 million this time, and the stock fund sold for no less than 4000 million. Huang Shiyou's parents will give you a share." Are you done?" Yuan Linfang and her best friend sang together there, revealing the truth of the matter to Chen Lu little by little. It felt so good.

Chen Lu didn't talk nonsense with them, but directly took out the iPhone in her bag, turned it on, ignored the missed calls and messages, and started calling Huang Shiyou's mother, only to hear "The number you dialed has been turned off" from the phone. , please try again later."

After discovering that Huang Shiyou's mother's phone was turned off, she used her spare phone to make a call, but it was still turned off.

She started calling Huang Shiyou's father's cell phone again, only to find that it was also turned off.

Chen Lu had no choice but to give it a try, and started calling Huang Shiyou's ex-wife, only to find that the phone was still turned off.

"I've said it all, Huang Shiyou's parents took Huang Shiyou's ex-wife and children and ran away early. You still can't believe it, they took the 7000 million yuan to Maple Leaf Country, and now they should be flying in the sky.

If it were me, I wouldn't take you with me, after all, you are a hen that doesn't lay eggs, and Huang Shiyou's ex-wife gave birth to two children." Yuan Linfang felt so happy, she didn't expect that one day, she would be able to criticize Chen Lu like this.

After all, the former Chen Lu felt out of place with them. After all, they were all yellow-faced women, but Chen Lu was still so young and beautiful.

"So that's what happened. Then speaking of it, I have to thank you all for telling me the news." Chen Lu didn't expect Huang Shiyou's parents to be like this, because she found out that she was pregnant at the time, so Huang Shiyou's behind-the-scenes events were completely unknown. It was his parents who did it, and she didn't intervene at all. At that time, she must have felt uncomfortable thinking that the white-haired person would give the black-haired person away.

Unexpectedly, their abacus began to fight at that time.

Because Chen Lu had no children, and Huang Shiyou's ex-wife had two children, they pinned all their hopes on their grandchildren.

It will take time to apply for a passport and then get a visa. They can only plan to do so a few days after Huang Shiyou passed away.

Huang Shiyou's mother used to come to her all the time, saying that she was afraid that she would be depressed, so she often took her out for shopping, and she even bought tens of thousands of dollars for Huang Shiyou's mother.

It turned out that every time I took her out, it was just because I had to take someone to see the house and clean the house before she came back.

In fact, Huang Shiyou's parents will give Chen Lu 700 million this time. It is also because they can only sell the house with Chen Lu's authorization, so they will give this money.

At that time, Huang Shiyou's parents gritted their teeth and said that the family only had 800 million in cash, so they gave her 700 million first. At that time, Chen Lu was moved.

"You're fine, Huang Shiyou's parents. They chose Huang Shiyou's ex-wife because they have two children, so they gave up on you, a hen that doesn't lay eggs. You still thank us. It seems that you are really sick." Seeing Chen Lu like this, Yuan Linfang felt that she had been too stimulated, otherwise why would she start talking nonsense.

"Forget it, let's not sit with her anymore, it will be fine if I go crazy later." Yuan Linfang's best friend is afraid that Chen Lu will be too stimulated, so she will go crazy and beat someone later.

She has seen with her own eyes how abnormal a good person will become after being stimulated.

The two of them glanced at each other and decided to sit alone at a table. If Chen Lu really went crazy later, they could still watch the show together.

"Mrs. Su, are you okay, do you need me to call Mr. Su?" Li Jiawen saw Chen Lu like this, she also thought that Chen Lu must have been injured badly.

After all, according to what they said, Chen Lu's ex-husband's family transferred all the family property behind Chen Lu's back, and Chen Lu didn't get any money. No wonder she transferred from another hotel to Four Seasons yesterday.

Another thing that Li Jiawen didn't figure out was what role Su Wei played in it.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I just let go of a big rock in my heart, and I feel like I can walk a lot now." Chen Lu didn't lie, she really felt that her shame towards Huang Shiyou had turned into a stone, and she had been pressing down on her before. Breathless, but has now been moved.

Seeing that Chen Lu was fine, Li Jiawen felt relieved, but he still prayed in his heart that Su Wei would come back from the phone as soon as possible.

"Well, I'll be back tomorrow, and I miss you too, bye." Wang Xiaoyuan called Su Wei this time mainly to urge him to go back to Shanghai.

It turned out that Wang Xiaoyuan went to Mingyuan Villa today, and Su Wei's mother asked her to call Su Wei, saying that his father was at home and either kept dogs or fish.

This time it was even more extreme. He also planned to build a Chinese-style garden in his hometown, saying that the previous house was not beautiful, and now the construction site in his hometown has stopped working.

"Hi, may I bother you, sir?" Yang Tianzhen saw Su Wei coming out to make a call, so she also followed.

But she didn't expect that the four men at the table next to Su Wei turned out to be Su Wei's bodyguards. Even when Su Wei came out to make a phone call, someone would always be there to protect him.

When she came here this time, she also gave herself a lot of courage. After all, ordinary people still panic when they see bodyguards.

Fortunately, Liu Qiang saw that she was unarmed, so he didn't stop her halfway.

Liu Qiang mainly saw that she was not malicious, and she was still wearing the work clothes of the meeting cafe. When she saw Su Wei on the phone, she waited until Su Wei finished calling before coming over. It must be something to talk to Su Wei, so he Did not stop.

"You are?" Su Wei really doesn't know Yang Tianzhen, although this girl looks good, but now Su Wei doesn't like girls who have less than 85 points.

"I'm the manager of the coffee shop I met. My name is Yang Tianzhen. I heard from the clerk earlier that Mr. intends to buy our shop. I don't know if it's true." The coffee shop is closed, and within a few months at most, she will admit the loss and close the shop, and then transfer the storefront.

As for her, to be honest, she felt sorry for her boss. If it wasn't for the boss's own shop, she couldn't bear to look at the boss's profit last year.

After all, after a year of hard work, after deducting the rent, he earned tens of thousands of yuan, and the annual salary of the shop assistants was tens of thousands.

These tens of thousands of yuan are enough for the boss's own monthly rent.

"I do have this plan. Is your boss going to sell it?" Su Wei heard that the manager of the coffee shop asked him to talk about the transfer, and thought it was their boss.

"May I ask Mr. Xia what he plans to do if he transfers this shop?" Anyway, this shop will be transferred sooner or later, Yang Tianzhen thinks it's better for her to help the boss find someone to transfer, so that she and other shop assistants, You can still continue to work here.

"Of course I will continue to be a coffee shop. If I don't want to be a coffee shop, why would I want to take over your shop?" Su Wei felt that the question asked by this person was a bit too funny.

"Then what about the staff in these stores before? How will the husband arrange them?" Yang Tianzhen felt a little confused when she heard that there was still a coffee shop here, and asked the question she was most concerned about.

"I mainly opened this store for my girlfriend. She is in charge of the staff, and I don't participate. But in the early stage, the staff should be retained." Su Wei didn't say anything, saying that these people would definitely stay. Down.

Ever since he was able to make money, he didn't like to lie except when he was dating a girl.

"Okay, then let's save a practice method. When our boss is done, I will tell her right away. After all, she is really busy, and sometimes she can't take care of this. After I confirm with the boss, I will give it to you right away. Calling" shit, their boss is so busy, he should be still in bed at this point.

"Well, if your boss sells it, please contact me as soon as possible, or it will take too long, and I will reopen a cafe nearby." Su Wei really feels that he is too busy now, and he is a bit out of control.

He must find an assistant when he returns to Shanghai this time, otherwise he won't have time to pick up girls.

"Alright Mr. Su, when our boss thinks it over, I'll call you right away." Yang Tianzhen planned to tell her the good news when he saw the boss. I believe the boss would be very happy when he heard the news.

After Su Wei and Yang Tianzhen finished chatting, they walked back to the shop, and then sat down next to Chen Lu.

"Seeing that you are so happy, do you know what I want to tell you?" After sitting down, Su Wei took Chen Lu's hand, and originally planned to tell her about what he just talked to the manager of the coffee shop he met , but seeing that she was very happy, she thought that the manager of the cafe went to Chen Lu first.

"What's the matter? I don't know." Chen Lu was just removed because of a big stone in her heart. As for what Su Wei was going to say, how could she know.

"Then you're so happy, I thought you knew that the coffee shop was going to be sold." Seeing that she didn't know, Su Wei told her about the coffee shop being sold.

"The cafe is going to give way? I don't know. I'm not happy because of this. Before I say this, you have to promise not to be angry." Chen Lu was not very happy when he heard that the cafe was going to be sold. There are few restaurants that make money, and this one is certainly no exception.

"I'm not angry, just tell me." Chen Lu made it so mysterious that Su Wei really wanted to know what it was.

"You said you weren't angry. I want to confess to you that I was kicked out yesterday. Half of it was true, and half of it was false. The truth was that I did move out of that house. The truth was that, I moved out voluntarily.

When Lao Huang passed away, the inheritance did not pass through my hands, and then Lao Huang’s father told me that after all the inheritance was sold, it could sell for about 4000 million yuan, and then they gave me 1200 million yuan to move out so that they could let people see the house , but they don't have 1200 million in their hands, only 800 million.So give me 700 million first, let me sign a power of attorney, so that they can sell the house.

After the house is sold, call me the remaining 500 million in one go. I took 700 million, signed a power of attorney, and moved out by myself yesterday.

But I just found out that Lao Huang's assets will be about 7000 million after selling them all." When Chen Lu said this, there was no resentment, only a kind of relief that outsiders could not understand.

"That is, they concealed 3000 million, and then, do you plan to get the money back?" More than 7000 million, and Su Wei slept at home for a week, which was more than this money, so he wanted to see what happened to Chen Lu want.

"If they don't come back, they have already boarded the plane to Maple Leaf Country, and the old couple took away Lao Huang's ex-wife and two children." When Chen Lu said this, there was a sneer at the corner of her mouth. Huang's mother was shrewd, but still mocked him for being so stupid.

"Then why do I feel that you are still very happy, after all, so much money is missing?" If this happened to other people, Su Wei is sure that they must be crying now.

"The loss of money can make me feel better, and I think it's not bad." Chen Lu really thought so. Recently, she couldn't sleep well every night. Although she fell asleep, the quality of sleep was not high. .

"If you think so, then I can rest assured. To me, this money is like a drop in the bucket. Don't be troubled by this matter. Do you hear me? Come on, give me a hug." Su Wei hugged Chen Lu, one by one It's comfort, and the second is to secretly take the bank card in her bag.

If Chen Lu hadn't conceived the child and Lao Huang passed away, she would definitely have to fight for the inheritance by herself. Now that she lost so much money because of the pregnancy, Su Wei planned to make up for it from her own pocket.

"Look what that man is doing. Is he stealing from Chen Lu?" Yuan Linfang, who had been observing Chen Lu, saw Su Wei sitting next to Chen Lu. with her.

"No wonder Chen Lu was proud of the spring breeze before, isn't it the spring breeze? How long has it been since Huang Shiyou passed away? Chen Lu, a coquettish bitch, has already been with the little boy." Yuan Linfang's best friend saw Su Wei stealing Chen Lu's card, and secretly took a photo with her mobile phone After downloading it, he sent the video to Yuan Linfang's husband, along with the address.

Although she is Yuan Linfang's best friend, she is not happy to see Yuan Linfang living so well.

"This little boy is really not a thing. Chen Lu also has bad eyesight. Little boy didn't find a muscular guy, but such a fool." Yuan Linfang's tone didn't know whether he was condemning or envious.

Su Wei didn't know that the people behind him took his video.

When he took the card, he just planned to transfer the money to Chen Lu first, and then tell her after the transfer.

If he told her first, she would definitely say no, and the two of them would have to push back and forth, which would be too troublesome.

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(End of this chapter)

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