Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 165 Try Calling

Chapter 165 Try Making a Phone Call (Seeking Tickets)

Chen Lu was watching this period of time, and someone sent her a WeChat message. At this time, a bank message popped up on her iPhone. When she opened it, it turned out that it was a text message from China Construction Bank.

It shows that someone has just transferred 3000 million in cash to her, and her current balance is 30873458 yuan.

Chen Lu thought it was a fake message at first, but after looking at the text message above, it was indeed sent by CCB. She looked at Su Wei immediately, and saw the CCB APP on his phone, and was about to exit the interface.

"Why are you transferring so much money to me?" Chen Lu guessed it was Su Wei the first time she saw the text message.

Because of this card, not many people knew about it, even Huang Shiyou didn't know about her CCB card, which contained her own private money.

The card that Huang Shiyou's parents transferred money to her last time was an ICBC card, so it must not be Huang Shiyou's parents. The only one left who can transfer so much money to her is Su Wei.

"I transferred this money to you just to tell you that since you were with me, you lost such a large sum of money.

Then, as your man, I will definitely not let you suffer this grievance in vain, so I will make up the money for you with my own money." Su Wei didn't expect the mobile bank transfer money to be so fast now, he just finished the transfer here, He planned to check the balance, and in less than a minute, the money was already in Chen Lu's account.

Because Su Wei took Chen Lu's CCB card, he could only transfer it to Chen Lu with his CCB card.

At that time, most of his money was stored in ICBC, but he also deposited 50 billion in the other three major banks.

At that time, several banks had told Su Wei that they could send the interest money to Su Wei in one go.

But this proposal was rejected by him, because Su Wei originally had more than 50 billion on his books at the time, and it was meaningless to give so much money, so he asked the bank to call him the interest every day, so that he could realize that every day he opened his eyes. When I woke up, I felt like I had already made tens of millions.

Just now Su Wei looked at the CCB app. Although he transferred 3000 million to Chen Lu, there are still several million in this card, which is less than 1000 million.

That is to say, in less than two months, every bank except ICBC gave him more than 3000 million in interest. If the three banks were calculated together, it would be more than [-] million.

"When you hugged me just now, did you take my card secretly?" Seeing Su Wei, Chen Lu hid the CCB card on the back of the phone. If she didn't look for it specially, it would be really difficult to find it.

Before, I only felt that Su Wei was very machismo, but I didn't expect that under the machismo, there was such a cute side.

Seeing this scene, Li Jiawen was overwhelmed with curiosity. She was very curious about how much money Su Wei had transferred to Chen Lu.

After all, according to what Chen Lu said, this time she really lost more than 1000 million yuan.

If Su Wei really made up 1000 million for Chen Lu, then she decided to go to bed today. Unfortunately, she is not Chen Lu and Su Wei's friend, she is just a butler of the Four Seasons Hotel, and she cannot ask such private questions, otherwise she will You can make up your mind to make a decision.

"This Chen Lu is really mean. She saw that she was short of money, and she already knew that this little boy had stolen her money, so she just let it go. She really deserves to be cheated." Yuan Linfang didn't expect Chen Lu to be Such a person, since he was coaxed around by a little boy.

"That man, why do I feel so familiar? Did he almost hit me at the door just now? The one next to me was the bodyguard who followed him before?" Yuan Linfang's best friend finally came to her senses at this time , What kind of a jerk is this? I'm afraid it's not Chen Lu who climbed up to some young master.

"No way? But that person is wearing DIOR clothes, the pants are invisible, the shoes seem to be DIOR, and the hands seem to be Richard Mille. If it is true, this man may be really rich. Then he Why did you take Chen Lu's bank card just now?" Yuan Linfang and the two of them kept looking at Chen Lu from a distance, discussing from time to time.

Su Wei had no idea that he was in the cafe and had already attracted the attention of everyone in the cafe.

For example, Yang Tianzhen and Luo Xiaohua, they represent that Met Cafe is paying attention to Su Wei.

In addition, Yuan Linfang and her best friend had already spoiled their faces with Chen Lu.

In the end, it was Liu Qiang and his bodyguard team who had been paying attention to Su Wei all the time.

"Boss Su, Boss Su, the talk is over, it's over." Cai Guoguo trotted all the way to the Met Cafe, and was a little out of breath after coming in, so Li Jiawen quickly poured it on her. A glass of water.

It turned out that the eldest sister of the landlord who had just 715 square meters heard that a client was very sincere in wanting to buy a house, so she came to Blue Qianjiang to meet Cai Guoguo in person.

While chatting with Cai Guoguo, I heard her say that the client had already paid 50 yuan in earnest money, and as long as she agreed to the price of 3700 million yuan, the client who inspected the house could call today to transfer the full amount.

The landlord couldn't make the decision by himself, so he called her husband and son over, and the three of them discussed in the room for half an hour, and finally agreed to the price of 3700 million, but required that the full payment must be paid today.

"The landlord is willing to sell it, right?" Su Wei saw that Cai Guoguo was running in such a hurry, and her face was flushed, and knew that it was because she was too excited to see that she was about to succeed.

"Yes, the landlord's family has already come, Mr. Su, do you want to meet with them.

By the way, the landlord agreed to the 3700 million transaction with a condition, that is, to go and sell this household today." Cai Guoguo trotted over after hearing the landlord's agreement.

Because today is the last day of March, if the bill is issued today, she will be paid next month, if it is delayed until tomorrow, the salary will have to wait until May.

Cai Guoguo drank a glass of water and felt much better. At this time, she found that Liu Qiang was sitting at another table, and at that table, everyone was dressed like Liu Qiang. Only then did she realize that Mr. Su was not Bringing a bodyguard, this means bringing four bodyguards out, she really didn't know gold and jade before.

"Is there anything good to see the landlord, no need to meet, let's go directly to the real estate bureau, anyway, the price has been negotiated, I have the full payment of 3700 million, I pay the tax myself, and he pays the agency fee, right?" If the landlord is a beautiful woman, then Su Wei will still be willing to meet her. Cai Guoguo already calls her the landlord's eldest sister, so she must be not young, so there is nothing to see.

He still needs to get the house done quickly, and he has to go back to Shanghai tomorrow.

As for the follow-up of this house, Su Wei doesn't plan to take care of it. Anyway, he saved 200 million in Four Seasons and gave Chen Lu 3000 million. He really can't manage things like buying furniture behind this house.

"Yes, Mr. Su, your calculations are correct. If there is no problem, let's go. Our company has already made an agreement with a leader of the real estate bureau. We can complete the account transfer today." The agent of this house The fee is 80. Originally, it was good to sell 4000 million to 3 points, which is 120 million, but because the landlord promised to sell 3700 million, the intermediary fee can only be discounted.

Because of the intermediary fee, Cai Yuanyuan's store manager and regional manager came over, and finally negotiated an intermediary fee of 80 yuan.

"Okay, then let's go, Lulu, bring your ID card." Su Wei has bought so many houses, and this is the first house bought in the name of a girl.

"Bring it, the ID card is in my bag, don't you think this is it?" Hearing Su Wei's question, Chen Lu quickly flipped through the bag and found the ID card in the card bag.

"Chen Lu, we have negotiated a price to buy a new house. Congratulations." Yuan Linfang didn't expect Chen Lu to be so lucky. Her husband just died, and immediately a rich second generation took over the property, and even bought him a house.

But she saw it. After the sale came in, she didn't even look at Chen Lu, and went straight to the man. It would be strange if the man didn't pay for the house.

"Who are you?" Seeing Yuan Linfang's strange look, Su Wei's expression dropped.

"I'm Chen Lu's best friend. I don't know if she has introduced me to you. My husband and her husband who just passed away are best friends. Oh, I'm sorry, Chen Lu, did I say Wrong words." Only then did Yuan Linfang understand why Chen Lu would be indifferent to why Huang Shiyou's parents ran away with all the money just now. It turned out that she had found a better backer.

But when she saw Chen Lu proud of herself, she felt very upset. Now that she saw Chen Lu and the rich second generation going out, she hurried over, wanting to expose Chen Lu's true face in front of the rich second generation.

"You and I are not good best friends, my best best friend is Lan Ke, and we just made a fool of ourselves, what's the point of saying this now?" Chen Lu didn't know why Yuan Linfang was biting her like a mad dog today I won't let it go.

She asked herself that she had never offended her before, and she would really die wronged about her husband. Her husband liked her, that was his business, why didn't she go to her husband, and if Chen Lu hadn't listened to Yuan Linfang, She didn't even know about it.

Just now when Chen Lu turned on her iPhone and logged into WeChat, she saw that Yuan Linfang's husband had sent her dozens of text messages, especially today's text messages.

He must have also heard that Huang Shiyou's parents took all Huang Shiyou's money away. Maybe he thought she, Chen Lu, was going to sleep on the street, and she talked very explicitly when she talked.

This made Chen Lu feel sick for a while, and then blocked him directly, and then deleted it for him.

"This handsome guy, I'm afraid you don't know. Chen Lu's husband died less than a month ago, and now she's kicked out of the house by his husband's in-laws. She doesn't have much money, so don't be a A foolish receiver." Yuan Linfang saw that Su Wei was still indifferent to her words, and she really felt that this rich second generation might not be an elm-headed one.

Yuan Lifang's thoughts are that although Chen Lu is beautiful, she has been divorced and her husband died not long ago. You are a rich second generation. If you can't find any kind of woman, you must be cheated. You must tell you the truth.

"I know what you said. Her husband is Huang Shiyou. He drove a car before. I bought a 918 in his shop. If there is anything else you want to tell me, let me see what else is there. I don't know." Su Wei thought she was going to say something, so he said a lot of nonsense, so you pretend to be an old green tea bitch, and you really think he doesn't hit women, right?

Yuan Linfang was embarrassed. He didn't expect that he knew all the information about Chen Lu, and he also bought a 918 from Huang Shiyou. He really is a rich second generation.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Linfang knew that it was useless for her to say more, because it was not difficult to hear from the rich second generation's words that he and Chen Lu should have hooked up for a long time, not in After Huang Shiyou died.

Then she was right about Chen Lu, she was really a vixen, she told her husband before that Chen Lu was not a good woman, and his husband also said that she was jealous of Chen Lu's good looks.

"Do you have anything to say now? No more. Well, let me tell you, I don't want to hear you create rumors for me next time, otherwise, I won't let you go." Su Wei's tone was very Light, but these words are very serious, especially when he was talking, Liu Qiang and the others all looked at Yuan Linfang, and they really wanted to pee after seeing Yuan Linfang.

Yuan Linfang nodded, only then did she realize that her best friend hadn't followed her, and turned around to see who her best friend had been sending messages to.

She didn't know if her best friend was really sending messages, or if she just didn't come up because she was afraid, but she didn't care about it now. After seeing Su Wei and the others going out, she hurried to find the bathroom and went to the trumpet.

At this point, Yuan Linfang really wronged her best friend. Her best friend was really sending messages, but the person who sent the messages was Yuan Linfang's husband Dong Dapeng.

Yuan Linfang, her best friend, actually really hates Yuan Linfang and his wife.

Because Yuan Linfang doesn't like to play with people with better conditions than her, but only likes to play with people who are not as good as her family. For example, this best friend's family conditions are not as good as Yuan Linfang's family.

Yuan Linfang is a bit of a mean person, and she has a strong temper. No matter who it is, she will directly poke your sore spot, and no matter how ugly it is, she will not save you face at all. This is what happened with Chen Lu today.

Not to mention Dong Dapeng, as soon as Huang Shiyou passed away, he could immediately send a message to Chen Lu. How could he let Yuan Linfang's best friend go? .

She wanted to take revenge a long time ago, just happened to encounter Chen Lu, and seeing that the person next to Chen Lu was not a good-tempered person, she planned to use the hand of Chen Lu's partner to teach Dong Dapeng a lesson.

In order to retaliate against Dong Dapeng, she added Dong Dapeng's WeChat with a trumpet a few years ago.

When sending a message to Dong Dapeng, he also specifically described Chen Lu and her boyfriend as a little boy with a rich woman.

Just now she saw that Chen Lu and the others were leaving, but Dong Dapeng hadn't arrived yet, so she was just using the trumpet to urge Dong Dapeng to hurry up, otherwise if Chen Lu left, she wouldn't be able to see a good show.

As soon as Su Wei and the others reached the door, they saw a Cayenne, followed by a Toyota Overbearing, and the two cars stopped abruptly on the road outside Yuyu Cafe.

A tall, cropped, middle-aged man in his forties got off the Cayenne.

Then 6 people got off from Ba Dao and Cayenne one after another, blocking Su Wei and the others on their way to the Elfa car.

"Chen Lu, long time no see. I've been looking for you everywhere these days." When Dong Dapeng was in his hometown during the Chinese New Year, a friend called and told him that Huang Shiyou had died. He didn't believe it at the time.

It wasn't until the next few days that more and more news came that he knew that Huang Shiyou had really died of alcohol poisoning.

At that time, he didn't think that his good brother passed away, and he would never see this good brother again.

Instead, he thought that Chen Lu had no one to take care of him now, so he could finally sneak in.

But then, he found that he couldn't get in touch with Chen Lu, whether it was by phone or WeChat, there was no way to get in touch with her.

At that time, he thought that something had happened, but after contacting a well-informed friend, he found out that Chen Lu didn't see many people these days, and there were a lot of harassing calls, so he turned off his phone.

This morning he heard that Huang Shiyou's parents had gone to Maple Leaf Country with Huang Shiyou's ex-wife and children. He hurriedly inquired, only to find out that Chen Lu was still in Qiantang, and seemed to have been kicked out.

This made him feel that the opportunity had come, and then sent her a lot of explicit remarks on WeChat. He planned to wait until Chen Lu opened WeChat to see these words from him, and then be with him, and in the days to come He came to shelter her from the wind and rain.

In the afternoon, he was having dinner with some friends, and then a friend he didn't know on WeChat sent him a video. The content in it was that the little boy hooked up with a rich woman, and went to steal things when his greed was not satisfied.

He opened it and saw that the rich woman inside turned out to be Chen Lu. He was about to go crazy with rage at that time. He didn't expect that something he hadn't got yet would be preempted by a little bastard.

Then he took his group of friends, according to the address on WeChat, drove directly to kill here.

"Dong Dapeng? Why are you looking for me?" Chen Lu thought that Dong Dapeng was looking for Yuan Linfang because Yuan Linfang was in the cafe.

It's just that she wondered why Dong Dapeng brought so many people to the cafe. Chen Lu didn't expect that Dong Dapeng came to find her specially.

"Who is this person?" At the time when Chen Lu and Yuan Linfang fell out, Su Wei was on the phone outside, so he didn't know who Dong Dapeng was, so he leaned into Chen Lu's ear and asked.

"You are the handsome boy that Chen Lu is looking for, right? Chen Lu, Huang Shiyou passed away only a few days ago. You are so impatient to find a handsome boy as your boyfriend. Your speed is too fast.

Boy, I don't care if you are trying to get Chen Lu's money or the person who is trying to get her, I tell you, as long as I am here, you can't get either of these two things, I tell you, you'd better stay away from her, and don't let her You and I are here in Qiantang, so we can't go out safely, believe it or not." Seeing Su Wei holding Chen Lu and being so close to her, Dong Dapeng was going crazy.

He had been thinking about that position for several years, but he didn't expect that this little boy would take him first.

"I can't get out of the Qiantang? I'm so scared. Lulu, he actually threatened me that I couldn't get out of the Qiantang. What should I do?" Su Wei looked scared, but everyone knew He was not afraid, but mocking.

"Dong Dapeng, who am I with? That's my own business. I don't need to inform you. Besides, don't you feel disgusted by the text messages you sent me?" Chen Lu was really messed up by Dong Dapeng and Yuan Linfang. Speechless.

She didn't expect that there would be such a shameless couple in this world.

Seeing Huang Shiyou's death, my wife felt that she must be down and out, so she immediately tore her face and mocked herself.

And her husband is even more weird. When Huang Shiyou was alive, the two had always called brothers and sisters, but in fact they had already started thinking about their sister-in-law.

When Huang Shiyou passed away, the husband immediately came to show her hospitality, impatiently planning to take over.

"Even if you're not with me, there's no need for you to find such a badass.

People like them will lie on women to suck blood, and when they suck your blood dry, they will leave you and then look for the next target, and you don't know it yet, when he just hugged you, he was still stealing For your money, I am the only one who really likes you." Seeing that Chen Lu was still obsessed, Dong Dapeng felt that he was a knight who wanted to save the princess.

"Uncle, are you here to make fun of me? I'm a jerk? I stole Chen Lu's money? I'm afraid you have some serious illness, and what are you doing here with so many people? You won't come here to block us, right?" Su Wei is indeed much paler now than when he was reborn.

And because he is rich and confident, Su Wei's temperament has become cheerful and confident. He may not be very handsome, but in the crowd, you can definitely see him at a glance. He is not very handsome, but he is attractive. .

"You're right, we're here to block you. We are all obliged to educate you on behalf of the victimized woman for such a silly face like you who lied to a rich woman." Among Dong Dapeng's friends, Su Wei is still alive at this time. To provoke them, they intend to teach him a lesson first.

It's just that there are too many passers-by, and they have to occupy the moral high ground first.

Well, he regarded Liu Qiang and the others as people who met the cafe.

"I don't care if you specialize in catching rich women in a bar, or you work in a KTV. In this way, you can say a price, and how much you are willing to leave Chen Lu. If you don't tell me, then my group of friends can't do it. None of them have a good temper." Dong Dapeng reached out and stopped his friends, planning to have a good chat with Su Wei first.

"If you don't know, believe it or not, I can get all the information about you with just one phone call, and I can even find out how old you are if you don't wet the bed." Dong Dapeng's friend didn't intend to really do it at first, but he just screamed loudly That's all, seeing Dong Dapeng stopping them, he immediately walked down the steps.

"Then believe it or not, I can get all of you in with one phone call." Su Wei didn't need to make any other excuses, just drunk driving was enough for them.

He was a few meters away from them, and when a gust of wind blew, he could smell alcohol, and seeing that their faces were flushed, it seemed that they hadn't drank less at noon.

"You're so awesome, try making a phone call, I'm begging for sanctions, I want to see if you, a foreigner, can get me in." Dong Dapeng laughed angrily, he didn't expect this foreigner to speak so loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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