Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 166 Dong Dapeng's couple is over

Chapter 166 Dong Dapeng and his wife are over (seeking tickets)
"Okay, okay, since you asked for sanctions, if I don't make a phone call to sanction you, wouldn't it appear that I am talking big here?" Su Wei turned around and planned to call Chen Lihua.

"Little white face, which old lover are you planning to find again? Let me tell you, if you don't have a strong backing today, wait for us to fix you here, and then send you to the police station to deceive you I'll find out about the woman's money for you." Dong Dapeng's brothers all drank at noon today.

Now that the alcohol is on, they feel that they have the final say on the entire Qiantang, just a little boy, afraid of your fart.

I'll let you call now, and I'll give you a meal later, to see if you still occupy so many good-looking girls by yourself.

Su Wei has two beauties, Chen Lu and Li Jiawen, beside him is Cai Guoguo. Although she is not as beautiful as Chen Lu and Li Jiawen, she is still very attractive as a young woman in her 30s.

"Su Wei, why don't you let this matter go, there's no need to make a big fuss." It's not that Chen Lu doesn't want to make a big fuss, but Dong Dapeng has been in Qiantang for decades after all, and Su Wei's foundation is in Shanghai.

If this happened in Shanghai, she would definitely support Su Wei unconditionally. After all, Su Wei must have something to do with him in Shanghai.

But this is in Qiantang, she is afraid that Su Wei will find a relationship later, if it is beyond the reach, she might make herself ashamed.

"Believe me, it's okay, I'm not a raptor but a river." Su Wei ignored the provocations of a few drunks, and after getting through the phone, he walked away from Chen Lu and the others, and chatted with Chen Lihua.

"Chen Lu, tell me about you. What's the point of finding such a street slut with a bad face? Whether he can give you money or a house, in the end you have to support him. If you follow me, it will be different. , although I am not as rich as Lao Huang, but now I can earn several million a year, so it is no problem to ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing." Dong Dapeng saw Xiaobailian went to make a phone call, and he began to persuade Chen Lu.

"I told you what kind of person I'm looking for, it has nothing to do with you, and whoever told you, he's a little boy." Chen Lu and the others stood there without moving. They didn't want to go back to the cafe or to the car. He wanted to wait for Su Wei to finish his call.

After all, there are Liu Qiang and his four bodyguards in this place. How can this place be as safe as other places?

Li Jiawen didn't expect this afternoon to be so exciting. First, Su Wei wanted to buy the house in Blue Qianjiang with all the money, then Chen Lu's identity was revealed, and then he met Chen Lu's suitor. The two sides began to confront each other. Looking for a relationship, this link is more exciting than TV dramas.

Among so many people, Cai Guoguo was the most anxious one, because it was already past four o'clock, and he was going to transfer the ownership of the house.

In the end, meeting a group of people like Dong Dapeng was really bad luck. Can't they come back after the house transfer?

When the three women faced Dong Dapeng's group of people, none of them were afraid, because they knew that there were four bodyguards of Su Wei behind them.

Don't look at the seven people on the opposite side, but they are either fat or thin monkeys. On the other hand, looking at Su Wei's side, Liu Qiang and his four bodyguards are all powerful.

"Look at this video, is it that this little boy is stealing your card? I didn't lie to you, don't get stuck in the mud and don't know it. This kind of boy is with you just to suck all your money." Dong Dapeng also said Feeling very tired, he told Chen Lu the truth, why Chen Lu just didn't understand.

In desperation, he could only hold up his phone and show Chen Lu the video of Su Wei and her being secretly filmed at that time.

"My husband did get me, but he wasn't." Chen Lu looked at the video and found that the location in the video was taken in Yuan Linfang's direction. Looking back, she happened to see Yuan Linfang's best friend, who was looking at Yuan Linfang through the glass. laugh there.

He was about to explain that Su Wei was not a bad boy, but was interrupted by Dong Dapeng forcefully.

"You actually called this little boy husband? You're still shameless." Hearing that Chen Lu called Su Wei her husband, Dong Dapeng kicked the electric car next to him and fell to the ground.

"Brother Dong, don't be angry, don't be angry, it's not worth it for this kind of woman." Dong Dapeng's friend saw him lose his temper, and hurried over to comfort him.

"Aren't you out of your mind? Our brother Dong is sincere to you. Otherwise, you would be cheated of money by this little boy. Why should he take care of your affairs? It's not because he likes you. Don't be ignorant." Those who persuaded Dong Dapeng also came to persuade Chen Lu.

"I said, my affairs have nothing to do with him, I don't know him very well." Chen Lu was about to collapse, who the hell is this.

After drinking some wine, I just like to talk nonsense there, and I don't listen to what she has to say at all.

"Brother Dong, why does this woman look like she doesn't know you very well?" Among Dong Dapeng's friends, there are not sober people. Look at Dong Dapeng, isn't this a story about licking a dog?

But he figured he understood, but as Dong Dapeng's brother, he could only mention it a little bit.

"This woman, I think it's probably Dong Ge's mistress outside. Now that she sees that she has no hope of being in the top position, she finds a little boy outside. Am I right, Dong Ge?" It's Dong Dapeng's boy, and he feels that his boss, Brother Da, is someone who walks sideways in Qiantang.

How could it be a licking dog, so he made up a plot by himself.

"Let me tell you, you must not let your sister-in-law know about this matter, do you hear?" Although Dong Dapeng has the financial power at home, he still knows one thing, that is, a wife is a wife after all, and a lover is just a lover after all.

Even if he really got Chen Lu, he wouldn't really marry Chen Lu, but would just keep her outside.

After all, Yuan Linfang gave birth to him two daughters and a son, while Chen Lu has been with Lao Huang for so many years, and has not even given birth to a single egg.

"Brother Dong, don't worry, with our mouths, even if the vise comes, we can't open our mouths." Dong Dapeng's little brother slapped his chest, but when something really happens, we don't know if it can be done. up.

"Tell me, who did that kid call? He looks very confident, and he is so crazy, but why have I never seen such a person in Qiantang?" Dong Dapeng's friend looked at Su Wei like this, It doesn't feel like he's putting on airs, after all, he's too confident.

"If their acting skills are not good, how can they get mixed up in the society? They can cheat those rich women around because of their good acting skills. If I have this acting skill, I will also be a fool." Dong Dapeng's friend Here, there is a dog-looking guy who is doing his analysis there.

"If he really crosses the river and comes to this three-acre land in Qiantang, he will coil up for me if he is a dragon, lie down for me if he is a tiger, and I will support him when the sky falls." Dong Dapeng also knows this. It's okay to help the brother's virtue, and it's okay to fight the wind. If the backing on the opposite side is really strong, they may be the first to run away.

After all, he is such a person himself, so he doesn't believe that his group of wine and meat friends will support him more.

Others think about it, it is indeed the case, after all, Dong Dapeng is not an unknown person, even if the little boy on the other side really has something to do with it, it will be a negotiation later.

"The people I called, it will take a while to come over. Why didn't you go to the car? Let's go, let's go to the car and wait for them first." After Su Wei made the call, he saw Chen Lu and the others still waiting for him where he was. Let's go to the Alpha car first.

After listening to Su Wei's words, the women knew that there should be no problem when they saw his relaxed expression.

"Little white face, where are you planning to go? Aren't you planning to call someone? Why are you planning to run away?" Among Dong Dapeng's friends, seeing Su Wei and Chen Lu planning to go to Elfa, he quickly blocked the car door with his body , and looked at Li Jiawen with a particularly wretched expression.

"Did I run away from you, did you really embarrass me?" Su Wei was already furious, and when he saw that they were still blocking the car door, he kicked them up.

"Damn it, you dare to beat someone, fuck him to death!" Dong Dapeng and the others saw that their brother was beaten, so they were already drinking, and a few people planned to come over to besiege Su Wei.

Liu Qiang and the others had been on guard against them for a long time. When they saw Su Wei making a move, they rushed up immediately.

Before Dong Dapeng and the others figured out the situation, Liu Qiang and the others beat him down several times.

The others were all punched and kicked, and almost couldn't get up. Only Dong Dapeng got up three times, knocked out two teeth, and just lay down on the ground obediently.

Su Wei kicked the man. The man was going to get up to take revenge, but before he could get up, Liu Qiang grabbed him and made Su Wei hit a sandbag there.

After Liu Qiang released the man, the man sat down on the ground, wanting to cry.

Because he looked over, all the seven people who came over had been beaten to the ground, and Dong Dapeng was the worst, with all his teeth knocked out.

He knew that he had encountered a hard stubble, and he had no hope of revenge on his own, so he could only see if Dong Dapeng could give him some relief.

He didn't expect this little boy to be so shady. If you had bodyguards, you would have told him earlier. If you had known that your bodyguards were so good, they would have talked about it at most. How could they stop him.

And didn't Dong Dapeng say that this is a little boy, who has so many bodyguards by his side, maybe he is not the son of some big boss.

Among the 6 people who fell to the ground, at least 3 are scolding Dong Dapeng in their hearts, and the other [-] are thinking about Dong Dapeng's revenge for them.

"Stop it, don't hit me. If you hit me again, I will call the police." Yuan Linfang just came out of the toilet when she saw her best friend, as well as the clerk and other customers who met the cafe, all lying on the glass edge of the cafe and looking out.

She thought something good was going on, so she also leaned on the glass and looked out.

When I looked at it, I saw her husband Dong Dapeng standing on the sidewalk outside the cafe, and there were 7 people on his side, and they almost surrounded Chen Lu and the others. It seemed that they had already Hold Su Wei and the others.

But Yuan Linfang knew that Su Wei and the others had bodyguards, and those four bodyguards stood among the passers-by, and surrounded Dong Dapeng in turn.

But her husband didn't seem to notice the existence of the bodyguard, and was still barking his teeth and claws there.

At this time, she didn't want to know whether Dong Dapeng came here to find her or Chen Lu. She only knew that if she didn't go out again, her husband would be miserable later.

Because don't look at Dong Dapeng's seven people, but they are all alcohol-tested fighters, and they are basically free when they meet those bodyguards with eight-pack abs around Su Wei.

She was indeed right, but who knew that things were developing too fast. She originally wanted to go out to stop the fight, but after she went out, it turned into preventing her husband from being beaten.

When Liu Qiang and the others saw that Dong Dapeng and the others were all beaten to the ground, they heard Yuan Linfang's cry again, and two people came to block Yuan Linfang from approaching Su Wei.

"Your name is Dong Dapeng, right? Why aren't you crazy anymore? Why are you lying on the ground like a dead dog now?" Su Wei squatted beside Dong Dapeng and slapped his face with his hand.

"Little boy, don't be complacent. I am miserable now, but this matter is not over. If you have the ability, you can beat me to death. Otherwise, when you enter the police station, our positions will change." Dong Dapeng didn't expect this little boy Surprisingly, there were four bodyguards beside him. If he had known this was the case, he would have called more people to act aggressively.

Now I was forced to pretend not to be able to, and I was beaten up, and even my teeth were knocked out.

"Hahaha, you are so naive. I am a jerk. I earn more money in a year than you in your entire life. You actually call me a jerk." Su Wei was speechless. He touched his face, could it be How handsome recently?

"What are you doing, why are you not letting me pass, Chen Lu, tell them to get out of the way, I have already called the police, and the police station will be here soon, you and you wild man are waiting, you dare to beat someone in broad daylight, you Let's all stay in the cell." Yuan Linfang saw that Liu Qiang and the others wouldn't let her go, so she could only get angry at Chen Lu.

She now hates Chen Lu, a vixen, if she hadn't seduced men everywhere and made her husband so obsessed, how could her husband have confronted the wild man she is now, and was beaten so badly.

She felt that there was nothing wrong with her husband, all the faults were caused by Chen Lu.

"The police station is here. If they want to arrest you, you are the ones who provoked it first. We are just defending ourselves." Chen Lu didn't expect Su Wei's bodyguards to strike so hard, they couldn't beat them up. .

Chen Lu thought too much about this point. After all, Liu Qiang and the others were professionals, so how could it be possible that they did not do anything lightly or seriously.

Except for Dong Dapeng who was really beaten badly, other people lying on the ground pretended, because they saw Dong Dapeng got up twice and got beaten twice, so they understood, as long as they sit on the ground and don’t get up , these bodyguards will not hit them.

And now that they have calmed down, they understand that this little boy is really not simple, and there are so many powerful bodyguards of Kong Wu behind him. people go.

It's not what they think, it's just a bluff, after all, how can the little boy have any money, so he should find this kind of professional bodyguards to protect him.

And looking at the relaxed expression on the little boy's face, he didn't take the beating as a serious matter at all. It seemed that the backing behind him was very strong, and Dong Dapeng might not necessarily be his opponent.

"This is Qiantang, not your hometown. Don't brag with me here. I hope you don't pee your pants when someone from the police station arrives." Dong Dapeng still feels that he can handle Su Wei, a handsome boy, in Qiantang.

"This is Qiantang, here is Qiantang, you don't need to remind me, you have said it many times, I know this is Qiantang, if the tiger is not at home, a monkey like you can be the king.

By the way, that's your wife, right? Both of you husband and wife said they want to send me in, so I hope you really have that ability, otherwise this game won't be fun." Su Wei took out his phone and looked at himself. Really handsome? But why didn't I see it.

Is it because I am used to seeing my own appearance, so I don't feel much about it?

Five minutes after the beating, the police station finally came, and they came in two vans.

When Dong Dapeng saw someone coming from the police station, he changed from lying on the ground in desolation, and suddenly jumped up, his whole body was alive and well.

After all, he didn't talk nonsense before. He has stayed in Qiantang for so many decades, and it's really not for nothing.

He may not know very high-level executives, but in general administrative units, he still knows quite a few people.

He imagined that when he entered the police station, he would meet those old acquaintances, eat and drink hot food in the police station, and watch the little boy being interrogated in the interrogation room. It was very beautiful to think about it.

"You arrested the wrong person. I know you Zhang Ju, you want to arrest them." Dong Dapeng did not expect that after the police station came, he communicated with Xiaobailian first.

Then the police put rose gold handcuffs on him and his brothers directly.

"Why are you arresting people randomly? I called the police. Why did you arrest the person who was beaten? Why didn't you arrest the person who beat him?" Yuan Linfang had no idea when the police station came and arrested her husband first.

"You are his lover, right? Then just come with us too. You are honestly suspected of drunk driving." The team led by the police station, before he came here today, someone specifically explained it to him.

So how could he catch Su Wei? If he was caught, he might be released in a blink of an eye, and he would have to wear shoes.

When Yuan Linfang heard about drunk driving, her whole head was buzzing.

Because Dong Dapeng could tell from the looks of it that there was a high probability that he came here after drinking. If he came here by himself, it would be over.

"Brother, misunderstood, I know you, Jue Zhang, if you don't believe me, call me, or if you uncuff me, how about I call you, Jue Zhang?" Dong Dapeng was really scared, he was drunk today Ah, so he can only struggle desperately to get the police to call him.

"Why arrest us? We are the ones being beaten. Why arrest us?" Several of Dong Dapeng's brothers were also arrested, each with a pair of rose gold handcuffs.

People from the police station took Dong Dapeng's 8 people into two vans and drove to the police station, but the captain received a call on the way, and the car diverted to the nearest hospital.

After going to the hospital, they were asked to go for a urine test first, and then to draw blood. Yuan Linfang also went through these two procedures.

After getting the results, the police station took Dong Dapeng and the others back to the police station. At this time, Yuan Linfang was also wearing a pair of rose gold handcuffs.

"Okay, the matter is perfectly settled, Xiao Cai, you lead the way, let's go and transfer the ownership of the house." After seeing the police station taking the man away, Su Wei greeted Cai Guoguo to the real estate bureau.

Being delayed by them, more than half an hour has passed.

"Okay, Mr. Su, then I'll take the co-pilot of your car. I'm right in front, and I'll show you the path to get there quickly." Cai Guoguo saw that Su Wei made a call, and the police station really came over. Dong Dapeng took it away, and now when he talks to Su Wei, his voice is more obsequious.

"Su Wei, Dong Dapeng and the others?" Chen Lu actually wanted to ask Su Wei if Dong Dapeng and the others had arranged for him to be arrested.

"It's half a month for those who drink and don't drive, and half a year for those who drink and drive." Su Wei's words are tantamount to admitting that he arranged it.

"It really feels like these two couples are mentally ill." When Chen Lu was speaking, she suddenly remembered something and looked inside the cafe, but at this time, the shadow of Yuan Linfang's best friend had disappeared.

Because Chen Lu remembered that in the video Dong Dapeng showed her, the only one who could capture them at that angle was sitting at Yuan Linfang's table. This video must not have been sent by Yuan Linfang. There is only one truth, and that is Yuan Linfang's best friend. issued.

"Indeed, the two of them seem to be a little too extreme, and they seem to have mental problems too." Su Wei felt that the two of them, the husband and wife, gave him the feeling that they were always easily excited.

When Su Wei and the others arrived at the real estate bureau, it was already almost 5 o'clock. Fortunately, the relationship Cai Guoguo and his company found was relatively reliable. They just got the account approved before the real estate bureau closed, but the real estate certificate would take a week later. It just came out, and then it will be sent directly to the villa of the Four Seasons Hotel.

"Dong Dapeng's couple is over." On the way back, the police station called Su Wei, saying that among the eight Dong Dapeng and the others, seven had drunk alcohol, but Yuan Linfang hadn't.

The police station intends to investigate them for the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble. Except for Yuan Linfang, everyone will be locked up for at least 15 days.

It also found 5 people with a history of drug abuse. Both Dong Dapeng and his wife participated in it, and they may be arrested and forced to detoxify.

Dong Dapeng and his employees are also drunk driving, suspected of drunk driving and drug driving, and they will basically be locked up for half a year.

Moreover, after Dong Dapeng and the others were arrested, someone reported them in their real names for taking drugs, and there were drugs hidden in their home.

And the person who made the report by real name was Yuan Linfang's best friend. When she saw Dong Dapeng and the others kicking the iron plate, she immediately came out of the meeting coffee shop, and then drove all the way with the car of the police station.

On the way, she reported to the police station with her real names, saying that Dong Dapeng and his wife were taking drugs and that they were hiding drugs at home.

That's why the car from the police station was transferred to the hospital on the way.

(End of this chapter)

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