Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 170 Drunk Chatting

Chapter 170 Drunk Chatting
"I just want to buy a house in Qiantang, Viagra, if you are free for a long time, can you accompany me back to my hometown, and then drive your most luxurious car." Actually, Li Jiawen hesitated for a long time when he said this. , because she felt a little too hasty to say it now.

Until she heard Su Wei say that if she was pregnant, she would buy her a house worth tens of millions.

It was only after she heard this that she knew that Su Wei didn't treat her differently, and she mustered up the courage to speak out.

And she will choose to be with Su Wei, the main purpose is to help her family live a good life.

As for how much she can like Su Wei, or how much she can love Su Wei, that's completely nonsense.

After all, she and Su Wei have known each other for more than 20 hours, and it would be hell if they could develop feelings, so she understands, and Su Wei understands too.

"Let's talk about that later. By the way, can you still walk by yourself? Do you want me to take you to the shower room to take a shower? Forget it, let me take you." Su Wei saw Li Jiawen's weak body From the look, you can tell that she is a little bit out of strength.

"You can just support me, I can go by myself." Li Jiawen asked Su Wei to take a bath in his arms, and he was ashamed to death.

"Don't move around, or I'll throw you into the swimming pool." Seeing Li Jiawen moving around because of shyness, Su Wei began to threaten her.

Su Wei carried Li Jiawen to the shower room, and then helped her to wash together, but the smell of the two of them changed after washing.

It took almost an hour to wash in it before coming out. This time Li Jiawen was carried out by Su Wei, and she didn't even have the strength to struggle.

"I'll put your clothes here, you can wear them after a rest, and I'll drain the water." Su Wei didn't dare to help Li Jiawen dress anymore, who knows if there will be another fight .

Li Jiawen lay down on the chair and rested for a while. Although his whole body was still weak, after resting for a while, he still had the strength to wear clothes, but walking was still boring.

Su Wei saw that Li Jiawen was already putting on his clothes. He didn't change his own clothes, just wearing swimming trunks. First, he went to open the water valve in the swimming pool. When he saw that the water was slowly decreasing, he ignored it.

Wait until tomorrow day, and then ask the nanny of the villa to put another pool of water.

"Viagra, I'm hungry, I want to eat barbecue." Li Jiawen, who was dressed, looked at Su Wei pitifully.

Just now Su Wei took her out and threw the clothes to her. She was no longer as shy as when she came to the swimming pool just now, and put on the clothes directly in front of Su Wei.

After all, it was different now. The two of them had exercised twice, once in the water and once in the shower room.

"Then you order some takeaway, bring it to the villa to eat, and you can drink some later, and we just get to know each other." Today Su Wei heard Chen Lu tell him about her family background, and he came back to his senses. Although he There are already so many women, but in fact, he has never really understood them.

Whether it's Wang Xiaoyuan, or Wu Fei, or Zhang Xuewei, Liu Jing, Chen Lu, even Li Jiawen who just won.

He really didn't know anything about these women's family background or living habits.

"Really? Then I'll go up Viagra first. Do you have anything you want to eat?" Li Jiawen didn't expect Su Wei to want to know her.

In fact, her attitude towards Su Wei was very uncertain before. After all, her relationship with Su Wei depended entirely on Su Wei.

If Su Weizhen gave her a random sum of money and asked her to leave after he got her, there was nothing she could do.

But fortunately, Su Wei is not such a person, and he also said that he will buy her a house in the future. As for whether it is a cake or not, Li Jiawen can only choose to believe it.

"Barbecue, I want to eat oysters, squid, and lamb skewers are also good." Su Wei heard Li Jiawen talk about eating barbecue, and he remembered that he hadn't eaten much barbecue since he was reborn.

As he remembered more and more barbecues, his stomach became more and more hungry. After all, today's physical exertion is a bit heavy.

"Okay, then I'll go up first." Li Jiawen became cheerful after seeing Su Wei's attitude.

After all, she is only 24 years old. If it weren't for the pressure of her family, she should also be a lively and cheerful goddess.

Rather than the high-cold goddess in other people's mouths before, the word high-cold, to a certain extent, represents this woman, who rarely smiles.

Li Jiawen can leave, but Su Wei can't just leave like this. He first found a bucket, fetched a few buckets of water in the swimming pool, and then washed all the blood on the edge of the swimming pool and the marks on the deck chairs with water. all over.

After seeing that there were no marks left on the poolside and deck chairs, Su Wei put on his own clothes and went upstairs.

"The two of them finally went up. They couldn't talk, and they almost suffocated me." Although Chen Lu didn't know about Su Wei and Li Jiawen in the swimming pool, the two nannies who lived in the nannies' room on the first floor, how could they May not know.

Especially at the beginning, Li Jiawen cried for a long time, it was too painful after all.

They were woken up at that time, but they didn't know who was who. After all, there was a Z-shaped aisle between the swimming pool and the nanny's room, so they could only hear the sound, but couldn't see it. screen.

"This man must be Mr. Su, but who is this woman? Is that Miss Chen?" Nanny B was very curious about who the hostess was.

Because the two of them didn't go out and just listened to the voice in the room, she always wanted to know who this woman was who had been barking for almost two hours.

"Didn't you hear that? Ms. Chen in this villa is pregnant, and she went to bed early. That Miss Lan left this afternoon. Don't you know who else is in this villa, Li Jiawen, I knew her voice as soon as I heard it, and I didn't need to look at her face at all." Nanny A has been in charge of the presidential villa for several years, and has been dealing with Li Jiawen for more than a year.

At that time, after Li Jiawen finished his internship, because of his good looks, he started to take charge of the President's Villa in the second month of his regularization.

"I didn't expect Li Jiawen, the cold goddess of the Four Seasons Hotel, to be so coquettish. I thought she would be a dead fish in bed because of her coldness. I didn't expect her to sing so well, so I was called by her this morning. Cleaning the yard, that doesn't mean that the two of them hooked up in the morning." Nanny B heard that the woman was Li Jiawen, and remembered what happened in the morning, so angry that she was dying.

This Li Jiawen, just because she wanted to flirt with a man, asked her to clean the yard by herself. Although the yard is not big, it took a lot of time to clean the stools and the bathtub. She was busy alone in the yard this morning. More than three hours.

"It should be like this, but Li Jiawen doesn't know that this Mr. Su already has two women, why should she jump on him?" Nanny A left the water all night yesterday, and didn't see Su Wei until this afternoon.

But when she saw Su Wei, apart from feeling that he had a good temperament, she didn't feel that he was particularly attractive.

I don't understand why Li Jiawen chose him. After all, Li Jiawen's appearance is well-known throughout the Four Seasons Hotel, otherwise the hotel would not have arranged her to be the butler in the most expensive presidential villa in the hotel.

She has been in contact with Li Jiawen for more than a year. As far as she knows, there are not 100 people who chase Li Jiawen, but there are 80, but Li Jiawen has never been moved.

"You don't understand this? The charm of money, this Mr. Su, he lives in our presidential villa, [-] a day, think about how rich you are." Nanny B saw that nanny A didn't understand, shaking shook his head.

"That's not right. It's not that there are no rich second generations living in our presidential villa. As far as I know, several rich second generations have chased her, but they were all rejected because she rejected those rich second generations. The second generation, that's why she got the nickname "Golden Goddess" Nanny A still thinks this is not the main reason, because Li Jiawen works in Four Seasons, and she does not lack opportunities to contact the rich second generation.

"Then let me tell you, this Ms. Chen is not Mr. Su's wife, she seems to be a lover." Nanny B shared the news she knew with Nanny A.

"Isn't it? It's a blast this time. How do you know? If this Miss Chen is a lover, plus Miss Lan who left, then Li Jiawen's brain is flooded and she still joins in. Why does she think that this surname is Su?" Yes, you will marry her?" Nanny A thinks it's not the reason, otherwise why would you look for Mr. Su, wouldn't it be good to find a serious rich second generation?

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet, the three of them went out this afternoon.

When I came back at night, Mr. Su was on the phone outside, Ms. Chen was on the phone in the living room, and I was in the living room.

I heard Ms. Chen and her friend say that Mr. Su bought her a 4000 million mansion. Think about 4000 million and gave her 3000 million in cash. If you were Li Jiawen, would you Pounce." Nanny B was in the living room today when she heard Chen Lu and Lan Ke calling.

At that time, Chen Lu and the others were on the phone, discussing what style of furniture to choose, but nanny B overheard the conversation.

"No wonder, with a 4000 million house and 3000 million cash, it's no wonder Li Jiawen doesn't like the boys from the Four Seasons Hotel, nor the rich second generation who pursues her. The gap is too big. If it were me, I would definitely not I made the same choice as Li Jiawen." Nanny A heard that Su Wei bought a house for Chen Lu today, and the money he gave.

Now she wished she could become Li Jiawen and get tens of millions of things.

"Don't think about it, don't you have a daughter, why don't you call her here?" Nanny B saw how eager Nanny A was, and teased her with her daughter.

"It's really possible. Someday I will let my daughter come to play in the four seasons on vacation. Then I will see if I can have a chance encounter with this Mr. Su." Nanny A thinks that this method of nanny B is okay, and plans to really call her daughter Come try it, if it works.

Anyway, since her daughter went to high school, she has already had a few boyfriends. If they are cheap, it is better to cheap this Mr. Su.

Nanny B took it seriously when she saw Nanny A, and she stopped teasing her, because she had seen Nanny A's daughter before, so she could only say that she was average-looking, unless this Mr. Su was blind, he might fall in love with her daughter.

Su Wei didn't know that the nanny knew about him and Li Jiawen, but even if she found out, it would be fine, since Li Jiawen will leave the job tomorrow anyway.

When I return to the Four Seasons Hotel in the future, I will act as a guest, not as an employee.

"Is this barbecue so quick?" Su Wei spent half an hour down there doing all the calculations, but he didn't expect that the barbecue had already been delivered when he came up.

"This barbecue was sent by my friend, not the barbecue I ordered." Just now Li Jiawen turned on her mobile phone to place an order, and found that her best friend Liu Beibei had just sent her a photo, asking her what she wanted to eat.

The others wanted to sing K, but she was the only one who still missed Li Jiawen, so she didn't go with them.

Li Jiawen transferred 1000 yuan to her best friend, telling her that the owner of the villa wanted barbecue, and asked her to bring some barbecue and some beer.

"Your friend is a man or a woman. If you are a woman, you can invite them over to eat together." Su Wei is such a realistic person. Women can come over to eat, but men don't mind.

"It's a good best friend who shares the dorm room with me, but it's okay to ask her to come over. She just ate outside, and now she may need to rest." It is definitely impossible for Li Jiawen to call her best friend, who knows what Su Wei is calling Notice.

Although her best friend is not as beautiful as her, she is still a beauty. If something happens between the two of them, isn't she cultivating a competitor? She might not even have time to cry.

"Well, forget it, the weather is okay today, let's eat in the yard, and I'll see if I can see the stars later." Su Wei thought the living room was boring, so he wanted to put the barbecue in the yard.

"This is good, and it's really not that cold today." Although Li Jiawen's walking is a bit inconvenient, it's okay to walk slowly.

"Now you can tell me why you want me to drive a luxury car to your hometown." Su Wei opened the wine, because his mouth was too dry, he drank half a bottle of wine first, and then asked Li Jiawen.

"Didn't I tell you that the conditions in my family are very poor, because my father always wanted a younger brother, so he gave birth to three daughters and a boy. Because of this younger brother, the family paid tens of thousands of fines, and now they still have money." There are 15 foreign debts.

And my second sister is now in the third year of high school, the third child is now in the second year of high school, and my younger brother is now in the second year of junior high school. My father broke his foot last year because he was riding a motorcycle, and he may be crippled for the rest of his life. Now our family depends on I work here to make money." Li Jiawen was very worried when he said that, after all, the family conditions are really bad.

"You should still have something to say. Why do you want me to go to your hometown? You haven't told me yet." Seeing that Li Jiawen didn't drink, Su Wei knew that she couldn't let go.

Seeing what Li Jiawen wanted to say, he stopped her and asked her to have a drink before speaking.

"Cough, cough, sorry, I'm not very good at drinking.

When I was young, because I was poor, I always picked up the clothes that my relatives didn’t want to wear. At that time, during the Chinese New Year, other people of the same age in other families wore new clothes, but I still wore old clothes, so our family was in the village. joke.

Other families in the village have already lived in new houses, but my house is still an earthen house because there is no money to repair it.

I haven’t gone back for a few years, because I was working during the winter and summer vacations. When I went back last year, the son of a very rich man in our village fell in love with me and insisted on coming to my house to propose marriage. Scold me, and scold my parents.

Relatives in the village also helped them speak, saying that I was able to marry their family because my family's ancestral grave was smoking, and they also said that I would never find a better family than them.

I have been holding a breath in my heart, so this time I think Viagra, you and I will go home, so that my father and my mother can have a good time." Li Jiawen said a few words and took a sip of wine, said a few words and took a sip of wine, After a while, I drank half a bottle of wine.

"It's simple. After the 15th, you remind me when the time comes. When I finish my work, I will take you back to my hometown. Then I will definitely save your face." Damn, think For my woman's attention, Su Wei plans to wait until then to celebrate his birthday.

Just drive a few Rolls-Royces over there, and then make Li Jiawen's fellow villagers look up.

"Brother Viagra, can you lend me some money?" Li Jiawen would never have dared to say this before.

But after she drank a few sips of beer, she became dizzy and spoke a lot more boldly.

"Borrow money? You don't need to borrow money. Just tell me how much you want, and I'll give it to you directly." Su Wei frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

It's too blatant to mention money just after they have a relationship.

"No, I don't want you to give it to me, I will borrow it, and I will return it to you when I have money." At this time, Li Jiawen had already started to drink alcohol.

Su Wei also saw that she was drunk. He didn't expect Li Jiawen to drink so lightly, he only drank half a bottle of beer.

"Okay, okay, I'll borrow it from you, so you should at least tell me what you want to borrow the money for." Su Wei found out that Li Jiawen was drunk, so he didn't care too much, and planned to hear what she was going to do with the money.

"I want to buy my dad a house in the city and let them move out of the countryside. I don't want them to be a joke in the village. I also need to pay for my younger siblings to go to college, but I don't have money, woo woo woo, woo woo woo" Li Jiawen burst into tears as he spoke.

The main reason was that she was under too much pressure, and she didn't usually drink alcohol. Today, after drinking half a bottle of beer, Li Jiawen got drunk and uttered all the grievances in her heart.

Li Jiawen was crying and fell asleep lying on the recliner.

"I can't drink, let me tell you earlier, so now I'm the only one drinking alone." Seeing that Li Jiawen was asleep, Su Wei didn't help her to the room, but let her lean on the chair, and then covered her with a blanket .

Because Li Jiawen is like this, he will definitely vomit later, and if he vomits in the room later, he might as well vomit in the yard, where the koi can still eat.

Su Wei drank, looked at Li Jiawen, and thought she was very funny, then took out his mobile phone and started to take pictures of her when she was drunk.

In fact, Su Wei heard about the family situation of Li Jiawen's family, and then heard that her whole family is now relying on her salary to support her alone, and the reason she intends to borrow money is just to move out of the countryside and prevent her family from continuing to live. Being seen as a joke by the villagers.

Su Wei really felt sorry for her. He didn't expect Li Jiawen, who was the same age as him, to live such a difficult life.

(End of this chapter)

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