Chapter 171 We Are Really Together (Ticket Request)
The next day.

After Li Jiawen woke up in the morning, she opened her eyes and found that she was not sleeping in her dormitory, but in the guest room of the Four Seasons Hotel.

After all, she has stayed in the Four Seasons Hotel for two years, so she is very familiar with it. Whether it is the arrangement of things or the brands used, she is very familiar with it.

He opened the quilt and checked himself, and found that he was wearing a nightgown, and the underwear inside was still there, just the outer clothes, which were casually thrown aside.

She walked around the room and found that she was not in a villa room. She opened the window and found that she was living in Hujingxuan Villa.

Taking out the phone to check the time, I found that it was already 9:[-] in the morning, and there were dozens of missed calls in the phone. When I opened it, it was all calls from her girlfriends and colleagues.

After Su Wei sent her here yesterday, in order to let her have a good rest, she turned off the sound of her mobile phone, so she can sleep until now.

"Hey, what's wrong with Beibei?" Li Jiawen originally wanted to sit on the balcony, but it was raining heavily, so he had to sit in front of the window sill and dialed the number of her best friend Liu Beibei.

"Hey, Li Jiawen, why are you only answering the phone now? My little ancestor, what's the matter with you? Why can't anyone contact you today?" Li Jiawen is the housekeeper of the president's villa, and Liu Beibei is The butler of the Ambassador's Villa.

Because there were no guests in the ambassador's villa yesterday, she went back to sleep after delivering the barbecue to Li Jiawen.

Today she woke up at 7 o'clock and found that the news in their small work group was already 999+.

Open the content and look, the content inside is all about Li Jiawen, and it is about Li Jiawen and the guests of the President's villa.

They will discuss this matter, not what the two nannies in the villa said, but last night, Li Jiawen was drunk and entered the Four Seasons Hotel by Su Wei on his back.

Because Li Jiawen was originally from the Four Seasons Hotel, and she was known as a cold goddess, so basically everyone in the hotel knew her.

Seeing that she was brought by Su Wei to open a room, and she was still drunk, the front desk did not open a room for Su Wei immediately.

Instead, he planned to wake Li Jiawen up first, so he wiped Li Jiawen's face with a towel.

Li Jiawen woke up, but she hugged Su Wei's arm and kept emphasizing that this was her boyfriend.

The front desk of the Four Seasons Hotel had no choice but to open a lake-view villa for the two of them.

The room is open, but the news has basically spread to the small group of employees of the Four Seasons Hotel.

"My phone is on mute, what's the matter, what happened?" Li Jiawen now only remembers the things before drinking, and she has forgotten all about the things after drinking.

"What's the matter, wait for me, I'll come to your room right away" Who doesn't know Li Jiawen in the Four Seasons Hotel, she was sent by Su Wei to open a room yesterday.

The whole hotel knew that she lived in Hujingxuan Villa, so Liu Beibei didn't need Li Jiawen to tell her which room she was in, Liu Beibei came directly to her.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Li Jiawen thought Liu Beibei was weird because he couldn't remember what happened last night.

At this time, I saw that there were dozens of missed calls and hundreds of messages in the phone.

She took a look and found that the callers were all colleagues from the Four Seasons Hotel, both men and women.

The wechat messages were all sent by these colleagues, and some male colleagues questioned her relationship with the villa client.

She ignored the calls and messages, but opened the wechat work group, which was full of speculation about her and Su Wei.

Most people tended that she did have an affair with Su Wei, while a small number of people thought that Li Jiawen was drunk and talking nonsense.

Li Jiawen and Su Wei are inclined to hook up, mainly girls.

She tends to be drunk, mainly some of her licking dogs, and a Liu Beibei.

Someone also sent out the video surveillance in the lobby, in which you can see the whole process of Su Wei carrying Li Jiawen in in detail. Li Jiawen was ashamed to watch this video, and then she silently downloaded and saved this video.

As for what the group has been arguing about, whether they are together or drunk, she directly typed "We are indeed together" in the group and then quit the group directly.

Instead of quitting a group, we quit all the groups, including large groups of employees.

Less than 2 minutes after she quit the group, the supervisor called and asked her why she quit the group and whether it was because of the incident yesterday. The hotel can give her a few days off and come back after recuperating. work.

But they were all rejected by Li Jiawen, and Li Jiawen directly proposed to resign on the phone, the kind that he would leave today without even asking for salary.

After making the phone call, Li Jiawen began to check the messages sent, and as long as there was anyone who questioned her, regardless of whether it was a man or a woman, he would delete all of them.

If I don't eat your rice, who am I with, I need to report to you.

Scrolling to the bottom, I saw Su Wei's message and asked her to send him a message when she woke up.

She immediately edited a message saying that she woke up, and Su Wei sent a text message to Su Wei yesterday saying whether she was tired or not.

Ten minutes later, Li Jiawen heard someone ringing the doorbell outside, and the voice was very urgent.

"Jiawen, what happened to you and your villa guest yesterday? Why did you drink with him? Don't you know how to drink?" Liu Beibei didn't check her phone on the way here just now, and she didn't know that Li Jiawen had already admitted to having a relationship with him Su Wei is together.

She still thought that Li Jiawen had drunk too much yesterday, and she didn't think she would be with the villa guests at all.

"Beibei, the guest in that villa is Su Wei, and I'm with him." Li Jiawen didn't intend to hide it from the people in the hotel, let alone Liu Beibei, after all, Liu Beibei is her best friend. best friend.

"You don't have a fever, do you? Oh, today is April Fool's Day, you want to lie to me, right? No, no, are you serious?" Liu Beibei thought Li Jiawen was lying to her at first, but looked She looked serious, not joking.

"It's true, you see, I've been joking with you like this for a long time, and I don't celebrate festivals." Because Li Jiawen is poor, he doesn't celebrate any festivals except Chinese New Year.

"You are with him? Do you remember what you told me, he has two women, he is a sea king, have you forgotten, what are you trying to do with him?" Liu Beibei felt that Li Jiawen must be crazy , Otherwise, why are you so overwhelmed and insist on looking for that kind of Neptune.

Even if it's a relationship, she has a first-level number, and the opposite party is at least level 50 or above. Isn't this self-defeating.

"What else can I figure out, figure out that he is rich?" The opposite is Liu Beibei. If it were someone else, she wouldn't even want to explain.

"You wanted his money, why didn't you agree when so many rich second generations were chasing you? Even if those rich second generations are Neptune, they are at least behind the scenes, and this Su, he is clearly Neptune." Liu Beibei found her best friend, and she hadn't really known her for more than six years.

Li Jiawen used to say that he wanted to find a rich man. Liu Beibei saw quite a lot of rich second generations chasing her, but Li Jiawen didn't agree to any of them. He thought she was just joking, but she didn't expect that she was really looking for money. .

After all, this man knew her, and it was only three days today, so she wouldn't believe it if Liu Beibei was killed because of love.

"Su Wei said, when I get pregnant, he will buy me a tens of millions of mansions, so that I will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life." Li Jiawen accompanied me to the house inspection yesterday, only to realize that the original tens of millions of houses is not It is very big, not as big as a villa.

"Just believe what he says. Are you so naive?" Liu Beibei didn't expect Li Jiawen to believe such words. Her boyfriend also said that she only likes her and that they will always be together. It's not proof that it's a lie.

"I believe it, because he bought a 4000 million villa for the lover in the villa, and gave her 3000 million in cash." Seeing that she didn't believe it, Li Jiawen told her what she knew.

"No way, you actually took what a man said when he wanted to sleep with you? I've said it a long time ago. You should have more love affairs. You've experienced a lot. You wouldn't believe such outrageous things. Ah" A man bought tens of millions of houses for his lover, she believed it.

After all, there are a lot of this kind of news broadcast on TV, but those guys are who they are, they are all old men who want to keep young girls.

But the Su Wei she was talking about was only a few years older than them. The rich second generation like him might still be spending money from his family. How could he give so much money to his girlfriend.

"It's true, I accompanied them to see the house yesterday, and it was sold on the spot. The house has been transferred to the real estate bureau." Li Jiawen didn't want to talk anymore, because it seemed that no matter what she said, Liu Beibei just didn't believe it.

"Wait, what did you say his name is, Su Wei? Is he from Modu?" Liu Beibei seemed to have heard of this name somewhere, so he quickly opened Moments to find it.

She remembered that she had seen this name in the circle of friends. At that time, someone called him Viagra in the comment area, which impressed her deeply.

"He's not from Modu, he's from southern Shonan, but he does live in Modu, do you know him?" Li Jiawen didn't expect Liu Beibei to know Su Wei, is he very famous?

"Look, is this him? Although the photo is a bit dark, you can tell it's him, Su Wei, the second generation of the super rich in Shanghai. I heard that he is suspected to be the young owner of the Suning Group. So he is really super rich. The second generation, Jiawen, you really caught a rich man." Liu Beibei's wechat friend was a guest of the Four Seasons Hotel before, when he struck up a conversation with Liu Beibei, the two even exchanged wechat numbers.

"Su Ning? That's the Suning we've heard of?" Li Jiawen didn't expect Su Wei to be so rich. After all, there are not many people in China who haven't heard of Suning.

"It's that Suning. If it's true, Jiawen, you must hold him firmly. In the future, I will be popular and drink spicy food, but it's all up to you." Liu Beibei is also very real. After discovering that Su Wei is indeed rich , the first thing Li Jiawen wanted to do was catch Su Wei, and don't let him run away.

When she came here before, she had been telling Li Jiawen to break up all the time, so she could only say that money can turn ghosts around.

Li Jiawen woke up at nine o'clock, but Su Wei got up later. He woke up at one o'clock in the noon. She has woken up, one is that she has resigned.

In fact, Su Wei didn't reply to Li Jiawen's message for so long, and Li Jiawen was very flustered. After all, she is no longer the housekeeper of the villa, and she can't go to the villa area to find Su Wei.

We can only wait for Su Wei to come to her, but what is pitiful for her is that she has only 1500 yuan in her entire family. She had 2500 yuan before, and 1000 yuan was used to buy barbecue and beer for Liu Beibei.

Except for the room that Su Wei gave her, she dare not go anywhere now because she has no money.

Su Wei opened the window and found that the weather was very bad today. It should have started to rain in the early morning. Looking at the yard, all the barbecue and beer he ate yesterday had been cleaned up.

When I came downstairs, I found that the housekeeper of the villa had been replaced by a female housekeeper who was slightly worse than Li Jiawen in appearance and temperament.

"Hi, Mr. Su, I'm Liu Beibei. Because Li Jiawen has left today, I'm the housekeeper of the President's Villa." After Li Jiawen left today, Liu Beibei heard that she was assigned to the President's Villa.

At that time, she was secretly happy. She also wanted to learn from Li Jiawen, and hoped to fly on a branch and become a phoenix.

But when I saw Su Wei today, I directly poured cold water on her, because when Su Wei saw her, it was no different from seeing the nanny aunt, as if he was not interested in her at all.

"The swimming pool on the first floor should be out of water. You can ask auntie to put another pool of water in later. By the way, where is Chen Lu?" Su Wei sat on the sofa in the living room, checked the time, and asked Liu Beibei .

Su Wei already booked the high-speed rail business seat ticket yesterday morning, and the time is at [-]:[-] pm.

"Ms. Chen and Ms. Lan went to the Jinsha Hall for dinner, Mr. Su, do you need to go there?" Liu Beibei took a closer look today and found that Chen Lu was really pretty.

In terms of appearance, Chen Lu and Li Jiawen are on par, and even Miss Lan, who came later, is also a first-class beauty.

Among the three of them, she herself was indeed not outstanding in any of them.

"No need, order me a bouquet of roses. When the flowers arrive, arrange for a tram to take me to Hujingxuan Villa. By the way, after I pass, send me a lunch." Su Wei looked Since Chen Lu went to have dinner with Lan Ke, he just took advantage of this time to settle Li Jiawen.

"Okay." Seeing that Su Wei was going to Li Jiawen's place later, Liu Beibei originally wanted to tell Li Jiawen, but after thinking about it, forget it. If he did, Li Jiawen might still be unhappy.

After all, this was a surprise given to her by Su Wei. If the surprise was known in advance, it would not be called a surprise.

When Su Wei came to the Four Seasons Hotel, he was already waiting at the front desk and delivered the roses to Su Wei.

Su Wei took the 99 roses and found that there were too many roses and it was really not easy to hold.

On the way to Li Jiawen's room, I found many waiters whispering with their backs to him.

The staff of the Four Seasons Hotel already knew about Li Jiawen's resignation this morning.

And what Li Jiawen said, we are indeed together, and it was sent to all the small groups of the Four Seasons Hotel.

So now that they see the male protagonist in the incident, they must be paying special attention to him. They all want to know who is the man who can win the most beautiful flower in the Four Seasons Hotel.

Su Wei didn't know that in just 5 minutes, his photo had already appeared in all the small groups of the Four Seasons Hotel. The Four Seasons Hotel also watched the live broadcast and recognized who he was.

After those people's popular science, everyone now knows that his name is Su Wei, and he is a super rich second generation in Shanghai. He lives in houses worth hundreds of millions and drives cars worth tens of millions.

"Who is it?" Li Jiawen heard someone knocking on the door, but looked through the cat's eyes and found no one.

She thought that some colleague was joking with her, but when she opened the door, she saw a large bouquet of roses in front of her.

"I've been waiting for a long time. I just woke up and saw your text message. Have you eaten yet?" Su Wei handed the rose to Li Jiawen, and asked the waiter to bring in the dishes.

"It's okay, but I know you must be still sleeping, so I didn't send you more." Li Jiawen saw such a big bouquet of roses, and took them happily.

In the past, she hated people giving her flowers the most, because there were too many people giving her flowers.

But today she doesn't dislike this flower at all, because it was given by Su Wei.

"I'm going back to Magic City today, why don't you go back to Magic City with me, and you can come back when I come next time." Su Wei was actually a little distressed, she didn't know how to arrange Li Jiawen, after all, she During the two years, I spent all of them in the Four Seasons Hotel.

"Okay, I have been to Shanghai on a business trip before, and I must take a good look around this time, so where will I live when I go to Shanghai this time?" Of course Li Jiawen wanted to live in Su Wei's house, In this way, her identity will be more stable.

"I have a house in the Maoming mansion in Kaide, and I will give you another car to drive, so you can go around the magic city." Su Wei definitely can't arrange her in Gubei No. [-], where Wang Xiaoyuan often goes, As for Tianxi, Liu Jing will go to that house if she has nothing to do, and then there will be Kaide Maoming Mansion, and No. [-] Huangpu River.

Huangpujiang No. [-] will be handed over next month, and the key has not been given to me yet, so there is only one choice, which is the Kaide Maoming Mansion.

"Then can you go shopping with me? I haven't shopped with a man other than my brother." Li Jiawen usually went shopping by himself, and he went shopping with Liu Beibei a few times.

A lot of people asked her to go shopping, but the reason she didn't go was because she had no money. After all, shopping with other people, just looking at things but not buying them was quite boring.

"Okay, then let's go shopping for clothes the day after tomorrow. You pack your things first, and I'll pick you up later." After eating in Li Jiawen's room, Su Wei told her not to bring too many things. You can buy them all, there is no need to take them with you, and you can throw away all the clothes that should be thrown away. It happens that the two of you are going shopping on the [-]rd.

Su Wei also has no clothes to wear now, and many of his clothes have been worn for the third time.

(End of this chapter)

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