Chapter 172

When Su Wei returned to the villa, it was almost three o'clock, and Chen Lu and Lan Ke had already finished their meal and came back.

"What time is your car today? Do you want me to send you?" After Chen Lu got up this morning, she saw that the housekeeper was replaced by Liu Beibei, and after Li Jiawen resigned, she probably guessed that something happened.

But she is a smart woman, knowing that Su Wei is such a flamboyant person, she can't really take it easy.

After all, Su Wei still had an affair with Lan Ke, so she didn't think that Lan Ke was a good sister.

Anyway, she has this child in her stomach, but she is more stable than others.

"I don't need you to send me the car after four o'clock. It's raining so much today, so you don't go to the Jinsha Restaurant to eat. If you like to eat, you can ask the Jinsha Restaurant to deliver the food directly." Su Wei saw Chen Lu didn't ask about Li Jiawen, and knew that she didn't want to care about it, which made him very satisfied.

After all, if a woman meddles too much, he will be very annoying.

Su Wei, Chen Lu, and Lan Ke chatted in the living room for about half an hour. After explaining what should be explained, they packed up their things and planned to go back to Shanghai.

Take the tram to the Four Seasons Hotel, pick up Li Jiawen, then get on the Mercedes-Benz S-Class of the Four Seasons Hotel, and depart for Qiantang High-speed Railway Station.

"What's the matter, I'm very reluctant." Seeing Li Jiawen staring blankly out of the window, Su Wei thought she was reluctant to be here.

After all, if Su Wei suddenly asked him to leave the place where he worked for several years, he would also feel reluctant.

"No, I just didn't expect them to see me off. I thought they would despise me." Li Jiawen just took his luggage and came to the lobby of the Four Seasons Hotel.

At first, she thought that her colleagues would despise her, but she didn't expect that many people who knew her and those who didn't know her came to send her blessings.

Even Xiao Yang and Zhao Lei came to wish her happiness.

Su Wei didn't speak at this time, but held her hand. Unexpectedly, when Li Jiawen saw Su Wei holding her hand, she shook it back even harder.

It can be seen that her heart is actually not as peaceful as her face shows.
Boundary ---
When Su Wei took Li Jiawen off the high-speed rail, Tian Ling and Zhang Dehui were already waiting in the parking lot.

The two of them drove a Rolls Royce and a Volkswagen Touareg.

"This is the Rolls-Royce Phantom Extended, right? Is this your car?" Although Li Jiawen knew that Su Wei was rich, there was a big difference between knowing and actually seeing him.

"Yes, get in the car." Su Wei opened the door of the back seat for Li Jiawen and let Li Jiawen sit in.

Originally, this car was driven by Tian Ling, but now with Liu Qiang, she can only take the co-pilot in this car.

"Old Liu, drive the car to Kaide first, I'm going to send Jiawen to see where she lives in Shanghai during this time.

Check that house first and see if you are satisfied. If you are not satisfied, remember to tell me." If Li Jiawen is not satisfied, then Su Wei plans to give her directly and change to Bulgari's Bulgari suite, where 15 a night I don't believe there is anything picky about the room.

"I'm not picky, as long as I have a place to live, I'm satisfied." Li Jiawen also secretly checked the Maoming mansion in Kaide, and the average price of houses there was more than [-] square meters.

And Chen Lu bought a house in the blue Qianjiang of Qiantang, which only cost more than 5 yuan per square meter. The magic city is worthy of being a magic city, and the price is really expensive.

"Do you have any favorite car, such as sports car, SUV, or GT coupe?" Su Wei planned to ask her what kind of car she likes first, and then decide which car to use for her.

"I have never driven a sports car in my life. After I got my driver's license test last year, I often practiced with a hotel car, but there are only executive cars and MPVs in it. Why don't you drive me the cheapest sports car?" Like A beautiful woman like Li Jiawen doesn't need her to talk if she wants to practice driving. Those licking dogs in the concierge department have already arranged the car for her.

Anyway, that car belonged to the hotel, not privately owned, and they were slapping their little calculations when they used the hotel car as a favor.

"Sports car, okay, after I deliver it to you, I will send you my 911." Su Wei counted his cheapest car, it must be a Porsche 911, and other cars are basically 400 More than 300, only this car is more than [-] million.

"Porsche 911? Is it too expensive? Are there any other cheap cars?" Li Jiawen didn't expect that Su Wei's cheapest car was a Porsche 911. She has been working in Four Seasons for two years, and she hasn't learned anything else. Luxury brands and luxury car brands still know about it.

After all, she is serving the Four Seasons Hotel and the housekeeper of the Presidential Villa. The hotel is trained in this area. If you don't know anything, how can you communicate with the guests.

"My cheapest car is this 911. Although this car is not expensive, it is very commemorative. This car is the first car I bought in my life." Indeed, after Su Wei was reborn and got the money, I didn't know what car to buy, so I chose this 911.

Although there are many cars behind, there are very few opportunities to drive this car, but I have to say that this car is really easy to drive, much easier to drive than Ferrari or Lamborghini.

"It's so commemorative, you won't be afraid that I'll break it." Li Jiawen didn't expect Su Wei to drive his first car for her. Although the model is a bit old, she will definitely drive it well.

Well, Li Jiawen really regarded Su Wei as the kind of rich second generation who grew up with a golden key in his mouth, and thought this car was a very old 911.

"It's broken? It's okay, just give me yourself."

Because Su Wei wanted to send Li Jiawen to the Maoming mansion first, he had to take a long detour first.

"This is where you are going to live for a while now. Give me your bank card first, and then you can go and see how the house is, and see if you like it." Su Wei planned to transfer a sum of money to Li Jiawen, Because if Li Jiawen told him the truth before, her whole family would live on her salary.

Then she shouldn't have much money on her. Even if Su Wei gave her a place to live and a car to drive, she might still have to stay at home for a while.

"This house is nice. I think it's better than the decoration of the Four Seasons Hotel, but there are no toiletries here." Li Jiawen knew that Su Wei wanted her bank card and planned to transfer money to her.

She has nothing to be ashamed of, after all, she chooses to be with Su Wei because of money.

Li Jiawen visited the house and found that there were all the big things, but there were basically no daily necessities.

"I just bought this house not long ago, and I haven't lived in it yet. Are you satisfied with this house?" Since I bought this house, I have had a campaign with Zuo Qing here.

"I'm very satisfied with this house, it's better than any place I've lived in before." Li Jiawen thinks this house is perfect. Although it's not particularly big, the layout of two bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms, plus this decoration, she I really like it, it is exactly like her dream home.

Although she envied Chen Lu's house, she didn't really like that house very much, because that house gave her no sense of privacy.

She likes that kind of small house, just like this house, there are not many rooms, just enough to accommodate herself.

Because she has been sharing a bed with several younger sisters since she was a child. When she went to college, she shared a dormitory with her roommates, and when she started working, she shared a room with Liu Beibei.

So her previous dream was to allow her parents to move to the city and have a small house of her own, without having to be crowded with others.

"It's fine if you like it, then I'll ask Tian Ling to come over to give you the keys and toiletries, then you have to buy them yourself, I transferred a sum of money to you, you can use this money as you like, but don't transfer all of it Go home, and when I go to your house, I will give them another surprise." Su Wei now knows that Li Jiawen is from Sichuan and Chongqing, and plans to check on her home after this busy period .

"I'll keep some for myself, don't worry." Li Jiawen didn't think about Su Wei, who would transfer a lot of money to her now, but she actually planned to transfer all the money to her family later, and she had the 1500 block, enough is enough.

But now is the time when the family needs money, the younger siblings are studying, and the father can't work, how can she just enjoy herself.

Su Wei said that he would take her back on the 15th, and now it is the 1st, 1500 yuan for 15 days, [-] yuan a day, is enough.

"Don't send all the money back. I will take care of your father's house, so don't worry." Seeing Li Jiawen's answer, Su Wei knew that she would definitely not listen to him.

Originally, I planned to give Li Jiawen a surprise, but seeing her like this, I had to tell her in advance.

"Really? My dear, you are so kind." Li Jiawen kissed Su Wei excitedly when he heard that Su Wei promised to buy a house for her parents.

She originally thought that Su Wei would at least wait until she was pregnant before buying a house for her and her family, but Su Wei planned to buy it now.

"Okay, don't kiss anymore, I'm running out of time, I'm leaving." Su Wei saw Li Jiawen's face kissing slowly turn into a mouth kiss.

Run away quickly, you can't do without running, now that Li Jiawen has been developed by Su Wei, he likes this kind of thing very much.

But Su Wei is inconvenient today. One is that time is running out, and the other is that he is going to see Wang Xiaoyuan today.

"Pfft, slow down, I won't eat you." Li Jiawen couldn't help laughing when he saw Su Wei running away.

Although she said she wouldn't eat him, if Su Wei walked slowly just now, Li Jiawen really planned to eat him.

After seeing Su Wei leaving, Li Jiawen took out his mobile phone and opened the ICBC mobile banking app, intending to see how much money Su Wei transferred to her
Su Wei was here just now. Although she was very curious, she would definitely not be able to check how much money was transferred in front of Su Wei.

Li Jiawen used to have no money and saved every penny, so she didn't turn on SMS reminders.

The most generous time in her life was transferring 1000 yuan to her best friend yesterday to buy barbecue and beer.

At that time, Liu Beibei took the money because she thought it was from the guest of the villa. She never thought that Li Jiawen would transfer 1000 yuan to her to buy a barbecue.

After opening the APP, it shows that the balance is 501534.25, and she herself has 1500, that is, Su Wei just transferred 50 to her.

When Li Jiawen got the money, she didn't jump up happily, but she couldn't stop crying, because she knew that their family was going to turn over.

This time, she plans to listen to Su Wei and transfer 20 to her family first, of which 15 is used to repay the debt, and the other 5 is for the family to spend.

No amount of money will be transferred. After all, Su Wei said that he will go to her house on the 15th, and she will give Su Wei this opportunity to perform.

After sending Li Jiawen off, Su Wei didn't go back to Gubei No. [-] directly, because his parents knew he was back and asked him to go to Mingyuan Villa for dinner.

"I don't care, don't lead this dog, Lao Liu, next time you encounter this kind of dog running out of nowhere, just hit it to death for me!" Su Wei was chatting, but Liu Qiang gave him an urgent Brake, throw the phone out.

After looking at it, it turned out that there was a teddy just now, which was walking on the side, and suddenly rushed to the road. Liu Qiang didn't want to hit it to death, so he had to brake suddenly.

"Okay President Su, next time this happens, I'll know what to do. I'll go down and check the situation first." Liu Qiang was also frightened to death, but it's not without Su Wei's order. Now Su Wei said this In other words, the next time he encounters this kind of dog rushing out, he will definitely press it without slowing down.

After all, he has been with Su Wei for a while, and he knows how rich and powerful Su Wei is.

Now that the boss has spoken, he, the bodyguard, of course knows what to do.

"President Su, this dog seems to be raised by the old man's neighbor, but I don't know how it came here today." Tian Ling hated this dog to death, because her room happened to be close to the neighbor's side, and this dog also She likes to call early in the morning, she often wakes up from a good sleep.

"Son, son, where are you, don't run around, be careful not to be hit by those drivers who don't have eyes." A 50-year-old, a bit fat aunt was walking from the inside of the community.

Because she walked in a hurry, and because she was fatter, the flesh on her body kept rising and falling.

"Boss, the dog is fine, but it seems to be frightened." Liu Qiang walked down and saw that the wheels were only two mobile phone lengths away, and they were about to crush it.

Teddy should have been so frightened that he didn't move at the same place. Liu Qiang thought he was scared to death at first, but after looking at it, he was just frightened, because Teddy shivered, and it turned out that he was scared to pee.

"Son, what did you do to my son? Let me tell you. If you kill my son, I will kill you for life." Sless stopped in the middle of the road.

She had an ominous premonition at the time, so she rushed here, only to see Teddy under the car.

The fat aunt thought her son had been hit to death, so she took the bag and beat Liu Qiang, threatening him while beating.

"Such a lady, calm down, your dog is not dead, it was just frightened." Liu Qiang was also very depressed, he did not expect that the dog's owner was so domineering, but he was a woman.

"You are the dog, and your whole family is a dog. Let me tell you, if something happens to my baby, just wait, I won't ruin your family, and I won't believe in Zhao." The fat aunt heard Liu Qiang say that her Teddy is Dog, this pissed her off.

She started cursing on the spot, and she never stopped beating Liu Qiang with the hand that held the bag.

"Ms. Qian, your baby is fine, it's just scared." Tian Ling knew this fat aunt, after all, she was Su Wei's father's neighbor, and everyone couldn't see her when she looked up, so how could she not know her.

But Aunt Qian, after knowing that Tian Ling is just a bodyguard, every time she walks past her, her nose is raised high.

"Let me tell you, my baby better be fine, or your boss won't be able to protect you." Aunt Qian looked down on bodyguards like Tian Ling, thinking that they lived in the community and lowered the level of the community.

After all, tens of millions of people can only buy a set in this community now. How much does this kind of bodyguard earn a month? It is impossible for them to live in this community on their own all their lives.

"Liu Qiang, what are you doing? Don't leave yet. Why is that dog still there? Give it a kick to make it go away." Su Wei didn't want to talk at first, after all, this family is his neighbor, but now he heard To her endless.

And he even started to threaten his employees, really giving her face, thinking who she is.

"Okay..." Liu Qiang was already full of anger. Although Su Wei said so, he didn't really kick the dog, but threw it to the fat aunt.

But when I mentioned it, Teddy peed out of fear, and the bottom of his butt was all wet.

"You're going to die, you little red guy, you wait, I'll go talk to your parents later, and see how they educate you, you're so uneducated." Aunt Qian saw her baby being thrown away by Liu Qiang Give it to her, after she caught it, the area on her chest was full of dog urine smell.

"Old Liu, I haven't eaten dog meat hot pot for a long time, do you like it?" Su Wei saw that Aunt Qian dared to call him ill-bred.

"Mr. Su, I haven't eaten dog meat hot pot for a long time. Should we eat it at the old man's place later, or go back to Gubei No. [-]?" Let's eat dog meat together.

If you go back to Gubei No. [-] to eat, then wait until you go back.

"Let's eat it when we go back to Gubei. If my parents know that we beat the neighbor's dog, they will definitely get angry." Su Wei thought for a while, and decided to go back to Gubei No. [-] and eat it again.

"Is Xiaoyuan here too?" The car drove into the yard, and Su Wei found that Wang Xiaoyuan's phantom was also there.

"Yes, Mr. Su's relatives from your hometown are here today, as well as Liu Hua and Liu Gong." Seeing Su Wei asking, Tian Ling quickly told him who came today.

Wang Xiaoyuan was specially called by Su Wei's mother today, because when Su Wei was away, Wang Xiaoyuan would often come to find Su Wei's mother to go shopping.

Now Su Wei's mother is very satisfied with Wang Xiaoyuan, and when she asked Su Wei to come over for dinner, she even called Wang Xiaoyuan up, which seemed to be more recognition of her.

The relative who came today is Su Wei's aunt. She was specially called by Su Wei's mother to play in Shanghai. She has been here for a few days.

And Liu Hua came here today because Su Wei's father wanted to build a Chinese garden, so he came here specially to ask how to change the drawings.

(End of this chapter)

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