Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 174 You have to treat it as a person

Chapter 174 You have to treat it as a person
"Mom, forget it, let's go back, we are all neighbors, it's not good to make trouble like this." Seeing her mother like this, Qian Xinyi felt so ashamed.

After all, my dog ​​was not hit by a car, it was just frightened.

At that time, her mother wanted to keep a dog because she was going to live on campus in her third year of high school. Her mother missed her so much, so she raised a dog to accompany her.

But since the dog came to her house, she and her dad have completely become two redundant people at home.

After she started college, she thought her home was very close to the school, so she didn't live on campus, but her mother was not as nice to her as before, and the only thing she cared about every day was the dog.

"Auntie, it's really a trivial matter. I just found out that you and my family are neighbors." Su Wei saw that Aunt Zhao's daughter is so beautiful, what can he do, of course, bear with her first.

But if this old woman still wants to make trouble for no reason, then I'm sorry, Su Wei has so many beautiful resources around him, and this girl is not bad.

"Small thing? You smell the smell of me. The smell of urine will take at least a few days to dissipate. I can't wear that GUCCI T-shirt anymore, and there is also a smell of urine in my car. The most important thing Yes, my baby has been listless since being frightened." Aunt Zhao is still furious when she thinks about this.

Especially when the driver took her baby and threw it to her like an ordinary pet dog, she wanted to cut that bodyguard into pieces.

"These are small problems. Auntie, how much is your dress? If you say a price, I will definitely not counter the price. Your car smells inside, so that is even easier. Just do a deep cleaning of the car. I A friend did this.

You can put the car in their shop, I will definitely let them clean up the smell in the car for you, as for your baby who is not in good spirits these days, I can also find some pet trainers to come over , to accompany it for a week, what do you think?" Su Wei doesn't care about things that can be solved with money, after all, he has a lot of money.

And if Aunt Zhao really agrees to this plan, he can also visit the dog a few times because of this matter, so that he can get acquainted with Aunt Zhao and her daughter.

"Mom, I think the neighbor's brother's plan is pretty good." Qian Xinyi wanted to persuade her mother to agree to this plan, because she knew it.

Her mother didn't come here to ask for money at all. After all, her family can live in this community, and the type of apartment they live in is the same as that of Su Wei's. It also has certain strength.

"What's the matter? I don't think the plan you mentioned is very good. I don't want you to lose money. You fired your driver. I will pretend that this incident never happened. Otherwise, I will definitely talk to your parents. "The main purpose of Aunt Zhao's coming here today is to ask Su Wei to fire the driver.

And she thought that Su Wei was just a rich second generation. If Su Wei refused, she planned to find Su Wei and her parents to put pressure on him.

"This is impossible. Old Liu has been with me for so long. Don't say he didn't crush this dog to death. Even if he did crush this dog to death, I don't think he did anything wrong." Dog, Liu Qiang was fired.

If it weren't for Aunt Zhao's pretty daughter, it would be impossible for Su Wei to talk nonsense with her for so long.

Seeing that she was a little aggressive now, it was rare for him to pretend, just when he was about to say something nasty.

"Awei, what happened? Aunt Zhao, Xinyi? Why are you here?" Wang Xiaoyuan came here with Su Wei. She was not afraid that Su Wei would suffer, but she was afraid that Su Wei would lose his temper, and the person who knocked on the door Absolutely suffer.

After all, there are several bodyguards by Su Wei's side at any time.

But she didn't expect that when she came out and walked to the big iron gate, the person standing outside the yard turned out to be her former neighbor.

"Sister Yuanyuan? Why are you here?" Qian Xinyi didn't expect that she would see her former neighbor Wang Xiaoyuan at the neighbor's house next door.

When she was young, what she liked most was to follow Wang Xiaoyuan. After moving, the two families lost contact, which made her sad for a long time.

"Wang Xiaoyuan? Where is their house?" Seeing that Wang Xiaoyuan was at Su Wei's house, Ms. Zhao really felt that the world was too small.

Because before their old house was demolished, Wang Xiaoyuan's family was one of the richest families in their area.

A few years ago, she also participated in the housewarming of Wang Xiaoyuan's family. At that time, their family moved to Poly West Bank, but Wang Xiaoyuan didn't show up that day, so she didn't expect to see her here today.

"You guys know each other?" Su Wei didn't expect Wang Xiaoyuan to know this Aunt Zhao. This devil is not too small, but this is too coincidental.

"Xinyi, I didn't expect you to grow so tall. You are about the same height as me. I remember that when we moved, you were half a head shorter than me. Aunt Zhao, this is my boyfriend Su Wei. Ah Wei, Aunt Zhao and her family used to be neighbors to my family.

What's wrong with you guys?I heard you quarreling inside." Wang Xiaoyuan was very happy to see Qian Xinyi, after all, she hadn't seen her for several years. When she was in the old house, this Qian Xinyi ran behind her every day.

"Xiaoyuan, is this your boyfriend? Since it's your boyfriend, it's just right. You can judge this matter. This evening, your boyfriend's car almost crushed my baby. I just want him He didn't want to fire his driver, tell me about this." Aunt Zhao pointed at Liu Qiang when she was talking about the driver.

Because of today's incident, even if Liu Qiang turned into ashes, she would not admit her mistake.

"Ah, the car almost hit Xinyi today? Xinyi, what's wrong with you? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Wang Xiaoyuan thought that Liu Qiang almost hit Qian Xinyi with his car today.

"Sister Yuanyuan, I'm fine. The baby my mother mentioned is not me, but a teddy dog ​​that our family bought last year." Wang Xinyi was also very speechless about this matter.

Her mother called that dog Baby every day, causing many people to misunderstand, thinking that the baby her mother was talking about was her.

So in fact, she really hates this dog, and sometimes she wants to stew this dog.

When her mother came back with that dog in her arms today, she saw that teddy dog, her eyes did not move for a long time, she thought the dog was crushed to death by a car, and she was planning to celebrate, only to find out that there was something wrong with the dog None, just scared.

"Aunt Zhao, it turned out that the dog was almost hit, so it should be fine.

Lao Liu has been with my boyfriend for a long time, and he is my boyfriend's bodyguard, not an ordinary driver.

My boyfriend talked to me, and Lao Liu was very serious and responsible.

We can't let my boyfriend fire him because of this, it's very unfair to him." When Wang Xiaoyuan spoke, although she said it with a smile, Aunt Zhao could still hear what Wang Xiaoyuan meant.

Wang Xiaoyuan's meaning was very clear. If the dog hadn't been hit, it was impossible to fire the bodyguard. Even if it was hit, the bodyguard might not be fired.

Her meaning is actually the same as Su Wei's, but one is direct and the other is tactful, but the meaning is the same.

Wang Xiaoyuan really thinks that Aunt Zhao has something wrong with her brain. It's just a dog, and it hasn't been hit. It will be fine if you take it home and raise it for a few days.

And you, the dog, ran into my boyfriend's car. If you didn't kill it, you can have fun secretly, and you want to fire him.

"Mom, why don't you just forget about it. This neighbor's brother is, after all, Sister Yuanyuan's boyfriend. You should treat this matter as a face to Sister Yuanyuan, and it's fine." Qian Xinyi pulled her mother away. Stepping aside, she quietly advised her mother to forget it. After all, when Sister Yuanyuan and their family were neighbors, their family received a lot of help from Wang Xiaoyuan's family.

"Since Yuanyuan is here today, I can see that for her sake, this matter can be ignored, but I want him to pay for the clothes, and he has to pay for the cleaning of the car.

In the future, he can't treat my baby as an ordinary pet dog, but treat it as a person, just go and visit my family's Duoduo." Now that Aunt Zhao knows that Su Wei is Wang Xiaoyuan's boyfriend, then She will definitely not continue to target Su Wei.

She is now targeting Liu Qiang with all her firepower. After all, how much Liu Qiang earns in a month, compensating her for clothes and washing the car will definitely make this bodyguard feel heartbroken for a while.

Aunt Qian also knew that she was indeed a little too unreasonable, and since Wang Xiaoyuan was here, she found a way to get down by herself.

"Old Liu, it depends on your own attitude in this matter now, if you are willing, then pay for the clothes and car wash, and then go to see this dog.

But if you don't want to, don't worry, no one can force you." Now Wang Xiaoyuan is here, and she still knows Aunt Zhao.

Su Wei intends to see what Liu Qiang's attitude is. If he is willing to reconcile, then Su Wei must be behind the money.

If she doesn't want to reconcile, let alone this Aunt Zhao is just Wang Xiaoyuan's old neighbor, or a relative of Wang Xiaoyuan's family, then no one can force Su Wei on her head.

"Mr. Su, um, I am willing to pay for the car wash money and the clothes money. Since Ms. Zhao treats this dog like a family member, I almost bumped into her family member. I should go and see it." Liu Qiang affirmed He didn't want to reconcile and lose money, but this woman is Su Wei's neighbor and knows Wang Xiaoyuan, so he must have suffered from being dumb.

He has been with Su Wei for so long, and he also knows some of Su Wei's thoughts.

One of the big reasons for Su Weineng to speak calmly about today's incident is because Aunt Qian's daughter is beautiful.

If only Aunt Qian's daughter wasn't so pretty.

Then Su Wei must not have this attitude, after all, his temper is quite hot.

As Su Wei's personal bodyguard, he has been with him for so long, and he knows his boss's temper very well.

Moreover, Liu Qiang also knew that Su Wei was very generous, although he must have been wronged in the reconciliation and loss of money this time.

But he believed that Su Wei would definitely compensate him in the future.

"Okay, since Liu Qiang promised to pay the money, then we will be friends who are easy to make things difficult, so let's forget about this matter." Wang Xiaoyuan was actually very angry, thinking that Aunt Zhao was making a fuss out of a molehill.

But Liu Qiang himself agreed, so she has nothing to say.

"Xiaoyuan, since the bodyguard said he agreed, I'll take him there to see Duoduo first.

Today I am full of smells, so I won’t receive you anymore. After a few days, the smell on my body will dissipate, and then I will invite you to come to my house.” Aunt Zhao saw that Liu Qiang agreed, and after she spoke to Wang Xiaoyuan , I plan to take Liu Qiang to visit her baby now.

"Okay, then I'll bother you later." Wang Xiaoyuan originally wanted to follow, but Aunt Zhao's smell was a bit offensive.

"Then Yuanyuan, you go in, I'll go and see." Su Wei went over to see if it was possible, plus the contact information of Aunt Zhao's daughter. , in order to extinguish the fire in Su Wei's stomach.

The four people came to Aunt Zhao's yard. The first thing they came to was the garage. The garage door was open, and a Bentley Flying Spur and a Porsche Macan were parked inside, and a Mercedes-Benz C-Class was parked outside. coupe.

"It's this car. I drove this car out today. Now I dare not open the door. It smells like urine, so don't ask me to give you money. Find someone to drive the car away. Send the car back after the car is cleaned," Aunt Zhao said, pointing to the Mercedes-Benz coupe parked outside.

"Mom, you took Duoduo to the doctor today, but you were driving my car at that time? Why didn't you drive your own car? If you want to drive my car, what should I do when I go to school tomorrow?" Qian Xinyi was dumbfounded Ah, I didn't expect her mother to drive her car when she went to the pet hospital.

Although it's been half a year since I bought this car, she cherishes it very much. Basically, she has to wash the car every few days, and have the interior of the car done in half a month.

But unexpectedly, her mother took the dog to see a doctor. She was driving her car. She opened the door and smelled it. There was a smell of urine inside, which was much stronger than the smell of urine on her mother. She quickly opened the car door to the doctor. closed.

"What's wrong with me driving your car? I didn't buy your car. You can go to school tomorrow and take a taxi. Let him reimburse you for your fare." Aunt Qian saw her daughter's Her eyes were red, and she regretted it in her heart, but she was in a hurry at the time.

She didn't have the car keys for the Bentley, and to drive the Macan, she had to move the Mercedes-Benz C aside first.

She drove her daughter's car directly. At that time, she didn't expect the smell to be so strong, and the smell would not go away.

"It's this car, right? Okay, then let's add a contact information. I'll ask someone to drive the car away. After the smell dissipates, I'll contact you and bring the car back to you." This is Su Wei made an excuse, he drove the car here, and it would be fine to drive the car here, and there is no need to contact halfway.

"Then Xinyi, tell him about this car, I'll see if there's anything wrong with it." Aunt Zhao took Liu Qiang and hurried up.

Because of today's matter, she really did a little thoughtless, she was afraid that she would stay here and wait for her daughter to cry.

"You want to add me on WeChat, do you really just want to contact me when you return the car? But if you return the car, it seems that you can just send the car over when the time comes. You don't have any other thoughts about me Right? But it doesn't matter, you and I are neighbors and sister Yuanyuan's boyfriend, I believe you are not that kind of person." Qian Xinyi put away that pitiful expression after her mother left.

Instead, he said in a teasing tone that Su Wei's purpose in adding her to WeChat was not pure.

"Since you know that the purpose of my asking for your contact information is not pure, then why do you still give me the contact information? Are you not afraid that you are playing with fire?" Su Wei did not expect that the one just now was about to cry in front of her mother After her mother left, she completely changed into another character.

That shows that her character is not as harmless as she appears on the surface.

And her character should be very rebellious, everyone knew that Su Wei added her WeChat with bad intentions, but she still let Su Wei add.

"Because I'm curious about you. I want to know why a goddess like Sister Yuanyuan falls in love with you." Qian Xinyi always thought that Wang Xiaoyuan was a perfect goddess when she was a child. Her biggest dream when she was a child was to become a person like Wang Xiaoyuan.

This meeting, she did not expect that Wang Xiaoyuan already had a boyfriend, and in her eyes, this boyfriend did not see particularly good qualities, on the contrary, he was still a pervert.

But she didn't believe that he was such a superficial person, because she believed in Wang Xiaoyuan, so she wanted to know more.

"Do you really want to know? Then come here, and I'll tell you." Ever since Su Wei discovered that he could smell the fragrance of virgins, he has been wanting to verify the authenticity.

Now that he saw Qian Xinyi, he planned to try her first to see if he could really smell it.

"What do you want to say?" Qian Xinyi thought that Su Wei really wanted to say something to her, so she put her ear close to her.

"Because I'm sincere to her." Su Wei took a deep breath, and it turned out that Qian Xinyi really smelled that smell.

That means Qian Xinyi has never had a boyfriend.

"Tch, if you say that, you've watched too many TV shows." Qian Xinyi thought what Su Wei was going to say, but she didn't expect to say such old-fashioned words.

The last time she heard such words was in a TV series that ruined the Three Views.

"Then let's forget about this matter. Let me tell you, next time you drive carefully. Xinyi, did you leave a phone number? Remember to check it when the car comes back next time." When Aunt Zhao came down, she looked Seeing that his daughter was far away from Su Wei, he nodded in satisfaction.

She doesn't want her daughter to get too close to a man, after all, her daughter is only 18 years old.

If she had just come out a minute earlier, she would have seen her daughter and Su Wei, their faces were almost glued together.

(End of this chapter)

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