Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 175 You Delayed My Gifts

Chapter 175 You Delayed My Gifts

"Old Liu, I wronged you today. How much money did you lose? I will transfer it to you." On the way back, Su Wei patted Liu Qiang on the shoulder.

He knew that Liu Qiang was willing to do this, and he must have known that he had a crush on Qian Xinyi, otherwise he didn't need to wrong himself.

After all, it just scared the dog, not killed that kind of dog.

"9800, thank you boss for reimbursement." Liu Qiang knew that it was impossible for him to pay for this money.

After all, if it wasn't because his boss Su Wei liked Qian Xinyi, how could he settle and lose money.

"I'm going to expand the bodyguard team a bit, and then you will be able to work in two shifts. Are you interested in being the captain of the bodyguard?" Su Wei actually had an idea before, but he was playing outside all the time.

Now that he is back, after today's incident, he feels that Liu Qiang can still take on more burdens, after all, who can refuse a person who thinks about the boss.

"Bodyguard team? If you're interested, then I'm very interested. Thank you boss for looking up to me." Liu Qiang knew that what he did today was very suitable for Su Wei, and it gave him a lot of points for Su Wei.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for him to be promoted to the leadership level. After all, there are so many bodyguards, whether you can stand out depends on whether the boss praises you or not.

With this experience, he will be able to apply for management positions in the future when he is too old to move.

"I transferred [-] yuan to you on WeChat, after you send me to Gubei No. [-], go and relax at night.

Two of you can rest tomorrow, remember to come over at 9:[-] for the remaining two." Su Wei gave Liu Qiang [-], of which [-] was his money, and another [-] was for his comfort.

"Okay Mr. Su, but I don't want to rest tomorrow. After all, I'm going to the racing track tomorrow. I'm still not at ease because the three of them are not personal bodyguards." The three were not personal bodyguards, and he was afraid that they might not be able to handle them.

Besides, when Su Weicai said that he would be promoted to his position, he must not be able to rest in the recent period, at least he must work hard.

For the 2 yuan, if Liu Qiang had just come to Su Wei's side, he would have been polite, but he has been with Su Wei for more than a month now, and he knows that the tens of thousands of dollars are small money to Su Wei , there is no need to decline.

"By the way, tell Tian Ling and the others to pay attention. If that dog appears in the blind spot of surveillance, kill it directly. You just went to see the dog. Do you think it will come out in a few days?" Su How could Wei let the dog go, it's just that Wang Xiaoyuan and Qian Xinyi were there just now, he couldn't possibly say that he wanted to beat the dog to death in front of the two women.

After all, if you say you want to kill this dog in front of a girl, even a girl can't accept it, and it will also appear that he has a low EQ.

"I just looked at it, and the dog was really scared, but these days, it will definitely go out, and if you want to catch it, it's not like there is no chance." Treat it as a person, and look at a dog like a patient, How could Liu Qiang be reconciled.

He knew his boss well. Since he said that he wanted to eat dog meat, he would definitely eat dog meat later. After all, Su Wei was really not a good talker.

"Then tell Tian Ling and the others to hurry up. We are going to Kyoto on the [-]th. I don't want to delay too long." Su Wei doesn't like to delay things for a long time, but if the dog doesn't come out now, you can't run to Aunt Zhao Let's go home, we can only look for opportunities and wait for it to come out.

When Su Wei returned to the villa, he found that Su Xiaoming and Liu Hua were still drinking in the restaurant, while Wang Xiaoyuan was chatting with Zhang Guihua and the others in the living room.

"How is it? Has the matter been resolved?" Wang Xiaoyuan saw Su Wei and the others come in, and she gave up half of the seat on the one-seater sofa for Su Wei to sit on.

"It's been resolved, I'm just a little bit wronged by Lao Liu." Su Wei didn't sit down directly, but first went to get some strawberries, fed Wang Xiaoyuan a mouthful, and then ate the rest by himself before squeezing Wang Xiaoyuan to sit down.

"That old Qian's wife feels like taking gunpowder every day. She quarrels with people in the community when she has nothing to do. Moreover, her dog is so annoying that she likes to bark every morning." Zhang Guihua also hates that dog very much. , although her bedroom is far away, it is impossible to completely soundproof, and sometimes she is too noisy to sleep well.

She didn't even know how such a small dog could have such a loud and penetrating voice.

"Before I came to you, I thought that we like to keep dogs in the countryside. After I came to you, I discovered that people who live in villas prefer dogs. Would you like to have some dogs? I'll give you two." Su Aunt Wei raised several dogs in her hometown, and she didn’t neuter the dogs, so basically she could have puppies every year. After she raised them up, she didn’t sell them for money, but gave them away people.

"I don't want it here. It stinks to keep a dog. If it barks like the dog in the old Qian's house every day, I will eat it after beating, but I can't eat it. If I don't beat it, it will be too noisy." Zhang Guihua used to There was a dog on the construction site, and when Su Xiaoming's project ended, the dog couldn't be taken home, so he sold the dog.

After all, in the community, it is impossible for you to keep a dirt dog. It is not safe, so you can only put it on a chain, but if you keep the dirt dog on a chain, it will basically go crazy within a few months.

Moreover, Su Xiaoming and Zhang Guihua don't eat the dogs they raise, and you definitely can't give away the native dogs. If you give them away, it's like giving someone else a dish.

"Don't worry, that dog is so frightened that you can't hear it barking anymore, Mom." Su Wei said with a pun, and he really won't bark anymore. In a few days, you will be able to eat it in Gubei No. [-] Dog meat hot pot.

"It looks like I'm really scared. I didn't expect that it would be a good thing." Zhang Guihua didn't expect that when Liu Qiang drove to scare the dog, it frightened the dog out of its wits.

As for losing some money, it doesn't matter, after all, the family has money, so it's not bad.

"I've been driving for a day today, and I'm already a little tired. Before Dad finishes drinking, Yuanyuan and I will leave first." In Su Wei's WeChat, Zhou Ke had urged him many times.

It turned out that today was her Douyu debut, and her first show was at 8 o'clock, but it was already past eight o'clock here.

Zhou Ke began to feel that he would be scolded miserably, but he really didn't expect to be scolded so miserably.

When she just started broadcasting at 8 o'clock on time, there were fans, elder brothers, and anchors she knew coming to accompany the ceremony.

At that time, Zhou Ke thought that there was nothing to do today, so it didn't matter if Su Wei came or not, if he came to have a bite, it was fine if he didn't.

When it started at [-]:[-], the number of bullet screens began to increase, and there was no more yin and yang, and they were all using different tricks to scold her directly.

At [-]:[-], the barrage had no new words to scold because there were too many cursing tricks. Gradually, the barrage began to be unified, and all of them were replaced with Xiang's patterns.

Only then did she realize that it was the calm before the storm.

At the beginning when the rhythm was not so strong, Su Wei really didn't care if he came or not, but now that the screen is full of Xiang, she is really afraid that Su Wei won't come, after all, she has already been slept by him, if he doesn't come, She can't do anything to him.

But now only Su Wei can save her. If Su Wei doesn't come, her live broadcast career can be declared over today.

"Liu Qiang, drive slowly at night. Yuanyuan will come to play next time." Seeing that Wang Xiaoyuan's car was driven by a bodyguard, Zhang Guihua knew that Wang Xiaoyuan should be sleeping in Gubei No. [-] today in the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

"Okay, Auntie, I'll come see you in a few days. Bye." Wang Xiaoyuan is different from Su Wei. Su Wei can sit in the car and play with his mobile phone without saying hello, but she can't. If she wants Zhang Guihua not to hate her, she will be polite On the one hand, it must be in place.

"Osmanthus fragrans, look at this, am I going to have a wedding soon?" Seeing this situation, Su Wei's aunt thought that Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan were getting close.

"You think too much, it would be nice to wait a few years to drink the wedding wine." Zhang Guihua just heard Wang Xiaoyuan tell her that Aunt Zhao came here with her daughter.

Su Wei was uncharacteristically reasoning there, she didn't know that his son had taken a fancy to Lao Qian's daughter again.

"Awei, after you come back, do you have anything you want to say to me?" Seeing Su Wei playing with his mobile phone, Wang Xiaoyuan turned his head and asked.

"What are you talking about? It's nothing. I went to the bar twice in Kyoto, and you already know everything. What else do you want to know?" Su Wei really doesn't know what Wang Xiaoyuan wants to know, but he knows a little bit, so don't mess yourself up position, because most of the time it is yourself who scares yourself.

"I just want to know, why did you buy the courtyard house in Ya'er Hutong?" Wang Xiaoyuan read the news on Moments. His daughter was so beautiful that he was fascinated.

In order to have a meal with the landlord's daughter, he bought this courtyard house at a sky-high price of 15 billion.

"I bought this courtyard house simply because the basement is easy to park. I think it's great, and it's located on the Houhai Sea, in the second ring road of Kyoto, and it's freehold. The most important thing is that I have the money. , I bought it." Su Wei didn't know why Wang Xiaoyuan suddenly became interested in Ya'er Hutong, so why didn't she ask at the dinner table just now.

"Is it because of this? Isn't it because the landlord's daughter is beautiful? You bought this courtyard house at a sky-high price of 15 billion just to have a meal with her?" Wang Xiaoyuan actually didn't believe this statement. After all, Su Wei is not brain-dead, how could he spend so much money just because he had a meal with the landlord's daughter.

When she said this, she mainly wanted to remind Su Wei that everyone knew that he was a troublemaker, and asked him to keep a low profile.

"How is it possible? Do you think I'm the kind of guy who took advantage of me? Old Liu, do you think I'm being taken advantage of? Just because of a meal, I spent 15 billion." Hearing Wang Xiaoyuan's words, Su Wei felt that Xu Meng was crazy. Marketing herself like this, does she want to be the No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto?
Why did he suspect that it was Xu Meng? Because this matter was known by Wang Xiaoyuan, it must have been spread in the rich second generation circle. Among the people present at that time, only Xu Meng was a rich second generation.

Zhang Xuewei, Lin Mengmeng, and Cao Yuqing were a little far away from the circle of the rich second generation, and what they said, the rich second generation might not necessarily spread it to them.

So he guessed that there was nothing wrong with Xu Meng, but it was indeed Xu Meng who spread the word, but it was not by her own initiative, but by her friends inadvertently.

"Aren't you being taken advantage of? Did you forget to throw money in the bar? Please forget to invite everyone to drink? Old Liu, do you think he is being taken advantage of?" Both Wang Xiaoyuan and Su Wei asked Liu Qiang, how dare Liu Qiang speak.

He could only smile, and then said he didn't know, after all, he dared not offend any of these two people.

Moreover, the couple is arguing for fun, if you get involved, you will be dead for sure.

"President Su, Ms. Wang, you are back. I thought you would come back later." When Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan returned to Gubei No. [-], Aunt Li hadn't left yet, and she was in the nanny's room at that time.

It was only after hearing the door opening that I came over to check if Su Wei was back.

"Aunt Li, come here early tomorrow and make breakfast. I'm going out at nine o'clock tomorrow." Seeing Aunt Li, Su Wei suddenly remembered that he was going to the Tianma Circuit tomorrow.

"What are you going to do tomorrow? Are you going out again?" Wang Xiaoyuan didn't expect Su Wei to come back and go out tomorrow.

"It's either going to another place, or Li Ziwei and the others are going to the Tianma Circuit tomorrow. I'm going to have fun. Do you want to go? Let's go together." If Wang Xiaoyuan goes, she can only release her pigeons that week up.

"I won't go, I made an agreement with Li Rui and Xiaobai tomorrow, we will go shopping together tomorrow." Tomorrow Wang Xiaoyuan is going to buy Su Wei a birthday present, and she has no interest in racing.

Although the cars she bought were all sports cars, she really didn't drive fast.

"When I become more proficient in running, I will be your coach and teach you how to run the track." Su Wei really didn't think it would be so difficult to run laps. After all, it is impossible for the car to deform. He felt that he drove very well on the street. of.

"Then you pay attention to safety tomorrow. By the way, have you bought a racing suit?" Although Wang Xiaoyuan doesn't race the track, she actually knows more about racing than Su Wei. After all, she is in the circle of the rich second generation, and she likes to race the track Yes, most of them are the rich second generation, because only they have money and time.

Ordinary people can also spend hundreds of dollars to drive a family car to run, but after a few laps, your tires will not work.

And when you drive a family car on the street, you may feel that its handling is very good, but when you are on the track, you will feel that the response of this family car is so slow.

"I've already bought the racing suit. I asked Li Ziwei to order it. He will bring it to me tomorrow." Su Wei bought an ordinary racing suit this time, because that kind of custom-made one takes time to produce, and tomorrow will definitely come No rush.

"I'm going to take a shower, do you want to come together?" Wang Xiaoyuan wouldn't have said that before, but she couldn't help it because she hadn't seen Su Wei for half a month.

"I still have something to do in the study. I've been outside recently. This matter has been dragged on for a long time." The fart thing is actually Zhou Ke's debut there. He saw that it was almost nine o'clock and planned to help a group she.

"Okay, then I can only take a bath by myself." Wang Xiaoyuan pouted, and entered the bedroom a little unhappy.

Su Wei came to the study room, turned on the computer, and began to log in to the account of Douyu Yunzhonghe.

Zhou Ke asked for this name for him, because the name had already been registered, but when Douyu heard that Shenhao, a panda, was coming here, he immediately gave the name to Su Wei.

Regardless of whether it was in this life or the previous life, Su Wei actually came to Douyu less often, maybe he just didn't like his interface, it was all advertisements.

Entering Zhou Ke's live broadcast room, I saw that Zhou Ke was listless and didn't even sing.

It has been an hour since Zhou Ke started broadcasting, and he has only received 5 gifts. If this was changed to normal times, there must be more than this few gifts.

But now, she has offended the audience on the two platforms, so that all the anchors dare not interact with her, and dare not give her gifts, because the anchors who gave gifts before have their live broadcast rooms washed away.

Zhou Ke can persist in not downloading the broadcast until now, because Su Wei sent her a message back, saying that he was eating before, and he would come over around 9 o'clock.

But Su Wei had promised to come around 9:9, and it was already 10:[-], and he still couldn't see where Su Wei was.

She now hopes that Su Wei will come and rescue her quickly, otherwise she will not be able to live broadcast in the future.

In fact, Su Wei had already come. He arrived at Zhou Ke's live broadcast room at 8:55, but the reason why he didn't start scrolling was simple, because he had too much money to charge, and Douyu got stuck.

Because he planned to serve the entire Douyu directly tonight, he planned to charge 1000 million in this time, but it was too slow to charge money on the interface, so he called the customer directly and said he wanted to recharge.

The customer service didn't take it seriously at first, but when they knew that it was going to charge 1000 million, they also knew that it was the account of Yunzhonghe, so they didn't dare to be negligent, so they hurriedly reported it to the higher authorities.

It was already 1000:10 by the time his exclusive super tube flushed all 05 million shark fins to Su Wei's account.

"Thank you Brother He, Brother He, you are finally here. If you don't come, I'm going to cry." Zhou Ke was already numb, and it was the assistant beside her who told her that someone was buying presents, and she came back to her senses.

Sure enough, she saw someone in the barrage area giving super rockets. Her first reaction was that Su Wei was here. When she saw the name, it was indeed Yun Zhonghe.

Since Su Wei came to beat Douyu today, he definitely wouldn't just send a super rocket.

"Is this the Panda's Cloud Crane?"

"I said that Zhou Ke had an affair with him, and now it's for real."

"Brother He, the panda needs you, why did you come to Douyu?"

"Brother He, in fact, you can give her a title." Of course, Zhou Ke hopes that Su Wei will give her an emperor directly, so that everyone on the channel can see it, and many anchors from the opposite family will know. Crane in the cloud.

"No need, it's meaningless to open a title, don't talk to me, just sing a song, or you'll delay me from getting presents"

 It's been a long time since I asked for votes at the end, please count the votes, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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