Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 176 1314 Super Rockets

Chapter 176 1314 Super Rockets

"No need, it's so boring to open a title, and don't talk to me, why don't you sing a song, or you will delay me from buying gifts." Su Wei had already bought more than 20 super rockets, but just Because of typing, it turned out that the gift was missing even with the swipe, so he could only swipe the gift from scratch.

"Ah, that's it. Well then, Brother He, then I'll sing you a song, your favorite confession balloon." Zhou Ke heard Su Wei say that he was delayed in getting gifts, so he hurriedly found the playlist, after all If Su Wei brushes less, she will get less money.

Zhou Ke knows that Brother He likes her singing the most, Walking in the Cold Wind and Confession Balloons. If Su Wei hadn't come, then walking in the cold wind would be the most suitable, but Su Wei is here, singing and walking in the cold wind It doesn't fit in the middle, then the only thing left is the confession balloon.

And she can use this song to express her love for Su Wei.

As for whether this love is true or not, it depends on Su Wei's own judgment.

"Brother He, you are confused"

"Brother He, my host can also sing confession balloons"

"Brother He, fighting fish is much more fun than pandas, black and white is boring, so don't go back"

Zhou Ke's guess was right, as long as Douyu's platform fans knew that she had attracted the god Yun Zhonghe, they would spray her on the fence before, saying that she was a Douyu water friend with three surnames as a slave.

He will definitely protect her in turn. After all, only by protecting her can the god Yun Zhonghe not run away.

Su Wei didn't care about the barrage of sales, he just planned to finish the money quickly, after all, Wang Xiaoyuan was still waiting for him.

A super rocket only costs 2000 shark fins, and 1 shark fin is equal to 1 yuan.

Su Wei figured it out by himself, if he spent all the money, he would need 5000 mouse clicks.

He originally thought that the panda's gift system was already very badass, but he didn't expect that it was the same with Douyu.

Pandas can spend at most one Buddha Jumping Wall at a time, and the price of Buddha Jumping Wall is 1000 yuan.

And Douyu's most expensive gift is a super rocket, which costs 2000 yuan a time.

But Huya is different. Although he is a game platform, because he was born in a show like YY, his gifts will be a lot of pitfalls.

The most expensive item in Huya is the treasure map, which costs 5000 yuan, and you can only order one at a time.

But he also has a rocket of 1000 yuan each, which can give 66 rockets at a time, that is, just one click, and it costs 6000 yuan.

So Panda and Douyu, those who design gifts, are they afraid that Shenhao spends too much money and the platform pays them too much?

"Brother He, stop swiping, leave a mouthful for the anchor of Panda, they will all starve to death"

"Brother He, we also have a lot of Huya, young lady who is good at singing and dancing"

"People from Black and White Taiwan and Dog Tooth get out, Brother He can brush wherever he wants"

The platform fans of the three platforms have all started fighting in the barrage because of Su Wei's arrival.

Now there are not many people posting Xiang's pictures, and they are all advertised in Zhou Ke's live broadcast room.

Why are they so excited now, because Su Wei has collected 200 super rockets, and it seems that he has no plans to stop.

200 super rockets, that's 40, and it's RMB.

"I bet that Brother He is definitely planning to farm 520 super rockets, is there anyone who bet against me?"

"I also think Brother He should be, planning to create a 520 super rocket"

"I bet Brother He is planning to get 438 super rockets." This eccentric person must be a black fan. When the real estate manager saw it, he immediately raised his sword and dropped him, and he was blocked.

Because of Su Wei's arrival, the barrage in the live broadcast room has also become normal now. Not only are there no more people posting, but the husband fans in the live broadcast room are also coming out to type at this time.

Before Su Wei came, they, like Zhou Ke, were sprayed with autism by the barrage.

Many of Zhou Ke's old fans have been following her since YY. Zhou Ke was sprayed with barrage for an hour, and they watched it for almost an hour.

Seeing their favorite female anchor being sprayed like this, they are very angry and uncomfortable, but there is nothing they can do.

Because of their number, compared to the two platforms, it is still too small.

And to put it bluntly, the die-hard fans of the female anchor are really not as united as the fans of the male anchor.

In the live broadcast room of the male anchor, there are only a few hundred fans online. If we really unite, we are not afraid of tens of millions of people coming to lead the rhythm.

However, in the live broadcast room of the female anchor, it may seem that there are quite a lot of fans. There are thousands of people online.

"There are already 400 super rockets, really worthy of being a god."

"Brother He, my anchor has changed the title for you, go check it out if you have time"

"It must be 520 super rockets, don't even think about it"

"I'm envious, I just swiped almost 100 million and went out. I feel that what I swiped is not money, but paper."

"I want to sell the house for gifts, don't anyone stop me, landlord? Why are you here, I was just joking"

It's still 2018, and it's not a few years later, when oysters are sold out by tens of millions.

It is amazing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a night now. After all, current contracts and brokerage companies are not so rampant.

"520 Super Rockets"

"521 super rockets, isn't it 520 super rockets?"

"Maybe I want to call 999"

Su Wei originally wanted to swipe a set of 520 super rockets, but when he swipe, his hands shook and he swipe one more.

"Thank you Brother He for the 521 super rockets, Brother He, should I continue singing?" Zhou Ke sang halfway through, when he saw Su Wei's gift stopped at 521, he thought he was planning to stop.

"Keep singing, I'm going to drink some water, just ordered a little more, I can't believe I can't order 520 today." Su Wei originally wanted to get a set of 520 super rockets, but when it reached 520, His hands trembled a bit, and he swiped an extra super rocket to go out.

Su Wei rushed 1000 million into his account today, but now he has only collected 541 super rockets, which is more than 100 million points, which is still far away.

"Brother He, you are a big fan, this is planning to make more than 100 million more."

"It's numb, it's not money, it's paper."

"Brother He, are you still going back to the panda? If you don't, I won't either."

Many Panda fans on the platform, seeing Su Wei collecting gifts on Douyu like this, they are already starting to become Big Brother fans.

"Brother He, then I will continue to sing, I love you, I love you." Zhou Ke is usually not like this, but the person on the opposite side is not Su Wei.

He is the top rich second generation in China, and he is exactly the wealthy son-in-law that Zhou Ke has been looking for.

"Damn it, Mr. Li is here to buy presents"

"Is Mr. Li coming to Douyu to start broadcasting?"

"Brother He came to Douyu to buy gifts today, and Mr. Li is also here. It seems that Douyu is indeed better than Black and White Taiwan."

Mr. Li is Li Ziwei. He originally planned to start the broadcast today, but when he saw the black screen, he was saying that Zhou Ke had been scolded.

He didn't start the live broadcast directly, but came to Douyu first, intending to see what was going on.

After all, this woman is inextricably linked with Su Wei.

After Li Ziwei came into the live broadcast room, he saw that Su Wei was swiping super rockets, and he had already swiped more than 300 super rockets.

He didn't even look for the picture, after all, today is her first show, if you support her, just swipe the gift.

Su Wei has already swiped more than 100 million today, and judging from what he said, there must be another 100 million to swip, so Li Ziwei swiped 20 super rockets.

He didn't need to do more, because Zhou Ke didn't know him, and it was just because their two common elder brothers were Su Wei.

If this was Wang Xiaoyuan's live broadcast, he would at least earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. After all, Wang Xiaoyuan is Su Wei's real girlfriend.

As for Zhou Ke, this is just an adjustment in Su Wei's life, not a necessity.

"Wow, who is this, isn't this a head-changing monster?"

"The head-changing monsters are here, are they here to snatch the big brother?"

"Wow, it's cold too"

"Why do so many people come to buy gifts? There are so many big anchors."

While Su Wei was drinking water, the anchors who used to play with Zhou Ke began to appear in the live broadcast room one by one.

At the beginning, they didn't use it because they were afraid of being washed into the live broadcast room. If Zhou Kezhen was cut off from her live broadcast by black fans, then they could save the money.

It's different now, they came to give gifts, that's because Panda's top Shenhao came, and had already swiped millions in Zhou Ke's live broadcast room.

And there will be another million in the future. Zhou Ke's popularity in the live broadcast room has already reached 500 million.

Although this is the popularity, not the number of people, the number of people who are online now is at least tens of thousands of people who are online at the same time.

Now those who can be online with tens of thousands of people at the same time are already top-level anchors, and many of them are online with thousands of people, and they are all super-large anchors.

Looking at the top list, many anchors show that the number of active people in a day is hundreds of thousands. That is not the number of people who are online at the same time, but that there are so many people who have entered the live broadcast room from the beginning of the live broadcast to the end of the live broadcast.

But none of them dared to say something that the anchors knew.

Those who came to give gifts to Zhou Ke today, in addition to the anchors who have a good relationship, there are also many who came here to gain popularity and popularity.

There are also some anchors, although they compete with Zhou Ke, they also come to give gifts, not only from them, but also from their elder brothers.

The idea is that after the big brother and the big brother get acquainted, those so-called big brothers will take Su Wei to buy gifts for the anchors they support.

But they were wrong about one thing, that is, whether Su Wei will come to Douyu in the future after finishing his brush today is a big problem.

Su Wei returned to the study with a bottle of water, and saw that Zhou Ke's live broadcast room was full of gifts.

He didn't care about others swiping gifts, drank his saliva, and continued to swip his super rocket.

After all, there are more than 800 million in the account that have not been swiped out, and he is also in a hurry, because the gift system is too bad.

In fact, Su Wei didn't charge so much money just to give Zhou Ke a gift.

After all, Zhou Ke has already fallen asleep, and he really wants to sleep with her, and there is no need for him to swipe gifts.

One of the main purposes of his coming to swipe money this time is to make his own name famous.

His current reputation, although in several circles, is already very loud.

But, to reach the level of really breaking the circle, it's still a little bit of meaning.

Su Wei intends to make him famous to the point that as long as you are a young person who often surfs the Internet, you will know him.

Not to mention being comparable to Principal Wang, at least he is more famous than the owner of the barber shop.

Everyone says that the owner of the barber shop is low-key, so low-key, do you know him?
If he kept a low profile, how many live broadcasts would there be?

There will be so many news, so many marketing accounts reporting him?

Their marketing account is to make money, no one gives them money, let them report, marketing account they are full and have nothing to do.

"This time I bet that Brother He still won't get the number 520."

"I'm good at gambling"

"It would be great if this money was used for charity. There are still so many people in remote mountainous areas who don't have enough to eat."

Most of the people who watched the big brother spend money were applauding onlookers, after all, watching the big brother spend a lot of money is also very cool.

But some of them just like to post some bullet screens at this time, pretending that everyone is drunk and I am sober, to carry out moral kidnapping.

If you meet him in real life and you ask him if he has donated money to poor mountainous areas, he must tell you that he can’t even eat enough for himself, so how can he still have money to donate to the poor mountainous areas.

"My dear, don't be capricious, your eyes,

Besides I would.

Wow, after this song is finished, Brother He has swiped to 500 now, let's see if we can get stuck to 520." Zhou Ke is in a very good state when he is talking and singing now.

For an anchor, if he wants to have confidence, it's very simple, either he has a big brother, or he has popularity.

After Su Wei came to her live broadcast room, he paid so much money for her live broadcast room. Su Wei is her big brother.

And because Su Wei swiped money, a large number of tourists entered her live broadcast room, which is her popularity.

Zhou Ke now has a big brother and is popular. Today, she is the female anchor with the most gifts and popularity on the entire Douyu platform. Of course she has confidence now.

"Already 515"



"522, it's too much"

Su Wei saw that the gift combo has now become 522 super rockets. It seems that 520 can't be done.

But isn't there still 1314 in the back, then he will continue to make money, anyway, today he is here to make money.

"546 super rockets, Brother He hasn't stopped yet"

"570 super rockets, how many are you planning to farm?"

"600 super rockets, Brother He can still spawn"

The people in Zhou Ke's live broadcast room were already stunned. I didn't expect Su Wei to reach 600, and he was still there.

By the time the 1000 views hadn't stopped, the popularity of Zhou Ke's live broadcast room had already risen to 700 million.

Now on the Douyu platform, no less than 10 live broadcast rooms are watching Su Wei make money.

Although it's a screen transfer, there are really a lot of people online in these people's live broadcast room.

They like to watch the elder brother make money, why not go to Zhou Ke's live broadcast room to watch it directly, but choose to watch it in the live broadcast room on the screen.

That's because these anchors who switch screens can talk a little bit of gossip or gossip.

"Everyone knows this Yunzhonghe, the No. [-] Panda Shenhao, I saw someone say that the No. [-] Shenhao is free to herd cattle.

Brother, you're an old man, he doesn't dare to brag like that when it's okay to herd cows, and no one knows whether he is hydrated, but this Brother He, he became famous by stepping on the bullfrog.

Many people said, is Brother He another accountant, fart, he is in Panda, driving a live broadcast and carrying a luxury car worth half a billion yuan. The family heard that there is a villa in Tangong in Shanghai. Tangong knows, it is that one The boss of Rentan Palace said that it is a community that can only be lived in if it is worth tens of billions of dollars. Although Tan Palace was developed by him, he himself is not worthy of living in it.

This kind of awesome person, you tell me that he is an accountant.

Today is Brother He’s first day in Douyu. I believe he, Mr. Guan and Mr. Long will have a battle in the later stage. If you don’t believe me, we’ll wait and see.” This is just bragging about Su Wei. It was just put together and said.

"This Yun Zhonghe has a little money in his family. A friend of mine knew him and said that his family is a demolition household. He doesn't have much money, and his entire net worth is tens of millions.

He used other people's luxury cars and watches to pretend.

Let me just say one thing. Many people say that Suning Group belongs to his family. Brother, let me tell you, Suning’s prince is abroad. I heard that he bought a football club. He is a young talent It's not like this Yun Zhonghe, who looks like he's getting rich." There are those who praise Su Wei, and of course there are those who belittle Su Wei.

But most of them are still biased towards Su Wei. After all, he is really good at swiping, and he has already swiped more than 300 million for Zhou Ke.

"Now that 1200 super rockets have been farmed, it must be 1314 super rockets"

"I guess a 1315 super rocket, do you think it will be"

"I guess 1315 super rockets too"

Su Wei failed to get stuck at 520 super rockets twice in a row. Now everyone doesn't believe Su Wei, but this time he can get stuck at 1314.

"1295 launched a super rocket, it's coming soon"

"Brother He, stop shaking your hands."

"Just right, Niubi, 1314 super rockets"

Su Wei brushed up to 1314 super rockets, without shaking hands, and the live broadcast room was just like the Chinese New Year for a year.

The screen was full of reviewers, and I didn't know that Su Wei just didn't shake his hands, so there was something to praise.

"I was so nervous just now that I didn't dare to speak. Brother He, you are so awesome." Zhou Ke's account is not a new one. She had been in Douyu for several years before going to Panda.

But Su Wei, relying on more than 370 million gifts, directly stood at the first place in her daily list, weekly list, and overall list.

"This list is 370 million. It doesn't look very good. What do you think?" Su Wei clicked more than 600 times in a row. He was a little tired and planned to rest and continue to browse.

"Brother He, I strongly urge you to subscribe to 380 million." This is the former platform fan. Although it is not a black week because of Su Wei, but the yin and yang are indispensable.

"I think 438 million looks better." Same as above, this is also a fan of the platform, but although he is black, he definitely wants Su Wei to continue to use it.

"Swiping 1000 million is more beautiful, Brother He, don't stop." These are those who watch the excitement, they don't think it's a big deal, they not only watch the excitement, they also pick things up.

Because there are too many people in the live broadcast room, now you can't tell who is a black fan, who is a passerby, and who is sent by another family.

(End of this chapter)

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