Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 177 I come, I see, I conquer

Chapter 177 I come, I see, I conquer

"I think as long as you brush it, Brother He, I think it looks good no matter how much you brush it." Zhou Ke really didn't expect that he could get so many gifts today. The 370 million from Su Wei, plus the gifts from other people, as long as Su Wei Wei won't let her rebel.

Then she can get 200 million gift money today. When did she get so many gifts?

Even if she was with Mr. Bullfrog, Mr. Bullfrog never gave her so many gifts.

She was not considered a gift host before, but because the signing fee was relatively expensive, she could only get so much money every year.

Originally, when Douyu just contacted her, she arranged to brush her hands when she was planning to come back for her first show.

But didn't I meet Su Wei later, and Su Wei also promised her to come and support her for her debut.

Now that there was Su Wei, she returned the brush hand side.

But I didn't expect Su Wei to come so late. If she hadn't returned the brush hand at that time, the live broadcast room would not have been scolded so badly if there had been brush hand in front of Su Wei before he came to the live broadcast room.

She couldn't shut herself up for an hour. At that time, she only talked for 10 minutes in the first hour, and then shut up abruptly for more than 50 minutes.

In fact, at 8:30, she had contacted Shushou, but the quotation that Shushou gave her had tripled.

But fortunately, Su Wei did come after 9 o'clock, otherwise she would have to recognize her by her nose, and if she was severely extorted for a sum of money, it would be better than cutting off her live broadcast career.

"Today, I got into a fight with 520. I have less than 520 super rocket cards, so I don't believe that I can get over 520 million." Su Wei doesn't plan to give all of the 1000 million to Zhou Ke. It is famous, but it is only a nickname.

But he was already a little famous, and there was not much difference between having this bonus and not having this bonus.

"Kneel to Shenhao, is this going to reach 520 million?"

"Niu bai bai bai bai bai ah"

"Brother He, I am your little fan girl, I want to give birth to a monkey for you"

Those who are watching the live broadcast now, who has seen this scene, after all, the current Shenhao can only earn hundreds of thousands at a time, which is already very impressive.

Which one is like Su Wei, who will pay 520 million for a disagreement, which is even better than an accountant who doesn't treat money as money.

"Brother He, let me sing you another song, or you will say that I influenced you to get gifts later, a song that I just met you and gave it to my big brother" Zhou Keqian said in Douyu's The number one on the list is more than 100 million. After she went to Panda, before Su Wei came to her live broadcast room, her number one on the panda list was also more than 100 million.

Now Su Wei said that he would give her 520 million yuan, plus the panda's more than 200 million yuan, it would be more than 700 million yuan.

This really happened to meet you, why didn't I know you in advance? At that time, Zhou Ke certainly wouldn't have been searching for so long.

Although Su Wei listened to Zhou Ke sing, he usually only listened to her singing, just a few well-known songs.

Seeing her confident appearance now, I think she should be able to sing well, but I didn't expect her to sing this song. Even a layman like him knows that she can sing really well.

"Brother He, think about 520 million, go ahead"

"520 million is the No. [-] list on Douyu's entire platform, right? Now that there are so many gods out there, the consumption of most of the gods is not as high as Zhou Ke, right?"

"What kind of cattle and horses are those other gods? They dare to compete with Brother He. If a hair falls from Brother He, he can kill them."

In the live broadcast room, more and more people have become fans of Su Wei himself.

However, most of these fans are brand flour. If you don't have such a good reputation in the future, then they may step back on you.

"What is this singing? If you sing like this, someone will give you gifts. This is hand washing." You don't need to look at this kind of thing. When you see the typed words, you must be a rhythm fan.

"Shushou? You don't know who Brother He is, do you actually say he is Shoushou?" The water friends in the live broadcast room began to maintain.

"He is just a hand brusher. I heard about it in other live broadcast rooms. This Yunzhonghe is a demolition household in Shanghai. Now he is cooperating with the anchor. He came to Douyu to be a hand brusher." The emperor who spoke , he came here on purpose to bring the rhythm today.

Su Wei is not RMB, he cannot be liked by everyone, and he is so crazy, it is normal for someone to hate him.

The most important thing is that the big brothers of Douyu are not as Buddhist as the big brothers of Panda.

The big brother here, what he wants is a card, whichever live broadcast room he enters, from the water friends in that live broadcast room to the anchor, he must be warmly welcomed.

But Su Wei paid out 500 million in one fell swoop today, raising the threshold so high in one fell swoop.

Spending 500 million at a time, the real money, how many big brothers can afford it.

Big brothers are all about face and cards. If you play like this, it is tantamount to being alone and taking away all the cards. What about the other big brothers?

Could it be that they were using paper? Now, those water friends who have watched Su Wei's live broadcast of Zhou Ke's live broadcast, they are all saying that other people are not worthy of being a hero.

What can they do, they can only find a well-connected anchor, and rhythmically say that you are a scumbag, slander you, and make you bad.

Then open an emperor trumpet to play the rhythm in the live broadcast room, as long as you can't prove your innocence, the threshold you raised will not count.

Then in the future I will still be Shenhao, otherwise I would have been able to be Shenhao at 200 million, but now I have to be on par with you, and go out with a few million. You think everyone's money is blown by the wind.

"You say I'm a swipe, wait until I finish 520 million and see how I slap you in the face." Su Wei saw that the person speaking was an emperor, and kept saying that Su Wei was a swipe rhythmically.

But the housekeeper had no way to block him, so he could only let him brush there alone.

Su Wei must not be indifferent, after all, his original intention was to conquer this platform.

If he is successfully led by this person, then he will not even try to conquer this platform.

Because at that time, many people will definitely say that he is not swiping money, but swiping codes, and they will not accept it.

"Okay, I'll wait for you, and I'll see how you can prove that you are using money." The emperor account is a trumpet opened by other Shenhao.

This account was originally used to bring rhythm, and this is the first time since this account was opened for the emperor.

Su Wei saw what the emperor said, but he didn't continue to reply to him. After all, you talk too much about this unknown emperor, which makes you seem too low-level.

He still followed his own pace, clicking out one by one with super rockets.

"It's 500 million, and 2500 super rockets have been swiped."

"502 million, it will be 520 million soon"

"Swipe so much, Zhou Ke must be able to get it to be true." Since the emperor account is for disgusting people, of course it is disgusting.

"Brother He, you have to slap him in the face, otherwise you are so proud, you will stink." This is the crowd who eat melons. At the beginning, he doesn't help anyone, he just wants to watch the show, and he can't wait for this melon The bigger the food, the better. When he sees who loses, he will help the winner to spray the loser.

"Just wait, wait until Brother He frees his hand, you will be finished." This is Su Wei's big brother fan who has just surrendered, and now seeing his big brother being talked about by others, they are also in the barrage area fight back.

In the barrage, most of the people came to watch the excitement, some of them still believed that Su Wei was the real hero, but there were still a small number of people who didn't believe that Su Wei was the real hero.

After all, how could someone treat money as money, not for fame or profit, and just give so much money to the anchor for nothing.

In fact, this idea is indeed correct. If Su Wei hadn't won 200 billion US dollars for nothing, and if he hadn't wanted to be famous, without any of the conditions, he would not have been able to earn so much money.

Take the 1000 million that Su Wei rushed to his account today as an example. This 1000 million can be used to drink at a bar, and it can be opened for 30 consecutive days. It is no problem for the entire bar's marketing to kneel down and call Dad.

And to be honest, as far as Zhou Ke's looks are concerned, although she is indeed good-looking, there are many Tiancai who look better than her in KTV and bars.

Take the 700 million that was given to her, and use it to pick up girls, and the dishes you get will definitely not be lower than three figures.

So they suspected that Su Wei was just brushing his hands, but there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, in a few years, if you are not a Shenhao who can be found through the real-name system, even if you swipe money, they will think that what you swipe is just data.

"520 million, Niubi, Douyu's No. [-] list is out"

"If these two people didn't have a leg, I wouldn't believe it if they were killed."

"Add me, if two people don't have a leg, they will kill me too"

Now at this time in 2018, there are still few viewers who suspect that they are brushing their hands, and most people are still inclined. Su Wei and Zhou Ke must have a PY transaction that they don't know about.

"It's already 520 million. Thank you, Brother He. Brother He and I are friends in reality. Don't talk nonsense, let's take the rhythm here." In the live broadcast room, she definitely couldn't say that.

After all, Su Wei only paid her 520 million today. If she said that, it would be revenge.

"And the emperor just now, I don't know you, and I don't want to know you, because you are the emperor, so I can't mute you here, but after I download the broadcast, I will report your problem to Super Management .

As for Brother He's strength, it's not something you can slander. After all, Brother He passed the border on a panda. At that time, I was broadcasting the live broadcast to everyone. If he was brushing his hands, he would dare to come to the live broadcast in front of so many people. ?Just like you, do you dare to go live?

Because most of the people in the live broadcast room should be friends of Douyu, and they may not have watched the live broadcast, but it doesn’t matter, the water friends who have watched the live broadcast, can you help deduct 1?” Zhou Ke saw the emperor Still in rhythm, she was really angry, because Su Wei is her big brother now, and if her big brother is questioned, it is tantamount to questioning her, and she has to respond.

Now she feels that she can come up with a plan that cannot be silenced. His head must have been caught by the door.

Just like this situation, if the emperor came to set the rhythm maliciously, the anchor would have nothing to do with him.

The most exasperating thing is that this is another emperor's trumpet, and you still don't know who his trumpet is.

"11111 I believe in Brother He, after all Brother He has shown us so much"

"Brother Crane, you don't believe me, so please call 1111111"

"Stuck, stuck, stuck"

"If you call 111, you can tell at a glance that you haven't watched the live broadcast that day. Those who have clocked in are real water friends."

Because of the card that day, Zhou Ke was filmed on the live broadcast to kiss Su Wei, so the water friend above was right, the one who checked in was the one who watched the live broadcast that day.

"It's not that you don't believe in my strength, now that I've rested for a while, I'll prove it to you now.

Water friends in the live broadcast room, you can go outside to promote it. As long as my name and title are changed tonight, I will feed each of them later.

I don't have many shark fins here now, and I still have 480 million shark fins, until all of them are fed." Su Wei's original plan was that the 480 million shark fins would not be given to those big anchors.

But seeing the Emperor, he suddenly had another idea.

What kind of news can spread widely, that is to feed the audience.

The reason why the incident about OT was spread so widely at that time was because he fed the whole audience instead of feeding someone alone.

When the water friends in the live broadcast room heard this sentence, they thought they had heard it wrong.

Those anchors who were switching screens, when they heard what Su Wei said, they changed the name of the room immediately, and welcome Brother Yunzhonghe.

There are also those who are very licking, welcome to Yunzhonghe Shenhao, the number one godhao Yunzhonghe.

Many small anchors didn't know what was going on, so a large group of people ran in and asked the anchor to change the title.

"Anchor, hurry up and welcome Brother He, you just change his title, he will come to feed you later" Most of the water friends went to the big anchor's room, but there are still the kind of water friends who are looking for people who have no one. room to advertise.

"Who is Brother He, don't come here to lead the rhythm, our anchor does not participate in outside affairs." In this kind of room, there may not be any big brothers, but there will be more or less husband fans.

After all, without a big brother or a husband fan, they can't continue broadcasting.

"Panda's No. 520 Shenhao came to Douyu, and said that as long as he changed the title, he could feed you a bite. He has already spent [-] million on Douyu today." This water friend has a good temper and is calm when he is bullied explanation of.

"Really? Can an anchor like me be fed too? Wait a minute, let me take a look at the situation outside. Wow, a lot of people have changed, so let me change one too." This kind of anchor is very persuasive. The kind, she was originally a small anchor, if she changed her name, if she was fed, it would not be a big profit.

The above ones are easier to talk about, Shui is friendly to talk about, and the anchor is also easier to talk about.

"Anchor, Brother He told you to change the title, he will feed you later"

"Let me give you a bite, get out with the rhythm." Seeing someone coming to the rhythm, the room manager said that it was the quintessence of Chinese culture.

"Anchors and housekeepers like you deserve to be cold, waiting for you to quit the Internet"

"Whether I quit or not, it has nothing to do with you. I won't change it. I come to keep the rhythm every day. It's really annoying."

"That's right, the anchor, let's sing, I've already silenced that bad guy"

Many live broadcast rooms live in their own world, and they don't pay attention to what happens outside.

They came back to be anchors, but they just heard that the live broadcast was quick to pay, so they came in as soon as their brains got hot.

"Wow, the anchor of Douyu is really lucky. Brother He bought 1000 million shark fins today." Zhou Ke didn't expect that after Su Wei paid himself 520 million, there were still 480 million shark fins in his backpack.

"Sing a song again, this time sing well, don't sing when you just met you." Su Wei didn't intend to quit Zhou Ke's live broadcast room, but reopened a webpage.

Su Wei didn't look for anyone to change the title, and directly typed the word Yunzhonghe in the search box.

In such a short period of time, the anchors in more than 100 rooms have changed the title of Yunzhonghe.

Su Wei went directly from the first live broadcast room, and when he clicked in, it turned out to be a different anchor.

"Welcome Brother He to Douyu, I'm Douyu's anchor Timo" Timo didn't expect Yun Zhonghe to come to her room first.

"I know you. I heard that you are not 1.5 meters tall. Is it true or not?" Su Wei is quite familiar with Timo, because she is said to be the first celebrity to step out of Douyu.

If Zhou Ke didn't run away from the panda back then, but just honestly broadcasted on Douyu, maybe she wouldn't be a house slave with three surnames.

"Brother He, I'm really 1.5 meters tall. If you don't believe me, I can find you on a live broadcast." Timo also lives in Shanghai. For a hero like Su Wei, how could he not want to meet him.

After all, in the accounting incident last year, she went to the appointment with 180 million yuan.

And how much money Su Wei paid Zhou Ke today, 520 million, plus the previous swiping in Panda, it is more than 700 million, which is almost worth all the money of an accountant.

If Su Wei really charged 1000 million in today, then he actually spent 1000 million.

"I'm not free now, let's talk when I'm free." Su Wei was quite nervous about time, and directly swiped 50 super rockets, and then exited the live broadcast room.

He is very clear about Su Wei's attitude towards Timo, but he is not interested in it now.

After all, there are too many women around, like Timo, his looks are like 80 points.

"Thank you Brother He for the 50 super rockets. If there is a chance, I'll treat you to a midnight snack." After being rejected, Timo didn't show any regretful expression.

After all, she wanted to rob Zhou Ke's big brother, so it would be great if she got it, but it didn't matter if she didn't.

Seeing that Su Wei did not agree to Timo's request, Zhou Ke also breathed a sigh of relief.

She can tolerate other people, but only Timo can't, because the two of them will be compared in every aspect.

Originally, even if there is no hatred, it can be brought hatred by the officials.

Su Wei clicked into the rooms one by one, as long as he knew them, or had familiar names, he would get 50 super rockets directly.

If you don't know him, no matter if he is a big anchor or a small anchor, he is all 10 super rockets.

Tonight's Douyu platform is completely messed up, and the anchors don't chat well, don't sing, don't dance, and they are all waiting for Su Wei to come in and feed them.

Su Wei saw that the atmosphere was so good today, so he rushed in another 500 million, and he didn't finish until almost 12 o'clock.

As long as you open the Douyu platform today, all the names of the rooms are "Crane in the Cloud".

(End of this chapter)

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