Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 178 Identity Exposure

Chapter 178 Identity Exposure
After Su Wei finished swiping the money, he turned off the computer and looked at his phone. Many people sent him messages again.

Among them is Zhou Ke, who just downloaded the broadcast, but he didn't reply to them. His main thing now is to find Wang Xiaoyuan.

After not seeing her for so long, he still missed her a lot. When he came to the room, he saw Wang Xiaoyuan holding a tablet and sharing her life on Xiaohongshu.

He didn't take a bath, took off his clothes, and threw himself on Wang Xiaoyuan on the bed.

Although Su Wei had already gone offline, the name Yun Zhonghe resounded through all the live streaming platforms in the early morning of April [-]nd.

Even though Su Wei is only on Douyu tonight, he has just watched hundreds of anchors.

But most of the ones he brushed were small anchors, the kind of live broadcast room that could earn thousands of dollars a month.

When he started swiping, Douyu’s real traffic increased by hundreds of thousands more than usual that night.

These traffic all come from other platforms such as Panda, Huya, YY, etc. Tourists like them are here to watch the show tonight.

After all, Shenhao in the past was all for an anchor, and as for whether it was real or hot, no one knew.

But today, Su Wei's brushing like this made the little anchor feel the rain and dew. With so many people, as long as one person can't get the money, then Su Wei's reputation will be ruined, so I can be 100% sure that Su Wei really did it today. 500 million out.

After Su Wei finished swiping the money, the post bar and the anchor's fan group were still discussing this matter. They had a common doubt, that is, who exactly is Yun Zhonghe.

Why is he so rich, why does he spend so much money on Douyu, and what is his relationship with Zhou Ke.

Because this incident was too big and affected too many people's spirits, many water friends spontaneously started looking for clues.

Not to mention, there are all kinds of people watching the live broadcast, and there are water friends with great powers, who have really picked up a lot of clues.

For example, now I have found out his address in Shanghai, I know that he lives in Gubei No. 681, and I also know that the house is [-] square meters, and I also know his real name, Su Wei.

He even picked out the luxury cars under his name, a total of more than 10, including several top luxury cars such as Rolls Royce, Porsche 918, and Rafa.

At this time, he began to say that his surname is Su, whether Suning belongs to his family.

Many people who eat melons think it is possible, but they have not waited to be cracked down on fakes.

Another water friend found another one, and Su Wei couldn't possibly be the evidence of Suning's young master.

It's not that Suning made an announcement to clarify, even if it made an announcement, it couldn't be early in the morning.

Because Su Wei doesn't do business, his name can't be missed by the officials.

But someone saw Su Wei's name in the newly sold real estate project.

That is the Gemini Building that was sold in Shanghai in the last month. The owner of that building is named Su Wei, and this building belongs to him personally and has nothing to do with any company.

At first, the netizen didn't believe it. After all, it might just be a coincidence of the name, but after checking it, he found that not only the name is the same, but the age is also correct. It is unreasonable and I can only believe it.

That netizen checked the current Gemini Tower, and the valuation is around 300 billion, while the total market value of Suning Group is only over [-] billion.

When netizens announced the news, everyone realized that this is not a rich second generation, it is clearly a rich generation, okay?

To say that he is the prince of Suning is simply insulting him. Maybe Suning's group is not as rich as him alone.

"This Yun Zhonghe is too rich, not to mention the countless mansions and luxury cars under his name. Just his mansion can help him earn hundreds of millions a year. No wonder he doesn't feel distressed at all when he spends money online. "

"Now Brother He's identity has been exposed, does that emperor still dare to come out to BB? Does he dare to expose his identity?"

"Once Yun Zhonghe's real identity is exposed, I'm afraid he doesn't need to pay for it, and those female anchors will cry and shout to repost."

"You say Zhou Ke, is this about to marry into a wealthy family?"

"Are you stupid? If Zhou Ke can marry into a wealthy family, this Young Master Su will let her come out to broadcast live? What are you thinking, and he is so rich, why don't you also find someone who is of the right family? "

"That's true, but Zhou Ke and him must have an affair, otherwise, no matter how rich you are, it's impossible to spend so much money on her for no reason."

Not only the netizens were discussing Su Wei's identity, but also the anchor, who was very curious about Yun Zhonghe's real identity.

"Sister, sister, someone has figured out Brother He's real identity." After the broadcast, Zhou Ke didn't go to bed immediately, but put on a mask.

Her assistant, who had been observing the post bar and the news of the fan group, planned to see the reaction of today's first show, but who knew that everyone didn't care about Zhou Ke, and the fans were all there to pick up Brother He's real identity, and it was true. Picked it up for them.

"Really? Then tell me quickly, I'm not moving right now." Although Zhou Ke knew that Su Wei was rich, she didn't even know what Su Wei's name was.

She only knew that Brother He's surname was Su, which she noticed when the receptionist at Bulgari greeted Su Wei.

"Yun Zhonghe, whose real name is Su Wei, was born on April 1994, [-], under the zodiac sign of Aries, his family siblings are unknown, his name includes cars, Rolls-Royce, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc., and his name includes Gubei No. [-], Tan Palace, etc., and then there is the Gemini Building in Pudong, Shanghai, which is gone." Nini didn't expect that the brother He I saw last time had so many luxury cars and so many luxury houses.

"Wait, what are you talking about? The Twin Stars Building belongs to Brother He?" The Twins Stars Building is not unknown in Shanghai. After all, this building is near Lujiazui. Although it is not close to the Huangpu River, it is close to the subway station.

"Yes, it belongs to him. What's the matter? Is this building very valuable? Wait a minute, it seems that someone is doing science popularization below. Let me take a look first." Although Nini knows that this building must be expensive, she has no idea how valuable this kind of thing is. , she has no concept.

"On the Internet, Brother He's 918, Rafa, Rolls-Royce, and Lamborghini are worth almost 4 million. The house in Gubei No. 90 is also worth 90 million. Tan Palace is no less than [-] million. The Twin Towers, no less than [-] billion? Is it so expensive, a building costs [-] billion? How much is that, my god.” Nini was really shocked, she must be too rich.

If so, Brother He is really her, the richest one among all the people she has come into contact with.

"Nini, I have to go to bed early today. You can call me at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, or 08:30." Zhou Ke didn't expect Brother He to be so rich. When she thought of going to Tianma with Brother He tomorrow, she felt a little nervous Excited to sleep.

"Sister, do you have something to do tomorrow? Do you want to wake up so early?" Nini didn't expect that Zhou Ke would tell her for the first time, asking her to call her at 08:30 tomorrow morning.

Zhou Ke usually only gets up at noon and afternoon. Could it be that the sun came out from the west?

"Tomorrow I'm going to accompany Brother He to the Tianma Race Track. The appointment is to start at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. I'll go to bed after applying the mask. You should go to bed early too." Zhou Ke and Nini are usually after four o'clock in the morning She will go to bed, of course she has to ask Nini to sleep too, otherwise she will definitely not be able to wake up tomorrow.

"Really? Sister, you should take a good rest and try to be in the best condition to see Brother He tomorrow. I won't watch dramas tonight. I promise to wake you up at 08:30 tomorrow morning." Nini listened Tomorrow, Zhou Ke will go to the Tianma Circuit with Su Wei, and immediately plans to go to bed.

Because if Zhou Ke can have a good result with Su Wei, then she, as Zhou Ke's assistant, will definitely rise.

After all, she has been with Zhou Ke for almost two years, and there is hard work without credit.

Zhou Ke's assistants can receive the news tonight, and other well-informed people will get more comprehensive information, such as Li Ziwei.

"Sister, Viagra's identity was exposed on the Internet." Li Ziwei originally called Su Wei to the bar today, and he set up a bureau.

But Su Wei refused because he just came back today.

Later in their game, Li Ruihe and Xiaobai and her boyfriend joined.

Li Ziwei could only change the place from the bar to the KTV.

"Su Wei's identity as that bastard has been exposed. Really, what is his identity?" Li Rui hated Su Wei when he thought of Su Wei. He agreed to buy her a car, then turned around and went to Sanya.

After going to Sanya, I went to Kyoto again, come back today, he is a dead man, and he went to accompany his girlfriend for the first time.

When Li Ziwei said that Su Wei's identity had been exposed, she was taken aback. After asking, she realized that it was her identity that had been exposed, not her private life.

If Su Wei's private life is exposed, then her relationship with Wang Xiaoyuan and Xiaobai may not be the same as before.

"What is his identity, don't be a secret, tell me quickly." Not only Li Rui was curious, but Xiaobai was also curious.

After all, although she was put to sleep by Su Wei, she was really the one who knew Su Wei the least.

"It is said on the Internet that he is the prince of the Suning Group," Li Ziwei said without intending to start, intending to whet their appetite first.

Everyone in the box stopped singing or drinking, and gathered around Li Ziwei, waiting for him to reveal the news.

"Impossible, Suning's boss is named Zhang, and I have met his son several times." Although Li Renfeng is not as rich as Su Wei, his family has billions of dollars in assets. It is not unusual to know the boss of Suning.

"I forgot that Brother Feng is here, so I'll be serious. Everyone knows about Viagra's cars, so I won't talk about that. Everyone knows that Viagra has houses in Gubei No. [-] and Tangong , but he has many other houses, which you don’t know, and they haven’t been exposed on the Internet, so I only know about them for the time being.

You should have read the circle of friends, the 15 billion courtyard house, spent 15 billion to buy the courtyard house, just to have a meal with the landlord’s daughter, who is the hero, yes, it is Viagra.

Also, in Lujiazui, you know the Gemini Building, that building is owned by Viagra, according to the rumors, the building charges at least 5 million yuan a year in rent." Li Ziwei said here, really envious.

Why is there such a big gap between people, his father only gave him a million pocket money a year at most.

He used to think this kind of life was good, even after meeting Li Renfeng.

Li Renfeng's pocket money was several times that of his, but he was only envious, not jealous.

Because the gap is not that big, but when Su Wei came here, he was really envious.

After all, the difference between 100 million and [-] million is really too far, the difference is hundreds of times.

"He bought the Gemini building. At the end of last year, the previous boss of Gemini jumped off the building. At that time, my dad and I were still guessing who would take over. Unexpectedly, Su Wei took over this building. , was it taken over by an individual, or by a group?" Li Renfeng used to think that there should be little difference between him and Su Wei's family.

It's just that one person has more pocket money and one has less pocket money.

But when he heard that the Twin Stars Building belonged to Su Wei, he knew that the two families were far apart, because the total assets of Li Renfeng's family might not be worth as much as this building.

"It shows that the owner of this building belongs to Viagra alone. We found out about this news today. Do you think we should call him and call him out?" Li Ziwei called Su Wei out without any intention of doing anything. , that is, let him treat at most.

"Forget it, aren't we going to race tomorrow, and Su Wei will definitely treat us tonight.

By the way, is the quality of the girls tomorrow okay? If not, I will ask Huang Qifa to get some girls. Although the girls he calls are of average quality, at least they won’t be tanks.” Jin Gaode doesn’t trust Li Ziwei’s girls too much. Because it's been done before.

Before coming here, Li Ziwei boasted that it was four heavenly dishes, but four tanks came.

And the most exasperating thing is that those tanks refused to leave after they came. At that time, they were almost forced to press F to enter the tank.

"I want to be fair about this. Lao Huang has a lot of girl resources around him, but one thing to say, he refuses to bring out all the good-looking ones. He only eats alone. It's different from you, Lao Jin. You, Lao Jin, are real. Don’t hide it, those girls in Qiantang OT last time were really good.” Li Ziwei was angry when he thought of Lao Jin talking about Huang Qifa.

Huang Qifa is a bitch, and what he likes to do most is to eat alone, a good-looking girl, I haven't seen him bring out a girl once.

"Okay, okay, let's go tomorrow, I will bring some girls out tomorrow, I will let you open your eyes, what is a real heavenly dish?" Huang Qifa saw that he was nodding at him, so he could only promise to bring some girlfriends out tomorrow.

"Are you going to Tianma tomorrow? If you want to go, drive my McLaren." Xiaobai's boyfriend is not from Shanghai. Although he has met Li Ziwei and the others many times, he just can't get along with him. go.

In the beginning, Xiaobai would bring his boyfriend here, but now he is rarely brought here.

One is that her boyfriend really can't fit into this environment, and the other is that after she has a relationship with Su Wei, she also wants to avoid meeting his boyfriend with Su Wei, because she is afraid that her boyfriend will see something.

"I'm not going tomorrow. I'm going shopping with Li Rui and Xiaoyuan tomorrow. Do you want to go? If you want to go, I'll tell you. Anyway, you know them all." Xiaobai saw her boyfriend I want to go, not because I like racing cars, but because I just like beautiful women.

She's been with her boyfriend for years, and she sometimes smells of him, of other girls.

At the beginning, she would still ask questions, and the two of them would argue, but now she doesn't care about it, and she is still a little laissez-faire. After all, now the two of them are just playing their own way, and no one should talk about the other.

Ever since Li Rui heard that the Gemini Tower belonged to Su Wei, she regretted it very much now. She had nothing to do at the time, so why did she match him with Wang Xiaoyuan?

She didn't participate in the chat with several people, but was chatting with Su Wei on the mobile phone.

Usually, at this point, she would chat with Su Wei, but Su Wei would not reply, usually in the afternoon of the next day.

But today he actually replied to her, even though it was text.

"Su Wei, you bastard, you agreed to buy me a car. When will you buy it for me? I want to drive a Rolls Royce"

"When you and Xiaobai accompany me again, I'll buy it for you." Why was Su Wei able to reply to her message? It was because he had just taken a shower and had just had a fight with Wang Xiaoyuan, and Wang Xiaoyuan had already fallen asleep.

"Why don't you die, I haven't settled with you for the incident last time, you still want the two of us to accompany you, don't you know?" Li Rui felt really embarrassed when she thought of the incident last time. You can deduct three rooms and one living room.

When she woke up that day, she happened to see Xiao Bai there, getting in the way of getting dressed, and when the two of them looked at each other, the atmosphere was really awkward.

After going out, the two agreed to forget about it forever.

"You still settled accounts with me. I remember you were very excited at the time." Su Wei came to the balcony in his pajamas and looked at the villa below. It seemed that the villa where materials were being imported was icy.

I don't know if she will decorate this villa after something happens to her later. If there is a chance, she can buy this villa and see if there is a chance to kiss Xiangze. After all, she is the prettiest among the three Huanzhu sisters. the one.

Among the many women Su Wei has slept with, Zuo Qing is the most moist among them, but from the outside, Bingbing is even more moist than Zuo Qing, and then he will have to actually experience it to see if it is as moist as he imagined.

He also wanted to experience what it was like to be Li Zhi when the time came.

"I won't tell you, by the way, is your birthday coming soon?" Although Li Rui was disgusted with the fitness of the three of them, she still gave Su Wei five-star praise for his fitness ability.

I haven't seen him for a long time now, I really miss him.

"Why, you want to give yourself to me. If you are with Xiaobai, then I will accept your gift." Su Wei's evaluation of Li Rui's skills is average, but if she is with Xiaobai, it would be The praise is 3 points for one person, and two people can make a five-star praise.

"Die, die, bastard" Li Rui was also very upset when she saw Su Wei's three words that she couldn't do without three people working out.

If he really wants to work out together, what's the use of finding her? Could it be that he wants her to be a lobbyist?Really speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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