Chapter 179 Don't Give Face (Seeking Tickets)
The next day.

Su Wei got up early today because he was going to run the track. After washing up, he saw Wang Xiaoyuan was still sleeping.

He didn't care about her, because he knew that Wang Xiaoyuan wouldn't wake up until noon at least, and even if she woke up early, she wouldn't be able to get up in bed.

When I opened the door, I smelled a scent. It turned out that Aunt Li had arrived and was cooking beef for Su Wei.

"It smells so good, Aunt Li, what are you doing?" Su Wei didn't go to the kitchen, but lay on the deck chair on the balcony, basking in the sun.

"Mr. Su, you're up. It's just right. My beef is almost cooked. I'm going to have beef noodles for breakfast today." Aunt Li has been in Gubei No. [-] for two months. Eat meat, preferably large chunks of boiled beef.

"That's fine, I'll get you a big bowl later. It's been a long time since I had beef noodles for breakfast." When Su Wei was in his hometown, he either had steamed buns or beef noodles in the morning.

After coming to Shanghai, I really haven’t eaten for a long time. I heard it suddenly, and I still miss it a little.

He swiped Douyin, and suddenly in Douyin, he saw a marketing account spreading his deeds.

The main point is that he spent 500 million on Douyu yesterday.

Of course, many people in the comment area do not believe that this is a real brush, and many suspect that it is the code of the brush.

This marketing account divides the video into two episodes. The first episode is about him making money in Douyu, and the second episode is about who the god Yun Zhonghe is.

Su Wei was bored and planned to listen to it, but he didn't expect that this marketing account had something to offer. It even exposed his several properties in Shanghai, most of his luxury cars, and the Twin Stars Building in Lujiazui.

He really didn't expect that he would break through the circle just because he made 500 million in Douyu.

In fact, he really thought too much about this matter. This marketing account, of course, was found by someone. The person behind the arrangement is the Douyu official, and they are actively promoting this matter.

Douyu has also seen the traffic of Douyin now, and they often arrange some things to be exposed on Douyin to attract more people to watch.

In fact, Su Wei couldn't wait for these things to be exposed.

As long as the key points, such as the fact that he has 1000 billion, such as his private life, these should not be exposed, except for these two things, other things are irrelevant.

After all, he bought these things originally to give himself a bright identity.

After breakfast came to the basement, Liu Qiang was already waiting below.

"President Su, do you want to go this distance? I'll drive a Ferrari 488 first, and I'll return it to you when I get to Tianma?" If you drive a sports car for a long time, your waist will feel particularly uncomfortable.

He thought about his boss, he was going to get off the track later, and now he drove for an hour, would it be unbearable to wait for the lower back.

"No, I'll drive it myself. When I come back, I'll call a tow truck to tow this 488 back. You can drive a Mercedes-Benz Marbach later. I'll take that car when I get back." Su Wei hasn't seen it for a few days. He started driving, and when he arrived at Tianma, he was about to go on the track. To be honest, he was still a little nervous.

He happened to be on the way to the Tianma Circuit to get familiar with the cars, otherwise he has so many cars, and he would not be so familiar with every car.

Su Wei got into the car, stepped on the brakes, and pressed the switch, bang bang bang.

When the car drove out, I saw a Rolls Royce parked in the parking space opposite. It turned out that the female neighbor was at home today.

But these days are too busy, otherwise he would have to call this woman out for a drink.

Because he promised to take Zhou Ke to the track today, he can only navigate to Zhou Ke's place first.

This Ferrari 488 convertible is driving on the road. He feels that it is not too different from Pista, except that the chassis tuning of Pista is a little more compact than it.

There is really not much difference in the others. After all, it is impossible to drive the extreme performance of this 488 on the street.

Seeing that the navigation was coming soon, he called Zhou Ke and heard that he would come down immediately.

"Brother He, can I wear this outfit to the track today, okay?" Zhou Ke got up at eight o'clock today, before the alarm clock rang.

After getting up, she took out all her clothes. She originally planned to wear sportswear, but she was not satisfied after wearing several sets. In the end, she wore a white T-shirt inside, a plaid shirt outside, and a pair of jeans on the bottom. , The whole person has that very pure feeling.

"Okay, you look beautiful in this, get in the car, your assistant doesn't have to drive, let's sit in the Mercedes-Benz at the back." Su Wei took a look, Zhou Ke's outfit today is indeed very pure, which suits her taste very much.

"Nini, then don't drive today, you can take the Mercedes-Benz behind Brother He." Zhou Ke didn't pay attention, thinking that the one behind was an ordinary Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

"Okay, my sister, I'll go there." Nini wished she didn't have to drive today, after all, it would take at least an hour to get to Tianma Circuit.

And she is riding a Mercedes-Benz, one thing for sure is that she must be much more comfortable than her sister's car.

"Brother He, are we going straight there now?" Zhou Ke got into the car and put on his seat belt first.

"No, we have to go near my house first. We still have a few cars to go there together later. Have you had breakfast?" Su Wei had to go back first. Li Renfeng and the others were already waiting for him at the gate of Gubei No. [-].

"I've already eaten, Brother He, have you eaten?" Zhou Ke was very happy, Su Wei also knew to ask her if she had breakfast.

"I've already eaten, but you and I haven't eaten today." Su Wei was just talking about it. There are people coming and going near Zhou Ke's apartment. No matter how thick-skinned Su Wei is, in this environment, he I dare not do anything.

"hate it"

Su Wei drove to Gubei No. [-], Li Renfeng and the others had already arrived, and Li Ziwei had already started the live broadcast there.

"Old Li is live broadcasting, remember to hide from the camera later." Su Wei is actually not afraid of Zhou Ke being on camera, he just reminds him obligedly.

If Li Ziwei broadcasts her later, he can't be blamed, but Li Ziwei can be blamed.

"It's okay, as long as we don't do anything in front of the camera, the water friends won't misunderstand." Zhou Ke is not afraid, she can't wait to get a picture of her and Su Wei, and they are actually in love.

Now Su Wei is very popular, the red is purple, and he is rich. Compared with him, the previous Bullfrog King is far behind.

Even when Mr. Bullfrog didn't gamble, he was just a drop in the bucket compared to Su Wei.

"Let's see who this is, this is what you've always wanted to see, the Ferrari key." Li Ziwei saw Su Wei coming, and originally planned to let the audience see Su Wei, but who knew how to sit in the co-pilot for a closer look? Look at Zhou Ke.

Su Weicai paid 520 million to Zhou Ke yesterday, and now he sees Zhou Ke in his co-pilot, and the water friend still doesn't let Zhou Ke's rhythm lead him to death.

"I see, there is a woman in Brother He's co-pilot"

"I still need you to say, that woman is Zhou Ke"

"It's definitely Zhou Ke, otherwise, how could Mr. Li turn the camera, the camera is too blunt"

"Chou Ke, Zhou Ke, Zhou Ke"

In Li Ziwei's live broadcast room, the barrage was full of Zhou Ke's name, and even the housing management was following the rhythm.

Originally, if Zhou Keyao was still the anchor of Panda, the barrage might not be so fierce.

But this is not transferred to Douyu, the panda's water friends are eager for the rhythm to be bigger, the better, and Su Wei only paid 520 million for Zhou Ke yesterday, and the popularity is high.

There are many people in this live broadcast room, but yesterday they have been chasing Su Wei, running around in every live broadcast room of Douyu.

"Brothers, this is Brother He, everyone, please save face, just understand, don't type it out." Li Ziwei wished he could slap himself, just wait for Su Wei over there, why did he come here.

Alright, now it's out with a big rhythm.

"What are you doing, what are you doing here?" Su Wei saw that Li Ziwei was about to greet him, and suddenly he squatted down on the ground.

He thought what was wrong, but when he saw Li Ziwei there, he understood everything he said.

"The water friends in my live broadcast room said that I drive the big G every day, and I haven't seen my Ferrari key for a long time, so I will show them." Li Ziwei put the key on the ground, and the camera still pointed at the Ferrari key to take another shot , but he pointed at Su Wei's co-pilot with his hand that wasn't holding anything.

"It turns out that water friends like to look at the car keys. Let me tell you earlier. Look, I have the same one here." Su Wei finally came to his senses. It turned out that he was hiding from Zhou Ke.

"Brother Li, it's the first time we've met. Hello panda audience, I'm Zhou Ke, long time no see." The two of Su Wei were giggling awkwardly when Zhou Ke came out of the car, and He also took his mobile phone and greeted the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Zhou Ke's family's goal has always been very clear. They just want to marry a rich man. After marriage, they will take care of their husband and children, so they will not broadcast live.

Today is such a good opportunity, just to break into Su Wei's circle of friends, and to have this kind of CP rhythm, which is not harmful to her at all.

Of course, it's not without disadvantages, at least many big brothers won't come to brush her, but she doesn't care, as long as she is popular, she can get the signing fee.

"Sure enough, it's Zhou Ke, I thought the barrage was talking nonsense."

"After swiping the money yesterday, are you here to accompany the big brother today?"

"Now that the new list one has appeared, when will the host quit the Internet?"

None of the people in the live broadcast room were friendly barrages, they were all eccentric.

However, the water friends in the live broadcast room also knew that this was Li Ziwei's live broadcast room, not Zhou Ke's live broadcast room, so it was just yin and yang, and did not start cursing directly.

"Zhou Ke is my friend in real life, everyone is merciful, today is going to the track, I have already told Zhou Ke about this a long time ago, there is no such thing as her coming to accompany big brother" this If it was Zhou Ke's live broadcast room, Su Wei would not be so easy to talk to.

But this is Li Ziwei's live broadcast room. He is afraid that Li Rui will watch her brother's live broadcast today. It doesn't matter to her, but she went shopping with Wang Xiaoyuan today.

"Whether the hardcore fans in the live broadcast room are here, everyone buckle a wave of 1 and pass this rhythm." Seeing Su Wei speak, Li Ziwei quickly persuaded the water friends to calm down.

After all, the matter of Su Wei and Zhou Ke, isn't it clearly stated here, Zhou Ke has already shown it so clearly.

You just need to understand it in your heart, and you still have to ask here, but the two of them said in the live broadcast room, yes, we are together, and we slept together a while ago.

How is this possible? It is impossible for anyone to say this in the live broadcast room.

"Stuck, stuck, stuck"

"It's stuck, it's stuck, it's stuck"

"1 stuck 1 stuck 1 stuck [-]"

Many people now only need to see Zhou Kezai, and the anchor only needs to deduct 1.

Then they blocked the card in the barrage, and this has become a meme of Zhou Ke.

Su Wei and Li Ziwei chatted casually. The main reason was that the live broadcast room was open, and there were many things that were not easy to talk about.

Su Wei went to Li Renfeng's place again. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they agreed not to get drunk tonight.

After everyone was assembled, there were a total of 8 cars, all of which were sports cars, and drove towards the Tianma Circuit in a mighty manner.

There are so many people going today, mainly because Li Renfeng and several other car clubs spent 13 a day to rent Tianma for a day.

It doesn't cost money to go today, and the few people in the group who don't play with the team very much come out today.

"Brother He, have you ever driven a race track? I saw many of them wearing racing suits." Zhou Ke looked at Su Wei. He was dressed more casually than her today.

Just a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, a pair of sunglasses on his face, and a Rolex on his body.

You say that he is going off the race track in this appearance, it is better to say that he is going on a spring outing.

"I brought it, don't worry, my clothes are at Lao Li's, and I'll change them when I get off at Tianma, and you can try to play later." Su Wei touched his hand while driving.

"Brother He, don't, concentrate on driving, I can take a day off to accompany you at night." Seeing Su Wei driving and playing this, Zhou Ke was still a little flustered.

If she didn't drive, she wished Su Wei could treat her like this.

"You start the broadcast tonight, and after it's downloaded, you can come and find me. Anyway, I'm going to play until three or four o'clock today." Su Wei's words are not deceiving, there are so many people today, just listening to their chat, It is said that Huang Qifa brought out all his girlfriends.

Including Li Ziwei and his friend's best friend, there are at least 10 girls tonight, how could it end so early.

"Brother He, if I drive your car up, you won't feel bad if I hit you." Since Zhou Ke went there today, how could he not want to go up and try a few.

It's just that she was afraid that her skills were too poor, so she crashed the car. After all, every time there was news on the racing track, it was an accident on the racing track.

"What's so distressing about a car, it's not as much as the money I gave you?" When Su Wei was speaking, he slowed down the speed of the car, and then opened the hood.

"Okay, if I have a chance later, then I'll play and play." Zhou Ke thought about it too. Su Wei's worth of tens of billions paid her 520 million yesterday, and the total consumption yesterday was 1500 million. Distressed, there is no need.

The car drove to Tianma, and it was almost 12 o'clock. Su Wei and the others did not run directly, but went to eat first.

There are also some people in other car friend groups who are broadcasting live, but that person's live broadcast is relatively vulgar, and he specializes in filming women's Xiasanlu.

"Brother He, hello, I am also the anchor of Panda. My name is Wanba." This Wanba is the old anchor of Panda. Today I heard from his friend that there is an event here in Tianma. He came from Qiantang specially and planned to come. Check out the content of the show.

Unexpectedly, after coming here, there will be unexpected gains. He saw Mr. Li, Yun Zhonghe, and Zhou Ke here.

He just said hello to Mr. Li, because they are both the anchors of Panda and the live broadcast is on, so Li Ziwei pretended to chat with him.

This [-]-year-old thought he knew Mr. Li, and now after greeting Li Ziwei, he came to Su Wei to see if he could get acquainted with Brother He.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Su Wei knew this anchor named [-]. This anchor can be regarded as the most successful fake rich second generation in Panda Outdoor.

Why do you say he is a fake rich second generation, because Su Wei remembers that when watching his live broadcast, he was very cold, and then the water friends in the live broadcast room licked him, saying that he was the top rich second generation in Qiantang.

But Su Wei clearly remembered that in his house in Qiantang, his family lived in a 150-square-meter house, and then he signed a brokerage company and acted as a dog's leg for others. Would this kind of person be the second generation of the real rich?Are you so humble?

If this kind of condition is rich second generation, then there are hundreds of households in their community. Qiantang is better than their community. There are not 100, but there are 99. Looking at it this way, the top rich second generation in Qiantang is not too bad. It's worth it.

"Brother He, I also like to play cars. I belong to the K team. If you are interested in running the track, Brother He, if you want to know more about it, I can teach you." Wanba is indeed from the K team, but People just use him as a tool man, a pawn.

After all, he is an anchor who comes to promote the team for free, which team would refuse.

And if the team's car models are not enough, you can call him to help.

Anyway, what the team paid was to give him an honorary title, which was worthless.

The team has a meeting, the team discusses things, have you ever approached him, not once.

"No need, if I want to play with the car, I will find a professional person. Zhou Ke, let's go to eat." Su Wei is very annoyed by this man, he has no vision, didn't he see that he was impatient, and kept taking pictures Zhou Ke, you want to go crazy if you want to catch the heat.

Su Wei closed the door, ignored him, and took Zhou Ke directly to the cafeteria for dinner.

If there was no incident at the beginning of 20, Su Wei really wanted to form a team, burn tens of millions a year, and definitely win the championship, but because of irresistible events, the GT3 races were all yellow.

"This person is really arrogant, our anchor is also a rich second generation, what's so awesome about it?"

"He is really awesome, just look at the Twin Stars Building in Lujiazui, who can't be called a god after seeing it?"

"Brother Snake is not richer than him, nor is he so arrogant, who do you look down on?"

The [-] fans saw that Su Wei looked down on others, and they were filled with righteous indignation in the live broadcast room, complaining for their own anchor.

"Forget it, let's play with ours, and I'll take you to the track later" I'm so angry, but what can I do, you have more money than others, your car is better than others, and your girl is not as beautiful as others.

But he has his own calculations, because Su Wei brought Zhou Ke with him today, so he doesn't believe that he can't shoot the best content.

 [-] words per day, please encourage the counting of votes
(End of this chapter)

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