Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 180 The Little Action Behind

Chapter 180 The Little Action Behind
Su Wei didn't know yet that his behavior of not showing face just now had already made Eighteenth Wan hold a grudge.

But even if Su Wei knew about it, he probably wouldn't take it to heart, because in his previous life, he watched this outdoor anchor called [-] for several years.

He knew that [-] was a bully and feared the tough, and he showed his character to death.

If this [-] is true, if he can stop coaxing anyone and do what he does to the end, then Su Wei will think highly of him, but unfortunately he is not, he is just a soft-footed shrimp.

So Su Wei can be regarded as hating iron but not steel. He was reborn in this life, and he really didn't like to see this kind of soft-legged shrimp.

"Brother He, who was that person just now? It's too wretched. The angle of the camera has been malicious." Zhou Ke was angry when she thought of the anchor just now, because she really didn't expect that a small outdoor anchor would dare to shoot her like this .

If she was still in Panda and didn't jump off the platform, if this kind of outdoor anchor dared to film her so lewdly, then she would just report it and block his live broadcast room for a week, even half a month would be fine.

On game platforms like Panda, the outdoor sector is a stepmother’s child, because your traffic is not your own, but the game anchors on the platform give you.

Tourists are brought to this platform by these game anchors. When the game anchors are not on the air, they will wander around and see you, and then often watch you, becoming your fans and water friends.

It has never been said which platform the tourists are attracted by the anchors of these star shows, and they download the game platform to watch you.

Because you are not a big star, without the exposure of the platform, who would know you.

So this has led to, in the past few years, the executives of these game platforms and the super tubes below have all looked down on these outdoor anchors.

It wasn't until the Douyin platform became popular that outdoor anchors had a way to be exposed, and these game platforms began to pay attention to outdoor anchors.

But paying attention is not necessarily a good thing, because they will sign the anchor's contract to death, even if your contract expires, you will not be able to leave.

"Don't pay attention to him, this kind of little anchor, who is specially made to be vulgar. In other words, there are too many people today, anyone can come in, next time I will book a racing track alone, let these idlers wait They can't all get in." Seeing how easy it is to book out the venue, Su Wei really moved to book the venue alone.

He planned to call a few friends next time, and then call Wang Xiaoyuan or Liu Jing.

Speaking of Liu Jing, Su Wei remembered that this place is very close to Liu Jing's school. If you have time later, you can go to her school to see her.

Had he known that this place was so close to Liu Jing's school, he would not have called Zhou Kelai back then.

After all, Liu Jing is his girlfriend, and Zhou Ke, to put it bluntly, is just a pure flirtatious friend.

His careful thinking about Zhou Ke must be clear in his heart, but he will not let her take over at all, and he is now in the area of ​​protection measures, which is quite in place, Zhou Ke will never rely on her in this life Borrow your child.

Su Wei had just been reborn before, so he was a little messy.

But now as I get in touch with more women, I realize how attractive my money is.

Now he will pick and choose the girls who come to his door before he will eat. Now he is not as hungry as before.

"Brother He, you have to protect me well," Zhou Ke said, but if she saw that anchor filming her later, she would definitely do some ambiguous things with Su Wei on purpose.

In fact, she wished that this anchor called [-] could take more pictures of her and Su Wei.

Because the racetrack is closed now, no one else can get in.

There were only two people broadcasting live, one was Li Ziwei, and the other was the male anchor just now.

Li Ziwei would definitely not photograph her and Su Wei, after all, he is Su Wei's friend.

He definitely wouldn't come to take advantage of this popularity, after all, he is not rare, if he really wants to be popular, he can go to Su Wei directly.

After all, his relationship with Su Wei is much better than that of Zhou Ke, and Su Wei also helped him hold the camera for a few hours before.

"No problem, just follow me. Fuck, today is lunch." Su Wei was shocked when he saw that everyone was queuing up to get lunch.

These people are sure to be a group of rich second generations?I'm afraid this is a group of fake rich second generations, who eat every boxed lunch with such relish.

"Sister, Brother He, I brought you a chicken leg rice." Nini was holding three boxes of rice, the top two were the chicken leg rice she helped Su Wei and Zhou Ke get, and the bottom was her own braised pork.

When Nini came over with the meal, she thought that Brother He would definitely remember her well.

Because of these two chicken drumstick rice, but she managed to grab them.

Today, there are more than 20 sports cars, including female companions and support staff, which add up to almost 70 people, and there are more than 20 chicken leg rice.

If it wasn't for Liu Qiang's help, Nini would definitely not be able to grab the last two chicken drumstick rice.

"Brother He, you have two chicken drumsticks with rice. I managed to get braised pork here, should we change it?" Li Ziwei appeared out of nowhere, holding a braised pork rice in his hand.

He was late because of the live broadcast just now, and he didn't have any chicken drumstick rice, so he could only get a braised pork rice.

Originally, he wanted to share a table with Su Wei and the others, but now seeing Su Wei's expression of disdain for this chicken leg rice, he thought Su Wei didn't like chicken leg rice.

"What's the matter? We arranged to have boxed lunch at noon, and everyone here, after all, are owners of supercars, so they grabbed a chicken drumstick rice. As for it?" Su Wei really didn't figure it out, if he wanted to eat Okay, how about going to eat out directly.

Everyone is eating box lunch here, what is going on.

"Brother He, you really don't understand the sufferings of the people. If it weren't for the lack of money, who would come to eat lunch. Well, I don't want to eat this lunch either. Why don't we drive out to eat out?" Li Ziwei waited for Su Wei That said, although there are meat, vegetables, and eggs in this lunch box.

But where is the taste of eating out, he would definitely eat it normally, but today he came out with Su Wei, he believed that Su Wei would not be able to get used to the food here.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go, go and see Ah Feng and the others have started eating, if they haven't eaten, call them too." Su Wei has been reborn for so long, and he didn't expect to eat box lunch today.

It would be fine if there is no one in the hundreds of kilometers nearby, but I saw it when I just came here, and there are quite a lot of restaurants nearby.

Since there is a choice, of course it is to skip the box lunch and go out to eat.

Other rich second generations may indeed have no money in their pockets, but he is not a rich second generation, he has a lot of money.

"Brother He is full of atmosphere, if you say you don't want to eat, you won't eat."

"Mr. Li is too cowardly. If Brother He wasn't here, he would have eaten box lunch obediently here."

"I'm a billionaire, you want me to eat lunch here"

The water friend barrage is also playing tricks there, after all, after Su Wei finished swiping the money yesterday.

The water friends who watched the live broadcast, especially the water friends in the live broadcast room of Li Ziwei and Zhou Ke, almost no one did not know about Su Wei's assets of tens of billions.

At first, some water friends didn't believe it, but immediately there were kind water friends who gave him science popularization.

"Okay, you can broadcast it for me that week, and I'll be right back." Li Ziwei handed the phone to Zhou Ke and asked her to broadcast it for him.

"If we go out to eat, will it delay your leaving the track?" Zhou Ke saw that Li Ziwei handed her the phone, and then left. She could only be forced to be an outdoor live broadcaster.

Nini definitely doesn't want Su Wei to go out to eat, if Su Wei chooses to go out to eat, then she will grab the chicken leg rice for nothing.

"It's okay, I'm just here for fun today anyway. If it's fun to get off the track, I'll book this track next time and come here for a special run." Bao, and if he really loves racing, he will find a piece of land and build a track by himself. Anyway, as long as the money is in place, it is not difficult to build a racing track.

"666, Shenhao is Shenhao"

"You won't let me book the venue, so I'll just fix one myself, it's too domineering."

"If you have money, you can do whatever you want. I want to be a god too."

Seeing how domineering Su Wei said, the water friends immediately started snapping barrages crazily.

"Brother He, Brother Feng, they have already started eating. He is the person in charge today, and there are still a lot of things to coordinate. He told us to come back before two o'clock. Then we have to take a picture first." Why did Li Ziwei The reason why I didn't bring the live broadcast is because Li Renfeng brought a girl here today, and that girl is not Xiaoya.

Today, not only Li Renfeng brought a girl, but Jin Gaode and Huang Qifa also had a girl, but Li Ziwei didn't bring a girl.

It's not that he didn't bring it, but that he was let go by that woman. The woman didn't get up in the morning, so Li Ziwei didn't wait for her, and came by himself.

"That's too much time. It's only 12 o'clock now, and there are still two hours left." Su Wei doesn't care about taking pictures, because others need to take pictures to brag, to prove that he really drove a sports car to get off the track, but he doesn't care. need.

"I knew it, how could it be possible to eat boxed lunches when we came out with Brother He? We used to eat boxed lunches every time we came here. It's too bad." Li Ziwei planned to come to the track in the future, and he called Su Wei every time. It can be mixed with a meal, so happy.

"Anchor, you are too shameless, what about the dignity of your rich second generation?"

"Young master is too miserable. I didn't expect to come here to eat lunch. Fortunately, Brother He is here."

"Do you think Brother He will run a race? After all, I have never seen him run before."

"It's hard to say, we haven't seen Lao Li run before, but I see that Brother He has so many cars, his skills should not be bad."

The barrage was quite optimistic. After all, Su Wei had so many cars, no one knew that it was his first time on the track.

"Nini, please return these three boxes of lunch. Thank you for your hard work. You can eat two more bowls later." Although Su Wei doesn't eat box lunches, this box lunch was brought by Nini's hard work, thank you She deserved it.

After all, she is not Su Wei's assistant. Thinking of the assistant, she quickly sent a message to Director Guan and asked him to set the assistant interview time on the 4th of this month. Otherwise, he will fly to Kyoto on the [-]th. Who knows? You'll have to stay there for a few days before you come back.

"Okay Brother He, then I will eat more later, don't be disgusted with it." Nini is considered a little chubby, and Su Wei may not be able to beat her in eating and eating.

"As long as you can eat, I don't care how much you eat"

Su Wei took a few people and found a bigger restaurant nearby. The 6 people ate for more than 2 yuan.

When ordering, if the boss hadn't kept saying that the six of you couldn't finish so many dishes, Su Wei would have wanted to order.

A few people had enough food and drink, and it was only 01:30 in the afternoon when they returned to Tianma Circuit.

"Old Li, everyone in your group is here, you can take pictures." The presidents of other car clubs, seeing Su Wei came back, hurried over to find Li Renfeng.

They had wanted to gather everyone together to take pictures, but it was because Su Wei didn't come back that they kept waiting for Su Wei.

If Su Wei's identity hadn't been revealed before, they would definitely not have waited for Su Wei, but isn't his identity revealed now?

Those rich second generations who came to the track today, who doesn't want to get to know Su Wei.

After all, even if you don't rely on Su Wei to make a fortune, there's nothing wrong with getting acquainted with such a big boss.

It's just that they have already heard about the [-]. Su Wei didn't give him any face because he was an anchor.

These rich second generations are afraid that they will strike up a conversation with Su Wei rashly, and it will be embarrassing to wait for the same fate as that [-].

"Ah Wei is back, then we can ask them to come over and prepare to take pictures." Seeing Su Wei and the others coming back, Li Renfeng told Jin Gaode and the others to call others to start taking pictures.

Because many people are still running laps on the track.

For example, Xiaobai's boyfriend, he is still running on the track, and today he drives very hard.

Li Ziwei went to call Li Renfeng, but Li Renfeng and the others had already started eating, so they didn't go.

But at that time, Xiaobai's boyfriend was sitting next to Li Renfeng. He hadn't opened his lunch box yet. Li Ziwei saw him, but he just didn't call him.

This made him feel extremely humiliated, and made Xiao Bai's friends all hate him.

In fact, it's not that Li Ziwei didn't call him, but he knew the relationship between Su Wei and Xiaobai, and he was afraid that Xiaobai's boyfriend would know about that, so he didn't call him.

But I didn't expect Xiaobai's boyfriend to misunderstand him, thinking that he was deliberately not calling him.

When it was time to take pictures, Xiaobai's boyfriend drove away without even taking pictures.

But Li Ziwei and the others, seeing Xiaobai's boyfriend left just like that, didn't care about him. After all, everyone's relationship is normal. If there is no Xiaobai, who would know him.

And Xiaobai and Li Rui in the group, although everyone didn't know about their relationship with Su Wei, they could still feel it in their hearts.

Li Ziwei wanted to ask his sister several times, but he held back because he knew that even if he asked, his sister would not tell.

Even Wang Xiaoyuan, she had already seen it, but she didn't make it clear.

Because this kind of thing cannot be made clear, and if it is made clear, it means that there is no way out.

And looking at Su Wei's appearance, he didn't look like he would let them take over, so Wang Xiaoyuan just let him go.

Anyway, my boyfriend won't suffer. As for the two girlfriends, if you post it yourself, who can blame you for the disadvantage.

When taking pictures, although Su Wei didn't pay this time, everyone still asked him to stand in the C position.

After all, most of the people here are still asking the family for money, but he alone can earn hundreds of millions in a year.

Although this money is not earned by your own ability, but by the rent of that office building, if you don't have the capital to buy that building, you can't earn this rent.

When it was past two o'clock to take pictures, the pictures were finally finished, and Su Wei also planned to play.

A bunch of people took pictures with him just now, making him busier than those car models.

For the other two car clubs, they hired professional car models and a professional photography team. They would take these photos and make them into the team's magazine later.

Only Li Renfeng didn't want to do this. Although he formed a group of car friends, most of the people in it were diving.

These active people are basically either in bars or KTVs.

This time it was because of his treat, otherwise maybe only him, Su Wei, Jin Gaode, Li Ziwei and Huang Qifa would come.

So, when he went back this time, Li Renfeng planned to start a new group, and the previous group was abandoned.

"Finally, I can run the race. Let me see how my clothes look, whether I look handsome or not." Su Wei took the racing suit from Li Ziwei after taking the photo.

Then he took Zhou Ke up to the second floor, found a small room with no one there, and started changing clothes in front of her.

"I think it looks pretty. You put this helmet on, it will be perfect." Zhou was pulled in by Su Wei, because Su Wei said that he couldn't wear clothes well, so he pulled her into this small room .

"This place is quite hidden, what do you think we can try here?" Su Wei was actually joking, after all, it's past two o'clock now, if we go up for a few laps, it will really be dark later.

"Here? I think it's okay, then I'll bite my clothes later." When Zhou Ke spoke, he was already planning to take off Su Wei's clothes.

She planned to bite the racing suit later, but she knew the strength and speed of Su Wei's impact all too well.

And the environment here is really good. It was originally a small room, and once the door was locked from the inside, no one could get in.

"Don't, don't, I'm joking, wait for the night, wait for the night" Su Wei didn't expect Zhou Ke to take it seriously, and felt that it was preventing Zhou Ke from continuing to take off his clothes.

Not long after Su Wei and Zhou Ke went up to the second floor, a figure appeared behind him. It turned out to be [-].

Although [-] didn't dare to provoke Su Wei in person, he still dared to make some small moves behind his back.

He knew that Su Wei was going up to change clothes, so he purposely accidentally photographed Su Wei and Zhou Ke going upstairs together.

"Fuck, brother He is holding a racing suit. He is going up to change, right? What are you going to do that week?"

"Aren't you asking knowingly, why are they going to tell you?"

"I didn't expect Zhou Ke to look so pure, but to be so wild."

"Then you don't understand, you look pure on the outside, but you are actually very coquettish on the inside"

(End of this chapter)

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