Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 182 Great progress

Chapter 182 Great progress
"Brother He, you want to buy a car again? But I heard what Brother Li said, you already have a 911, so why don't you just drive that car to the track? There's no need to buy a car. "Zhou Ke didn't ask in front of the water friends in the live broadcast room, but followed Su Wei to his own car before asking this question.

In fact, she didn't understand the significance of Su Wei buying a car so repeatedly.

If she knew that Su Wei bought another Ferrari 488pista in Kyoto after owning this Ferrari 488 convertible, and ordered a Ferrari 488pista convertible, then she would be even more puzzled.

From the looks of it, there really isn't much difference.

"My car is being driven by others now, and I don't plan to get it back. In addition to how expensive a Porsche can be, it can't be more expensive than my Porsche 918." Su Wei's 911 is now Let Li Jiawen drive it, if Li Jiawen likes that car.

Su Wei planned to give that car to her. The car ran more than 100 kilometers with Su Wei. When it was handed over to Li Jiawen, the 911 would never exceed 200 kilometers.

The main reason is that Su Wei likes cars, and when he sees a car he likes, he will buy it.

But it’s okay to buy it, but he only has one person and can only drive one car at a time.

Now that there are too many cars, he will not be able to drive many cars.

She thought, anyway, didn't his women want a car, so he might as well just give them the car he didn't drive.

Instead of buying them a car, he can clean out his own garage.

Otherwise, he has too many cars now, and the five parking spaces in Gubei No. [-] are no longer enough, and it will also affect his purchase of a new car.

"I know you are rich, you are the richest, you go up, I will wait for you below" Zhou Ke heard Su Wei say that someone else drove the car, she knew that the person must be a woman, and was about to envy her, Suddenly remembered, Su Wei gave her more than 700 million,

I was in a low mood, but I was happy all at once.

That's right, according to Su Wei's net worth, a car worth a few million is probably about the same as buying a piece of clothing for her.

It really doesn't feel bad for her to give someone a piece of clothing now, it just depends on whether she wants to give it away or not.

"I already know how to run this time, let's see my performance." Su Wei just sat in Li Ziwei's co-pilot, and he didn't wear a racing suit, only a helmet.

So I feel good, now I am playing by myself, and I must wear the racing suit and helmet.

This time, Su Wei was sitting in the 488 convertible, and he already had confidence in his heart. Unlike just now, when he went up and ran without any foundation, he was completely dumbfounded when he got on the track.

Su Wei's previous run was indeed a bit too bad, after all, it was his first time running.

But it's different now, no matter what, I have already run three laps, and I already know the terrain of this circuit.

And just watched Li Ziwei run a few laps, he also knew where to enter the corner and where to exit the corner.

Su Wei is confident now that this hand will definitely not let people casually pass her by.

The previous Su Wei didn't dare to push the gas with his feet, but it seemed that he had already stepped on the gas pedal before he was in line, and he was stepping on the gas pedal with his big foot.

He didn't dare to step on the accelerator before because he didn't know where to enter the turn, but he watched Li Ziwei run, and he could still remember the approximate position of the turn.

After he went up this time, he didn't think he was as timid as before. He dared to step on the speed of 210km/h on the big straight. Dare to let go and run.

Although his results in these few laps were still not as good as others, but after a few laps, Su Wei didn't care about the results anymore, because he himself was getting more and more enjoyable, and he was already in full swing.

Fortunately, after a few laps, he didn't forget that Zhou Ke was still below, and he was always worried about the high temperature alarm of Ferrari, so after 5 laps, he still came down.

"Ah Wei, it's ok. I just checked. You ran these few laps. The best lap time is 20 minute and [-] seconds." Li Renfeng really thinks that Su Wei's result is not bad, but Su Wei can run out of this time When it came out, the performance of the car was greatly illuminated.

Otherwise, the track is simple. If Su Wei practiced for a while, it would be relatively easy to run within one minute and ten seconds.

"Then why is my score among these people today? Is it the bottom? What was your fastest lap time just now?" Su Wei heard that his score was 20 minute and [-] seconds, and he didn't know what the score was. So ask Li Renfeng and others.

He doesn't dare to think that his results are quite good now. After all, he has never been on the track, and his whole thinking is different from that after being on the track.

Knowing that fast on the road is not really fast, but driving fast on the track is really fast.

"Brother Feng's score is [-] minute and [-] seconds, and my best score is [-] minute and [-] seconds. Viagra, you have to work hard." Li Ziwei didn't go up for a run, and was here just waiting for Su Wei to ask about the score.

He has no Su Weiniu in other places. It is hard to find some confidence in the racing field, and he can also laugh at him as a great hero. This kind of opportunity is very rare.

After all, if Su Wei really intends to run the track well, don't worry too much, find a coach and spend a month practicing, and it will be no problem to hang him after a month.

Especially the Tianma Circuit is a very small venue, which is very suitable for novices to practice skills.

"Ah Wei's result is not bad. I looked at the slowest car today, and it was 40 minute and 20 seconds. Among the more than 911 people with your time, you are not among the bottom three. Weiwei, I Remember when you drove your [-] just now, when you came to the track, the score was about one and a half minutes." Li Renfeng saw Li Ziwei laughing at Su Wei, a novice, and revealed his past.

Back then, Li Ziwei met him when he was a senior, and followed him to the track for the first time, driving 60 yards the whole way.

When it was time to go back, there was no one on the track, so he ran a time of 30 minute and [-] seconds.

The main reason was that at that time, Li Ziwei was more concerned about his car, afraid of an accident, and his father would scold him when he returned home.

"Old Li, your first time is so bad, so you still dare to laugh at me, you are 10 seconds slower than me, okay?" Su Wei didn't expect Li Ziwei's lap time to be so much slower than him for the first time on the track , which gave him confidence all of a sudden.

"Awei, if you really like running, you can come and run a few more times. To put it bluntly, getting off the track is a process that makes perfect. Anyway, as long as you are willing to spend money, your skills can reach a very good level in a few months. .

Look at me, the best time in the past was [-] seconds, but how did I run today? I couldn’t catch up after two seconds, but the car was still the same car. It’s just that I haven’t run for a long time, and my skills are a bit rusty.” Li Renfeng has been for a long time He didn't run the track anymore, he used to run several times a month.

Tianma runs here, and Shanghai Shanghai International Circuit also runs there. He also runs in Zhejiang Race sometimes.

After all, he really loves this sport, and spends almost 100 million on it every year.

This is not counting the depreciation money for buying a car, and the repair money if the car crashes.

But now Jin Gaode and Li Ziwei, they come to the racing track less, and there are more bars and KTVs. He can't play alone, and he can only reduce the chance of running the track.

In addition, after falling in love with Xiaoya, he was often taken out by Xiaoya to travel, so he still hoped that Su Wei would come often so that he would have company.

"I have this idea. I plan to find a professional coach to systematically teach me how to run the track. Do you have any coach recommendations, preferably a good-looking woman?" Su Wei thinks running the track is fun It was fun, but he still couldn't let it go.

So I want to find a coach and plan to study hard.

If he can't find a suitable person, he plans to wait for a month or so, and when the Ferrari training class opens, he will sign up.

Wang Sheng from Ferrari has already sent a message to tell him that in May this year, Ferrari will hold a Ferrari training class, which is dedicated to teaching trainees off the track, and asked Su Wei if he is interested, about 5 yuan in total. two days.

Su Wei is now hesitating whether to wait, because the Ferrari training will take more than a month, which is too long.

If that training had been held this month, he might have participated without hesitation.

"I really have one here, but although she is professional, she is definitely not as skilled as the male coach, but it is more than enough to teach you how to get started." How could Li Renfeng not know what Su Wei meant, but he did know the female coach.

Since Su Wei wants to learn, he recommends it to him. If something really happens between the two of them, it has nothing to do with him.

But when he thinks of that woman, he still feels a little itchy, because at that time he also asked her to learn how to drive, and he also had thoughts about her, but at that time, the female coach had a boyfriend, and the latter matter was just nothing. up.

"Add me, add me, I'm going to learn too, I don't think my skills are very good." Li Ziwei heard that it was a female coach, so he also planned to learn together.

"Mr. Li, are you rushing to learn how to drive a racing car? Are you rushing to learn how to push a cart?"

"You and Brother He are together, be careful that the coach can't handle it alone."

"Mr. Li, I support you. Get the coach and leave no one for Brother He Mao."

The bullet screen saw that Li Ziwei was also going to learn to drive, and knew that he was definitely not just going to practice driving, so they all teased him.

"Wait a minute, I'll talk to this coach first." After Su Wei got WeChat, he didn't let Li Ziwei add.

He knew Li Ziwei too well, he had no bottom line for women, how could he let Li Ziwei go.

And even if he wanted to practice driving, he would have to wait until the second half of the month at least.

His time in the first half month has been too full, and he really can't spare time.

After Su Wei chatted with them, he didn't take Zhou Ke to the track immediately, mainly because Su Wei planned to let the car cool down first.

By the way, take off your racing suit, or you will be too hot.

After receiving the water from Zhou Ke, Su Wei drank most of the bottle in one go.

"It's so cool, it's been a long time since drinking water is so refreshing." Su Wei poured the remaining half bottle of water directly on his head.

Su Wei only feels that this is summer, and this is what youth looks like.

"Brother He, I just watched it on the monitor. You are running very well now." Zhou Ke just went to fetch water for Su Wei. When she came over, Li Ziwei and the others had already finished chatting and left.

She was on the monitor just now and saw that Su Wei was not overtaken by a car, and felt that he was improving quite quickly.

In fact, Su Wei is far more than just a novice in this racetrack, but he has the best reputation, so everyone drove to overtake him at that time.

Although Su Wei's skills are mediocre, at least he can run the full distance. Today, three cars rushed out of the track. Although none of them are serious, it also proves that the track is still very dangerous.

"I think it's okay. I'll take you for a few laps later, and then you can drive up and run by yourself." Su Wei knew now, and watched Li Ziwei run once, and then ran by himself.

There is a big difference between running directly and running by yourself.

If I had been more modest at the time, I wouldn't have made so many people laugh at me.

"I really want to go up and run, but I'm afraid I can't run well, what should I do?" Zhou Ke didn't expect that Su Wei still remembered that she was asked to go on the track later, she was still thinking just now, Su Wei waited. Will I forget about this next time?

In fact, Zhou Ke is also very entangled now, because from Su Wei's performance on the field, it can be seen that the track and the street are definitely not the same thing, and he is not driving this road alone.

But I have come here today, and Brother He has said so, if I don't open it, I must still be a little bit unwilling.

"What's the matter, let's go up and play, it's really hot today, my hair is dry, and it's almost time to rest, let's go, I'll take you up for a few laps first." Su Wei rested for a while, feeling comfortable now Point, you can continue to run up.

When Su Wei taught Zhou Ke, he was actually reflecting and learning.

After running three laps, I feel that I have made a lot of progress compared to running alone.

After Zhou Ke went up by himself, he was even more timid than Su Wei. After running 4 laps, he ran the worst time in the race, with a single lap of 50 minute and [-] seconds.

Su Wei really had a great time at Tianma Circuit today. He ran until six o'clock in the evening, and it was almost dark, so he decided not to run.

It's not that he can't run anymore, but that the tires of the Ferrari 488 are no longer good, and the grip is basically zero.

When he just turned the corner, the car's buttocks swung a big tail, and Su Wei was almost scared out of his urine.

Although it is very dangerous, hard work is rewarding, that is, Su Wei's lap time has reached 14 minute and [-] seconds.

"Awei, wait for your car, it's best not to drive back, I just checked, your car's tire pattern has been worn out, although it's not a big problem to drive the street, but it's better to call a tow truck "As soon as Su Wei's car got off, Li Renfeng came over to check it for him.

After all, of course Su Wei's car flicked, and he had already seen it on the monitor.

After a simple inspection, it was found that the pattern of the tires should have worn off, so there was no grip.

"I won't tow it back this time. You can call a tow truck for me. This car is scheduled to be towed to your factory. You can change the tire for me and check if there are any other problems by the way." When Su Wei came, it was indeed I planned to call a tow truck to tow it back by myself, but the tires must be changed now that it is like this.

The tires at the Ferrari 4S store may not be as good as the ones at Li Renfeng's store. After all, Ferrari must buy a lot of tires. Even if you can order that special tire, you don't know how long you will have to wait.

Su Wei definitely doesn't want to buy high-volume tires, as long as they are good, he doesn't care about the high price.

"Okay, then I'll call a car and drag them back to our factory together. By the way, what time will you go there tonight? I have to go to the factory later, and I may not be able to have dinner with you," said Li Renfeng. The factory is a partnership with Huang Qifa, and Huang Qifa is in charge of the daily management.

But today there were too many cars going to his factory, Huang Qifa couldn't do it alone, so he could only go to help.

"I don't know how to eat with them. I will stay in Songjiang for a while later. I will go to find you after nine o'clock. If the girl is not good-looking today, then you don't need to send me a location." Su Wei said, she won't have dinner with her today

She will go back to live broadcast later, and Liu Qiang has arranged for someone to drive her back in a Touareg.

As for Su Wei himself, he planned to wait to find Liu Jing.

He hadn't seen her for a long time, and he planned to have dinner with her today, so as to see how her car was doing.

If not selected, he intends to give her this Ferrari 488.

He had already sent a message to Liu Jing just now. She was planning to eat at that time, but when she received a text message from Su Wei, she stopped eating and went back to the school dormitory, waiting for Su Wei to pick her up from her school.

"Okay, when the girl comes, I'll take a look first, and if she looks good, I'll send you a location." Li Renfeng heard Su Wei say that he would stay in Songjiang for a few hours, and guessed that he must have a date with the girl.

Tianma is so close to Songjiang University Town, that girl must be a student in the University Town.

Sometimes he really envies Su Wei. Although Su Wei is richer than him, he doesn't envy him in this respect.

He envied Su Wei for finding Wang Xiaoyuan as his girlfriend. Wang Xiaoyuan knew that Su Wei was a Neptune, but he just didn't care about him.

Even though his relationship with Xiaobai and Li Rui in the group was not simple, Wang Xiaoyuan just pretended it was nothing.

How to get along with them, or continue to get along with them before, nothing has changed.

If this was changed to Xiaoya, it would not be such a simple matter.

Su Wei was able to bring Zhou Ke to the racing track openly and aboveboard today, but he, Li Renfeng, brought his sister here, but he just didn't dare to be on camera.

If he brought his girl on the live broadcast, and when he went back tonight, the quarrel between the two of them would be minor.It's not uncommon to have a fight.

Back then when he was looking for Xiaoya as his girlfriend, he just fell in love with Wen Jing, but when they got together, he found that she was not like this at all, Wen Jing was just a disguise.

He thought he was a hunter, but in fact he was a prey.

Li Renfeng also thought about breaking up, but his parents and Xiaoya's parents both knew each other, and the relationship between the two was still very good. It was no longer so simple for him to want to break up.

(End of this chapter)

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