Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 183 The world is so small

Chapter 183 The World Is So Small (Ticket Request)

"Boss Su, are we going to Miss Li's school now?" Liu Qiang also really admired his boss, who raised so many fish at such a young age, and was so energetic.

Because he knew that Miss Wang slept in Gubei No. [-] yesterday, because when he passed by in the morning, Rolls-Royce Yaoying was parked in the parking space.

After his boss came out from home, he went to pick up Miss Zhou who had just left. The two of them had another day at the racing track. In the evening, he was going to see Miss Liu again. , I heard that there will be a large group of beauties again.

Sometimes he really wants to ask his boss, are you tired from playing like this.

But he was afraid that his boss would become angry with embarrassment, so he didn't dare to ask. After all, it's not suitable to talk about it, let alone ask.

"Yes, I'll lie down and rest for a while, and you'll call me when I get to the place." Su Wei asked Liu Qiang to drive this car out today because the rear row of the Mercedes-Benz Maybach S-Class is big and spacious enough.

Adjusting the passenger seat to the front, Su Weineng lay down on the boss chair and slept for a while.

This is much more comfortable than the air seat of Toyota Alphard, but the price increase is too harsh. At that time, Su Weit mentioned this Maybach S680, and he added more than 40 yuan.

Sitting on the chair in the back row of the Maybach, Su Wei felt that it was really fun to run the track today, but he was also really tired.

Originally, Zhou was going to have dinner with Su Wei at night, but because the track is addictive to drive, she and Su Wei have been taking turns running laps.

As a woman, it is really not easy for her to drive for so long.

After the car skidded, Su Wei didn't plan to run away, but planned to come down and take her to dinner.

When he saw Zhou Ke, she had already fallen asleep in the monitoring room leaning on Nini's shoulder.

Su Wei saw that Zhou Ke was so tired that he would definitely not eat later, so he asked Liu Qiang to arrange someone to send Zhou Ke and her assistant Nini back home. After all, Zhou Ke It will be broadcast live tonight.

They only made their debut yesterday, if they rest today, the fans will explode.

Seeing Zhou Ke like this, Su Wei came to the conclusion that although getting off the track is fun, it is not suitable for playing every day. After all, after driving for a long time, it is already hard work, and it is also on the track, which is harmful to people's spirit and body. It's a huge test.

So he decided that he would play racing for a while later, and come back to play after a period of time in between.

"Why, we're here, drive in." Su Wei was lost for a while, feeling someone pushing his foot, got up and saw that it was Liu Qiang calling him again.

He took a bottle of Fiji out of the refrigerator, and after drinking it, the ice water went down his throat, and he suddenly felt sober.

I got up and saw that I had already reached the gate of Liu Jing's school. I wondered why Liu Qiang didn't drive the car in.

"Mr. Su, although I have come here twice, I have never driven my car in." Liu Qiang came here twice at that time, and was stopped by the security guards both times. Now he has a shadow of the school's security guards. .

Besides, he never went in, even if he entered the school gate, he didn't know where the girls' dormitory door opened, so he could only wake up Su Wei.

"You go first and turn right, and I'll tell you when you go in." Su Wei didn't know if the security guard would stop him. If he did, he would have to wait outside for Liu Jing to come out. Now tell Liu Qiang how to get out after entering. Also nonsense.

If the security guards don't stop him, it's not too late to tell Liu Qiang how to leave.

When Liu Qiang's car drove past, the security guard took a look at the Mercedes-Benz, and didn't even stop him, so he let the Mercedes-Benz Maybach in.

"What does he mean? The Mercedes-Benz Maybach won't be stopped? They stopped the Touareg we drove last time? Mr. Su and the others are discriminating." Liu Qiang came in when he saw it was so simple, so he understood.

It turned out that last time they were discriminated against because of the public mark, so they were not included.

Maybe the security guards at that time regarded the Touareg as ordinary people of 20 million people.

"It's indeed discrimination. You're going to go back to your company to recruit people in a while. When you buy two Q7s, I don't believe that the Audi Q7 has security discrimination." Su Wei didn't expect that the security guards in the university didn't even know the Touareg. .

Then it seems that you can't buy too low-key cars in the future. If the Q7 is still discriminated against, then next time you will directly buy a Mercedes-Benz.

Liu Qiang's job is still in Sihai Company, because Su Wei has handed over the work to Sihai for half a year.

However, the people Liu Qiang recruited this time did not recruit people from all over the world, but directly contacted them privately. After the negotiation was completed, they directly transferred their jobs to Su Wei's Twin Star Building property.

Su Wei's current people are all on Gemini's side. After all, he has no other company except this property company.

"Really, that's great. I don't trust these security guards. I'll buy an Audi in the future. By the way, Mr. Su, we're going to the Shanghai International Auto Show soon. Do you want to go to the auto show? You might buy a car." Audi can have a big discount." Liu Qiang's original intention was definitely not to say that buying a car at the auto show is cheap, so that Su Wei can save money.

After all, he knew that what Su Wei needed most was money.

He asked Su Wei to go to the auto show, because he wanted Su Wei to buy a car by himself.

If Liu Qiang buys it by himself, he definitely can’t buy expensive ones. If he wants to make a good impression, he’d better buy a 2.0T Q7, but he doesn’t want it, so he plans to call his boss to buy a car. , that is to buy only the ones with large displacement and not the ones with small displacement. Then the starting point will definitely be the 3.0T Q7.

"What's the date of the auto show? If we have time, we can go and have a look." Su Wei didn't expect that just now he planned to clean up some cars, and here Liu Qiang told him that the Shanghai International Auto Show was about to start. God's will, let him buy a car, he can't let God down.

Well, Su Wei doesn't believe in this thing. He hasn't believed in this thing since he saw aliens. He just wants to buy a car this time.

"On April NO.19, there are nine days in total, two media days, and seven public open days." Liu Qiang learned about this news last night, and he paid attention to it at that time, thinking it will be useful.

Because he knows that since his boss wants to expand the bodyguard team, he must buy a car. After all, the Touareg that hit the Bentley last time has been sold to the insurance company by Su Wei, and now there is only one bodyguard car in Shanghai.

If there is a limited number, then this car must be very inconvenient. I plan to mention it sometime, but I didn't expect to use it today.

"Okay, just a few days before the start, remember to remind me that the first media day of our two has passed" Why did Su Wei go on the first day of the media day, because the first media day is the most media day Sometimes, because they want to get the first-hand news about new cars.

Those female models also stood on the first day, when they were at their most energetic, and after the next few days, the models were tired of standing, and all of them were listless, so there was nothing to see in the past.

Besides, in front of so many media, an order for a tens of millions of luxury cars was originally displayed, but suddenly it became sold.

Is this news exaggerated enough? Does the efficiency of dissemination have a greater impact than swiping money on Douyu?

Before Liu Qiang found his assistant, Su Wei now used him as a half assistant, and he was able to mention him as the captain of the bodyguard team because he was efficient and careful.

"Come aside, did you see those two girls in front, they are Liu Jing and her roommate?" Su Wei saw Liu Jing and her roommate together from a long distance away.

But he had already forgotten her roommate's name, mainly because her roommate was average-looking and couldn't catch his eyes.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for someone with such a good memory as Su Wei to forget his name.

"You two beauties, where are you going? Do you want me to ask the driver to take you?" Liu Qiang parked the car on the side of the road in front of Liu Jing. The back door was less than one meter away from Liu Jing and the others.

Su Wei opened the window of the back seat and said to Liu Jing.

"It's you, why did you drive this car here today? I thought this car was driven by some middle-aged and elderly uncle." Liu Jing just saw this car approaching her, and she even leaned on her roommate.

Unexpectedly, when the window was rolled down, it turned out that Su Wei was sitting inside.

"You dare to say that I am a middle-aged and elderly man, come up quickly and let me take you to see the goldfish." Su Wei was speechless. Does this car look like this in everyone's eyes?

Blame those entry-level Mercedes-Benz Maybach S480 for lowering the threshold of this car, so that his 400 million car cannot get the respect he should have.

"Jiajia, this car has four seats, so I can only wrong you to be the co-driver." Liu Jing originally wanted to call her another girlfriend, but that girlfriend was not available, so she had no choice but to call Wu Jiajia.

I will bring Wu Jiajia here today, mainly because Su Wei said that he just happened to pass by here today, so he invited her to have a meal, and he will go back to the city after the meal.

At that time, she asked specifically if she could bring her best friend, and after getting Su Wei's consent, she brought Wu Jiajia over.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I don't let me sit on the roof." Wu Jiajia didn't expect Su Wei to drive a Mercedes-Benz today, and she thought she was still driving a Rolls-Royce today.

Last time she took a lot of photos of Rolls Royce and posted them in her circle of friends. At that time, her circle of friends almost exploded.

Because of an ordinary family, how many people have access to Rolls-Royce? Many of her classmates are asking her what's going on.

She originally planned to take some more photos today, but who knew that Liu Jing's boyfriend didn't drive a Rolls Royce today.

"Jing Jing, do you want to eat something today? Why do you suddenly look better?" Su Wei discovered that Liu Jing had changed a lot after not seeing her for a while.

The biggest change is that she looks better. Before, she was dressed in a rustic style, but after seeing her for half a month, Su Wei found that the rustic style on her body had disappeared.

Moreover, her dressing style vaguely gave him a very familiar feeling.

"You can see it, is it so obvious? I'll tell you why later. Jiajia, what do you want to eat?" Liu Jing had no money before, and the living expenses provided by her family were only enough for her to live on.

If you want to dress up, the money is not enough.

Now there is Su Wei, plus she followed a blogger on Xiaohongshu.

Her dressing style is copied from her. Recently, many people say that she has become more beautiful.

Calmly thought it was just being polite to her classmates before, but Su Wei has said so today, so it must mean that she has really changed a lot.

"I don't care. I'm here for dinner today. I'll just eat whatever you eat." Wu Jiajia definitely wouldn't be the one to decide. After all, she is not the one who treats the guests, nor is she the one who is treated. Come over to have dinner with Liu Jing.

After Wu Jiajia entered the car, she realized that the configuration of this Mercedes-Benz is very high, and the interior inside is also very beautiful, which has a sense of luxury.

"Then Lao Liu, you find a seafood restaurant, let's go eat seafood. What do you think of Jingjing?" Su Wei wanted to eat seafood because he took his girls to eat seafood, so that they could eat freely. Anyway, seafood is meat. More will not be fat.

But if the economic conditions do not allow it, don't take the girl to eat seafood, go to the buffet.

"Yes, I can do it. How about you, Jiajia?" Liu Jing now has a living allowance of 20 per month. When Su Wei said that he would take her to eat seafood, she was not as surprised as before.

"You don't need to ask me if you eat seafood, I'm sure a hundred people agree." Wu Jiajia followed Liu Jing out, of course she wanted to eat something good.

Now that Liu Jing's boyfriend said that he would take him to eat seafood, she was too happy to have time, so how could she have any objections.

"You haven't answered me yet. Why do you change your clothes so much now?" Su Wei was very curious, who taught her how to dress, not to mention, it's really pretty.

It's her style, the more he looks at it, the more he looks familiar, not just familiar, it should be very familiar.

"I recently followed a sister on Xiaohongshu. I think her dress is very good, and she will recommend many skin care products to everyone. I bought some cosmetics for her and followed her Dress yourself in style, look at what she wears every day, and design for yourself how to wear every day, how about it, am I very smart like this?" Liu Jing is really grateful to Xiaohongshu, otherwise she would not know Bai Fumei's life how is it.

Compared with the elder sister in Xiaohongshu, Huang Yuning in the dormitory is no different from a country girl.

Now the four people in their dormitory often see this sister wearing clothes. Even her clothes are very expensive, and many of them are brands that cannot be bought in China. You need to go to a special buyer's store to buy them. .

"Really, don't look at this, many of them are embedded with advertisements." Su Wei actually already knew it in his heart, and it was on Xiaohongshu that he was so familiar.

Isn't that Wang Xiaoyuan, who else can there be besides her.

Su Wei didn't expect that the world was so small, and Liu Jing paid attention to Wang Xiaoyuan's Little Red Book.

She is also called sister Wang Xiaoyuan, but that's right, Wang Xiaoyuan is indeed a sister.

"No way, she's so rich, and she drives a Rolls-Royce two-door convertible, and looking at the photos she posted today, her house is so big, wait a minute, I'll show you" Seeing that Su Wei felt that she had been cheated, Liu Jing quickly found Miss Bai Fumei's account number.

"It's really rich. Old Liu, is there a seafood restaurant in front of us? Let's go to this restaurant for dinner." Su Wei looked at Xiaohongshu, it was Wang Xiaoyuan's account.

The latest video was posted at noon today, and it's about his Gubei No. [-] apartment.

This video was shot last night, because Su Wei's feet were still inside and left the country.

When Su Wei attacked Wang Xiaoyuan yesterday, he remembered that she was reading Xiaohongshu. He thought Wang Xiaoyuan was reading it, but it turned out that she was editing a work yesterday.

This video was posted at 12 o'clock, that is, Wang Xiaoyuan didn't get up until noon, and she posted it after she woke up.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoyuan didn't enter the study yesterday, otherwise she would have taken a picture of Su Wei, and Liu Jing would know about it when it was posted.

If she found out, she would probably call Wu Fei and cry.

At that time, Wu Fei will know that besides Liu Jing, Su Wei also has a girlfriend.

Then she is not a mistress, but a mistress.

So although girlfriends are very sweet, if the relationship collapses, it is likely to collapse directly.

Su Wei knew that this topic should not be discussed too much, so he happened to see a relatively large seafood restaurant, so he quickly changed the subject.

"This seafood restaurant has a lot of seafood, Viagra, what do you want to eat?" Liu Jing was successfully diverted by Su Wei, and when she entered the restaurant, she had already forgotten what she was going to talk about just now.

But seeing the price, I still feel that the seafood here is a bit expensive.

"This king crab, let's have one. Aolong is enough for one person. If it's not enough, add more. This beef looks delicious. Let's have four plates first, two black golden abalones, and two bamboo shrimps. Let's make ten skewers, add another Dong Xing Ban, add some vegetables, and two plates of Yangzhou fried rice, it's almost enough, if there is less, we can order later." Su Wei thinks this is almost enough, it should be enough.

"Viagra, you ordered too much. Eat so much. We can't finish it later. I don't want to get fat." Liu Jing saw that Su Wei ordered so much, so today's meal doesn't cost 5000 yuan, but I can't afford it up.

In fact, money is still a small problem, the main reason is that she will definitely get fat if she eats so much.

She didn't believe that Su Wei would fall in love with the fatter version of her.

"How can you gain weight by eating seafood? If you are worried about gaining weight, don't eat, just eat beef and seafood. These two things will fill your stomach and will not make you gain weight. Many celebrities lose weight and eat three meals a day. Relying on eating seafood." Many celebrities said that they lost weight, how many days they were hungry, and how much perseverance was needed to do it.

Shit, they just eat seafood to lose weight, because seafood fills your stomach and doesn't make you gain fat.

"Really, no wonder why I think celebrities are not fat, so it is like this." Liu Jing knew for the first time today that it turns out that eating seafood does not gain fat.

It was only today that Wu Jiajia found out that she had worked so hard to lose weight, and she might not lose weight as quickly as someone else.

"Brother Su Wei, what a coincidence, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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