Chapter 184

"Brother Su Wei, what a coincidence, why are you here?" It was none other than Su Wei's neighbor Qian Xinyi who spoke.

Qian Xinyi happened to have a dorm room here today. When she came out to use the bathroom just now, she saw a familiar person in the ordering area.

Walking in and looking, isn't this her sister Yuanyuan's boyfriend, Su Wei, the son of the neighbor's aunt.

It's just who are the two girls beside him, not Sister Yuanyuan, and one of them is very beautiful.

That pretty girl has been holding hands with Su Wei all the time.

She was puzzled, but thinking that the neighbor's elder brother could have an idea of ​​her, she felt that the explanation made sense.

But even though she knew that Su Wei was a Neptune, when she really saw Sister Yuanyuan's boyfriend holding the hand of another woman in the restaurant, she still saw her, which made her a little unacceptable.

So she came here to say hello to Su Wei. She believed that Su Wei must have a funny expression when he saw her.

"Qian Xinyi? You come over to eat too?" Su Wei heard someone calling him, turned around, only to find that it was the neighbor Qian Xinyi he met yesterday.

At this time, it suddenly occurred to me that this Qian Xinyi seemed to be Wang Xiaoyuan's little fan girl. They reunited after a long absence yesterday, and they even added WeChat to each other.

Then she must have seen what happened between him and Liu Jing, after all, they are still holding hands.

"My university is in Songjiang University City. Brother Su Wei, the girl next to you is your girlfriend. She is so beautiful. I seem to know you. You are Liu Jing, right? I have seen your photo. Hello, My name is Qian Xinyi, I am the neighbor of Su Wei's elder brother's family, and I often hear him mentioning you "Qian Xinyi didn't intend to expose Su Wei's two boats, after all, she is not a moral model.

Even if this man is her sister Yuanyuan's boyfriend, she has no intention of exposing him.

After all, who knows if Sister Yuanyuan knows the existence of this Liu Jing, if she says so, it will make her look very small.

And she actually knew the girl next to Su Wei.

If she remembers correctly, her name seems to be Liu Jing, she is the beauty of the school next door, and she is indeed very beautiful.

I had only heard of this Liu Jing a little before, but after the start of school this year, Liu Jing quickly became popular. The reason for the popularity is very simple, that is, she found a very rich boyfriend.

At that time, her boyfriend drove her to school in a Rolls Royce, and many photos of them were taken at school, even Qian Xinyi had seen several of them.

But Qian Xinyi's attention at that time was all on the car and Liu Jing, otherwise she would have recognized Su Wei last night.

"Hello, so your name is Qian Xinyi. I've heard of your name before. What a coincidence. You and Awei are neighbors. We both go to the school next door. We'll talk about it later. Don't share the table together." Liu Jing didn't expect that Qian Xinyi was playing tricks on her when she was young, and she thought that Qian Xinyi and Su Wei were really familiar neighbors.

She had never met Su Wei's relatives and friends before, and it was the first time she met Su Wei's neighbors today, so she was quite enthusiastic.

And Liu Jing had indeed heard of the name Qian Xinyi, after all, how could she have never heard of the famous school belle of the school next door.

"Qian Xinyi came here with her friends. If we share a table with them, it will definitely disturb their chatting, Xinyi, are you right?" Su Wei knew last night that Qian Xinyi is not easy. When I saw her, I realized that she was not so mature.

But now, he doesn't care anymore, if she really tells Wang Xiaoyuan, and Wang Xiaoyuan must break up with him, then he will just chase Wang Xiaoyuan back with shamelessness.

But this Qian Xinyi, he will definitely not let her go lightly.

"We are in the dormitory today, so it's not easy to share a table together, but next time, sister Liu Jing, if you want to come out for dinner, you can send me a message. Anyway, our school is so close. Wow, I've been out for so long, I'll go back first , Sister Liu Jing, let's add a WeChat account." Seeing Su Wei's expression, Qian Xinyi was amused, and knew that he was already a little unhappy, so she didn't dare to do it too much.

However, regardless of Su Wei's expression of wanting to eat people, she still proposed to add a wechat with Liu Jing.

She was curious about the relationship between Su Wei, Wang Xiaoyuan, and Liu Jing, and planned to study it.

Qian Xinyi waited until Liu Jing passed, waved goodbye to Su Wei and the others, and then returned to her box.

"Your neighbor is so beautiful. Why didn't you chase after her at that time? Is it because you are too familiar with her, so it was difficult to start?" Liu Jing began to tease Su Wei after seeing Qian Xinyi leaving.

"What are you talking about? She's just a neighbor's little sister. Okay, you go in first, and I'll settle the bill first." Su Wei was also drunk, but Liu Jing thought that he and Qian Xinyi had known each other for a long time.

This Qian Xinyi is really talking about people when she sees people, and talking about people when she sees the hell. She hides her heart so well that many people regard her as a person who has no intentions.

"Xinyi, you went to the bathroom, why are you so happy, you picked up money?" Qian Xinyi's roommate, seeing Qian Xinyi coming back so happily, knew that something happy happened to her, otherwise her face It's impossible to be so happy.

Today, Qian Xinyi and the others had roommates out of the dormitory, and the pair of roommates called everyone in their dormitory out for dinner, which was regarded as a dormitory friendship.

Originally, it was a casual meal, but after seeing Qian Xinyi in the boys' dormitory, they just raised the standard from eating roadside stalls to eating seafood here.

The meal was originally paid by the boy who was out of the order alone, and the other three boys later paid 300 yuan each for the girl, and they insisted on increasing the budget to more than 2000.

"No, it's just that I discovered a secret. This secret makes me happier than making money." Sister Yuanyuan is so perfect, which makes Qian Xinyi always feel that she can't catch up with her.

But what happened to Su Wei today made her feel that although Sister Yuanyuan is very good herself, she doesn't seem to have a good eye for finding a boyfriend.

Her boyfriend's appearance can only be said to be above average, not particularly handsome, he can be seen to be rather cold, and he is still a Neptune.

She really didn't know what her elder sister Yuanyuan liked about him. Could it be because of her rightful name?Or is it a family marriage?

"What's the secret, can you tell us a little bit, it must be a lot of fun to see you smiling so happily." The guys over there were shy because it was the first time they met Qian Xinyi. .

One of the boys, seeing Qian Xinyi so happy, thought it was a good opportunity, so he took Qian Xinyi's words.

"It's nothing, it's just that I just met one of my neighbors, who is dating the belle of the school next to us." Qian Xinyi glanced at the boy, although she didn't like the boy, she still answered his question.

"The belle of the school next door? Who, who is it? Tell me." Seeing the gossip, Qian Xinyi's roommate Zhu Shengnan immediately turned into a paparazzi, wanting to know more specific things.

"How old is your neighbor? Is that school belle famous? Who looks better than you?" Qian Xinyi is one of their school's school belles. After all, as long as she is pretty and famous, she can be considered a school belle.

Moreover, there is no accurate criterion for judging the appearance, so how can it be possible to really distinguish between a winner and a loser.

Just like some people like big breasts, some like big buttocks, some like tall people, and some people like soft and weak.

How is it possible to unify opinions like this, and even rank them out? It's impossible to think about it.

"My neighbor is quite young, maybe a few years older than me. As for who the school belle is, then I can't tell you." Qian Xinyi is not a gossip, so she certainly couldn't tell them who the school belle is. Liu Jing.

Although she went to Su Wei at that time, she really didn't intend to tell anyone about it.

"Waiter, we didn't order this, did you send it to the wrong place?" The waiter just started serving food after Qian Xinyi came in.

However, the boy who was treating guests became impatient when he saw the waiter serving king crab, little green dragon, and Pipi shrimp.

He now has a total of more than 3000 quick cash, which includes the 900 that other people in the dormitory gave him, plus his own monthly living expenses of 2000 yuan, and the 500 yuan he saved before.

Originally, I would like to eat seafood today. He planned to offer 1000 yuan, plus the 900 given by his roommate, and ordered a total of about 2000 yuan, plus 10% service fee, a total of 2200 yuan.

But once the King Crab, Little Green Dragon, and Pippi Shrimp are brought up, today's meal will definitely not be available without 5000 yuan.

And only Qian Xinyi was the one who just went out. If the waiter did not serve the wrong food, it could only be that she just went out halfway.

He heard from his girlfriend that her roommate, Qian Xinyi, seems to have a little money in her family, and the family seems to be from Shanghai.

He suspected that Qian Xinyi felt that the food was not enough, so she just went out to get more food.

She smiled so happily when she came in just now, it must be because she wants to see him make a fool of herself later.

As for the neighbor's brother and the school belle of the school next door, she must have made it up, otherwise why didn't she dare to say who the school belle is.

"Waiter, we ordered the dishes ourselves. We know in our hearts that if you serve dishes we didn't order, we won't pay for them. Xinyi, did you just go out to add more dishes?" She was in a hurry to serve these big dishes, after all, she knew her boyfriend's financial situation.

If he had money, it would be fine to kill him, but her boyfriend has no money.

She knew that her boyfriend paid 2000 yuan a month for living expenses. After buying this meal, he might not even have the money to open a house this month.

"I didn't order, waiter, did you serve this dish by mistake, or who added it later, please explain to me clearly." Seeing her roommate, Qian Xinyi even suspected that she ordered the dish, she really felt good Injustice.

Although she felt that the dishes ordered by her roommate's boyfriend did not seem to be enough, but she also knew their financial situation, and they must not be able to compare with her, and she also understood.

But she wouldn't be so stupid as to secretly add food. Wouldn't this increase the financial burden on the treater, and also slap others in the face, making people look ugly.

"This dish was ordered by Mr. Su in Box No. [-], and he has already bought the order in advance." The foreman was standing outside, and when he heard Qian Xinyi and the others had questions, he hurriedly answered them.

"Who is in Box No. [-]? He is so generous. He not only settled the bill for us, but also ordered so many big dishes for us." Qian Xinyi's roommate thought that there was going to be a quarrel, and was thinking about how to persuade it later.

I suddenly heard that this dish was a treat in another box, so I bought the box's bill.

"Xinyi, the person in Box No. [-] could not be your neighbor, then he treats you too well." Zhu Shengnan heard that it was someone else's treat, and immediately remembered the acquaintance Qian Xinyi mentioned.

After all, in this box, except for Qian Xinyi who can know such a rich person, how can anyone else know such a rich person.

"It should be him. My neighbor's surname is indeed Su. Waiter, please help me figure out how much I spend in Box No. [-], and I'll pay the bill." Qian Xinyi didn't want Su Wei's treat, and planned to buy the bill for his table.

After all, it is better to raise daughters in Shanghai, and she is the only one in her family, and the family gives her tens of thousands of yuan a month for living expenses. It is just a trivial matter to settle Su Wei's bill.

"The guests in Box 3 have already paid their bills. After they ordered the dishes, they bought all the orders for Box 5 and Box [-]. All the dishes here have been prepared for you," the foreman said. It was the male guest in Box No. [-] who was chatting with the most beautiful girl in Box No. [-].

"Xinyi, your neighbor is too rich. Shall we go to his box to thank him?" Qian Xinyi's roommate Zhu Shengnan was very curious about Qian Xinyi's neighbor. The relationship with Qian Xinyi is definitely not simple.

The relationship between him and Qian Xinyi is not simple, and he is dating the school belle from the school next door. She smells gossip.

"No need, since he didn't come over, he definitely didn't want us to know who his girlfriend is. Let's eat, let's be a big eater today." Qian Xinyi took out her mobile phone and sent Su Wei a message, "Thank you for the food, even if If you don't pay the bill, I won't tell Sister Yuanyuan."

Qian Xinyi thought that Su Wei added food to her because he was afraid that she would tell Wang Xiaoyuan what happened today.

"What's the matter, you have such an intriguing smile?" When Liu Jing was eating, she saw Su Wei looking at the phone, and suddenly smiled speechlessly.

Eating hot pot here is originally one person per pot, but because Su Wei has been busy all the time, he is busy chatting with girls on WeChat.

So Liu Jing did all the cooking and peeling of seafood, and Su Wei ate ready-made seafood there.

"No, I saw something interesting. By the way, how is your car?" Su Wei saw the message Qian Xinyi sent him, and knew that she had misunderstood.

But he didn't intend to explain, so he didn't reply to her at all.

"I still don't know what to buy. Do you have any recommendations?" Liu Jing never told anyone about Su Wei's plan to buy her a car. Even Wu Jiajia only found out at this time.

When she heard that Su Wei was going to buy a car for Liu Jing, she was really envious. After all, she is in college now, how many of them can drive to school.

She didn't know that Su Wei returned 20 to Liu Jing every month. If she knew about it, she would be even more envious.

"I have a white Ferrari 488 convertible, and it has only been driven for a few hundred kilometers. If you want it, or if you like my yellow bull, I can also give it to you." Su Wei plans to buy a Porsche 911GT3RS Running track, daily 918, Rafa, Rolls-Royce Phantom.

There are really too many cars, and the Daniel and 488 convertibles are completely unable to drive.

If you give it away, you can save the parking space and save the space to buy a new car.

"Your two cars are too expensive, I'm afraid what should I do if I get hit by a collision?" Liu Jing didn't expect that Su Wei would buy her a car worth about 100 million yuan.

So what she has been looking at recently is Maserati's Geberit, Porsche's 718 and Macan, and Mercedes-Benz's imported two-door E-Class.

But today Su Wei said that he would give her a car, choose one from Ferrari's 488 convertible and Lamborghini.

Although these two cars were driven by Su Wei, they would be worth several million if they were sold.

"A car is a consumable. If you want to take care of yourself when you buy a car, if there is nothing wrong with it, then you can only use it there." Su Wei's two cars are considered to be the most among his few cars. , This 488 looked at it today, and it ran 600 kilometers.

That big cow, when I saw it last time, I remember running 1200 kilometers.

Many other cars may not have run 200 kilometers because there are too many cars and they cannot be driven.

"Then I want that Ferrari. I like convertibles. Daniel is too high-profile for me." In fact, these two cars are very high-profile for Liu Jing, so she can only choose a relatively low-key one.

Liu Jing is already well-known in the university town. If she drives a Lamborghini back to school, she can't even imagine the public opinion.

Besides, when she compared the two brands, Liu Jing still liked Ferrari a little bit more, feeling that it had more historical heritage.

"Okay, I'll park the 488 in Tianxi's parking space in a few days. When you return to Tianxi after a long time, you can drive this car." Su Wei originally wanted to ask Liu Qiang to tow the car here tomorrow. Thinking back, the car had just been towed to Li Renfeng to change the tires.

That can only be to park the car at Tianxi after the tire is changed, and then see when Liu Jing has time to drive the car back.

Although the car was given to Liu Jing, it was not registered. Even if Liu Jing bought a new car, that car could only be registered with Su Wei's account or the company's account.

Because Liu Jing doesn't have a Shanghai license, she can only use Magic C, but Magic C can't enter the urban area, which is worse than a foreign license.

"Jiajia, this Friday, let's go downtown. I'll drive you back the next day." When Liu Jing heard that Su Wei had parked the car at Tianxi, she could only ask Wu Jiajia if she could go downtown with her.

Because of Tianxi, since Su Wei didn't go there, she hasn't been there for the next time.

The main reason is that she is a bit timid, she still has a few clothes that were placed with Tianxi at the time, and she hasn't gone to get them yet.

(End of this chapter)

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