Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 185 Discovered a Great Secret?

Chapter 185 Discovered a Great Secret? (seeking tickets)
"Yes, yes, but we went on Friday night, where will we sleep then?" Wu Jiajia thought that Tianxi was Su Wei's house, and she felt that if she lived in it, the three of us would be embarrassed.

As for whether or not to go, that doesn't exist, she must go to see it this time.

After all, this is a Ferrari, and she has never sat in a supercar in her life, let alone a Ferrari.

Now I have this opportunity, although it is my roommate's car, but my roommate asked her to go with her, she must not let down Liu Jing's good intentions.

"Viagra bought a house from Tianxi. It was originally for investment, but now it is specially for me to live in when I go to the city. But the house is too big, and I am a little scared to live alone." Mainly The house is too big, where has she ever lived in such a big house in her life.

When she was at home before, her house was just a three-bedroom house of more than 120 square meters. Now the Tianxi house is more than 300 square meters, and there are only three rooms plus a study.

She used to go there by car alone, and it cost about one or two hundred by taxi, which was quite expensive for a round trip.

But the subway and bus were inconvenient, so after Su Wei sent her to school that day, she never went to Tianxi since then.

"A big house? How big is it? Is it 200 square meters?" Wu Jiajia knows that the housing prices in the metropolitan area are basically 10+. If it exceeds 200 square meters, the house can be regarded as a luxury house.

But she didn't expect that Su Weineng would give Liu Jing a house to live in.

She feels now that it's only been a year, and her roommate is almost out of the same world as her.

"It's more than 300 square meters. It's because it's too big, and the words at home echo, so I don't dare to live in it." Liu Jing remembered that the last time Su Wei went out, she was waiting for him at home alone.

At that time, I didn't dare to go out to eat, and I didn't know Tianxi's specific address and brand number, so I couldn't even order takeaway, and I almost fainted from hunger.

"It's so big, that's fine. If you want to go there, just tell me." Wu Jiajia didn't expect that the house Liu Jing lives in now is as big as the 300-square-meter house. Properly go up to 3000 million.

"Jingjing, do you like this house? If you like it, I'll give it to you when you get pregnant." Seeing that Liu Jing was chatting vigorously with her roommate, Su Wei moved closer to Liu Jing's ear and whispered form, and told her the meaning.

After all, for these women now, he bought a house for himself anyway, and if anyone got pregnant, he would give that house to her.

And the houses he bought now will all be inflated in the future.

"No, it's too early for this matter. I don't think this matter can be considered until I graduate." Hearing what Su Wei said, Liu Jing thought it contained a marriage proposal, after all, she was asked to have a baby.

If she knew that what Su Wei said about having a child was really just giving birth to him, then she wouldn't know what to think.
Dividing line---
"Okay, I'm full, Xiao Wu, are you full, is Lao Liu full?" Su Wei looked at the time and it was already 9 o'clock. He saw that everyone couldn't eat anymore, so he planned to tell everyone to leave .

Because ten minutes ago, Su Wei saw that Li Renfeng sent him a message, which told him that he could go there, and he would be satisfied if he went to the girl, so he understood.

"Boss Su, I'm full." Old Liu was already full, but Wu Jiajia kept eating, so he just accompanied her for a while.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for a girl to eat alone.

As for Su Wei and Liu Jing, they had already had their fill around eight o'clock, and they had been flirting just now.

"I'm full, I can't eat anymore, but there's still a lot of meat." Wu Jiajia is the most edible one here today. She ate half of the 10-jin king crab by herself, plus other dishes , At least a few catties of meat went into the stomach.

Although eating seafood is indeed relatively low in calories, but it is not completely absent.

"Forget it, don't spoil your stomach later, let's not finish eating if you still have something to eat." Seeing Wu Jiajia's appearance, Liu Jing really wanted to die of laughter.

She just secretly took a photo of Wu Jiajia eating seafood. That face is hideous. She plans to give it to her after the photo is developed.

"Since we're done eating, let's go. After sending you to school, I have something to do back to the city." Su Wei has something to do when he goes back to the city, of course to go to KTV.

He was going to see if there were really so many top girls today that Li Renfeng gave her a thumbs up.

"Is the one in front of you your neighbor? What a coincidence, we met again when we came out." Liu Jing walked out of the restaurant first, and saw that among the group of people tens of meters away, there was a person who seemed to be Qian Xinyi who had just met.

Four men and four women, eight people, the boys walked in front, and the girls walked in the back. This is really a dormitory friendship. She thought it was Qian Xinyi who was evading it just now.

"It's indeed her, and she doesn't go to the same school as you, so you don't need to say hello to her." Su Wei didn't want Qian Xinyi and Liu Jing to be too familiar, after all, Qian Xinyi and Wang Xiaoyuan have added WeChat now.

Who knows if they will be in frequent contact in the future, after all, this Qian Xinyi is Wang Xiaoyuan's little fan girl.

At that time, if she talks about it, then Su Wei will be Barbie Q.

"I'm so full today. It's really enjoyable. I didn't expect the meat of fresh king crab to be so sweet." As a child in the inland area, Zhu Shengnan has never eaten seafood before.

She has lived for 18 years, and the only seafood she has eaten may be kelp.

I didn't expect to come to Shanghai to go to university, not only to see the colorful world, but also to eat seafood that I have never eaten before.

"Yeah, when I ate that king crab leg just now, I felt very satisfied. I wish I could eat it again in the future." Another roommate was still recalling the king crab leg just now.

Because she ate it so fast, she almost forgot the taste, she only knew how satisfied and happy she was.

"What are you thinking, we can eat king crab today, if you want to thank Xinyi, otherwise my boyfriend can't afford the king crab." The roommate who left the order today is a sensible person.

At that time, the main dish prepared by her boyfriend was only one Australian dragon, and the other dishes were mainly to fill the stomach.

After all, they were short of cash, and after they finished eating just now, her boyfriend went to ask about it, and they ate a total of 3 yuan in the No. 5500 box.

"It just happened to happen, and I didn't expect him to pay the bill for me." Seeing her roommate's compliment, Qian Xinyi felt a little bored.

Originally, she was going to study abroad, but because her mother refused to let her, she chose this school, the school where Wang Xiaoyuan studied back then, and she also chose the same major as her.

But after coming to the school, the major is really good, but there are too many people from the small city, and they don't have much in common with her.

After all, the environment in which I grew up is really quite different.

"I didn't expect that today when I came out to socialize, I actually ate and drank for nothing. Why don't we take the money and go socialize with them next time?" A boy saw that none of their money was spent today, and thought See if we can get together again.

In this case, we will be able to see Qian Xinyi again next time.

"What are you thinking, girls like Qian Xinyi are not suitable for us at all, okay, and if you can call out this time, it will be difficult if you want to call out next time." Before Qian Xinyi talked to Dong Junchao, seeing His roommate is still so optimistic, he can only tell the truth to make him sober.

"Yeah, my neighbor can buy us 5000 yuan of seafood. Do you think Qian Xinyi's family will have no money? She is a typical Bai Fumei in Shanghai. We still have to have a clear understanding of ourselves." The one who left the order today Boys, also advise roommates to be more realistic.

After all, they are locals in Shanghai, and they seldom marry out of town.

Even if you marry out of town, at least you have to have a rich family background.

Among the four of them, the best one grew up in a small city in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and he was not a second-generation rich official.

It's so difficult to chase ordinary girls in Shanghai. If you want to chase Bai Fumei like Qian Xinyi, the possibility is even lower.

"If I had such a car at home, I would have the guts to chase it, but I don't even have a Mercedes-Benz at home, let alone a Mercedes-Benz S-class worth more than 100 million." After being attacked, I also thought about it clearly.

Bai Fumei like Qian Xinyi is indeed not something he can climb up to. If he has such a Mercedes-Benz S-Class at home, then he will definitely not be cowardly.

"This is not a Mercedes-Benz S-Class, this is a Maybach S-Class, and this is a Maybach S680. The price difference between the two is far away." Dong Junchao saw that his roommate took the Maybach as an ordinary Mercedes-Benz S-Class, and corrected him.

Although the current Maybach is modified from the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, he thought that no one would like to be recognized as a wrong car.

"How far can the price vary? I have a relative who has made a lot of money doing e-commerce in the past few years. He bought a Mercedes-Benz S600, which cost more than 200 million yuan. Do you think this car is expensive? How expensive can it be?" Shan boy, his family is from a small city in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. He has a cousin born in the 90s who earns tens of millions a year by doing e-commerce. Now he bought a Mercedes-Benz S600 just for business.

"Your relative's Mercedes-Benz S600 only costs more than 200 million yuan. Do you know how much this car costs? I saw a big guy mentioned a Mercedes-Benz Maybach S680 in a live broadcast. The price is 400 million yuan without the license plate. It can buy both of your cars." Dong Junchao especially likes watching live broadcasts, and now he watches Mr. Li's live broadcasts every day.

Because he felt that Mr. Li didn't collect gifts, but also taught them to gain knowledge.

"Why don't you leave, what are you looking at?" Zhu Shengnan saw that the boys did not leave, and wondered what was interesting about them surrounding a Mercedes-Benz.

"Didn't Old Dong tell us that this car costs 400 million yuan? We thought he was bragging. After all, people who are willing to spend 400 million yuan on a car, why would they buy a Mercedes? Wouldn't it be more fragrant to buy a Bentley?" I don't believe what Dong Junchao said. After all, 400 million won't choose Bentley, but Mercedes-Benz, unless you are really stupid and have a lot of money.

"That's because I have a Rolls-Royce, why should I choose a Bentley?" When Su Wei came over, he happened to hear what the boy said, and he actually thought that Bentley was better.

The problem is that he has gone for a test ride. The Bentley Mulsanne is not as spacious and comfortable as the Mercedes-Benz Maybach. He has no reason to choose Bentley.

Among the most high-end luxury cars, Rolls-Royce has always been the first, and Bentley is the second, but he already has a Rolls-Royce.

"Hi, Xinyi, we meet again." Liu Jing and the others were tens of meters away from Qian Xinyi, but unexpectedly they stopped beside Su Wei's car.

Liu Jing thought that Qian Xinyi was Su Wei's neighbor, so she recognized the car.

"Sister Liu Jing, you guys just finished eating too. Is this car yours?" Qian Xinyi didn't expect to meet Su Wei again, so everyone knows that Liu Jing's boyfriend is her neighbor, so you can't blame her, after all She didn't say anything.

It's just that she didn't expect that Su Wei would like this car. After all, in Su Wei's circle of friends, all she could see were sports cars.

But she clearly remembered that Uncle Su's Mercedes-Benz Maybach is a 560, how is this a 680?The numbers behind have been changed?

"Brother He? Brother He is really you. I'm Mr. Li's water friend." Dong Junchao looked at Su Wei with an unbelievable look. He looked at the car and then at Su Wei. He was sure it was Yun Zhonghe Finally, he rushed up in surprise.

"Hello, it's me. What's the matter?" Su Wei was a little shy as this was the first time he met a water friend in his life.

It's not that no water friends have encountered him before, but they all stopped because they saw the bodyguard next to him.

After all, Su Wei is not an anchor, and the audience also knows that he has no obligation to receive water friends. If he really rushed up and was caught and pinned to the ground by his bodyguards, he would be ashamed of himself.

"It's okay, I'm just seeing you in real life for the first time, so I'm very excited, Brother He, can you take a photo with me?" Seeing that Su Wei agreed, Dong Junchao gave his cell phone to his roommate and asked him to Help him take a photo of him and Su Wei.

"How did you recognize me? After all, many celebrities are not necessarily recognized offline." Su Wei is very strange. After all, he is not an anchor. Although he will show his face on the live broadcast, he may not be able to recognize him. .

"Because I saw the car you mentioned last time. I saw this car just now. When I saw you again, I knew it was you." Maybach S680 is rarely bought, and Mercedes-Benz rarely sells this car.

When Dong Junchao saw this car and Su Wei's appearance, he almost confirmed it.

"Read more books, watch less live broadcasts, okay, bye, water friend, Xinyi, bye, let's go." Liu Qiang had already started the car, Su Wei greeted water friend and Qian Xinyi, turned around and sat in the car. in the car.

"Xinyi, this Saturday, do you have time? I'm going to go shopping, do you want to go together?" Liu Jing saw Su Wei getting into the car, and she went in too, but after getting into the car, she was still talking to Qian Xin. Yi chat.

"Is this Saturday, okay, sister Jingjing, just contact me when the time comes, do you need me to pick you up?" By Saturday, Qian Xinyi felt that her car should have almost tasted bad.

At that time, she won't have to walk. She hates walking the most in her life. Walking from school today, she feels that her calves are getting thicker.

"No need, I live in Xuhui on Friday, and Ah Wei gave me a car to drive, and my roommate and I will go to you directly." Liu Jing still doesn't know, the Tianxi where she lives The house price is terrible. Although the price I bought now is not as expensive as that of Wu Fei's house in Kyoto, but after a few years, the house price in Shanghai will be comparable to that in Kyoto.

"Okay, then you guys go first, my roommate and I walked back, brother Su Wei bye, sister Jingjing bye" Qian Xinyi is now more curious about Su Wei, after all she knows, Su Wei will not follow him Mom and Dad live together.

And she had heard from Su's mother that his son lived near the Mingyuan Villa, so that must not be the Xuhui set that Liu Jing mentioned.

That is to say, he has several houses in Shanghai, and he can be recognized on the road. She really can't wait to know what he does.

"Dong Junchao, did you know this person just now?" Seeing that Su Wei's Mercedes-Benz Maybach had left, the others hurriedly asked Dong Junchao.

After all, his excited attitude just now was even more exciting than seeing Qian Xinyi.

"Didn't I tell you that the person who spent 400 million to mention the Mercedes-Benz Maybach is that brother He just now?" Dong Junchao didn't expect such a coincidence, he was still trying to prove that the car was worth 400 million, but the owner came here unexpectedly .

And the owner of the car turned out to be Brother He, what a coincidence, and he even took a photo with him, Brother He is worth tens of billions.

He was still watching Mr. Li's live broadcast this afternoon, but he didn't expect to see Brother He in real life at night. If he said this, he would be envious of many friends in the live broadcast room.

And Brother He turned out to be the belle of the school next door, Liu Jing's boyfriend, no wonder many people said that Liu Jing hugged her thigh, is this a thigh, this is obviously an elephant leg, okay?

"You know Brother Su Wei. Since he moved out, I seldom see him now. Can you tell me what he's been doing recently?" Qian Xinyi still used that tactic.

Anyway, everyone knew that she and Su Wei were neighbors, but what they didn't know was that they only met yesterday.

"I knew that Brother He lived in Gubei No. [-]. He owned a villa in Tan Palace, bought a lot of luxury cars, and had a building under his name, which is the Gemini Building in Lujiazui." Dong Junchao knew about Su Wei's house yesterday. In the future, I originally wanted to see the mansion where Brother He lived, but the news on the Internet said that no matter it is Gubei No. [-] or Tangong, the security is very strict. In the end, netizens only went to the Gemini Building to check in.

Dong Junchao saw that netizens failed to enter these two places, so he originally planned to check in at the Gemini Building this Saturday.

Qian Xinyi believed what Dong Junchao said, because the house in Gubei No. [-] coincided with what Su's mother said was that Su Wei's house was nearby.

This can also explain why Su's father is 560 and Su Wei is 680, because the richest one in their family is their son Su Wei.

This can also explain why sister Yuanyuan fell in love with Su Wei.

Because Su Wei is really good, he just hid himself, but now she found out.

"How do you know so clearly?"

"Brother He and his friends are live broadcasting, I don't know if you know Mr. Li, you can search the Internet, there are contents of Brother He's photoshoot"

(End of this chapter)

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