Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 186 Film Director

Chapter 186 Film Director
"Old Liu, turn around and go to myst, drive faster today." Su Wei sent Liu Jing to school, and after seeing Liu Jing going upstairs, he told Liu Qiang to turn around and go back to the city.

Because when he was in the car just now, Li Renfeng sent him some photos. He casually looked at them and thought the quality was okay. After calmly getting out of the car, he took a closer look and found that today's girls are really all Heavenly dish.

"Boss Su, the quality of the girl today is very high. You usually tell me to slow down and don't worry." This is the first time Liu Qiang heard Su Wei tell him to drive faster. When he is usually in the car, he is always told to slow down. Take it slow, don't rush.

Because his boss is a life-saving person, whether driving or riding, he rarely drives fast.

"The quality of the girls today is really high. Do you want to take one away later?" Li Renfeng and the others called a lot of girls this time.

If Lao Liu wanted it, after Su Wei and the others finished the selection, he could also choose a girl.

"Boss, forget it, I have a wife and children, and today, only me and Lao Fang will protect you." Lao Liu definitely wants a girl, after all, he sometimes goes to the club with a few people at night.

But the girls his boss played with were basically promiscuous girls, and the rest were chosen, not to mention their looks, but they had a big temper.

If it was in the clubhouse, he would definitely not be polite to his boss, but let's forget about these women, he can't serve well.

"Old Liu didn't expect that, you are still a good man, so the one who goes to the club with them at night is probably not you." Su Wei didn't believe what Old Liu said at all, because he really didn't see it when he was in Shanghai before. Lao Liu went to play.

But he was in Sanya, but he knew that during the four nights, one of them stayed in the hotel, and the other three went to play, and they all came in rotation.

Now Lao Liu is telling him that his wife and children are messy, isn't that just nonsense.

"It's mainly because the bosses you call these women are too high-sighted and not suitable for me, and there are really few people today." Lao Liu is still very happy that Su Wei talked to him about this, because the boss talked about it with you.

That means the boss treats you as one of his own. After all, if he doesn't treat you as a cronies, how can he talk to you about this.

"That's fine. By the way, do you have a clue about finding someone? How many bodyguards do you think it would be appropriate for me to recruit this time?" After Su Wei handed over the job of captain of the bodyguard to Lao Liu yesterday, he now wants to know what he will do. How's it going.

If there is any problem, he will help to solve it now, and if he forgets about it, Liu Qiang will have to rely on himself to draw the cake if he wants to recruit people.

"Looking for someone I started contacting when I went back yesterday, and I should have a letter in the past few days. If there are people, I plan to add a few of us together, and find a total of 10 to 15 people, including no less than three female bodyguards." Liu Qiang didn't go to the clubhouse last night, but went to find some old colleagues for supper.

In fact, many of his colleagues are very envious of Liu Qiang's current job, after all, the boss is very generous.

What they are more hesitant about is that they are now members of the Four Seas Company.

But now that Su Wei wants to recruit people, he doesn't plan to recruit people from all over the world, but plans to hire directly himself.

If they want to come in, they can only leave the Four Seas Company, but many people have feelings for the Four Seas Company, so they are quite entangled.

"It's okay to recruit more people, but the skill must be good, preferably the kind that is more ruthless." Even if there are 20 bodyguards, it is only a few million a year. It's easy to spend tens of millions a year.

But the main reason is that the environment is different. Domestic knives are already very powerful. Even if thermal weapons are used, most of them are just self-made earth-made thermal weapons, which are not as sophisticated as foreign weapons.

"President Su, don't worry, the few people I'm looking for this time, they used to be in the army and won prizes in martial arts competitions. They were specially recruited by the four seas. Now you need someone, President Su, I will think of them first "Liu Qiang has no embarrassment about poaching the corner of his old club.

After all, everyone is going to work now, who is not here to make money.

Liu Qiang will definitely not be able to poach those people who miss their feelings.

But those who want to make money, they will definitely choose Liu Qiang's place, after all, there is a lot of money here.

It's impossible for the boss to make a lot of money by himself and not let his subordinates make money.

When Su Wei arrived at Myst, it was already past 10 o'clock, and Myst was the most crowded at this time.

"Brother Su, what a coincidence, you come to sing too." Liu Meng accompanied his boyfriend to solicit investment today, and she didn't expect to see Su Wei in the corridor of myst.

Liu Meng's boyfriend is a director, not a famous director, but a commercial film director, and a third-rate commercial film director.

Of course, a small actor like her can't meet that kind of real big director, even a little famous director, it's impossible for her to succeed.

After all, there are too many girls in the entertainment industry, and too many good-looking ones.

Every year, thousands of people graduate from the big film academies alone, plus those who became monks halfway, those who came late from small film academies, and those who graduated from star training classes.

There are at least tens of thousands of girls who look above the passing line a year.

And how many movies and TV series are only produced in China every year, most of the girls are buried.

So many actresses who have no chance, or feel that they are buried, don't want to have a chance to climb up.

Then how to climb, of course, is to climb the bed, after all, this is the easiest.

So the temptation for those directors is huge.

Not to mention the director, but the assistant director, that means being a groom every night and changing a bride every night.

"You are?" Su Wei really forgot who the person in front of him was. After all, there are so many women, not to mention this kind of one who must have never slept.

Su Wei may not be able to remember all of them who have slept in.

Why does Su Wei know that he has never slept with the woman in front of him, because he has not slept with a few people who are above 175 in height.

But when he looked at the woman in front of him, he thought she was pretty good-looking and had a great figure, so he thought she was one of the women that Li Ziwei and the others called today.

"Brother Su is really a noble person who forgets things. I am Xiaoyuan's best friend, Liu Meng. We met here at the end of last year. We were chatting at the door of the toilet. Brother Su, do you remember?" Are you up?" Liu Meng didn't know whether Su Wei really forgot or pretended to forget, after all, the two of them were chatting at the toilet door for a while.

At that time, Su Wei vowed that when she had a good script, she must tell him that he would invest in her.

But now Su Wei said that he doesn't remember her, she can only look for what happened at that time, hoping that Su Wei can remember her.

This time her boyfriend was going to make a movie, so she was the first one to look for Su Wei, but Su Wei never replied to the messages she sent to Su Wei.

She thought Su Wei was not interested. She also approached Wang Xiaoyuan until Wang Xiaoyuan told her that Su Wei didn't read much information because there was too much information. If Liu Meng wanted to find him to invest in movies, he had to find someone else.

Today she saw his boyfriend, begging someone to invest in a movie in such a humble way, she couldn't bear to watch it, and when she came out to breathe, she met Su Wei at myst.

Then she will definitely not let go of this opportunity, after all, she knows how rich Su Wei is.

After all, Su Wei's information is so explosive. This morning, the circle of friends in Shanghai is almost swiped. How could she not see it.

Su Wei didn't talk about other things, just the Twin Stars Building, the rent was several hundred million that year.

Just take it out, the start-up capital of her boyfriend's movie, isn't it enough?

"Oh, I remembered. You are Yuanyuan's best friend who is an actress, right? Today you didn't wear high heels. I didn't remember who you are. Today you are?" Su Wei heard that she belonged to Wang Xiaoyuan Girlfriend, I immediately remembered who this Liu Meng was in front of me.

After all, her figure at that time made Su Wei greedy for a long time.

At that time, he remembered that this woman was half a head taller than him after wearing high heels.

He hasn't tried it yet. With such a tall girl, he planned to contact her after a while, but he forgot about her afterwards.

The main reason is that he forgot which WeChat account Liu Meng is. After all, there are hundreds of women in his mobile phone now.

There are a lot of them, and they often send him messages, but he usually doesn't read them, after all, there are too many people who send them to read.

"Today I came here with my boyfriend. He is a film director. He recently had a book in his hand. The writing is quite good. As long as it can be filmed, I think it will definitely become popular. Now it is almost money, no Knowing if Brother Su is interested, I can introduce my boyfriend to you." Liu Meng's words must be deceiving, after all, her boyfriend is only a third-rate commercial director.

If it was really a good script, how could it be his turn, and now the really good screenwriters, their scripts are not cheap, and many of them are still covered by big film companies.

Except for the books of these well-known screenwriters, the rest is the adaptation of the novel, which is even more nonsense. Now you want to buy the copyright of the novel, and the copyright is in the hands of the novel website. If you want to ask them to buy it, it doesn’t cost a few million. It is impossible for you to get it. After all, the money is not only for the author, but also for the website.

If the money is too little, the website would rather not sell it than sell it to you cheaply.

She said bragging in this way mainly to arouse Su Wei's interest. After all, if you don't know how to brag now, you can't get investment at all.

"Your boyfriend is a director? As a person, I like watching movies the most, but it's a bit too noisy here. Go to my car and talk to me about the script in detail. I'll see if there is any future." Su Wei As soon as I heard it, I understood that this was to attract investment from him.

It's okay to attract investment, but he's not interested in meeting Liu Meng's boyfriend. After all, he's interested in Liu Meng, so he planned to pull her into the car.

"Brother Su, I'm not the heroine in this movie, so I'm not familiar with the plot, why don't you find my boyfriend to chat with you?" How dare Liu Meng leave with Su Wei, if she leaves, Who knows if it will come back intact.

Her boyfriend is here, if she finds something later, then she is finished.

"Mengmeng, what's the matter, who is he?" Ge Xiang is a director of commercials, but he always shoots that kind of small commercials, so he can't make a lot of money, but he can live comfortably.

He and Liu Meng met two years ago when they were filming commercials, and he fell in love with her at that time.

Years ago this time, he used Jiu Jin to call Liu Meng to confess his love, and finally pierced the window paper.

He didn't plan to play for fun this time, but to come for real. He really wanted to marry Liu Meng.

But Liu Meng is a native of Shanghai, and he has met Liu Meng's parents before, and he knows that their request for Liu Meng's other half is that they must set up their own house in Shanghai.

With the income from his commercial, Ge Xiang can save 20 million yuan a year after deducting the rent and food and drink.

He spent a lot of money in the past few years and didn't have any savings. Now he is 37 years old, has no house, a car, plus 40 in his card, these are all his belongings.

His little money is like a drop in the bucket for buying a house in Shanghai.

If he wants to buy a house in Shanghai, if he shoots a small-cost advertisement, the hope must be very small, after all, life is not always available.

But if he can make a movie and make a name for himself, even if he can't be a movie director all the time in the future, his worth will be different.

So this time he made a script himself, and planned to find someone to invest in, to see if there was anyone who was taken advantage of would invest in him.

For a director like him who has only made some third-rate commercials, he himself doesn't believe that he can succeed.

As for losing money from investors, there is no way. Who would want these investors to be stupid? They would really invest in people like him.

When he came to Myst today, his classmate introduced him to a big boss, and he begged for more than an hour, and the big boss finally let go and invested 100 million.

At this time, he turned around and found that Liu Meng was gone, so he used an excuse to come out to get something, and then came out to look for Liu Meng.

In the corridor, he saw Liu Meng arguing with a man, and he was not impulsive. After all, the man had bodyguards by his side, so he planned to ask about it.

"Old Ge, you are here, come here quickly, I will introduce you to a big guy, this is my best friend's boyfriend, Mr. Su Wei, Mr. Su, Mr. Su likes watching movies very much, you two must have a lot of common topics.

Brother Su, this is my boyfriend, Ge Xiang, he is a film director, and now he has a very good book in his hand, many people are interested in it, but those people want to stuff unreliable actors into this film, so Our old Ge never agreed." Liu Meng breathed a sigh of relief seeing Ge Xiang come out.

If he didn't come out again, she might have been dragged into the car by Su Wei just now.

The way Su Wei looked at her just now, she could tell that Su Wei must have no good intentions.

After Liu Meng finished the introduction, she took Ge Xiang's hand and pinched Ge Xiang, suggesting that he should say something.

"Hi Mr. Su, I'm Liu Meng's boyfriend. I heard from her that you are very interested in making movies, Mr. Su. I just happened to have a good script in my hand recently. I don't know if Mr. Su has time. We can find Let’s chat in a quiet place.” Ge Xiang got a hint from his girlfriend that he knew that the person opposite must be very rich.

After all, among her girlfriend's girlfriends, there are quite a lot of Bai Fumei. Seeing that this person is so young, he must be more foolish than the big guy I just met.

"I'm not free today, and I'm going to go to Kyoto soon, how about this, I'll talk to you next time when I come back." I can still chat.

After all, he is really interested in making movies, and he thinks of a cameo role when he thinks of it.

But he doesn't want to play the leading role, he wants to play the flower picker, the kind of movie in which the heroine is defiled and then defeated by the male pig's feet.

To put it bluntly, he is quite Yin Zhiping.

As for what to do if you lose money in such a shoot, if you lose money, you will lose money. Isn’t it good to buy tens of millions to be happy?

And this happiness is sustainable, because you only need to watch it once, and you can be secretly happy once.

"That's the only way to go, Brother Su, walk slowly." Liu Meng heard that Su Wei was going to the capital in a few days, so she didn't continue to entangle, but moved out of the way and let Su Wei pass.

"Who is this person? He was flirting with you just now." Su Wei was here just now, so Ge ​​Xiang couldn't ask.

But in fact, he was already upset. After all, a man was flirting with his girlfriend, who would feel comfortable watching it.

"Why, I'm jealous. What are you thinking? I was planning to bring him to see you just now. Let's see if he is willing to invest in your movie. If he is willing to invest, then you don't have to worry about the funds for this movie." At that angle just now, no one knows whether Su Wei pulled her or she pulled Su Wei.

As long as she insists that she is pulling Suwei, no one can expose her, unless Su Wei has a bag in his head and stands up to tell the truth.

"Just him? This rich second generation is so rich, who is his father? Is it on the Forbes list?" Ge Xiang thought Su Wei was a rich second generation, so he didn't fully believe Liu Meng's words.

"I said you don't know each other, but he owns a building in Lujiazui, and the annual rent is several hundred million. Do you think he has money?" Liu Meng chose to be with Ge Xiang years ago because she thought she was looking for a director. Being a boyfriend will definitely make your network wider.

But it turns out that she was overthinking it. Ge Xiang is just a director of commercials, and he has only half a foot in the door of the entertainment industry.

It cannot be said that it is not helpful at all, it can only be said that the effect is very small.

Just like Ge Xiang wants to make a movie this time, begging his grandpa to tell his grandma everywhere. Before today, he raised a total of more than 200 million yuan, and this movie needs at least 800 million yuan to be shot, so there is still a shortfall of 600 million yuan. .

"He is so rich, but he doesn't seem to be interested. Why don't you call your best friend to listen to the wind?" Ge Xiang didn't expect that Mr. Su would be so rich.

Compared with him, the investor he just met in the box is really nothing.

"I will, this film is your wish, and I will definitely help you." This film is Ge Xiang's hope, so why not her wish.

If this film is successful, Ge Xiang can become a film director, and she can become the director's wife.

So this time, she planned to go to the capital to meet Su Wei in a few days, and then she would go alone.

(End of this chapter)

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