Chapter 187
The film project that Su Wei mentioned to Liu Meng is actually optional, the key depends on Liu Meng herself.

If she insisted on calling her boyfriend to disgust him, then it would be impossible for him to invest in her.

It's not that she doesn't understand what Su Wei means, it's meaningless to pretend to be stupid with Su Wei.

Everyone is sensible. If I invest in this film project for you, it is like throwing money away.

Not every movie can be a big hit. Even if the movie really sells for money, how much money can Su Wei get.

If it really goes to the theaters, will the distributors have to share the money, the theaters will have to share the money, and there are various taxes.

The ones that go to theaters are all good distribution, but her boyfriend's movie is probably an online movie, and it is unlikely that it will be able to save money.

And if Su Wei really intends to make a movie, there are not 1000, but 999 people who will line up to be directors.

After all, actors can still act as ensemble performers, but there are so many people graduating from the director department every year, and only a few people can really get funds to make movies.

Most people, after two years of graduation, basically switch to other careers. After all, if you don't change careers, you will only starve to death.

And like Liu Meng and his boyfriend, being able to mix in the advertising industry, being a director of commercials, and often getting jobs, is considered pretty good.

Directors are actually more competitive than actors, so the chances of being able to stand out are very low.

There are still so many well-known actors who have changed careers to become directors. Because of their fame, many audiences will choose to watch their movies.

Instead of choosing to watch movies directed by newcomers like them, unless you have noble people to help you, or you join a big company, otherwise the entertainment industry will have no place for you at all.

So as long as there is a little chance, they will cherish it very much.
Dividing line---
"Wow, Viagra, you're finally here. We've already had a few rounds of drinking here." Li Ziwei saw that the door of the box was pushed open, and he felt that Su Wei should be here. When he looked up, it was indeed him.

"Old Li, there are so many girls today, why didn't you start the live broadcast?" Su Wei opened the door and saw that Li Ziwei was drinking a girl's wine, he felt very strange.

After all, when Li Ziwei came to ktv before, he would broadcast live broadcasts, because the popularity would be very high when they were broadcast in ktvs and bars, but now it is strange that the live broadcasts are not even open.

"I'm not doing this for you, otherwise I would have started the live broadcast earlier." Li Ziwei was not lying, he did not start the live broadcast because of Su Wei and the others.

Normally, if he came to a place like KTV, he would definitely broadcast it live. After all, there are so many beauties here, and his water friends in the live broadcast room must be so happy and crazy.

After all, many of the people watching the live broadcast are still students at school.

These students have never been to ktv or bars, but they are full of longing for these two places.

So when the anchor goes to bars and KTV to pretend to be aggressive, the popularity will be very high, and the barrage will be played very fast.

But today is different, Li Renfeng and Su Wei are both here today, and their girlfriends are from the group of car friends, and sometimes they will get together.

Since Li Ziwei started live broadcasting, they would often watch his live broadcast, and through the live broadcast, they would learn what their boyfriend was doing now.

Su Wei's side is better, because Wang Xiaoyuan is very confident in herself, so Wang Xiaoyuan seldom looks at it.

But Li Renfeng can't do it. Xiaoya and him really know how to fight.

It made Li Renfeng walk around Li Ziwei most of the time, for fear that he would take pictures of him when he was leading a girl.

So on this occasion, Li Ziwei must have no choice but to choose not to broadcast live.

"Awei, why did you come here at this hour? Come and see, she looks pretty, am I not lying to you? Today, Lao Huang and Vivi really have no secrets at all. These best girlfriends are all called out." Li Renfeng looked When Su Wei finally came, he pulled him aside and asked him to carefully observe the quality of today's girls.

Li Renfeng really felt that there are many top-quality girls today.

"Yes, today this girl is really top-notch, Lao Huang, Weiwei, you two, to be honest, has any of you ever tried that girl in the gray skirt with hips?" There are more than 10 people in this big box today There are four girls, the ones with a score of 80 or above account for the vast majority, none are ugly, and only two are average.

Among them, the one Su Wei mentioned, the girl in the gray hip-wrapped skirt, looks above 90 points, and her bunny is quite big, it is estimated to be at least a C.

Now that the weather has started to heat up, the girls who come here basically wear miniskirts or skirts with hips.

A few of them are also wearing super shorts, but when you squat down, you can basically see the bottom of these pants, and the difference between wearing them and not wearing them is not very big.

"That woman's name is Xuanxuan. Let me tell you first. The three girls I called today are all people I have never tried before, but they are all difficult to deal with." The girls Huang Qifa called today are basically They are all hard bones.

All of them are those that he feels hopeless to win, and he will bring them out today, including this Xuanxuan.

These women are all so smart that every time Huang Qiqi calls them out for a drink, or asks them out for a meal, it's no problem.

But every time they come out, they will call their girlfriends together, and rarely come out alone to meet Huang Qifa.

And if Huang Qifa gave them gifts, whether it was thousands of yuan of cosmetics or tens of thousands of yuan of bags, they dared to accept them all, and they were not merciless at all.

But every time Huang Qifa feels that the two of them can move on to the next step, then I'm sorry, either she is not feeling well today, or her aunt is here.

If Huang Qifa was a little tougher, they would say that Huang Qifa didn't respect them.

This made Huang Qifa feel like he was being tricked by these three women, because they all knew each other.

Today Huang Qiqi called the three of them out, okay, in the end, the three of them came, and none of them called girlfriends, they really knew each other.

"That's your old Huang's charm. If you switch to Brother Feng and Viagra, you will definitely win. Let me tell you first, the one in white shorts is my best friend, you guys understand." Li Ziwei's best friend today, It is indeed more powerful. Tonight, one person pulled seven people over.

Except for the two who are a little average, the other five are all above 80 points in appearance. If they are placed in a bar, they are also a bunch of men who go to strike up a conversation.

And when they came, they didn't sit there and play with their mobile phones like Huang Qifa's girlfriends did. After they came, they played games, toasted, and had a great time, and the atmosphere in the box began to cheer up.

"Come on, let's do one first, what the hell, why is there only beer here? What's your situation, just invite the girl to drink this?" Su Wei looked at the table, besides beer, there was still beer.

"Brother Wei, isn't this waiting for you? If you don't speak, we dare not order first." Su Wei is the host today, who would order wine if Su Wei didn't come.

After all, ordering wine is also a kind of pretentiousness. The person who treats the guests does not pretend, and you, the person who is being treated, order it first. Isn't this a bad rule.

As for these wines, they were all sent by ktv. Knowing that the master was not here, they sent two pieces of beer to quench their thirst.

"Girls, what wine do you want to drink? The lord has come, don't hide it." Jin Gaode saw that Su Wei was about to order wine. If he had killed Su Wei by a hundred thousand at most before.

But now that Su Wei is worth tens of billions, he has no idea of ​​helping him save money.

"You guys order something you haven't drunk before, our Young Master Su, the richness of his family is far beyond your imagination." Li Ziwei also began to encourage his sister to order expensive ones there, which was to help Su Wei brag in front of her. .

From the moment Su Wei entered the box, Li Ziwei knew that he was definitely after Xuanxuan.

He knew a little bit about this woman, and knew that she was the kind of high-class gangster.

Huang Qifa was with her, and Mao didn't take advantage of the cheap ones, and spent tens of thousands of dollars on her for nothing.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't win, how could Huang Qifa contribute to a girl of this level, he is the one who likes to eat alone.

"Can you really order any wine? Then I'll drink the Ace of Spades"

"I want to drink the Ace of Spades too"

"I want to drink Hennessy Richard"

These girls are really welcome, none of these wines are cheap, all of them are top-notch wines.

"Handsome guy, come here." Su Wei sat on the sofa and called the waiter in the box to come over.

"President Su, do you need any service?" How could the waiter of myst not know Su Wei.

Not only Su Wei, but also Li Renfeng and the others knew each other.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to open the largest box, and didn't rush to order wine for more than an hour. Instead, they sent two beers to quench their thirst.

Isn't it because Su Wei and the others are VIPs here, every time Su Wei comes over, there is basically no time when the consumption is less than 20.

"Help me put on three sets of great dragon suits, and bring me two bottles of Hennessy Richard, and bring me an iced Coke bucket." Su Wei is definitely going to take away a girl tonight, and the most ideal thing is to take away that Xuanxuan.

If Xuanxuan didn't take it away, at least someone else should take one away.

When Su Wei comes to the bar now, he doesn't allow himself to be in a situation like the Air Force.

If this happens, even if it costs money, the good-looking waitress will take one away.

"Alright Mr. Su, the wine will be delivered right away." The waiter saw that Su Wei spent more than 30 yuan today, and felt that he was a big boss.

He was so envious of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on such a casual payment.

Originally, the women in the box wanted to leave before Su Wei came.

Before the girls came to KTV and entered the box, they were still very excited, after all, they opened such a big bag.

Today's consumption must be very high, so they can post on Moments to pretend to be aggressive.

As a result, they were in the box for more than an hour, and they kept enlivening the atmosphere, so KTV sent two Budweiser over.

If they didn't know that they were waiting for someone to come, they really planned to leave. After all, they saw in the circle of friends that their friend was in a bar and was already high.

But I didn't expect that after the Lord came, even though he wasn't particularly handsome, his rich aura couldn't be blocked no matter what.

Especially when he ordered wine, he said three sets of big dragon suits and two bottles of Hennessy Richard.

"Brother Su, my name is Liuliu, we haven't added WeChat yet, let me scan your WeChat." Liuliu is the girl Huang Qifa didn't get.

In fact, she was very easy to make love to. The reason why Huang Qifa didn't make it was because he was the king of the sea and the second was that his family was not as rich as imagined.

In addition, he was dating the three of them at the same time, so there would be ghosts if he could date them.

"Brother Su, my name is Xuanxuan, we haven't added WeChat yet, you scan me or I scan you." Normally, Xuanxuan would definitely not go after the man his sisters fancy.

But this person is different, she knows Su Wei, because she has seen his photo in Moments.

She has a friend in Kyoto, and he was photographed throwing money in OT.

When Su Wei first came in, she felt familiar, and then took a photo for her friend, and asked if the person in the photo was the one OT threw money at.

Her friend saw the photo and told her to seize the opportunity. This person is worth tens of billions.

This is not worth, the worth will shrink, but the assets are real.

When Xuanxuan saw her friend say that Su Wei's assets were tens of billions, she was stunned. Isn't this the future partner she has been looking for.

So don't say that the sister strikes up a conversation first, even if it is the boyfriend or husband of the sister, she will grab it.

After all, there are many rich second generations, but there are very few people with such wealth.

"Sweep me!" Su Wei must know their plan, after all, he ordered 30 wine.

Didn't Huang Qifa say that the girl he called over is hard to get?Why does it feel so easy to him.

Even the prettiest Xuanxuan took the initiative to throw herself into her arms.

"Old Huang, didn't you say that those three women were difficult to deal with? Why did Viagra take care of two of them immediately, and the other one. Brother Feng passed by, so it seems that you still can't do it," Li Ziwei began. Sometimes, I heard Huang Qifa brag about how difficult it was for the girl he called over.

As a result, Su Wei ordered 30 wine, and Huang Qifa called three girls, two of whom had already thrown themselves into his arms.

It also included one, Huang Qifa gave tens of thousands of gifts for nothing, that Xuanxuan that Mao Cheap didn't take advantage of.

"Impossible, how could Xuanxuan throw herself into her arms because of the 30 yuan of wine, no, no, there must be something wrong." Although Huang Qifa chased three girls at the same time, he was not an idiot. Xuanxuan knew that he was not a rich second generation.

Usually when he picks up Liuliu and the others, he always drives a Mercedes-Benz E-Class.

His 458 took over Xuanxuan alone, so why did Xuanxuan even reject him who drove a Ferrari, but took the initiative to embrace a driver who opened 30 wine?
Then Huang Qifa doesn't understand. Although he is a rich second generation, Xuanxuan is not a fool. If he follows his words, whether he can turn around is another question, and how much money he can have in his pocket is another question.

After all, he is just a rich second generation, with a lot of money and a little money, and he has to rely on his family to give him money every month.

As for his repair shop, the dividends are only distributed at the end of the year, and besides, few women know about this repair shop.

But Su Wei is different. He owns a building under his name, and the annual disposable money exceeds hundreds of millions.

"The Dragon set is here. You can put down the beer in your hand. If you want to take pictures, hurry up and take pictures, otherwise we will start pouring wine." After Li Ziwei saw Su Wei coming, these women stopped dancing.

Quan snuggled up on the sofa, either chatting with sisters or men, the atmosphere in the box was dull.

"I want to take pictures, Duoduo, come and get my phone, help me take some more pictures" Liuliu saw that Xuanxuan had made up his mind not to give up Su Wei to her.

She has no choice but to find a way to go down by herself. After all, this person is her good sister. If she doesn't let her go, she can only let her go.

"Xuanxuan, what's the situation, I didn't find her like this before, have you fallen in love with her?" Duoduo looked at Xuanxuan's drink today, but he didn't respond at all.

Still chatting with Su Wei there, the two of them still bit their ears from time to time.

"I don't know, I don't think this Su Wei is so handsome, his appearance is above average, and he is not a muscular man. Could it be that she knows how to see through?" Liuliu could only be so skeptical, otherwise why did Xuanxuan have to be with her? grab.

As for money, that's even more impossible.

There used to be a man who offered to give Xuanxuan a Porsche, but wanted Xuanxuan to accompany him for a year, but Xuanxuan ignored him.

"Forget it, let's treat her as meeting true love." Although Duoduo didn't know what happened to Xuanxuan, he could only go back and ask her.

The three of them live in a community, Xuanxuan lives by himself, and the two of them share the rent.

Therefore, Huang Qifa's ability to catch up with any of the three of them is like daydreaming.

"Brother Su, your zodiac sign is very accurate, we must drink this." Xuanxuan just heard Su Wei say that he can calculate the horoscope, and then asked him to calculate hers.

Then when Su Wei said one, she was right, and when she said one, she was right.

Actually, asshole, she wasn't trying to cater to him.

"Xuanxuan, I found that you are really beautiful, and I feel that there is something missing in your hand." In fact, Su Wei just counted the constellations for Xuanxuan, and he was just talking nonsense there.

Anyway, he and Xuanxuan are two people, I know that you are pretending to be reserved, and you know that my plot is wrong.

But the difference between him and Xuanxuan is that he just wants to have fun, but Xuanxuan wants to find a long-term meal ticket.

"What's missing, I think my hands look pretty." Xuanxuan has rings and bracelets on his hands, so what's missing is of course a watch.

But she definitely can't say it directly, if she does, the value of the thing will definitely depreciate.

"I see that your hand lacks a watch like mine." Su Wei showed her his own watch as he said.

What Su Wei brought out today was the co-branded Richard Mille McLaren model, not an ordinary model.

"Which one is this Richard Mille? I don't know it." How could Xuanxuan not know Richard Mille? This watch is said to be a ticket for a billionaire.

A mixed circle girl like her just doesn't know which model this watch is.

After all, there is still a big gap in the price of Richard Mille watches.

"My piece is a Richard Mille McLaren joint model, and it's worth 1000 million."

 I had finished writing it long ago, but I felt too hostile, so I changed it. If you have a ticket, please give it a ticket, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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