Chapter 188
"My watch is Richard Mille's McLaren co-branded model. The current market price is worth more than 1000 million." Su Wei's watch was more than 900 million at the time, but now this watch , has already been sold out.

There is no brand new watch of this kind on the market now, after all, the global limit of this watch is only 75 pieces.

Anyway, there are no second-hand ones for sale in China, and the price of second-hand ones abroad is about 180 million US dollars. If you have a brand new one, you can sell it for 200 million US dollars, and there is no problem.

Su Wei said from the bottom of his heart that he didn't particularly like this watch, because although the price of Richard Mille's watch is very expensive, he really didn't feel that this watch was good except for the price and the hype. One thing he hated was that the watch was too thick.

So Su Wei usually doesn't like to wear him very much. He himself prefers to wear his PP, but that watch is suitable for formal wear.

If you wear a T-shirt and shorts, it's better to wear Richard Mille.

The purpose of Su Wei showing this watch to Xuanxuan is very simple, he just wants to show off his wealth.

Because he didn't know that Xuanxuan knew his identity, he thought it was because of the 30 yuan of wine that Xuanxuan flattered him.

So in order to be able to win her tonight, he planned to add another insurance to himself and let her know his strength.

"This watch costs more than 1000 million yuan? Brother Su, can you try wearing it on my hand? I have never seen such an expensive watch." Xuanxuan was a little nervous at first, not knowing that her friends in Kyoto were reliable. Well.

But now Su Wei blew himself up about the price of his watch, which made Xuan Xuan completely believe that Su Wei is a billionaire.

And she asked Su Wei if she could wear it, just to test whether Su Wei is generous or not.

After all, the kind of long-term meal ticket she was looking for must be very generous. If she is not generous, no matter how rich she is, she will never give it to his woman.

"If you want to wear it, that's fine, but you have to feed me a drink." Su Wei saw that the girl wanted to wear a watch, so what's so rare about it, you can wear it if you want, it won't break anyway.

But you can't agree directly, it's so boring.

So Su Wei asked her to feed him a sip of wine from a cup.

But Su Wei is still too young, he never thought of it.

"Brother Su, how bad are you, you actually want me to feed you?" Of course Xuanxuan knew that Su Wei was asking her to feed him with a cup, but she definitely couldn't do that.

First, he took a sip by himself, feeling a little too drunk, swallowed half of it into his stomach, and then directly kissed Su Wei's lips while Su Wei didn't realize it.

Su Wei really didn't expect that this Xuanxuan would feed him mouth to mouth, which caught him off guard.

At that time, the wine was brought over by Xuanxuan, and Su Wei swallowed it habitually at the first sip.

Now that this is the situation, what can he do, he can only go back to kiss him, otherwise he will be molested for nothing.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Lao Huang, this is the super difficult girl you told me? It's super difficult to deal with and you can still meet for the first time. In front of so many of us, you talk like no one else. Tell me why? It’s hard to handle. If I had known this was the case, I would have been on it a long time ago. What’s the matter with Viagra now?” Li Ziwei looked at Su Wei and Xuanxuan with envy.

At that time, he had taken a fancy to Xuanxuan since he got off the car, because she had the best figure and was the prettiest.

Originally, he planned to chase her, but Xuanxuan was rather cold at that time, so he didn't pay much attention to him.

If he knew that Xuanxuan could be won by buying 30 wine, he would have already paid for it.

What's the big deal, the most is to go back and be scolded by his father.

Anyway, his mother gave him a credit card, and it's no problem to pay 100 million in it.

"Don't ask me, I really don't know. Could it be that she knew that Viagra is rich? Otherwise, she wouldn't be like this. I also drove a Ferrari to pick her up before, but she was still very cold to me, could it be She likes men who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on wine." Huang Qifa would be stupid to bring her here if he knew what happened after bringing Xuanxuan here today.

Originally, he didn't intend to bring Xuanxuan here, but he didn't make any progress there.

He brought her here with him, just to show off that his best friend is very good-looking.

But he never expected that Xuanxuan, whom he had been chasing so hard, would become so enthusiastic after meeting Su Wei.

"You really have such a good skin in vain. Forget it, maybe handsome guys like you are not popular now, and temperamental men like Viagra are popular now." Li Ziwei was a little upset at first, but thinking that Huang Qifa would miss one day , he began to be happy again.

The former Huang Qifa had always been the one with the most girls among their friends.

And every time he finds a girlfriend, they are really prettier than the other.

But when it comes to Xuanxuan, it seems that his way doesn't work anymore, and his girls don't like his way anymore.

He spent tens of thousands of dollars on his sister for nothing, and he was still scolding him behind his back for licking the dog.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, let's play and play, and make trouble, you can't suck strawberries." Su Wei was taken by Xuanxuan, and he was a little bit over the top.

It wasn't until Xuanxuan was about to suck strawberries for his neck that he was fully awake.

Busily pushed her head away to prevent her from continuing to kiss.

If strawberries were sucked on this neck, how could he have seen Wang Xiaoyuan these two days.

Why do these women like to suck strawberries so much? He has slept with so many women, and there is no one who doesn't want to suck strawberries.

Even if he is single, they can't do that.

If the strawberry is sucked, it will break his peach blossom.

"What does it matter, I'm a girl, I'm not afraid of you sucking, otherwise you will suck me a strawberry first, and I will suck you a strawberry again?" Xuanxuan doesn't care whether Su Wei is single or married, she just intends to suck it. Break his peach blossoms.

If he has lost his peach blossoms, then how can she rise to the position and win this long-term meal ticket.

Su Wei was the first billionaire she met when she grew up.

If you miss this kind, it will be difficult to meet again in the future. After all, he is so rich, there will definitely be many temptations around him.

"You're serious, then I'm really sucking, forget it, let you go, let's have a drink" Su Wei saw Xuanxuan was serious, and really stretched her neck in front of Su Wei to let him suck .

But Su Wei still didn't smoke, and let her go, because he felt that this girl really planned to entangle her.

She is so beautiful, if Su Wei really sucked a strawberry with deep marks.

Then in the recent period of time, it is basically impossible for her to meet people, because others will know what's going on at a glance.

But Su Wei felt that there were too many girls around him. He really didn't want to increase the number of people, and he was too busy now.

But Su Wei looked at Xuanxuan's neck, and felt that her neck was very long and white, like a swan.

At this time, a word, swan neck, popped out naturally in Su Wei's mind.

Although Su Wei didn't inhale, he licked her neck.

"Ah, it's so itchy, don't you think so?" Xuanxuan was quite disappointed to see that Su Wei didn't suck her neck.

But planting strawberries was unsuccessful, but she had already made up her mind today that she would not let him go home.

After taking a cup and drinking with Su Wei, she began to drag Su Wei to dance in the middle of the box.
Dividing line---
The next day.

Su Wei was woken up by the phone call. He opened his eyes and looked around. Wang Xiaoyuan was no longer there.

He took out the phone, intending to see who was arguing with him, took the phone, and found that it was Xuanxuan calling.

He didn't answer it right away, but put on a pajamas and went to the bathroom. After turning on the tap, he answered her call.

"Hey, Xuanxuan, why did you call me just after waking up?" Su Wei didn't know what Xuanxuan wanted from him. He had already transferred 4 yuan to her this morning.

Su Wei didn't serve in the air force yesterday, but he brought Xuanxuan out this morning, and the two of them even went to the Peninsula Hotel to get a room.

"Brother Su, what do you mean? You transferred 4 yuan to my WeChat. Are you planning that we will not see each other in the future?" Xuanxuan woke up at noon and saw Su Wei next to him Gone.

Just as she was about to call him, she saw that Su Wei had transferred 4 yuan to her on WeChat.

But she won't accept the money, because if she accepts it, she will basically break up with Su Wei.

Just when she was about to ask what Su Wei meant, at this moment, she found that she was wearing a watch on her hand. This watch was either another watch, or Su Wei’s, a limited edition Richard Mille McLaren watch. edition watch.

This watch was when the two of them came to the hotel and she asked Su Wei to wear it when they were exercising.

It must be that when Su Wei left, he forgot that the watch was still with her.

When Xuanxuan saw the watch, she was not in a hurry to make a call, but she was also afraid that Su Wei would come out to play, so she deliberately brought a fake watch.

So she made a special trip to the Richard Mille store in Shanghai to confirm that the watch was genuine.

And now the recovery price of this watch is 1100 million, and Richard Mille asked her if she would sell it.

When the store manager quoted the price of 1100 million, Xuanxuan felt that his heart almost stopped suddenly.

But she still needs to rely on this watch to contact Su Wei, how could she make a move.

And if she made a move, Su Wei would call the police, and she might have to go in and stay there for decades.

How could she do such a stupid thing, she is so beautiful, although 1000 million is a lot, the possibility of earning it is quite high.

How could he give up his wonderful life for the sake of 1000 million.

"How is it possible? Didn't I say yesterday that something is missing from your hand, and my money is for you to buy something?" Su Wei was quite satisfied with Xuanxuan's performance yesterday. A little tickle.

After he brought Xuanxuan out yesterday, he directly asked Lao Liu to drive to the Peninsula Hotel.

I originally planned to book the Peninsula Suite, but it has already been booked by someone, and that person has booked it for half a month.

He had no choice but to choose the Richard suite. Unexpectedly, although the price of the Richard suite is not expensive, it only costs more than 5 a night.

But when he went in to have a look, he realized that it was really more suitable for two people than the Peninsula Suite he stayed in last time.

The Peninsula Suite is more suitable for a large number of people because it has three rooms, while the Richard Suite has only one room, but it has a large terrace.

And the terrace was facing the Bund, although it was early in the morning when they booked the room, and the opposite side was pitch black.

But on that terrace, there is also an oversized open-air bathtub.

At that time, he and Xuanxuan played in this bathtub for more than an hour, and came out only after being exhausted.

Su Wei has always regretted that when he was in Qiantang, the open-air bathtub in the Four Seasons Villa was never used.

This bathtub on the peninsula really made him enjoy himself.

"I won't take your money, anyway, didn't you give me a watch yesterday?" Seeing that Su Wei was going to send her 4 yuan, Xuanxuan also revealed her trump card.

Didn't you give me 4 yuan? I don't want the money, but I won't return the watch in my hand.

"Watch? That Richard Mille? It's in your hands. Where are you now? I'll come to find you for dinner." Su Wei slept with her all night, how could he give her such an expensive watch, He is not a bad guy.

He wouldn't do this kind of raising the price, because that kind of first-line female star would not be able to reach this price.

"But I'm not free today. I've made an appointment with Duoduo to have afternoon tea. How about this? I'll contact you in a few days, bye." How could Xuanxuan see Su Wei today? If so, return the watch to him. Then the relationship between the two of them will be broken.

She just wanted to hang Su Wei like this, wait a few days before agreeing to meet him, and catch him bit by bit.

"Wow, you really fell in love with this Su Wei, and you actually plan to meet him in a few days." After waking up today, Duoduo contacted Xuanxuan, wanting to ask her what happened yesterday.

Unexpectedly, Xuanxuan said that she was at the Peninsula Hotel and asked her to come to Richard's suite at the Peninsula Hotel.

Duoduo was also called Liuliu at the time, but Liuliu said that she had to sleep, so she had to come by herself.

She also knew that Liuliu was feeling uncomfortable.

After all, she was the one who struck up a conversation with Su Wei yesterday, but she was robbed by her own sister, who actually went to have sex with that man that night, without caring about her face at all.

"Yeah, I've taken a fancy to him, a man with such a good condition, how could you let me go?" Xuanxuan answered Duo Duo while eating.

After she woke up today, she went outside for a run.

When I went back to the hotel, I just remembered that my bag was still in the hotel, so I hurried back to the hotel. After asking the front desk, I found out that Su Wei is a VIP of the Peninsula, and there is money in the membership card.

If she doesn't want to stay tonight, then tonight's room fee can be refunded to the card.

Xuanxuan knew that Su Wei was a member and there was still money in the card, so it was definitely impossible to check out the room.

She didn't see the Bund at night yesterday, so she just called Duoduo and the others to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Bund together.

"Su Wei looks like a Neptune at first glance. You might as well choose Huang Qifa, Huang Qifa is more handsome than him." Duoduo couldn't figure it out, why Xuanxuan seemed to be lowered.

When I saw Su Wei yesterday, I was very active, but today, Su Wei obviously only intends to play.

But her best friend seems to be planning to come for real.

"Huang Qifa, you probably don't know that Huang Qifa is a rich second generation. He has a Ferrari 458. But compared with Su Wei, the difference between the two is too far. You want me to choose Huang Qifa instead of Su Wei. , What is the difference between throwing away the watermelon and picking up sesame seeds.

Have you seen this watch? Su Wei dropped it here last night. Guess how much it is worth." Wu Xiaoxuan looked at the girlfriend in front of her and felt that she was really naive.

She even used Huang Qifa to compare with Su Wei, but she was also very surprised how a second-generation rich man like Huang Qifa came into contact with Su Wei.

After all, the two family backgrounds are so different that they can still be friends.

"Huang Qifa is the rich second generation? How do you know? You also know that he owns a Ferrari, so you must have been in it. This scumbag picked me up with Liuliu and only drove a Mercedes, so speechless.

I know your watch, Richard Mille, but the one that Su Wei dropped on you, it’s too coincidental, don’t you think it’s real?Millions of things, how could he fall to you so easily?" Duoduo must not believe that this watch is real, and now many nightclubs basically have a Richard Mille.

If you have no money, you can buy thousands of fakes, and if you have money, you can buy tens of thousands of fakes.

I cheat little girls every day in the bar, and now the bar doesn't believe in Richard Mille's watch.

"What millions, this watch is more than 1000 million, okay, and am I that stupid? Before you came to me, I came out of the Richard Mille store in the magic city and confirmed that this watch is Genuine product" Wu Xiaoxuan saw her best friend and thought she was stupid. If she was really stupid, she must have become a rotten crotch after coming to Shanghai for more than a year.

It's because she's smart, she knows how to say no, and every time she wants to go out, she asks a few girlfriends to go with her.

"This watch, 1000 million? Is it genuine? How did you find out that he is so rich, teach me." How much did not expect that her best friend actually caught a super rich second generation.

No wonder Xuanxuan would rather offend Liuliu, her best friend, than she would snatch Su Wei.

But she is very strange, Su Wei is so rich, how does she know?Could it be that Huang Qifa secretly told her?
"Miss Xiaoyan is in the capital. Have you forgotten the circle of friends she posted last time? Su Wei was the one who threw money at the OT bar in Kyoto last time. When I walked in from him yesterday, I felt that he looked familiar, so I immediately photographed him I showed the photo to Xiaoyan, and after seeing it, Xiaoyan told me that Su Wei was the one throwing money. He is super rich, so I should take good care of it.” Wu Xiaoxuan only said that Su Wei was throwing money in OT, Gemini She didn't say anything about the building.

After all, the less people know about this thing, the better.

Otherwise, who knows if Duoduo will become like her and Liuliu.

 Normal update tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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