Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 189 RM 056 Anniversary Edition

Chapter 189 RM 056 [-]th Anniversary Edition
Su Wei looked at the hung up phone in his hand, feeling speechless for a while.

It seems that I have been entangled by a girl, and this woman is not that kind of silly and sweet.

The white is quite white and sweet, he has tasted it, and it is indeed quite sweet, but silly, that is not silly at all.

In fact, Su Wei was hesitating whether to call the police to let Wu Xiaoxuan return the watch.

Anyway, when he opened the room yesterday, the hotel recorded her information, and there is a high probability that she will continue to stay at the Peninsula Hotel tonight, because he usually opens the room for two days.

Because he sleeps, he usually only wakes up in the afternoon. At that time, the check-out time has passed. He had no experience at the first time, and every time he opened a room later, he opened it for two days in a row.

But if he really calls the police, Su Wei himself can't bear it.

After all, he and Wu Xiaoxuan just finished having sex at the Peninsula Hotel yesterday.

Then he called the police to arrest people today, which seems a bit ruthless.

Su Wei thought for a while, and decided to ignore this matter for the time being.

Let him keep that watch in her hands for a few days. Anyway, she will return it to herself after all. After all, Su Wei doesn't believe that she has the guts to refuse to return it.

When Su Wei was about to wash up, another call came in from his mobile phone. After looking at it, it was an unfamiliar number, and it belonged to Shanghai.

If this was normal, Su Wei would have hung up directly, but today Su Wei was bored and planned to see what the person on the phone said.

"Hello, is this Mr. Su? I'm Liu Tingting, the store manager of the Richard Mille store in Shanghai." When Liu Tingting was taking a lunch break in the lounge today, a clerk under her ran in and told her that there was a girl in the store. She wants to authenticate the watch.

After several shop assistants looked at it, they thought it was genuine, but they were not sure, so they came to her, the shop manager.

Usually there is a master in charge of this in the store, but today the master went to eat, and now the only person who can confirm the authenticity is Liu Tingting, the store manager.

Her store manager, to put it bluntly, even the after-sales master in the store, is not as fast as Liu Tingting can tell whether Richard Mille is genuine or fake.

Liu Tingting came out of the waiting room and saw that the person who wanted to identify the authenticity of the watch was a very beautiful girl.

However, it can be seen that she must have been in a hurry to go out, so she didn't comb her hair, didn't paint on her face, and ran to the store in a hurry with a bare face.

And the watch to be appraised was always on her hand.

Liu Tingting doesn't even need to look closely, she can tell at a glance that this is a Richard Mille McLaren joint model.

No wonder the employees in the store confirmed that it was Richard Miller, but they dared not give a true or false identification.

After all, this involves tens of millions of funds. If it is finally confirmed to be fake, how can their shop assistants take the responsibility.

When Liu Tingting saw that it was Richard Mille McLaren, she didn't dare to be careless and asked the beauty to take off the watch and put it on the tray. Then she put on gloves, took out a flashlight and a magnifying glass.

After carefully checking it several times, I was finally able to confirm that this watch is indeed genuine.

She suddenly remembered that there was an old customer, please ask her to find Richard Miller McLaren, and now it has reached 1300 million.

Isn't this watch right in front of her eyes now, so she asked the beauty if she could sell this watch for 1100 million yuan.

She could tell that this girl was very conflicted, but she rejected her offer in the end.

At that time, Liu Tingting thought that this watch might have been given to her by the boss, but she didn't know if it was real or fake, so she just came to them for identification today.

It wasn't until this incident happened for a while that she remembered that this watch seemed to belong to Su Wei.

And Su Wei's girlfriend doesn't seem to be this beauty, so she plans to call Su Wei to ask, and casually contact her.

"It turned out to be Miss Liu, what's the matter? You want to find me for dinner?" Su Wei felt a little strange when he heard that it was Liu Tingting who called. Didn't she have her own WeChat?

Since Su Wei joined Liu Tingting on WeChat, he often flirts with her.

It was originally planned to have a meal together, but because Su Wei has been busy, that meal is still only verbal.

"I've always wanted to invite Mr. Su to dinner, but you have a lot of work, so you've never been free." The last time Liu Tingting saw her, the look in her eyes almost devoured her.

When going out, Su Wei added her wechat behind his girlfriend's back.

She originally thought that Su Wei would contact her soon, but who knew that after Su Wei added her on wechat, apart from a few words of eloquence, there was really no movement at all.

"I'm too busy, otherwise I can't even afford your watch. By the way, what do you want from me? You haven't answered me yet." What does Su Weineng say? Could it be that there are too many women around me? Now it's just a fish that I raise by myself.

I don't have time to take care of you now, so I'll find you someday when I don't have any girls.

That must not be the case, so Su Wei can only change the subject.

"It's like this. Today, a girl came to the store with a McLaren co-branded watch and asked us to help her identify the authenticity. I felt that the watch belonged to you, Mr. Su, so I called, and the watch Is the watch yours, Mr. Su?" Liu Tingting saw that Su Wei changed the subject, and knew that he must not have time to look for her recently.

But he is a boss, you can still force him to treat you to dinner.

But it's better not to eat than to eat. If you really go to eat, then Su Wei will make some particularly excessive demands.

Then you want Liu Tingting to agree, or to agree.

"Yes, that watch is indeed mine. Why, does she want to sell it?" Su Wei frowned. If Wu Xiaoxuan planned to sell the watch, he would consider calling the police immediately.

After all, this watch was bought for more than 900 million yuan, if it was sold by a woman who only slept for one night.

He is not a big wronged person, how could this matter be left alone.

As long as his girlfriends are not pregnant, he will give them a car.

Although the house was bought, the name is still in his name.

So far, among so many women, it was because Chen Lu was pregnant that he really gave away the house.

For the others, even Wang Xiaoyuan and Wu Fei, he just gave away the car.

"No, she just came over to ask if it was true or not. I told her at the time that the store charged 1100 million for this watch, but she refused.

By the way, Mr. Su, in our store, at about 5 o'clock this afternoon, there will probably be a RM 056 [-]th anniversary commemorative edition. I don't know if Mr. Su is interested in taking a look." Liu Tingting made this call, it is definitely impossible to just ask Does that watch belong to Su Wei? Her real purpose is to ask Su Wei if he is free to look at the watch.

The information about this watch, in fact, has already been in her store.I sent messages and WeChat messages to Su Wei, but Su Wei never replied.

She didn't know if Su Wei knew about it, but she called Su Wei to see if he was interested because of the incident at noon.

After all, this watch is more expensive this time. Compared with the McLaren joint model, the price must be much more expensive, and there are still many restrictions on buying this watch.

"It's a limited edition. If it's a limited edition, then I'll take it. If it's an ordinary edition, then don't waste my time." Su Wei has no interest in the usual ordinary edition now.

After all, he now has so many watches, and the ordinary one he used to wear has long since disappeared.

Because he has seen the same model in a bar, although he knows that the other party is most likely a fake.

But this also shows that the ordinary models of Richard Mille's ordinary models are already rotten.

"Mr. Su, you are the top VIP in our store. How could those ordinary models catch your eyes? This time this watch is the 056th anniversary edition of RM 5, limited to 1370 pieces worldwide." The price is [-] million, and she wants Su Wei to go because there are restrictions on buying this watch.

That is, you must have a limited edition before you can buy this watch.

This kind of limited edition, Richard Mille Company only intends to sell it to its own VIPs, what kind of person is a VIP, that is, you have a limited edition.

"The world is limited to five yuan, please wait and send me the photo on WeChat. If it looks good, I will come over at night." If this watch looks good, then Su Wei doesn't mind buying one, at least the effect of pretending is really good .

Those rich second generations before, who saw Su Wei's Richard Miller McLaren, would not be amazed to the sky.

After all, Richard Mille's limited edition is not the top rich second generation, so it is simply unaffordable.

The rich second generation also only buy the basic model, and the limited model is not something they can afford.

"Okay, then I'll send you the picture later." Hearing what Su Wei said, Liu Tingting felt that it was probably safe.

Because this Richard Mille RM 056 [-]th anniversary commemorative edition, its appearance is one of the best in the whole brand.

It is the McLaren joint model, which is not enough to see in front of it.

Within 2 minutes after Su Wei hung up the phone, he received a photo from Liu Tingting. Just looking at this photo, Su Wei fell in love with it.

The two Richard Mille models that Su Wei wore before, he always felt a bit petty.

It wasn't until seeing this watch that Su Wei finally felt that he could try wearing Richard Mille in a suit.

"Where's Yuanyuan? Why didn't you see her?" Su Wei came to the living room after washing up, only to see Aunt Li cooking.

No wonder when he woke up, he felt that the house was very quiet. It turned out that she had gone out.

When Su Wei came back early this morning, Wang Xiaoyuan forced him to pay the public rations once.

"Miss Wang had already gone to work at noon. It seems that there is something wrong with her clothes." Aunt Li saw Su Wei asking and told what she knew.

Su Wei heard Wang Xiaoyuan say that there was something wrong with the clothes, so he quickly called. After all, Wang Xiaoyuan spent a lot of energy on the clothes this time.

It wasn't until we chatted for a while that I realized that it wasn't bad news, but good news.

Wang Xiaoyuan's clothes have already sold [-] pieces this time. She went over to see this time. Can she think of a way to put in some more advertisements and sell more.

Although 100 pieces of clothes were sold, the money was really not much. Excluding all costs, this piece of clothing earned more than [-].

But Wang Xiaoyuan didn't design clothes for making money.

The clothes she designed have a strong personal touch, and they are not considered to be out-of-the-box items.

Wang Xiaoyuan makes clothes mainly because she likes to design, so she often designs these clothes that are not too expensive.

Knowing that nothing happened to Wang Xiaoyuan's clothes, Su Wei felt relieved and contacted Li Jiawen.

He had agreed with Li Jiawen last time that he would take her to buy clothes, and when he finished shopping, he could also buy that piece of Richard Mille by the way.

I saw Li Jiawen's reply, saying that she is now at her home in the Maoming mansion in Kaide.

When Su Wei went out, he looked at the car keys hanging and chose Ferrari.

The main reason is that if the car doesn't drive anymore, Su Wei is afraid that the car will start to lose power.

"Xiaoxuan? What a coincidence, you just came back." Su Wei took the elevator down to the underground parking lot and walked in front of Rafa. At this time, he saw the owner of the Rolls Royce opposite him had just parked his car. He should have just come back .

Su Wei added this female neighbor's WeChat at that time, and the chat was fine for the first few days.

After a few days, Su Wei chatted with her, and she would often reply to him only after a long time.

Gradually, Su Wei didn't like to chat with her anymore, after all, he wasn't a dog licker, and he didn't lack women.

"Well, are you going out?" Xiaoxuan was really annoyed recently, because she didn't know whether to end her business in Qiantang.

Although her family is in Shanghai, she herself lives in Qiantang.

After graduating from high school, she didn't want to be in front of her parents, so she decided to go to other places to study.

In the end, her parents saw that she was so unwilling to study in Shanghai, so they had no choice but to send her to Qiantang.

In this way, she lived in Qiantang for 7 years, and came back several times a month to have dinner with her family.

Recently, the family plans to ask her to return to Shanghai, because she is not too young and has never had a boyfriend.

So I arranged a blind date for her, and she refused several times but didn't.

In addition, her business in Qiantang has never made any money. The family asked her to close the business in Qiantang and stay in Shanghai.

The coffee shop in Qiantang, because she didn't make any money, she didn't have the confidence to resist her family.

It just so happened that Su Wei kept chatting with her in those few days, and he didn't get blocked, which was already because of the neighbor's face.

"Yes, then bye." Since Su Wei has no idea about her anymore, he will definitely not continue to be a licking dog.

After saying hello, I started Rafa directly, stepped on the gas pedal and left.

"This man." Xiaoxuan wanted to curse. Originally, when she saw Su Wei today, she wanted to explain why it took so long to reply to his messages in those few days.

But I didn't expect Su Wei to drive away after saying hello.

Before Xiaoxuan could say anything, she held back her stomach, which made her very angry.

But everyone left, so she could only wave her fist in the direction Su Wei was going.

"I'm so pissed off, I'm so pissed off, this stingy man" Xiaoxuan was still scolding Su Wei when he walked into the elevator.

Su Wei sneezed several times on the way to the Kaide Maoming Mansion, making him almost think he had a cold.

"I'm here, you can come down now." Su Wei parked the car in the parking space of the Maoming mansion in Kaide. When he bought a house, he bought a total of two parking spaces.

Roll down the window, look at the yellow 911 parked next to it, and find that the car is very clean. You can tell that the car was washed yesterday.

When Li Jiawen received Su Wei's message today, she was doing yoga.

Knowing that Su Wei was going to take her to buy clothes today, she dug out all the clothes she brought last time, and found that there wasn't even a slightly more expensive dress.

She regrets it so much now, she shouldn't have wandered around yesterday, she should have gone shopping for some clothes after washing the car.

Li Jiawen actually didn't go too many places yesterday, he went to wash his car, then went to the Bund for a walk, and then came back.

The main reason is that she is not familiar with demons, and she doesn't know where to have fun, plus driving such a nice car, she is afraid that the car parked outside will be scratched.

In the end, she had no choice but to find a T-shirt to change into. This one is quite versatile.

"Jiawen, are you wearing this dress today?" Su Wei didn't expect that Li Jiawen came down after wearing a T-shirt today.

Although she looks beautiful, this dress is a bit too casual.

"Isn't this good-looking? Then go up and help me choose it." Seeing Su Wei frowning, Li Jiawen thought it was because he didn't look good in the clothes.

But she really doesn't have any clothes left, otherwise she would have to wear her old work clothes.

"It's okay, you look good in this dress, get in the car, I'll take you shopping today." Su Wei is going to make a big purchase today. After all, summer is here, and he hasn't bought summer clothes yet.

Today's goal is to buy at least a few dozen pieces of clothes. After all, in his wardrobe at Gubei No. [-], there is still a lot of space in the big wardrobe that belongs to him.

Wang Xiaoyuan only comes here a few times occasionally, but her new clothes have already filled the hostess' closet.

The main reason is that Wang Xiaoyuan will go shopping when she has nothing to do. For her, it is quite normal to buy several million clothes a year.

And when Wang Xiaoyuan saw something suitable for Su Wei, she would bring him some, otherwise his closet would be even more pitiful.

"Viagra, is this car a Ferrari? It's the first time I've seen it in real life." Li Jiawen received the car the night before yesterday. When Tian Ling sent her the car, the 911 was full of dust.

She thought it was a good model and went to the car wash yesterday.

The owner of the car wash shop asked if there were too many cars in her family, otherwise she had never driven such a new car.

After she heard what the boss said, she asked the boss to teach her to read the car nameplate. Only then did she know that this Porsche 911 has only been produced for half a year, and it has been driven for more than 190 kilometers. What kind of old car is this? , It's a completely new car.

After she went back yesterday, she went through Su Wei's circle of friends, and looked at all his cars in front of the car home. It took more than three hours to find out the brands of these cars, and Find out their prices.

(End of this chapter)

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