Chapter 195

"What are you doing, didn't you just come here last night?" Su Wei was woken up by Li Jiawen in the morning, and when he opened his eyes, he saw her.

Su Wei knew what Li Jiawen meant, she wanted to give Su Wei a child.

It turned out that last night, Su Wei told Li Jiawen that if she liked Shanghai, he would buy her a house in Shanghai when she was pregnant.

That house must have more rooms, a larger area, and a higher price than the house in Kaide Maoming Mansion where I live now.

Only then did Li Jiawen know why Su Wei would buy a house for Chen Lu. At first, she thought that Chen Lu had been with Su Wei for a long time.

After hearing what Su Wei said, he realized that if he wanted a house and a mansion, all he needed was to conceive a child for him.

So last night, Li Jiawen was quite active.

After Li Jiawen woke up in the morning, she saw that Su Wei had slept until 11 o'clock and hadn't gotten up yet. She rolled her eyes and cospalyed again.

After Li Jiawen got home last night, she asked the counter sister of the luxury store to deliver all the things.

Those 300 million luxury bags filled the entire living room, and then Li Jiawen asked Su Wei to take a few photos of her with the luxury goods.

In the end, she selected a few photos that she was satisfied with, and together with a photo of her and Su Wei, she put together nine photos and sent them to Moments.

That photo of hers was like a thunderclap on the ground, which shocked all the friends in her circle of friends.

After all, none of them knew that Li Jiawen's family conditions were not good, but what she was posting about was a room full of luxury goods.

Li Jiawen looked at Moments this morning and found that there were more than 400 people who liked her Moments.

You know, there are only more than 1900 friends in her WeChat.

And most of them are colleagues from the Four Seasons Hotel, a small part are customers of the villa, and the total number of relatives and friends is less than 100.

That is to say, one-fifth of the people gave her a thumbs-up. In addition, many people don't read Moments every day, that is, half of the people who read it gave her a thumbs-up.

What she received the most this morning was not blessings, but messages about borrowing money.

Of course, it was impossible for Li Jiawen to borrow money. After all, most of these people were just former colleagues. If they borrowed money, it would be difficult to get it back.

Although Li Jiawen didn't borrow money to go out, this incident made her, who used to have low self-esteem, really feel relieved.

But although she showed off her wealth yesterday, Li Jiawen still has no idea.

She knew that she could show off her wealth because she was Su Wei's woman.

Then how can he never be abandoned, that is to conceive his child.

That's why she worked so hard last night and this morning.

"It's almost 1 o'clock now. If you are tired, go to sleep again. I have something to do in the afternoon so I won't accompany you for dinner." Su Wei did have something to do today, that is, he was going to interview an assistant today.

The matter of Su Wei's assistant has been dragged on for a long time. Now he is getting busier and has more and more things to worry about. If he doesn't settle the matter of the assistant, he feels that he doesn't have enough time to pick up girls.

So he has to solve this matter today, otherwise he will fly to the capital again tomorrow.

Xu Meng called him a few times yesterday and told him not to forget to go to transfer the property on the [-]th, and her father would also be there by then.

Su Wei came to the bathroom and looked at the empty sink before, but now it was full of shampoo, facial cleanser, toothpaste, and toothbrush.

Moreover, Li Jiawen had already helped Su Wei buy toothbrushes and towels, but the only bad thing was that she bought a manual toothbrush, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Su Wei drove Lafa back to Gubei No. [-], and found that the Rolls Royce opposite the parking space was gone again.

Back in the house, seeing Aunt Li was making lunch, Su Wei didn't stop, and went straight back to the master bedroom.

He first took out the two watches from the bag, then put the RM 056 on his wrist, and put the taken-off Patek Philippe Starry Sky Blue and Richard Mille RM19-01 watches on the watch winder , and then opened his watch drawer, and put these two watches together with Su Wei's other watches.

Su Wei was not afraid that Wang Xiaoyuan would find out that she was going to give her a gift, because Wang Xiaoyuan never looked through Su Wei's cabinet.

After putting the watch away, Su Wei found out the clothes to wear today.

Because today is the first time to officially go to the Gemini Tower, Su Wei chose a more formal suit, a high-end GUCCI suit. Su Wei remembered that this suit cost him more than 40 yuan, and he has been wearing it since he bought it. Haven't worn it yet.

After lunch, Su Wei checked the time, and it was almost two o'clock, so he asked Liu Qiang to drive the Rolls-Royce Phantom to go out.

"Old Liu, what kind of car is this car?" When Old Liu was waiting for the red light, Su Wei only felt a shadow flash past on the left, which shocked him.

Su Wei looked to the left, wow, this car, this waist, this chest, it's amazing, even if he doesn't look at the face, he still thinks he can try it.

"President Su, this seems to be a Ducati sports car, but I don't know the specific model of this car." Liu Qiang used to ride a four-cylinder large-displacement motorcycle when he was in the army.

But after he left the army and came to Shanghai, he never rode a motorcycle again.

Because the price of a motorcycle license plate of Magic A is around hundreds of thousands, which is much more expensive than a car license plate.

How could Li Qiang spend so much money to buy a motorcycle license, and after getting married, he never thought about riding a motorcycle again.

"Fuck, this car is really handsome, please help me ask her, how much did you pay for this car?" Su Wei didn't really want to ask her the price, but wanted to add a contact information, but he was a little far away from that woman. It was too far away, so I had to ask Li Qiang to ask for him first.

Su Wei really didn't think Ducati was so handsome before, but seeing this woman riding over just now really made him want to try it.

He didn't really want to go racing, he just wanted to buy a more handsome motorcycle, and then find some photographers to take some photos of him so that he can pretend to be aggressive.

"No problem, the boss looks at mine. Hey, beauty, my boss wants to ask you what brand of motorcycle you have. He also wants to buy one for himself." Li Qiang must understand Su Wei's meaning, he Opening the car window, I planned to chat with the girl on the motorcycle.

At the beginning, Liu Qiang felt that this trivial matter must be clearly arranged for the boss.

After all, he was driving a Rolls-Royce. Most people would rarely ignore someone who was driving this car when they struck up a conversation.

"Fuck, this girl really has a personality, boss, should we chase after her?" But the reality is far from what he imagined.

The girl on the motorbike glanced at him, then unlocked the phone and showed it to Liu Qiang. There were four big characters "I'm dumb" clearly written on it.

After showing it to Liu Qiang, it happened to be a green light. As soon as she accelerated, the car disappeared.

"Forget it, if we can chase after a sports car, how can we chase after this car?" Su Wei didn't expect to encounter such a situation, and he didn't know if what the woman said was true or not.

If this woman really can't speak, then why chase after her.
Dividing line---
"President Su, look at that motorcycle, it seems to be the one we just met." Liu Qiang drove the car to the Gemini Building, and at this time she saw a motorcycle near the security booth, which looked familiar.

It seems to be the Ducati driven by the dumb girl I met on the road just now.

"How do you know it's her? You just wrote down the license plate?" Su Wei asked, and he realized that he should have written down the license plate just now.

If we do meet next time, we can say hello.

"Although I don't remember her license plate, I remember that helmet. This red helmet is definitely not cheap. It's such a coincidence that I happened to meet another person who drove a red Ducati and also wore a red helmet. "Liu Qiang can guarantee that this car owner must be the woman just now.

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that they happened to come to their territory.

"Forget it, he might just be annoyed by being approached." Su Wei thinks about it or forget it, it's normal for people not to want to be approached.

If you can meet again, then you can try to strike up a conversation again, if you can't meet it, forget it, it is impossible to have all the women he likes.

"Boss Su, what you said is indeed reasonable. Hey, little master, is there any parking space in this ground parking lot?" Liu Qiang saw that Su Wei stopped chasing him, so he just had less work to do.

When he planned to drive the car to the surface parking lot, he saw that the lift pole showed that the parking lot was full, and he needed to park in the underground parking lot.

Under normal circumstances, he must have stopped, but today he drove Su Wei's car.

This must be on the top, after all, he has arrived at his own boss's territory, and he is still thinking about whether to declare himself.

"Hello, this is Mr. Su's car, right? Mr. Su has a special parking space on it. You drive here and follow me, and you will see it soon." The security guard began to see the Rolls-Royce coming, and also I didn't take it too seriously.

After all, there are at least one or two hundred companies in the Gemini Tower, with bosses of all kinds, big and small.

Some bosses keep a low profile and rent two or three floors to start a company, but only open an Audi A6.

Some bosses only rent a few hundred flats as a company, but they are so high-profile that they want to drive a Rolls-Royce.

Therefore, the security guards of the Twin Star Building are not so uninformed.

It's just that when I saw the license plate, I immediately recalled that today Director Guan specially explained that the big boss will come.

And the license plate of this car is exactly the same as the Rolls-Royce license plate of the big boss. This is the arrival of the big boss.

Hearing the question from the person in the driver's seat again, he stood up straight, and when answering the question, he showed his best state.

Under the leadership of the security guard, Liu Qiang saw that there were 6 vacant exclusive parking spaces in the middle area of ​​the ground parking lot.

These six exclusive parking spaces are only for special viewing, and these six parking spaces are very large. Although the length is the same as that of ordinary parking spaces, the width of this parking space is completely different from ordinary parking spaces.

If the ordinary parking space is 2.5 meters to 2.8 meters, then the width of this parking space will not be less than 3.5 meters.

After Liu Qiang parked the car, the employees of Gemini Property immediately rushed forward and spread the red carpet directly to the back row of the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Su Wei bought the Gemini Tower, and he came to see it when he bought it.

99% of the people in this company have never seen Su Wei himself.

After knowing that the big boss is coming today, no matter whether it is a male employee or a female employee, they are not allowed to rest since yesterday.

Cleaning has been even harder these days, just because Su Wei is coming, they wiped and wiped the ground, and now even a six-legged fly has to chop a fork to stand on it.

"Boss Su, you must have had a hard time sitting in the car for so long today, why don't you go to the office to rest first?" Director Guan was very nervous today, and he had been expecting Su Wei to come soon.

Su Wei is really here now, and he is afraid that his employees will make some mistakes in today's work, which will make him lose face in front of Su Wei.

"Okay, let's take a look at the office first, I haven't visited it yet. By the way, have those job seekers come?" Su Wei got off the Rolls-Royce and looked up at the two buildings that belonged to him .

When I came here last time, Su Wei just took a quick look at it.

At that time, the feeling was not very strong, but after looking at it so carefully now, I don’t know if it’s because these two buildings are already his own. He feels that these two buildings are much better than the buildings next to them. higher.

"Those job applicants have already arrived. Is Mr. Su going to interview now? Do you want to meet the company employees first?" Director Guan didn't expect that Su Wei planned to interview first as soon as he came here.

Today, more than 300 people have come to the company. If Mr. Su leaves after meeting the interviewers, it will be difficult for him to explain to his employees.

After all, the people who were supposed to be on vacation these days, but he insisted on not approving them, just because Su Wei didn't want to see that there was a vacant person asking for leave.

"Then let's meet. You ask someone to take me to various departments." Su Wei didn't want to meet at first, but he thought about it, so let's meet.

Who knows when the next time I will come, maybe next time, many people in the company have already left.

"The person who is most familiar with the situation in our company must be Luo Danhua, the director of our administration department. Director Luo, most of the people in this company were recruited by Director Luo. Director Luo, then you will lead President Su now." Let's go to various departments of the company." Director Guan also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Su Weiken went to meet the employees of various departments.

If Su Wei left after interviewing the assistant today, who would give him face as a director in the future?

"President Su, please this way, here is your own elevator, our property management company works on the third floor.

There are five departments in the company, namely General Management Department, Order Maintenance Department, Customer Service Department, Engineering Department, and Environment Department." Luo Danhua is 38 years old this year. , I'm not interested anymore.

What he is interested in now is his company, so he listened to her introduction of the company's people and things while walking.

"Kuikui, who was that person just now? There was such a big ostentation. The last time the district leaders came over, I didn't see you giving him such a big ostentation." The one who spoke was Yu Meiling from the advertising company upstairs. After meeting customers outside, come back.

When she got downstairs, she found people from the Gemini property, standing on both sides of the red carpet, and even her good friend and best friend, Okra, was there as a welcome sign.

"Keep your voice down. The one who just passed was the big boss of our company. Today is the first time he has come to his company. For a big boss like him worth tens of billions, do you think this is a big deal?" Very depressed, she is the front desk of Gemini Property.

Like a general property company, there is no front desk, because a property company may have dozens or a dozen people.

But the Gemini property is different. Although their company mainly serves the Gemini building, there are one or two hundred companies on the upper floor of the Gemini building, and there are also hundreds of stores on the lower floor.

There are almost 300 employees in Gemini Property. Of course, it is normal to have a front desk, and their company has not only one front desk, but two front desks.

Just now, director Guan specially arranged for okra to pick up Su Wei, because he knew that Su Wei liked beautiful women.

So he did what he liked and arranged for the most beautiful female employee in the company.

But Su Wei has too many beauties around him now, and he has gradually become immune to those with a score below 90.

Although the okra has grown beautifully, Su Wei still has no interest.

After all, there are too many girls around him, which makes him a bit overwhelmed.

"The one just now is your big boss. He is so young. If this is my boyfriend, then I will marry into a wealthy family and I won't have to go to work." Although Yu Meiling doesn't know exactly how rich Su Wei is, she does know How much is this Gemini Tower worth?

After all, her best friend works at Gemini Property, so she has talked about these things more or less.

"I see you. I had a good dream tonight. There is everything in the dream. Well, the big boss is going up in the elevator, and I'm going up too. Bye, see you tonight." Huang Okkui glanced at her best friend, knowing her I started daydreaming again.

If her girlfriend is willing to stretch her double eyelids, raise her nose, make her eyebrows semi-permanent, and shave her cheekbones on both sides, she must be a beautiful woman, but forget it now.

After all, her boss didn't even like a beauty like her, how could he like her best friend?So forget it, unless he's blind.

"Hey, Kui Kui, what do you mean, you are mocking me, you wait for me at night"

 There is another one at the back, now is the recommendation period, please give me a monthly pass, thank you.Our city is closed here, and we have been shopping during the day, Chapter 2 may be delayed

(End of this chapter)

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