Chapter 196

Su Wei followed Luo Danhua and went through all the five positions, which can be regarded as a little understanding of his company.

In these five major departments, except those who must stick to their posts, everyone else met with Su Wei in the office.

Su Wei met 97% of the employees in Gemini Property this time. For the first time, he knew that he had so many employees.

This is also the first time for everyone to see Su Wei. They did not expect this tens of billionaire to be so young.

The female employees in the company, looking at Su Wei, were also infatuated for a while. I hope that Su Wei will take a fancy to them, so that they can fly on the branches and become phoenixes.

Luo Danhua, the administrative director, used to be a serious person in the company. People in the company nicknamed her Miejue Shitai behind her back.

But today in front of Su Wei, Luo Danhua kept an amiable smile on his face from beginning to end.

Only then did the people in the company realize that Director Luo was so pretty when he smiled.

"This is my office, right? The place is really big, but these things here are a bit too in the way.

For example, I don't like this tea set. It's too old-fashioned to put here. Director Guan, you can ask someone to remove it for me tomorrow, and you can replace all these tea leaves with wine, except for beer and white wine. It can be placed a little, as decoration.

And this sofa, what age is it now, and this kind of leather and solid wood sofa is still placed, you can replace it with a younger, simple style one, and the color should not be so old-fashioned.

And this Apple computer is not good, playing games is too rubbish, you find someone to equip me with the best desktop computer, if I come here, I can still play games.

There are also these books here, these calligraphy and paintings, and I will also move them all away. In the entire office, I think this desk can be kept, and the rest can be moved away. It doesn’t look good and it takes up space.” Su Wei entered his office, I found that this place is quite big, at least there is a small one hundred flat.

But the bookshelves, handwriting area, and tea drinking places inside take up too much space, making the office a bit crowded.

Su Wei plans to keep this desk and a set of sofas for reception in the future.

As for the place where the bookshelf had been placed before, he filled it with wine.

Why did Su Wei ask Director Guan to replace everything without hesitation.

That's because the creditors have come here several times before, and the things left here are basically cheap goods. The really good things have been moved away long ago.

"Okay, Mr. Su, I will ask someone to move all the things away tonight, but the computer and wine may not be ready until the day after tomorrow." How could Director Guan not know, the current boss definitely doesn't like this style .

After all, one is only in his 20s and the other is around 60. His taste must be different, but he dare not change it.

After all, Su Wei's taste, because he didn't have much contact with him, so he didn't know what kind of style Mr. Su liked.

If Su Wei is not satisfied with what he changed on his own initiative, then he is not the one who is unlucky.

"It's okay, I'm going to the capital tomorrow, you just need to fix it before I come back, by the way, I'm fine, those job seekers are here." Su Wei originally wanted to say that he went to the cafeteria to eat at night.

But he thought, if he said this in advance, the food tonight must be very good, and he planned to wait until the interview was over next time.

Gemini Star Property Company has hundreds of employees, how could it not have its own canteen.

"Those job applicants have already come, but job applicant No. [-] was already late when she came. Do you want to let her come for an interview?" If this is an ordinary person, Director Guan will definitely eliminate that job applicant directly up.

After all, the job with an annual salary of 60 yuan after tax is almost the same as him. If you are still late, it means that you don't value this job.

But Director Guan remembers this woman very clearly. He put her in the re-examination because she was pretty enough.

And Su Wei had already told him that although he said he was looking for an assistant this time, he was actually looking for a job and life assistant, otherwise Su Wei would not have asked for such a high price.

So he'd better ask Su Wei, after all, it's up to him to see or not.

"I'm going to be late at two o'clock. In this way, if the first five candidates are not selected satisfactorily, you can ask her to come for an interview. If someone is already selected among the first five candidates, you can send her away. By the way, wait a minute After you call people in, the interview is still up to you, if I see a satisfactory candidate, I will let you know." Su Wei lay on the boss chair and put his feet directly on the table.

He didn't intend to maintain any image, after all, the assistant was waiting to be recruited, and he had to meet every day.

Let them know what kind of person their boss is like early on, so that they can be mentally prepared.

After all, recruiting is a two-way choice. If Su Wei can choose them, they can also choose Su Wei.

Su Wei didn't want to recruit someone well. After a while, he found out that Su Wei was different from what she had imagined. If he wanted to leave the job, that would be bad. He didn't want to interview an assistant again.

"President Su, Manager Guan. My name is Ye Si. I graduated from Seoul National University of Korea. I am 25 years old. I used to work as the secretary to the president of a well-known company in China." Ye Si did not expect that the big boss of Gemini Property would be so young.

And judging by his appearance, the two of them are about the same age.

Ye Si is very confident about herself today, because among the people who came today, she is the only one who has experience as a secretary.

"President Su is going to recruit an assistant this time. Can you tell me what would you do every day if you were an assistant?" Director Guan saw that Su Wei started playing games, and knew that he really didn't want to interview by himself. He also started the normal questioning.

When this job seeker named Ye Si first came in, Su Wei thought she was pretty, and she had a particularly attractive figure, and she was wearing black silk with a short skirt.

However, after taking a closer look, Su Wei could still tell that she had some signs of plastic surgery.

When she introduced herself and said that she came back from studying in Korea, Su Wei was not interested at all.

Su Wei can tolerate the slight adjustment on the girl's face, after all, it is for the sake of beauty.

But Ye Si's figure is so good, if he didn't use medical methods, he wouldn't believe it.

And those who can go to Korea to go to school, in his impression, are basically those with poor academic performance.

There is no hope for the first line in China, so I can only go abroad to change the track, which is not bad.

There are also those who can't even pass the undergraduate degree in China, and have no choice but to go abroad.

Su Wei didn't know which type Ye Si belonged to, but he knew one thing, he didn't like this job applicant.

This is really Su Wei's ignorance. Ye Si's school is really not bad in Korea.

Although Koryo is a small country, its economy is still good. How could it not be able to afford a single university.

This university is the top university in Korea. It is a university that Koreans can't get into even if they sharpen their heads. Ye Si can get into this university, which is actually very remarkable, but helpless, Su Wei doesn't know him at all. this school.

"Miss Ye is very good. As expected, she has worked as a secretary before, and she is quite familiar with assistant work. We will inform you of the result within three days." Director Guan looked at Su Wei and found that he was obsessed I can't get out of my phone.

He didn't know what Su Wei was thinking, he could only ask Ye Si to go back and listen to the news.

Su Wei recruited an assistant by himself, how could he not pay attention at all, but he already had a prejudice against Ye Si, how could he still recruit her.

Since none of them would admit her, Su Wei indulged in playing exciting battlefields on his mobile phone.

"President Su, I know you must be very rich, but I think you don't respect people very much. If your company treats talents in this way, then I believe that your company will not last long, and I will tell other people Her job seeker, Gemini Property Company, is a company that doesn't know how to respect talents." Ye Si heard Manager Guan tell her to go back and wait for news, but Su Wei didn't say a word, and she was playing games all the time, so she knew her It must be cold.

But she was really puzzled, what was wrong with her? According to her appearance, although she had plastic surgery, she really looked good.

In terms of academic qualifications, Seoul National University of Korea, although not well-known, is also a good university within the top 50 in the world.

What's more, she still has some experience as an assistant.

The company she worked for before was a Fortune [-] company, although she was only one of the president's secretaries.

But for Gemini Property, a company with only 300 employees, she is already a top talent.

Although she didn't know why this company would offer such a high salary to an assistant, she felt that if she was not selected, it was because the company had no vision, and the young boss was actually playing with his mobile phone in front of her during the interview. Totally disrespecting her.

At this time, her temper also came up, my aunt has been drinking foreign ink for so many years, why do you disrespect me.

"Director Guan, ask the security guard to come up here." Seeing Ye Si's words, Su Wei became more and more excited, and was about to start yelling.

Su Wei will not get used to this kind of pampered young lady. After all, I just asked you to go back and wait for the announcement. You have not yet decided on the final candidate, so you start talking about it. If you are an assistant, it will be fine.

So he didn't say any nonsense, and directly called Director Guan to call the security guard to come up.

"Hey, Director Zhang, bring a few people up to the chairman's office, and bring some female team members with you. Miss Ye, I have already called the director of the order department, and he will arrange for security to come up immediately. If you If you want to make a fuss, it might be ugly later on." Director Guan saw that the boss had spoken, and immediately asked the order supervisor to bring people up, and he also specially emphasized bringing a few female team members up.

After finishing the phone call in front of Ye Si, he went to persuade Ye Si to come here.

His purpose of doing this is to warn Ye Si, if you really want to make trouble, then we will not spoil you here.

"Hmph, let me tell you, it's not that you don't like me anymore, it's that I don't like your company. A small company like yours must have bad intentions to spend so much money on assistants." She called the security guard to come up, especially when the female security guard came up, she was quite panicked.

After all, if the security really took her out later, she would really be ashamed to see others.

"Old Guan, look at who you are looking for here, remember, next time you will not accept people who come from Korea.

You will come to the interview later, don't stand next to me when the time comes, you will interview on that sofa, and I will sit here, if you finish the interview and I don't make a sound, then you can go directly to the next one.If I speak out, you can have a detailed chat with the other party." Su Wei didn't expect that the first one would be so difficult.

He has always thought that there are problems with the people at Xiaoxiba's place. He didn't expect that people who have been with Xiaoxiba's place for a long time will turn their minds differently from normal people, and they have become a little more unique.

"President Su, don't worry, our company will definitely not recruit people from Korea in the future." Director Guan didn't expect Su Wei to hate Korean people so much, no wonder he thought Ye Si was pretty good, but Su Weili ignored her .

It turned out that Su Wei had already eliminated her from the very beginning.

The second job seeker who came in was also good-looking, but her makeup was a bit on the western side.

Wait until she introduces herself as coming back from the Lighthouse Country, and then brag with Director Guan.

She said that after she joined the company, what unreasonable things would be improved, and she didn't like to work overtime.

After Su Wei listened to a few words, he was in no mood to continue listening.

What a strange thing this is. What he is looking for is an assistant, not to mention being a nanny, but he must be a secretary, driver and other roles.

And because Su Wei only got up in the afternoon, it was inevitable that her off-duty time would be delayed until the evening.

If it wasn't for this reason, why would Su Wei spend so much money on an assistant.

"Hello, Mr. Su, hello, Manager Guan, my name is Xu Liyang, I graduated from Nanyang University, and I am 26 years old this year." Xu Liyang really wanted to get this job, because her previous job was tainted, so she had no choice but not to look for relevant ones. Work.

But if she doesn't look for a professional-related job, then the wages of other jobs she finds will be much lower.

"Miss Xu, I took a look. You majored in communication at Nanyang Technological University. I don't understand why you chose to be an assistant. Can you explain?" Su Wei didn't wait for Director Guan to ask, he had already I spoke.

Because Su Wei saw Xu Liyang, he thought of one thing.

It was about Yang Jiale, who threatened Su Wei at that time.

And he obviously knew who Su Wei was, but he still dared to say that, which proved that he was sure to teach Su Wei a lesson.

Su Wei is not a defensive type of person.

What he likes is to take the initiative and kill threats in the cradle.

"I used to work for a well-known media company in China. Because when reporting some things, the facts were exaggerated, and then our company was named, and I had to change careers." Xu Liyang and his company were in command of the navy at that time. The listed company was bankrupt and liquidated.

Because this matter was too big, their company was shut down.

She doesn't want to change careers, but no media company dares to take her, after all, she has a dark history on her back.

"Then if you become my assistant, I have a black material about a listed company. If it comes out, the boss of this listed company will definitely go in. If I give this black material to you, you are sure to let this company Has the listed company collapsed?" Hearing Xu Liyang's words, Su Wei felt that she was the talent Su Wei needed.

"When that incident happened back then, our team was a little too young. Because we were eager to achieve results, we were caught out to set an example. If I had this black material now, I would definitely take it step by step. When this scandal is known to everyone, no one in this company can find out who the whistleblower is." Xu Liyang didn't say whether the company would collapse, she could only tell Su Wei that if there was such scandal, after Behind her hand, she will never be caught by the tail.

"Okay, if you are admitted, then you will be my work assistant from now on." Su Wei didn't care if this matter would be known, even if the people in the Yang Group knew that it was him who reported the material, so what, maybe they They've all gone in.

Su Wei chose this method because he didn't want to bother ICBC too much. After all, he was taking the initiative.

"Then Mr. Su, do you still want to see the last job applicant?" Director Guan saw that Su Wei had settled on Xu Liyang, and wondered if he wanted to see the remaining job applicant.

"Xiao Xu is just my work assistant. I still want to recruit a life assistant. The rest of the job seekers, you can also call in." Su Wei recruited Xu Liyang specifically to deal with the Yang Group.

For a woman like Xu Liyang, although she is beautiful, Su Wei will not let her into his life.

But work is okay, after all, this woman is ambitious, and Su Wei doesn't mind giving her this opportunity.

If she can really take down the Yang Group, then Xu Liyang can focus on training her.

"Assistant Xu, then come with me, and I'll take you to the head of the administration department first." Director Guan didn't know why Su Wei recruited Xu Liyang, after all, she didn't see the advantage compared with the previous ones.

"Okay, I'll trouble you, manager. Thank you Mr. Su for choosing me. I'm sure I won't let you down." Xu Liyang heard that he was admitted by Su Wei, and knew that being admitted must have something to do with what Su Wei said just now.

He also heard that Su Wei wanted to recruit a life assistant, and knew that he wanted the job too much, which made Su Wei feel that she was too ambitious.

Xu Liyang followed Manager Guan out of the office. When she walked through the waiting room, she saw the last job seeker sitting there with a smile on her face. She had a hunch that this girl might be Su Wei's future life assistant.

"President Su, Manager Guan, hello, my name is Zhang Ruoyu, I graduated from Aurora University in Shanghai"

(End of this chapter)

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