Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 197 Only 2 Yuan in Account

Chapter 197 Only 2 yuan in the account

"President Su, Manager Guan, hello, my name is Zhang Ruoyu, I graduated from Aurora University in Shanghai." Zhang Ruoyu graduated last year, and she hasn't looked for a job for nearly a year.

It's not that she doesn't want to look for it, but that her family doesn't agree with her going to work. They want her to take the civil servant exam first, and then find a husband's family to marry her off.

She has already found a partner for her, he is her childhood sweetheart, the two grew up together.

The man is now working in a state-owned enterprise in Shanghai. Although the salary is not high, Zhang Ruoyu's parents know him well. In addition, the man has always liked Zhang Ruoyu and is very good at currying favor with Zhang Ruoyu's parents.

So Zhang Ruoyu's parents liked him very much, and after Zhang Ruoyu became a civil servant, the two families got engaged.

Because the family conditions of their two families are not bad, they can be regarded as a good match. They both have only one child, and each family has two or three houses in Shanghai.

They don't need two children to make a lot of money, as long as the two of them can have a stable job.

After all, apart from the house they lived in, their other houses cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a year just to rent out.

But Zhang Ruoyu didn't like being a civil servant at all, and she didn't like that man either, she always treated him like an older brother.

The thing she hates the most is that her previous life was controlled by her parents, so this time she secretly signed up for the recruitment of Gemini Property.

Just being an assistant, she was paid 60 yuan. Although the requirements were high, her conditions were not bad.

So she specifically asked a friend whether this company is a serious company.

Although there are more and more people with high salaries, there are only a few in the whole country who can really get 50 a year.

Zhang Ruoyu's plan is that if she succeeds in applying for the job, she will move out. After all, 60 a year is more than what her parents earn in a year.

This time she will be called for a re-examination, a big reason is because she is too beautiful, and Su Wei just lowered the requirements for assistants at that time, otherwise it is impossible for someone like her who has no work experience to enter the re-examination , even if she is from Aurora University.

There are not one or two job applicants from Qingbei that Director Guan has rejected before.

"My work assistant has just been recruited, but I still need a life assistant here. I wonder if you would like it?" Su Wei felt that this woman looked familiar after seeing Zhang Ruoyu coming in.

It wasn't until I saw her boots that I remembered that this woman was on the way here, the girl who rode a Ducati and said she was dumb.

It’s just that when she was riding a Ducati, she was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt. Now that she’s here for an interview, she’s wearing a white shirt.

If it weren't for Su Wei's deep impression of her figure, and knowing that the woman riding a Ducati was also in this building, he really couldn't believe that he could meet by such a coincidence.

If it was a different place, it would be impossible for Su Wei to remember it.

But now that she is able to introduce herself, it seems that she pretended to be dumb because she refused to strike up a conversation.

What Su Wei didn't expect was that this female rider named Zhang Ruoyu actually had a pretty nice voice.

"President Su, is it convenient to ask, what kind of life assistant are you referring to? I'm just here to find a job, and I refuse anything that has nothing to do with work." Zhang Ruoyu heard that Su Wei said that he was recruiting a life assistant , She has already been extremely vigilant in her heart.

Because of her beauty, there were many people who claimed to be scouts, and some said they were managers. They approached Zhang Ruoyu and said they wanted to sign her as an actress, a model, and so on.

At that time, she also thought it was true, after all, she was so beautiful.

But she definitely couldn't go there so foolishly, but she googled it first.

After Baidu finished, she realized that she was naive, and these people were all liars.

Some of these scammers cheated on registration fees, makeup fees, and filming fees.

There are also scammers, under the guise of filming, tricking girls who are not deeply involved in the world and dreaming of being a star to become actors. In the end, they not only cheated the girl's body, but also tricked the girl to accompany some so-called investors, directors, The assistant director drank and slept.

So now that Zhang Ruoyu heard the word life assistant, she immediately raised her vigilance, and planned to run away if something went wrong later.

When job seeker No. [-] was taken out by the security guards, he kept yelling, saying that the company did not respect the job applicants, and it was definitely impossible to spend so much money to sign them as assistants. Even if they did, it was probably a routine .

Zhang Ruoyu is a serious girl. Apart from riding a motorcycle, she has no other hobbies in her daily life.

In addition, although there is no big money in the family, there is still no shortage of small money, so she will not sell herself for money.

"Don't you know about life assistants? If you look at those celebrities, don't they all have assistants? Your job content is similar to theirs.

You are like me because you often fly to other places, so every time before departure, the airline will ask you to contact me.

And after the plane arrives, you can't ask me to take a taxi to the hotel, so you need to contact me early for the pick-up.

If I want to go to eat, then do you want to help me set up the location of the restaurant in advance, so I don't have to go to the scene to line up by myself.

And if you are successful in applying, then you have to follow me all the way every day, because I only get up in the afternoon, so there must be no such thing as nine-to-five in your place, and you can only rest four days a month. Hugh, unless something really happened.

But the good thing is, because I usually wake up in the afternoon, so you don't have to clock in at work." Su Wei's life assistant is actually similar to an artist's personal assistant.

There is no way, Su Wei was thinking of finding a job, a double assistant in daily life, but now Xu Liyang is only interested in her working ability.

He was worried about her coming to be his life assistant, so he could only separate out the life assistant separately, making him look like he had hired a nanny to follow him.

"That means that what you are looking for, Mr. Su, is not an assistant, but just a nanny, right? Then I want to ask, how much is the salary of this life assistant?" Zhang Ruoyu listened for a while before realizing that Su Wei In fact, I found a nanny, but the educational requirements of this nanny are a bit high.

After all, you need to be able to speak multiple languages, and you also need to communicate with major companies.

In addition to what Su Wei said earlier, the job assistant has already been recruited, that is to say, what should have been one job is now divided into two.

At this time, she was very curious about how much annual salary he would give the life assistant alone. After all, the requirements for the life assistant were not very high.

"Salary? Director Guan didn't tell you, after tax 60 a year, the company helps to buy five insurances and two funds, and this salary does not include bonuses and year-end bonuses." Su Wei is quite generous about salary.

After all, I am already so rich, there is no need to make money by squeezing the wages of my subordinates.

And he has already said 60 a year, it is impossible to divide the assistant into work assistant and life assistant, so the 60 salary should be divided in half. Isn't this a slap in the face, Su Wei is not bad This little money.

"It's also 60? Then I have no problem here." Zhang Ruoyu heard that it was really 60 a year, so why not agree.

After all, this is 60 a year. Although I am an assistant, the assistant also works.

Zhang Ruoyu's plan is to work for a year first, and when she is rich and independent next year, it won't be too late to change jobs.

"Okay, then Director Guan, you take her to join the job. By the way, wait for you, me, Xiao Xu and Xiao Zhang, the four of us will go to the cafeteria to have a meal together." Su Wei also had a whim today, planning to go to the cafeteria of his own company Have a meal and see how the food is.

"Alright Mr. Su, do you need the cafeteria to copy your order separately?" Director Guan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Su Wei was going to eat in the cafeteria.

Su Wei just didn't go to dinner today, and he planned to ask Su Wei to take a look, because the company is really in trouble and needs the help of the big boss.

"No need, I will eat whatever the employees eat today, don't be special." Su Wei didn't want to show his approachable side, but he wanted to see how the food in his cafeteria was.

After all, when he is the boss, he will definitely not let his employees not even have enough to eat.

Just as Xu Liyang finished her job registration, she saw Director Guan, bringing the girl she had seen in the waiting room before, to do the job too.

After both Zhang Ruoyu and Xu Liyang completed the entry procedures, Su Wei and the four of them came to the cafeteria to have dinner together.

Su Wei really hasn't eaten in a canteen like this for a long time. After he went to work, the company didn't have a canteen, and after he was reborn, he didn't eat there.

Su Wei walked into the cafeteria and checked the sanitation first. I don't know if the sanitation department knows that he will come to the company today, so it has been cleaned specially, and it looks good.

Then I looked at the dining area of ​​the cafeteria, and found that there are about 200 bungalows, and the kitchen is not too small.

However, in such a large dine-in area, there are only about ten people eating in it.

None of the people who just got off work in the administration department came to the cafeteria to eat. This must be a problem. After all, if there is free dinner in the cafeteria here in Shanghai, who would go back and make food for themselves? How troublesome it would be.

"Director Guan, I remember that there are hundreds of people in our company, why are there only so few people for dinner at night?" There are not so many married people in the company, especially so many young men in the security team, Su Wei can't believe that they don't even eat the free meal.

"President Su, in our property management company, only a few people go to work in the environment department at night, and only a few people in the engineering department. The order department has the most people working at night, but there are only about 30 people at night.

And many of their employees ate outside, so not many people came to eat this evening meal." Director Guan also told the truth, after all, if he didn't tell the truth, when Su Wei left, who knew when he would come back.

"President Su, Director Guan, this is your meal." Zhang Ruoyu and Xu Liyang, each of them made a plate of food for Su Wei and Director Guan, but they didn't pack their own meal.

Zhang Ruoyu really didn't expect that the food in Gemini Star Cafeteria is so bad, it's just a little meaty, adding a vegetarian dish is the dinner.

Although through the glass, it can be seen that the sanitation inside is not bad, but she really can't eat this dish.

Xu Liyang's situation was exactly the same as hers. She originally wanted to have dinner with the boss, but who knew it was such a dish, she didn't want to wait until the meal was finished, so it would be better not to order it at the beginning.

"Director Guan, is this the standard for the food in the cafeteria? What about the company's food expenses?" Su Wei was surprised at first, why the two assistants didn't call him.

When he looked at this dish, he knew the reason. There was only one meat dish, one vegetarian dish, and egg soup. There was basically no egg in this egg soup, and it was no different from clear water soup.

Su Wei was very angry at this time, because the food standard was a bit scary.

If he ate like this every day before, then Su Wei would have to think about whether Director Guan is suitable for this position. After all, he never said that employees should also deduct their food expenses.

Su Wei bought this building only because the price is cheap and he can still charge a fixed rent every year.

But for the property fee, Su Wei really didn't think about making money, after all, he is not short of this money.

"President Su, even if you don't come to the cafeteria today, I will definitely drag you to take a look, because you also know what happened to the last one.

When you took over the company, there was no money in the company's accounts at that time, and the company has not paid wages for three months. If the company hadn't changed bosses, the companies upstairs are still relatively stable. The company can't really survive.

It's all because everyone knows that the company is a high-quality asset, and the property fee will be collected next month, so now everyone is still working without salary.

The cafeteria is still able to make meals now, I actually think they are already amazing, because they are really clever women who can’t cook without rice.” Seeing that Su Wei was serious, Director Guan immediately stood up and explained to Su Wei.

He had been thinking about when the big boss would come to the company, so that he could talk to the big boss about the company's situation.

After all, the previous boss left too quickly, and the company's employees didn't react at the time, and the boss was gone.

Many people can still work here today in order to get their wages back.

After all, they knew that the Gemini Tower was a high-quality asset, and there would definitely be a big boss to take over.

Indeed, as they thought, Su Wei quickly took over the Gemini Building.

But there is a problem, that is, Su Wei bought this building, so others don't come to the company.

"Since there is such a thing, why didn't you tell me a long time ago, then tell me how much money is still in the company's account?" Su Wei was also negligent himself. After buying the company, he never looked at it.

If he had finished buying it at that time, he would have come to see it earlier, and the people in the company would not have had such a hard time.

"Mr. Su, the total amount in the company's accounts is only 2 yuan." This money was only after the accident of the previous boss, Director Guan and the others rented out three more offices during that time, so that they could continue to maintain the company's operation of.

But this amount of money is not much, after all, their rent has not changed, and the property fee is only tens of thousands of dollars.

"Why didn't you tell me about you earlier, then tell me, how much money is needed to pay off the employees' wages now?" Su Wei was already drunk, and the company's account is now 2 yuan. I just remembered looking for him.

Both Zhang Ruoyu and Xu Liyang were dumbfounded, they didn't expect this to happen.

It doesn't mean that they go to work on the first day today, and the company will go bankrupt tomorrow.

After all, the company only has 2 yuan in its account, which is not enough to pay the two of them a month's salary.

The two of them are making eye contact crazily now, thinking about whether to come to work tomorrow.

"Mr. Su, you first lend the company a month's salary of 230 million. Next month, the company can collect a quarterly property fee, and then you can make up all the salary. The company will borrow your salary from Mr. Su." The money will be returned to you at that time." Of course, Su Wei's money cannot be given directly. After all, although Su Wei is the boss, he still has to deduct tax when he takes out the money.

So Director Guan is talking about borrowing, so there is no need for interest.

"I'm going to Kyoto tomorrow, so I can't come to the company, Xiao Xu, call me at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, and I will call 1000 million to enter the company.

Director Guan, since the company owes everyone three months' wages, there is nothing to do, so don't wait until next month to settle the salary. I will call 1000 million to the company tomorrow, and you ask the finance to calculate all the wages in these two days, and then They paid all their wages, and then gave each employee 5000 yuan, which was their year-end bonus last year.

Also, from tomorrow onwards, the meals in the cafeteria must have five to six meat dishes, two to three vegetarian dishes, and one soup." As the boss, Su Wei may not be particularly exaggerated in his salary.

But every meal, the employees should at least have enough to eat well, after all, he is not one of those unscrupulous entrepreneurs in China.

"Really? Mr. Su, I have been afraid to look for you before, because I was afraid that you just spent billions of dollars to buy the Twin Stars Building. I was afraid that your cash would be difficult. If it wasn't for me, I couldn't bear it anymore. I won't speak.

If there are ten dishes for each meal, I am afraid that everyone will eat at the company in the future, and the food cost will not be low." Director Guan did not expect that Su Wei's opening would be 1000 million.

With this 1000 million, not only can all the employees' wages be paid, but also the employees' dormitory has money to pay the rent, and I didn't expect that President Su would care about the canteen.

But if it is really 10 dishes a day, most of the company's people will basically eat at the company, and the food expenses for a year will cost at least several million.

"If you eat at the company, you can eat at the company. What are you using so much property expenses for? By the way, you told them not to eat today's meal. Later, you can order some boxed lunches for them. The company's meal is not good. With a little oil and water, how can I live at night?" Su Wei didn't plan to make money from the property fee, since he didn't plan to make this money, wouldn't it be just right to spend it on food.

"Alright Mr. Su, then I'll go over and talk to them first."

(End of this chapter)

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