Chapter 199 Fragrance
"Hey, Brother Su Wei, have you seen my dog?" Qian Xinyi received a call from her mother today, telling her that the car had been brought back, and there was no smell in the car.

After I got back, I went to the car and smelled it. It really didn't smell like anything, and the car was washed carefully.

The craftsmanship in this shop is really nothing to say, compared to the one she often goes to, the cleanliness inside is not at the same level at all.

She is taking photos and plans to post them to Moments.

I heard her mother shouting there, the baby is gone, the baby is gone.

She didn't take any photos, so she ran out and asked her mother to find out.

It turned out that she had just changed her shoes inside, and planned to take the baby around the community.

But the baby ran away immediately, and by the time she put on her shoes and chased him out, Teddy had no idea where he had gone.

When Qian Xinyi heard that the dog was gone, she was very happy. She hoped that the dog would never come back.

If her mother was not by her side, she would have planned to set off a firecracker to celebrate, because she really hated this dog so much.

In this family, except for her mother who likes this teddy dog, she, her father, and all the aunts in the family hate this dog to death.

I want to return to my heart, but I still have to find it.

It's just that she and her aunt belong to the type of walking, and the only one who is serious about looking for is her mother.

Her mother searched around but couldn't find it, so she went to ask the neighbor next door, and then went to the property to adjust the monitoring, and she still couldn't find it until after six o'clock in the evening.

Qian Xinyi saw that she had been searching for three hours, but she still couldn't find it, so she comforted her mother, saying that maybe the baby just ran out to play.

But she probably knew that the dog must be in danger.

The most suspected person is her neighbor, Wang Xiaoyuan and Liu Jing's boyfriend Su Wei.

Although there was no evidence that he did it, Qian Xinyi still called.

"Your dog? Which dog? What happened? I haven't been to Mingyuan in the past few days." Su Wei had just connected the phone when Qian Xinyi asked him if he saw her home dog.

At that time, he thought she had found out, but now Qian Xinyi asked him for a dog.

But for Su Wei, even if Qian Xinyi knew what happened, as long as he was not caught with evidence, he would definitely not admit it voluntarily.

"Brother Su Wei, where are you now? I'll come and find you, okay?" Qian Xinyi heard Su Wei's denial so quickly, and knew that the dog's arrest must have something to do with him.

But she hated this dog to begin with. In fact, she wished that Su Wei could kill this dog.

"Why are you looking for me? You're not going back to school today?" Su Wei is going to eat her dog now. If she comes, how can she eat it?

Su Wei's favorite meat is dog meat and mutton. He likes to cook hot pot like this.

At that time, it is impossible for him to let Liu Qiang and the others eat dog meat at the same table. He and Qian Xinyi should go to another table to eat mutton.

"I came home this afternoon to pick up the car, and I had breakfast today, brother Su Wei, please treat me to dinner." Qian Xinyi now believes that Su Wei is the dog thief, so she Su Wei must be relying on him tonight, and he must be seen.

She didn't have to ask Su Wei to treat guests to dinner, but she just wanted to come and have a look and confirm her guess was right.

"Do you really want me to treat you to dinner? If you really haven't eaten, then you can come. I'm near Gubei No. [-]. When I get there, I'll send you the location directly." Su Wei began He was thinking that if she came, it would be difficult to deal with, after all, she would be eating her dog.

But since she insisted on coming, she can't blame Su Wei.

When the time comes and sees something bad, then I hope she will not have any psychological shadows in the future.

Su Wei really thought too much about this, and Qian Xinyi was the one who hated that dog the most.

If other people hate this teddy dog, at worst, close the doors and windows.

And Qian Xinyi was at home, so there was really nowhere to hide.

Su Wei and the others were still halfway, Tian Ling had already sent the address.

Liu Qiang finally returned to Gubei after seven o'clock, and drove the car to the place Tian Ling positioned according to the navigation.

Su Wei got out of the car and took a look. It turned out to be a mutton restaurant. This restaurant is indeed not far from Gubei No. [-], and it is only a few hundred meters away.

"Xiaotian, have you started cooking that meat?" Tian Ling and the others were already waiting at the door.

Judging by their appearance, they should have been waiting downstairs for a while.

"Boss Su, the meat is already in the pot and it's cooking in it now. I'll let you in and have a look." Tian Ling and Zhang Dehui hated this jumping teddy dog ​​so much, After all, I don’t sleep and scream there every morning.

In addition, what happened to Liu Qiang later, Liu Qiang went to comfort the dog, and they wanted to kill it directly.

Unexpectedly, the boss sent a message from behind, asking them to find a chance to slaughter the dog, which was considered to have fulfilled their wish.

Tian Ling took Su Wei to a private room on the second floor. When he opened the door, he saw a large table for 10 people. In the middle of the table, a hot pot was being cooked alone.

"This is the dog, right? What about other dishes? Have you ordered any other dishes?" After Su Wei entered the box, he smelled a strong fragrance.

The smell of this dog meat is so fragrant that it really whetted Su Wei's appetite now.

In ancient times, dog meat was also nicknamed Fragrant Meat, because its meat is the most fragrant of all meats.

"Where do we know how to order food? Isn't this just waiting for you, Mr. Su, to order?" Tian Ling and the others are not the age of young boys, and it is impossible for them to be so ignorant when they come out to eat with the boss.

Of course they know that the right to order food must belong to the person who has to give money, or someone with a high status.

"Ask the waiter to bring in the menu. After I finish ordering, tell me about how you caught this dog." Su Wei was still very interested in this matter. Before Qian Xinyi came, , just in time for a good chat.

After the waiter came, because there was already a dog hot pot, Su Wei added a roasted whole lamb, a special roasted chicken, two roasted rabbits, some side dishes, and two bottles of Danxi 1327 iron lids.

According to the waiter, there are only two bottles of this rice wine in their store, and Su Wei likes this kind of little wine, so he asked for both bottles.

The reason why Su Wei ordered so many dishes is because Liu Qiang and the others can eat too much. After all, they really eat meat and soup.

After becoming bodyguards, they basically stopped drinking alcohol.

After Su Wei finished ordering, Tian Ling began to talk about what happened today.

This teddy dog ​​was indeed frightened on the first night.

But on the morning of the second it was perfectly fine, and it's more over the top now than it was before.

It used to start barking at 6-7 o'clock, but now it starts barking at 4-5 o'clock.

Because of this incident, the property management also came, and Aunt Zhao had two quarrels with the neighbor behind her house.

Several neighbors were about to fight because of this incident.

But Aunt Zhao is too fierce, she can't listen to anyone's words, even her husband, she scolded him so much that he didn't go home.

Many neighbors in the community wanted to kill the dog with medicine, but they had to give up this plan because they were afraid that other dogs or children would eat it.

In fact, when Zhang Dehui took the dog away today, it was after four o'clock in the afternoon. How could no one see it.

Even if no one saw it, there was still surveillance in the community.

But the neighbors and the security guard insisted that they didn't see the dog, and thought that the dog might have gone outside.

"This dog probably didn't even occur to me. It actually aroused the anger of people and gods in the entire community, but I can only blame the people in the community for being too weak. If I lived in the community, this dog would have been beaten to death long ago." Su Wei really didn't expect this dog to be so annoying, but the main reason is that he doesn't live in Mingyuan villa.

If he lived in Mingyuan Villa, the first thing he might do would be to buy a big dog.

The object that others dislike may change from Aunt Zhao to Su Wei.

"The main reason is that Aunt Zhao is too strong. Her husband has been kicked out by her for three days. When we were about to come out, Aunt Zhao was still there telling his wife that the dog might be taken away by her husband. At that time, she returned it to her husband. I made a phone call, and Lao Zhang and I were dying of laughter in the car." Tian Ling thought of this, and felt that Aunt Zhao's brain circuit was really powerful.

But that's good too, at least it's her husband who annoys her, not anyone else.

"That's right, that's right, I still remember that she became more and more excited when she called. If it wasn't for us or the dog catcher, then we have to listen there for a while to see if she and his husband will quarrel." Zhang Dehui was also teased by Aunt Zhao, thinking that this person has gone mad.

Human ancestors spent hundreds of millions of years climbing from the bottom of the food chain to the top of the food chain step by step.

If the ancestors knew that their descendants would not eat meat and go vegetarian, it would be a question of whether they would still climb the ladder.

Ms. Zhao loves dogs to such an extent that she is basically mentally ill.

"Tian Ling, go down and pick up Qian Xinyi, she's downstairs, don't let her slip up later, this isn't dog meat, it's donkey meat, do you understand?" Su Wei was still afraid of Liu Qiang and the others. Yes, after all, it's not good to eat dog meat in front of Qian Xinyi.

The main reason is that Qian Xinyi is pretty, and Su Wei hasn't even slept with her yet.

"President Su, don't worry, we understand." How could Liu Qiang not understand, Su Wei is eating Aunt Zhao's dog and sleeping with Aunt Zhao's daughter.

But this matter is basically tacit understanding. He has been with Su Wei for so long, and he has basically never seen any woman that Su Wei really wants to sleep with, and which woman would be unwilling.

After all, he is too rich, so what woman can resist such a big sum of money being poured down one by one.

"Miss Qian, this way, our President Su is waiting for you in the box." Tian Ling knew Qian Xinyi, after all, she lived in Mingyuan Villa.

"Su Wei's arrogance is too big. He stole my dog, and I came to the door, and he didn't come to pick me up." Qian Xinyi looked at the mutton restaurant in front of her, knowing that her dog , It should be that his life is in danger.

Otherwise, the weather is starting to heat up, why would he come here to eat mutton.

"Stealing a dog? It's nothing. How could a person of our status as President Su steal a dog? Miss Qian, you really like to joke." Tian Ling walked in front, and suddenly heard what Qian Xinyi said, and almost lost control of the steps.

After all, she and Zhang Dehui stole this dog, and it is still boiled in the pot.

Qian Xinyi looked at Tian Ling's flustered look, and remembered that Su Wei was also stubborn on the phone just now.

"Miss Qian, you don't go to school today, why did you come to me?" Su Wei was a little surprised by Qian Xinyi's outfit when the door opened.

I saw that she was wearing a blue and white casual shirt today, and a pair of blue skinny jeans.

She carried a LV lady's satchel on her back, a pair of gray coconut shoes on her feet, and a hat on her head. From the tail of the hat, it could be seen that the inside should be tied into a ponytail.

"Why do you look so handsome and formal today? Wow, it's a high-end suit from GUCCI. The price is not cheap. Are you wearing this dress to eat hot pot?" Qian Xinyi was about to answer. After clearing Su Wei's clothes, he ran over to look at the labels.

She felt that Su Wei was too prodigal. This kind of high-end suits cost at least six figures.

Su Wei wears this dress to eat hot pot. He doesn't know if the clothes will smell very bad if he eats hot pot.

Moreover, this kind of clothes cannot be washed frequently. After a few washes, they will be deformed, and if the shape is broken, they can only be thrown away.

"Fortunately, I have work to do today, you haven't answered me yet, why did you come to me today?" Su Wei slapped Qian Xinyi's hand that was touching his clothes, she was already too close to Su Wei.

Su Wei was afraid that he would not be able to bear it. After all, he didn't know when it started. After he could smell that scent, that scent really attracted Su Wei.

His current state is very similar to the state of the male protagonist in the perfume movie.

But he's not that extreme, he just wants to own the scent forever.

But this scent cannot be kept, as long as a girl becomes a woman, this scent will disappear, and he feels that his whole life may be on the way to find this scent.

"Why did I come to you, you should ask you, if you hadn't stolen my teddy, my mother's place would have turned into a powder keg, I couldn't stay at home anymore, wouldn't this just be Come to meet you for a meal." Qian Xinyi hated that dog, not for a day or two, but the reason why she didn't do anything was because of her father's obstruction.

Yes, that's right, it was Qian Xinyi's father's obstruction.

It's not because her father also likes this dog, but because after the dog came to the family, Ms. Zhao's thoughts were all on this dog.

Qian Xinyi's father, now if he wants to go out to play, he goes back to play, and if he wants to go out to play golf with others, he goes to play golf.

If you want to go out and fish with people, go out and fish.

This time, it looked like Ms. Zhao kicked him out of the house, but Dad Qian was not unhappy at all. He didn't know how much fun he had outside.

You said in this situation, how could Dad Qian let his daughter kill the dog, so he has protected this teddy many times in places where Ms. Zhao can't see.

"Don't talk nonsense, what happened to your dog, I don't know at all, I just came back from Pudong company, where do I have time?" Su Wei looked at Qian Xinyi's expression, it was you He was also speechless.

He was very puzzled, why Qian Xinyi was so sure that he was the one who took the dog away.

"It's true that you didn't catch this dog. It was caught by sister Tian Ling and this uncle. It's stewed here now, and you still want to lie to me. The smell of my teddy is very unique. I just caught it downstairs. I smelled it on Sister Tian Ling. When I passed this uncle just now, I also smelled this smell on him, but I smelled you carefully, and it really didn't have that smell, so I knew that the people who caught the dog were the two of them. One, but they are your bodyguards, so you are the mastermind." Qian Xinyi smelled shit, she was trying to trick Su Wei.

When she saw Su Wei wearing this outfit, she knew that he must have gone to the company today, and he should have just rushed here, otherwise, who would wear hundreds of thousands of clothes and come out to eat hot pot?

As for her saying that it was Tian Ling and Zhang Dehui who caught the dog, it is even simpler, because among these bodyguards, only two of them are in Mingyuan Villa, and the others are protecting Su Wei. If you want to guess one person, you must It can only be the two of them.

"Wonderful, wonderful. I didn't expect Xinyi to have such a strong nose. You are right. Your dog is stewing in this pot right now. If you want me to compensate you, that's fine, but I I can only lose money." Su Wei didn't expect that Qian Xinyi could smell those special smells just like him.

Su Wei didn't suspect it at all, because he could smell the fragrance of the zizi, and he didn't think it was miraculous that Qian Xinyi said that she could smell the teddy.

"Really? You really stewed my dog? I just talked nonsense, but I tricked you out." Qian Xinyi didn't expect that the words she used to deceive Su Wei would be so effective.

She took the chopsticks and scooped them out. The taste was quite fragrant. It seems that the owner of this shop has good skills.

Liu Qiang and the others were speechless when they saw Su Wei. They didn't expect their boss to believe such nonsense.

"Sit down first. Tell me, what compensation do you want?" Su Wei didn't expect to be cheated, but the main reason was that he could smell a unique smell.

So he feels that there should be many people in the world who can smell other smells.

"I don't want compensation from you, as long as you take me to the track." Qian Xinyi watched Li Ziwei's replay at Tianma that day in the past two days. After watching it, she always wanted to run the track.

But she didn't know anyone from those clubs, and she didn't drive a sports car.

And the people in her circle are all a bunch of little kids, and they basically don't know much about running the track.

Just because of this incident today, she asked Su Wei to take her to the track.

(End of this chapter)

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