Chapter 200

"It's that simple? You just want me to take you to the track?" Su Wei didn't expect Qian Xinyi's request to be so simple, so simple that he felt a little unbelievable.

After all, he stewed all her dogs. The stewed meat is in this pot now, and she didn't react at all?This is not right.

If it was Su Wei, he would at least scold the person opposite him if he didn't hit him.
Why didn't she respond? She was able to chat with Su Wei so calmly.

"Don't look at me like this, what I said is true, there is no conspiracy.

Let me tell you the truth, I hate this dog more than you do, it wasn’t my dad who stopped me, I killed it a long time ago, this time you killed it, in fact, I have to thank you "There is another reason why Qian Xinyi's father didn't let Qian Xinyi kill the dog, and that is because Qian Xinyi lives on campus and only comes back two days a week, out of sight and out of mind.

It's just that who knew that after buying a car for Qian Xinyi, she often didn't live in the school, but drove home to live there, and then rushed to school early the next morning.

As for Ms. Zhao, she always thinks that this teddy is a puppy, and it's okay for her daughter to let it go.

This led to the conflict between Qian Xinyi and this teddy, which became bigger and bigger, to the point where Qian Xinyi wanted to kill it.

"So that's the case, then would you like a piece, its meat should be very soft now, just eat it to calm down." Only then did Su Wei know that Qian Xinyi hated this dog so much.

If she had expressed her attitude earlier, he wouldn't have been guilty for a long time.

Maybe she was invited to dinner a long time ago, after all, everyone hates this teddy.

"I don't want to eat it. It doesn't taste good to eat rabbit and mutton. Although I hate it and want to kill it, I don't want to eat it either. After all, it has been in my house for a year.

What is this, is it rice wine? It smells so good." Although Qian Xinyi hated this dog, it was fine to eat its meat.

Now that she saw its meat rolling in the pot, she basically didn't hate it anymore, after all it was dead.

As for other people eating its meat, she doesn't care, anyway, she knows how to eat it herself.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of dishes that Su Wei can eat here, lamb, chicken, and rabbit meat are all delicious.

"It's rice wine, have you ever drank it? Would you like me to pour you some?" Su Wei didn't expect Qian Xinyi to know rice wine and think it smells good.

The two bottles of rice wine that Su Wei bought today weighed nearly one and a half catties, and both bottles weighed almost three catties.

When Liu Qiang and the others just poured the wine, they had already said that they only had one drink, that is, two or two drinks with them, because they were bodyguards after all and could not forget their duties.

After Su Wei heard this, he stopped pouring wine for them.

After all, Liu Qiang and the others are protecting his safety. Su Wei is actually very satisfied with their understanding.

After pouring seven glasses from a bottle of wine, one bottle was just finished, and Su Wei didn't plan to open the other bottle.

But if Qian Xinyi wants to drink, then Su Wei will definitely accompany her to the end today.

"Brother Su Wei, what do you want to do? Do you want to drink me? Let me tell you, I am your neighbor, and sister Yuanyuan and I grew up together. I know Sister Liu Jing, I have their WeChat accounts, you better not have any other thoughts about me." Qian Xinyi is happy today, the teddy at home finally died, and she wants to celebrate.

But today is Su Wei's home game, so she doesn't dare to drink.

After all, Su Wei is not a good person. He is the king of the sea who is on two boats at the same time and has been entangled with many women.

She watched the replay of the live broadcast of Su Wei running the track that day. The woman next to Su Wei that day. There must be an affair, after all, everyone is not a fool.

"What kind of person do you, Qian Xinyi, think of me as Su Wei? This is rice wine. Its alcohol content is only 11 degrees, which is about the same as beer, and it tastes sweet, just like an alcoholic drink." Since Qian Xinyi came by herself today, Su Wei will definitely not let her go.

After all, he didn't even let Li Rui and Xiao Bai go. Both of them belonged to the group of car friends and Wang Xiaoyuan's girlfriends, and Li Rui was Li Ziwei's sister.

But is Su Wei relentless? No, it's time to go.

Who is Qian Xinyi? To put it mildly, she is a neighbor, but she is just a little better than a stranger.

And who told her to be so beautiful? It's better to make yourself cheaper than others.

"This wine is only 11 degrees? Impossible, show me, oh, it's really 11 degrees, then pour me some." Qian Xinyi didn't expect the rice wine to have such a low degree, so she took the bottle and looked at it Next, it is indeed 11 degrees.

No wonder people in ancient times could drink so much. It turns out that the wine that ancient people drank was similar to modern beer.

What else to say, quickly ask Su Wei to pour it for himself.

"You can drink this wine later to see if it's sweet. Nowadays, many girls drink rice wine." Su Wei knows that this kind of rice wine is just low in strength.

But it's easy on the head and has a lot of stamina.

When Su Wei was in college, his roommate would bring bayberry wine made at home to the school, which tasted even better than rice wine.

At that time, there were 4 people in their dormitory, a little ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, so they drank most of the barrel of bayberry wine, which weighed more than six catties.

In the dormitory the next day, no one went to class and slept until the afternoon.

"That's true. It's much better than white wine. Pour me a little more. The alcohol content is not high. I can drink it." Qian Xinyi finished her college entrance examination last year. He took a sip of the white wine and found that it was really undrinkable.

But I didn't expect this rice wine to taste better than white wine.
Dividing line---
The next day.

"Hello..." Su Wei was woken up by the ringing of the phone. After looking at it, it turned out to be the new life assistant.

Checking the time again, it is now 55:[-].

"President Su, I'm already downstairs in Gubei No. [-] Community." Zhang Ruoyu came to Gubei No. [-] early today, looked at the gate of this community, and felt that this community is worthy of being a luxury residential community, and it is more expensive than the gate of her community. It's more grandiose.

She hasn't talked to her family about her going to work. After all, the family wants her to take the civil service exam.

If she knew that she was going to be a life assistant, she would definitely ask her to quit her job.

She planned to wait until she started working for a period of time, and then pay some money to the company. She would first rent a house and move out.

So today, before her parents got up, she came out at six o'clock, and then walked around with her luggage for a while, and after having breakfast, she came to Gubei No. [-] without haste.

"You come to the underground parking lot of Building [-]. My car is parked next to the elevator entrance. I pushed you to the bodyguard on WeChat yesterday. He should have been there. You go to meet them first. I have to wait a while before I can get down. "After Su Wei woke up a little, he found Qian Xinyi sleeping next to him.

He hurried to the toilet to make a phone call, afraid of waking Qian Xinyi up, because he didn't know what happened yesterday.

He only remembered that when everyone was eating, Su Wei and Qian Xinyi had been chatting, and the newly opened bottle of rice wine was drunk by both of them during the chat.

Qian Xinyi also laughed at the rice wine at the time, saying that the alcohol content is so low, if she went to ancient times, she would definitely be a heroine among women, and she would definitely eat meat and drink heavily by then.

When he came out, he was blown by the wind so much that he couldn't remember what happened next, only a vague impression, as if he had done exercise yesterday, and more than once.

In fact, Su Wei and Qian Xinyi were fine when they came out yesterday. After being blown by the wind, Qian Xinyi died on the spot, but although Su Wei was drunk physically, his brain was still very clear.

Let Liu Qiang call a taxi and send him and Qian Xinyi to Gubei No. [-].

After hanging up the phone, Su Wei took a shower first, and then walked out of the toilet. When he came to the room, Qian Xinyi was still sleeping soundly on the bed.

Su Wei didn't bother her, but gently opened the quilt to take a look, then smelled Qian Xinyi, and found that the scent was gone.

It seems that last night, he did a lot of exercise, and the quilt must be completely replaced.

Su Wei checked the time, it was already 30:[-], he was going to the airport immediately, there was no time for him to dawdle here.

The matter between him and Qian Xinyi can only be discussed when he returns to Shanghai.

After packing up some clothes, he dragged his suitcase to the living room, just in time to see Aunt Li coming, and asked Aunt Li to get some nutritious lunch, and throw away all the sheets in the afternoon, and then he went downstairs.

"Boss Su, if we have a ten o'clock flight, we may not be able to make it by now, should we change the ticket now?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that Su Wei would dawdle upstairs for so long before coming down.

It's almost 10:[-] now. Yesterday she specifically asked Deer Airlines, and they agreed that the flight would depart at [-]:[-] am.

From Gubei No. 15, it will take [-] minutes at the fastest, and you have to check in for the plane. The time must be too late.

Following Su Wei's instructions, she dragged a suitcase to the downstairs of the parking lot of Building [-] of Gubei No. [-], and saw Su Wei's Rolls-Royce Phantom, as well as the bodyguard Liu Qiang and the others.

But she didn't know Liu Qiang at all, and Liu Qiang didn't know that Zhang Ruoyu was the Ducati female rider from yesterday.

Taking advantage of Su Wei's absence, Zhang Ruoyu asked Liu Qiang about booking a room and renting a car.

How does Liu Qiang know how much the standard price for one night is? I just said that when they went out before, they lived wherever President Su lived.

There is no need to rent a car. Mr. Su has a car in Kyoto, and the car is parked in the airport parking lot. When the time comes, you can drive directly after getting off the plane.

After Zhang Ruoyu understood the situation clearly, seeing that Su Wei hadn't come down yet, she first found her and Liu Qiang's room on the phone.

She didn't save too much money for Su Wei, so she booked a four-star hotel, but she booked the cheapest three rooms.

Because she was the only woman, she booked a big bed room for herself.

According to Liu Qiang and the others, because she heard from Liu Qiang that they shared a room for two, she booked two double rooms for Liu Qiang and the others.

After looking at the price of the hotel, she felt that the set price was not cheap. The price of a room for one night was around 700. It was so expensive.

"Change the ticket? Hey, if you don't understand, ask Liu Qiang more. Old Liu, you can go now." Su Wei really has a headache when he sees Zhang Ruoyu now, why did he recruit her in.

Su Wei now secretly swears in his heart that the next time he recruits, he must not look for someone according to his own standards and preferences.

Looking at the two assistants I have recruited now, I feel that I have recruited the worst one.

Xu Liyang was recruited by Su Wei because she had been the leader of the navy before and she was also pretty.

This Zhang Ruoyu was really because of her beauty. Su Wei found her without any other factors.

"Miss Zhang, Mr. Su's flight is a private jet, so it doesn't matter if you are a little late." Liu Qiang was in front, looking at Su Wei's depressed look, knowing that he was speechless.

Liu Qiang also secretly smiled in front of him, but he didn't expect that this new assistant seemed to be a bit of a professional rookie.

But looking at her face, you can see why she was recruited, after all, she is so beautiful.

As his boss, he would indeed recruit people because of her beauty.

"Oh, it turned out to be a private jet. I'm sorry, I forgot to ask last night. Mr. Su, I've already taken a look at the hotel here, do I need to show you?" Zhang Ruoyu joined Deer Airlines yesterday, no wonder she felt When the opposite party heard that she was Su Wei's assistant, he was very polite to her.

She thought it was because Su Wei was a VIP member, but it turned out that it was because he always took a private jet when he went out.

"I've said it before. It's your business to book a hotel. I don't care. I will give you this card. If you need money in the future, you can use this card. By the way, Xu Liyang has sent you the card number of Gemini Property Management." I'm sorry, you tell her to send you the card number again, and you can transfer 1000 million later." After Su Wei finished speaking, he began to catch up on sleep in the Rolls-Royce.

The card he gave Zhang Ruoyu just now is a BOC interest card, and the money in it has not been used yet. According to Su Wei's own estimation, there are no less than 4000 million funds in it.

"Oh, okay, I'll contact her now." Zhang Ruoyu really didn't expect Su Wei to trust her so much.

He actually let himself take care of this card, and even let himself transfer 1000 million out.

Then there must be more than 1000 million in this card, how much is it, she can check it through mobile banking later.

She felt that today was too dreamy. She didn't expect to be able to sit in a Rolls-Royce Phantom. Now she still holds a card worth tens of millions, and she will be a private jet later.

These experiences have never been experienced by her in the past 23 years.

When Qian Xinyi woke up in a daze, she found that she was sleeping in a strange place.

When I opened the quilt and was about to go to the bathroom, I found myself naked.

And his own clothes were thrown all over the ground, and the most frightening thing was that there were bloodstains on the bed.

Look at herself, then look at the bloodstain, if she still doesn't understand what happened, then she is living so much in vain.

After knowing what happened, she burst into tears immediately, and it wasn't the kind of crying, but the kind of heart-wrenching ashes, looking at the bloodstain quietly, she didn't want to say anything now.

The tears kept flowing down, just like not wanting money.

After crying for a while, Qian Xinyi came back to her senses and began to dress.

After all, she wants to find out what happened yesterday, who slept with her yesterday, and where it is.

Qian Xinyi put on her clothes, walked out of the room, and found that the house was very large and luxuriously decorated. Except for the room where she slept, there were no traces of sleeping people in the other rooms.

"Miss Wang, ah, I'm sorry, I mistook the person." Aunt Li just sensed someone behind her, and thought it was Miss Wang.

It turned out to be a little girl she had never seen before, she looked not very old, and there were traces of crying on her face.

Because Su Wei specifically told her to cook a nutritious breakfast.

So today she specially made whole wheat bread, fresh milk, boiled eggs, and pure sausage. These foods are more nutritious breakfasts.

She really didn't expect that her boss would bring the girl back to spend the night. Isn't he afraid that Miss Wang will see her when she comes back?
This Su Wei is really not afraid, because Su Wei has already told Wang Xiaoyuan that he is going to the capital and will not be back until at least a few days later.

And Wang Xiaoyuan would not come to Gubei No. [-] when Su Wei was not at home.

"Who are you? Where are you? Why am I here?" Qian Xinyi didn't find anyone else in the house, only this person dressed as a nanny, making breakfast.

From the time she got up to now, she didn't even know where she was, because her car keys and mobile phone were gone.

"I am the nanny hired by President Su. You are in Gubei No. [-]. I just came here in the morning. As for why you are here, I don't know, but you can contact President Su and you should know the situation. My breakfast here is ready, you can eat something to fill your stomach first." Aunt Li didn't want to know anything, and she was not curious about this girl at all.

Because she knows that people who are too curious generally do not end well.

"Mr. Su? You are talking about Su Wei, right? So this is Su Wei's usual home? What about the other person, where did he go? Don't dare to see me? My mobile phone is gone, can you call me with your mobile phone?" A phone call?" Qian Xinyi heard the nanny said that this is Su Wei's house, she didn't know why, and felt that most of the stone in her heart had been let go.

When she woke up, she had a lot of bad things in her mind, and because she couldn't find her phone, she panicked.

When she first came out, although she was chatting with the nanny, she was actually looking for where the gate was.

"Boss Su has already gone to Kyoto. This is the itinerary that has been planned long ago. When he went out, he specifically asked me to prepare some nutritious breakfast for you. Is your mobile phone the Apple mobile phone on the shoe cabinet?"

 Now I queue up every day to do nucleic acid. I really don’t know if I can update [-] words.
(End of this chapter)

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