Chapter 201 No.1 Yuan in Kyoto (seeking tickets)
"Hey, Xinyi, are you awake? Why are you calling me?" Su Wei was sleeping on the plane when he was woken up by Qian Xinyi's phone call.

He stopped catching up on sleep, got up and walked to the toilet, and then chatted with Qian Xinyi as if nothing had happened in the morning.

"You still asked me what's the matter, I asked you, where are you now, I want to see you right away." Qian Xinyi found out that her mobile phone and bag were on the shoe cabinet at the door through Aunt Li.

When she went to take her mobile phone and bag, she saw that there were more than 10 keys casually placed there.

It is full of keys to some luxury cars, such as Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, Porsche, and worst of all, the keys to Mercedes-Benz.

Qian Xinyi got her mobile phone and bag, she was not in such a hurry to leave, after all, didn't Su Wei call his family's nanny, and made her a nutritious meal, and she didn't eat for free.

At this time, she relaxed, feeling that she was very uncomfortable to walk, so she could only walk slowly.

Seeing her situation, Qian Xinyi simply went to the toilet to take a shower, and casually looked at her situation.

By the time she came out of the toilet, it was already half an hour later.

Although Qian Xinyi was very hungry, but because the environment was relatively unfamiliar, she put some food on a plate from the restaurant, then took a cup of hot milk, and ran into the room.

Because she doesn't want to be heard by the nanny, she will chat with Su Wei later, after all, this is not a very glorious thing.

"I'm on the plane. I should be in Shandong right now. I'm going to get off the plane in a few minutes. I can't come back." Hearing Qian Xinyi's angry tone, Su Wei didn't panic.

If Qian Xinyi called, she would start crying without saying a word, and hang up the phone after crying.

Or if she didn't even call, she just pretended it didn't happen, so Su Wei would have to worry.

Now that she has called, it proves that she is still willing to communicate.

That's good, since they are willing to communicate, it means that this matter can be discussed.

As long as it can be discussed, it means that there is a solution.

"You slept with me last night, and now you're gone, what do you mean, aren't you going to give me an explanation, it's my first time, and what if I get pregnant, can you be responsible?" Qian Xinyi didn't care if Su Wei had planned to go to the capital long ago, anyway, she only knew one thing, and that was that Su Wei slept with her now and ran away.

It is definitely impossible to just let this matter go, after all, she was still a girl yesterday.

So now she must ask Su Wei to tell her something, otherwise she will stay in Gubei No. [-] and not leave.

"Xinyi, yesterday I didn't expect that rice wine would make people drunk, and we are all adults, there is no such thing as you sleeping with me, I will sleep with you, this happened, it can only be said that the drinking capacity is too light.

Besides, how can I explain this kind of thing to you? If you want to be my girlfriend, then there is no problem. I am quite satisfied with you. Although your breasts are a bit small, I don't mind." Su Wei said I don't want to add more girlfriends, after all, Qian Xinyi's mother is not easy to mess with.

But if Qian Xinyi is not allowed to be his girlfriend, if Qian Xinyi tells her mother about this matter, after Ms. Zhao knows about Su Wei and her daughter, Su Wei will not believe that Ms. Zhao will not go to his father Mom is making trouble there.

But if Qian Xinyi is willing to be his girlfriend, then Su Wei doesn't care. He can use her young age as an excuse, and the two of them made an agreement not to let her parents know.

When Zhang Guihua and the others moved to Tan Palace in a few years, even if Ms. Zhao knew about it, it wouldn't matter.

"Who wants to be your girlfriend, Su Wei, you bastard, and my breasts are so small. Aside from being your girlfriend, don't you plan to explain to me? You think I'm sure of you, don't you?" "Although Qian Xinyi looks soft and weak in normal times.

But she is just a disguise for her appearance, she is not a good girl in her bones.

This time Su Wei took her first time away, how could she let Su Wei go so easily.

If Su Wei doesn't give her an explanation, she plans to let Wang Xiaoyuan and Liu Jing know about this matter, and then let Liu Jing and Wang Xiaoyuan know each other's existence.

"I'm just kidding, Xinyi, why are you still angry? How about it, I'll be back in a few days, let's meet up then, okay, I will give you a satisfactory explanation" Su Wei heard Qian Xinyi Her tone of voice was a bit off, so she quickly comforted her.

After all, Qian Xinyi is not a good girl, she just pretends to be very good.

As for letting Qian Xinyi go to bed last night, to be honest, Su Wei has no regrets, because if he let Qian Xinyi go yesterday, Su Wei might regret it today.

"That's what you said, then I'll wait for you for a few days. If you don't come back, then I will definitely let everyone know about it." When Qian Xinyi said to everyone, she said it very hard, for fear that Su Wei doesn't know.

In fact, Qian Xinyi agreed because she didn't know what to ask Su Wei to explain to her right now, so it was just right for Su Wei to come back in a few days.

She can take advantage of this time to think carefully about what she wants Su Wei to explain to her.

Although this happened, and Su Wei was her first man, she definitely didn't want to marry Su Wei, and she didn't want to be Su Wei's girlfriend.

Because Su Wei already has two girlfriends, if he wants to be a junior by himself, then she is really crazy.

As for marrying Su Wei, she doesn't like Su Wei, and Su Wei is unlikely to abandon Wang Xiaoyuan and Liu Jing, so this is even more unrealistic.

After Su Wei hung up the phone, he was still in a good mood.

After all, his call comforted Qian Xinyi, but he didn't promise her anything.

"Master Liu, the boss is going to Kyoto this time, what's the matter? Today is my first day at work, so I don't know anything." Zhang Ruoyu wanted to ask before, but in this private jet, everyone except the pilot In the first section of the cabin, she wanted to ask something, but Su Wei was so close to her, it was difficult for her to ask.

Since the morning, Su Wei would frown whenever he saw her, which made her feel less and less confident now.

In fact, she made a mistake. Su Wei's behavior this morning was entirely because Su Wei had been waiting for Qian Xinyi's call.

"Boss Su bought a house in the capital, and I went to transfer the title on purpose today." Although Liu Qiang knew that Zhang Ruoyu was a rookie in the workplace, he still had no prejudice against Zhang Ruoyu, and he would tell her what Zhang Ruoyu had any problems.

After all, Zhang Ruoyu is so pretty, who knows if she will climb into Su Wei's bed and become her boss wife.

Although Su Wei said he was recruited as an assistant, Zhang Ruoyu was so beautiful, if President Su had no idea about her, Liu Qiang would not believe it.

After all, Su Wei spent so much money to hire a job rookie, who would believe it.

"Going to transfer ownership today? President Su is not in Fanhai Family, does he already have a house?" Zhang Ruoyu specifically checked Su Wei's Gubei No. 20 and Fanhai Family yesterday, and found the housing prices of these two communities. It's going to go to more than [-] and [-].

Especially in Oceanwide Family, there are no small bungalows there, all of them are large ones.

"President Su is in the capital, and there are only two houses for the time being, one is Oceanwide Family, and the other is Wanliu Academy.

The house of Oceanwide Family is full of furniture and appliances, so Mr. Su will choose to live here during this time.

As for the house in Wanliu Academy, there is no furniture and appliances in it, so it is temporarily unavailable.

You need to know the specific situation of these two houses, maybe you will use them next time.

The reason for the transfer of ownership this time is that Mr. Su bought a courtyard house. This courtyard house is near Houhai. I won’t tell you about it for the time being. You will definitely go to see it today. You will know when you see it. What is the top quadrangle in Kyoto, your jaw will definitely be shocked." Liu Qiang really answers every question, after all, even if Zhang Ruoyu is not the proprietress in the future, she will be an assistant.

Who is the boss's most trusted person, of course the assistant and the driver.

Su always has no driver, and he sometimes makes a cameo appearance.

But now someone has been selected as an assistant, Zhang Ruoyu, so she must not be offended, what she wants to know, except what she can't say, in fact, she must know everything without saying anything.

"Ah, Mr. Su has two houses in Beijing? This time he is going to transfer ownership of a courtyard house? Is our boss so rich?" Zhang Ruoyu really didn't know that Su Wei was so rich, because he had never opened one that was particularly famous. company of.

The only thing that can be known is that he is the big boss of the Gemini Building.

"The boss has a lot more money than you imagined." After Liu Qiang said this, he stopped explaining, because Su Wei had already returned from the phone call.

Although the boss is not a serious person, he doesn't want the boss to know that he likes to gossip, and it's his business.

"Xiao Zhang, this is my trip to Kyoto to transfer ownership of a courtyard house, which is still in a rough state, please help me find a famous designer and help me design the interior decoration.

I’m at Wanliu Academy in Kyoto, and there’s a top-floor duplex. You can find a designer with a more modern design to help me buy all the furniture and home appliances. When I come to Kyoto, I’ll switch to Wanliu Academy and Oceanwide Family Living" Originally, Su Wei bought this house from Oceanwide Family as a running house.

But now, if Zhang Xuewei promised to give birth to a child, then give her the house of Fanhai Family.

So he planned to treat this place as a normal living house.

As for the house, he doesn't plan to buy it now. After all, he already has enough houses. If he really has a woman in Kyoto, he will buy it then.

The main reason is that Su Wei felt that he had bought the best house in Kyoto, and there was no need to buy an expensive house.

Even now that Ms. Deng's house is going to be sold, he is not willing to take it over because there is no need for it.

"Alright Mr. Su, what are the budgets for the decoration of these two houses?" Zhang Ruoyu never expected that Su Wei would entrust her with the decoration of the Siheyuan and Wanliu Academy.

She really doesn't know anything about this aspect, and she has never seen a courtyard house before.

"There is no budget requirement, as long as you pretend to be grand and beautiful. By the way, we won't go to the courtyard later, and go directly to the real estate bureau to transfer ownership after getting off the plane." How did Su Wei know how much the budget was? Installed a courtyard.

And since he is so rich, he doesn't care about the price anymore, as long as he pretends to be good-looking, it's fine.

Zhang Ruoyu saw that Su Wei went to order food, she wanted to eat too, but she was thinking about the decoration.

She went to check the house price of Wanliu Academy first, and found that the price of Wanliu Academy was more expensive, and the house price in the community was almost 20 yuan.

After looking for the floor plan of the duplex on the top floor for a long time, I finally found it. The area is 489 square meters. Qian Xinyi did some calculations, and it is almost [-] million.

"Are you hungry? I brought you a steak. Although the quality of the beef is average, it's okay to fill your stomach. Don't forget to eat at work." When Su Wei ordered, he asked the stewardess to give him two steak.

He saw that Zhang Ruoyu was still looking up information, and knew that she didn't know anything because she just went to work, so she could only use hard work to enrich herself.

Seeing her like this, Su Wei was quite satisfied. After all, he didn't need to be very capable, he just needed not to hold back.

"Thank you, Mr. Su." Zhang Ruoyu was deeply moved when she saw the steak that Su Wei brought.

After all, Su Wei had never had a good attitude towards her before. He never thought that he would think of her when he was eating.

She planned to find a cheap and well-decorated designer for the decoration of the two houses this time. After all, it can save money, so she must save money for the boss.
Dividing line---
"Xiao Zhang, can you drive?" Su Wei and the others walked directly to the parking lot after getting off the plane.

Their last three cars were all parked in the airport garage.

Seeing that he was approaching the car, Su Wei looked at Zhang Ruoyu, intending to see if she could drive.

After all, she is so good at riding motorcycles, so this sports car shouldn't be a problem for her.

"President Su, I can drive. Which car are we?" Zhang Ruoyu looked at Liu Qiang and the others, and opened the door of the Volvo XC90.

She thought that Su Wei asked her to drive this car, so she would have no problem at all, because although she had never driven a Volvo XC90, her father had an XC60, and she often drove that car.

"You know how to drive, right? I'll give you the key. You can drive it." Su Wei handed Zhang Ruoyu the key to the Ferrari 488pista, then opened the passenger door and sat in.

Su Wei is going out with girls now, he doesn't like to drive by himself very much, he likes girls to only drive for him.

Today is no exception, he wants Zhang Ruoyu to drive for him, after all she is his assistant.

"Su Wei, are you driving this car? I was mistaken, I thought you were driving a Volvo XC90, that's why I said I can drive this Ferrari. I can't drive this Ferrari." Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect Su Wei to press the button. The key is the key of Ferrari, and after he gave the key to himself, he ran to sit in the co-pilot.

Her family's conditions are considered middle-class in Shanghai. After selling all three houses, she can still earn tens of millions. It is not a problem to buy a car worth several million.

But they don't have much cash on them, so it's definitely impossible to sell a house and buy a car. Isn't that a disease in their heads?

So Zhang Ruoyu drives a second-hand Ducati, her father drives a Volvo XC60, and her mother drives a Sylphy.

"Don't dare to drive? All right, then you can take the co-driver. These few nights, you can take my car and go out for more time. Your boss and most of my cars are sports cars. It's impossible. I'll drive you every time." Su Wei still likes to drive, but if the girls around him can drive, then he doesn't really want to drive.

Su Wei came out from the co-pilot, took the keys, got in the car, stepped on the brakes, turned on the ignition, boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

At noon in Kyoto, the road was still a bit congested. By the time the real estate bureau arrived, it was almost two o'clock.

"Su Wei, here..." Xu Meng came over early today, and she also specifically told Su Wei to come early today.

Because she planned to wait until the afternoon to close the account, Su Wei happened to have dinner with her father in the evening.

She invited Su Wei to the bar at night to welcome Su Wei's birthday together.

"You came early enough." Su Wei took a look, and there are quite a lot of people who have transferred this courtyard house today.

There are more than ten people on Xu Meng's side, and there are only three people from Zhiyuan Law Firm on Su Wei's side.

"Su Wei, why don't you introduce me? On such an important occasion today, you didn't forget to bring a woman." When Xu Meng started, he was very happy to see Su Wei.

But unexpectedly, a woman came down from the co-pilot. This woman was not the ones she had seen last time, but a woman she had never seen before.

"This is my assistant. This is the landlord's daughter, Xu Meng." In fact, Su Wei kind of knows what Xu Meng wants to do.

Xu Meng probably wanted to use Su Wei's fame to make himself the No. 1 lady in Kyoto.

He wasn't out of his mind, how could he think that Xu Meng would like him.

After all, Xu Meng is not young anymore. How could a rich second generation like her fall in love with Su Wei after only meeting Su Wei once.

And although Su Wei has been in Shanghai these days, he can hear rumors in Shanghai that Xu Meng is the No. 1 girl in Kyoto, and his appearance is even more impressive.

In order to have a meal with her, a super rich second generation spent 15 billion to buy her courtyard.

If Xu Meng hadn't spent money to find the navy, Su Wei would have dared to write his name upside down.

"Hi, Ms. Xu, I'm Mr. Su's new assistant, my name is Zhang Ruoyu." Zhang Ruoyu saw Xu Meng's appearance and felt that she must be having an affair with her boss.

Otherwise, how could Xu Meng look like he was asking for a crime when he saw him.

Zhang Ruoyu is now wondering if that courtyard house is the betrothal gift of her boss.

"Miss Zhang is so beautiful. I didn't expect Su Wei to find you as an assistant. Miss Zhang must have something special." Xu Meng originally wanted to introduce Su Wei to her father today.

But Su Wei didn't expect to bring the assistant, and the assistant is so beautiful, she really didn't know if it would disrupt her plan.

(End of this chapter)

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