Chapter 202

"Xiao Zhang graduated from a famous university, and she works hard. Since she came, I feel that she is my indispensable right-hand man." Of course, Zhang Ruoyu is not as good as Su Wei said, after all, today is her first time. One day at work.

But Xu Meng actually blamed Zhang Ruoyu in front of him.

Zhang Ruoyu is her assistant, does she think of herself as Mrs. Su?

Su Wei was particularly disgusted by Xu Meng's performance, because it was a bit of an overreach.

It doesn't matter whether Zhang Ruoyu is good or not, at least you, Xu Meng, can't come and point fingers.

Because among Su Wei's girlfriends, there is no place for Xu Meng.

Moreover, Su Wei didn't take her seriously from the beginning to the end. After the matter of No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto, he was already a little disgusted.

Zhang Ruoyu is not an idiot, so how could he not understand Xu Meng's strange mood there.

But she is Su Wei's assistant, so it is definitely impossible for her to refute Xu Meng, let alone quarrel with her.

Because who knows what is the relationship between his boss and Xu Meng, what if it is the boss's wife.

It's just that what Zhang Ruoyu never expected was that her boss would speak for her and mold her into an elite in the workplace.

But she is obviously a rookie in the workplace, but she also knows that the boss said this to help her win face.

Originally, Zhang Ruoyu only thought that her boss was a rich second generation, but now she began to change her opinion of him a little bit.

"It turns out that Ms. Zhang is both beautiful and intelligent. It seems that I misunderstood. I'm so sorry. Su Wei, my father is here. Let me take you to meet him." Xu Meng saw Su Wei's face pulled Come down, I know he is dissatisfied.

In normal times, Xu Meng must have lost his temper a long time ago, after all, who in the rich second generation has no temper.

But on this occasion, her father is also there, and today is to transfer the ownership of her family's 15 billion courtyard house.

She definitely can't play childish temper. After all, if the family is not really short of money, who would sell this kind of house, and the price will definitely increase in the future.

After all, the location of this house is really nothing to say, it is next to Houhai, and it is a little more than a kilometer away from the Forbidden City. Every night after eating and digesting, I can go to the Forbidden City for a round trip.

However, Xu Meng was also able to quickly clarify his position. Seeing Su Wei's change of face, he immediately apologized to Zhang Ruoyu. Although he was not very sincere, at least he showed it.

"That's right, it turns out that Uncle Xu is also there, so I must get to know him." Su Wei saw that Xu Meng could finally speak well, so he didn't continue to speak against her.

After all, Xu Meng has been calling him for the past few days, and the two chatted pretty well.

As long as she can clarify her position, don't touch Su Wei's bottom line.

So Su Wei is really easy to talk to, after all, with a beauty like Xu Meng, how could he not want to have sex with her.

"Dad, let me introduce you. He is Su Wei. The third uncle met last time. Su Wei, this is my father." Xu Meng brought Su Wei to an Alpha, and her father was in Elfa. The second row of the law rests.

Xu Meng just wanted her father to meet Su Wei today, to let him see how Su Wei is and whether he is suitable to be her boyfriend.

After all, in their family, her father absolutely kept his word.

"You are Su Wei. After Ah Hui came back last time, I mentioned you to me. Didn't you ask your adults to come over for this house transaction? Can you decide for yourself with such a large sum of money?" Xu Jinguang Of course I knew what Xu Meng meant, just to let him see how Su Wei was.

But he didn't want to answer that, but turned around and asked about Su Wei's parents.

"It's only 15 billion, and it's not a lot of money. There's no need to let my parents come over. After all, I bought this house for myself." Su Wei hated Xu Meng's father very much, because he was a little disrespectful.

When I was talking to myself, I was sitting on Alpha, and I didn't even get off.

"Speaking generously, no wonder Ah Hui said that you are a good person, but you have more rotten peach blossoms. No matter where you go, you must bring beautiful women by your side.

I didn't believe it at first, but when I saw it today, I found that my brother was right. On occasions like today, you have to bring a woman.

Xiaosu, to be honest, I am not very satisfied with the matter between you and Xiaomeng, because there are too many women around you, but if you are willing to break up with the women around you, then I am not satisfied with the matter between you and Xiaomeng. It's not impossible to agree." Xu Jinguang liked Su Wei very much today, after all, on this occasion, he knew he was coming to see him, and he still wore casual clothes.

It doesn't matter if you wear casual clothes, but you even brought a woman here.

Xu Jinguang didn't even need to guess, he knew that this Su Wei must have many women outside.

Although he himself has a lot of women outside, he cannot accept his son-in-law, and there are also a lot of women outside.

"Boss Xu, do you have any misunderstandings? You sell this courtyard house, and I buy this courtyard house. Our relationship is as simple as that. As for whether there are many women around me, this seems to have nothing to do with you, and Xu and I Meng, today is just the second meeting." Su Wei has already forgotten himself, how long has it been since he was called Xiao Su.

And he seems to have misunderstood Su Wei and Xu Meng, thinking that he was pursuing her.

Relying on being Xu Meng's father, he pointed out his life and asked him to break up with the women outside.

Then Su Wei's violent temper came up, and Uncle Xu didn't even plan to call, so he directly said that it was Boss Xu.

Because her father seemed to regard Su Wei as the licking dogs around Xu Meng, so he spoke very rudely.

"Su Wei, what do you mean? Hurry up and apologize to my father. He pushed away many things today, and finally found time to meet with you. Dad, that girl is Su Wei's assistant. She has been by her side for a long time, not his woman outside." Xu Meng did not expect that Su Wei and her father would smell so intense after meeting today.

In fact, she would introduce Su Wei to her father as a boyfriend because she made a mistake.

The hype of No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto made her very famous in the rich second generation circle in Kyoto.

But everyone who sees her will tell her that the person who bought this house for 15 billion loves her so much.

After all, just because he wanted to have a meal with her, he spent 15 billion to buy a house.

This hype finally turned into a brainwashing of public opinion, washing herself into thinking that Su Wei really liked her, that's why she bought this courtyard house.

"Xiaomeng, let me tell you, I will never agree that he is with you, unless he fires this assistant now, and let me see his sincerity first, otherwise the talk will be avoided. Also, he must Serve me tea and admit my mistake, who told him to be so outspoken just now?" Xu Jinguang didn't expect that Su Wei would call him Boss Xu, not even uncle or uncle.

His life has been ups and downs for decades, but he never expected to be offended by a young man.

With his attitude, he still wants to pursue his daughter. If he doesn't handle him, he thinks that Xu Meng's family has no one to support him.

"I said, you two, it's okay to act here, right? I know, don't you want to sell this courtyard house? Forget it, everyone don't transfer ownership today. I won't buy this courtyard house." Su Wei felt that today Inexplicably, he came here today to buy a house and transfer ownership, and why Xu Meng and her father acted like he was here to meet the woman's elders.

To put it bluntly, even if Su Wei really wants to get married, it is impossible for him to be Xu Meng.

He actually had a feeling that Xu Meng was sincere in selling the house, but her father didn't seem to be very sincere.

When he spoke, there were obvious traces of acting, so Su Wei said that at the time.

If Su Wei said he wouldn't buy it, he really didn't buy it, and asked the lawyer to go back first.

"Dad, what's going on with you, aren't you going to sell this courtyard house?" Xu Meng was confused by Su Wei and her father.

Half an hour ago, everyone was fine. She didn't know why her father grabbed the woman next to Su Wei.

Does he not want to sell the courtyard house?Didn't it mean that the group is very short of money now? If there is anything, we can't wait until after the account transfer is completed.

Well now, Su Wei didn't buy it, and called his lawyers back.

"Sell it, how can it not be sold? Now that the group is short of money, it is waiting to sell this courtyard house to make up for the hole." Of course Xu Jinguang wants to sell this courtyard house. After all, he now needs at least one billion yuan to sell the company's Fill the hole.

At the end of this month, he has a sum of money from the bank to repay, but now his money has not been recovered, and that money is 3 million.

By the beginning of next month, there are still more than 6 million yuan to be repaid. The total of these two debts is almost one billion yuan.

"Su Wei hasn't left yet. I'll chase him back. Dad, wait a minute." Xu Meng interrupted her father before he could finish speaking.

After all, he had already seen that Su Wei was about to get in the car, and she ran towards Su Wei.

After Su Wei greeted the lawyer, he went straight back to his pista.

"Boss Su, what happened? Why are you arguing?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't follow just now, she was an assistant after all.

What Xu Meng just meant was obviously to introduce Su Wei, as a boyfriend, to her father.

She would definitely not be so ignorant, after all, she knew that Xu Meng was very dissatisfied with her arrival.

So she knew about the quarrel between Su Wei and Xu Meng's father, but she didn't know what the quarrel was about.

But one thing she knew was that this dispute might have something to do with her.

Because when they were talking just now, the three of them looked at her from time to time, and Xu Meng's father pointed in her direction with his finger.

This obviously had something to do with her, and she was afraid that it was because of her that the house could not be sold.

"You are my assistant, next time when I am talking about something, don't stay so far away from me, because I don't want to come back to see you, and I have to repeat the matter again. Okay, get in the car, today is not the account registration" Su Wei knew about today's incident, there must have been some accidents that he didn't know about.

But he didn't want to delve into it, because the money was still in his own hands. Even if it was the [-] million deposit, he could call the police first and ask the bank to freeze the money.

He asked someone to check the background of Xu Meng's family, and he knew that their family was engaged in real estate and steel products, which were all sunset industries.

And Su Wei still remembers that their courtyard house was only sold in 2021.

In other words, although the price of this courtyard house has increased, it has been sold for three years before finding a buyer.

Don't look at the amount of money, but the actual purchasing power of money is depreciating. It's really hard to compare the actual purchasing power of the current 15 billion and the 20 billion in three years.

"Okay, Mr. Su, I understand. I will definitely be by your side next time. Ms. Xu seems to be chasing you." Zhang Ruoyu heard Su Wei say this, and immediately promised that she would never leave Su Wei's side in the future.

However, she didn't know if this courtyard house could not be transferred, because she had already seen Xu Meng chasing him, and she didn't know if there would be a reversal later.

"Su Wei, what do you mean? Even if my father didn't give you face, but he is my father, won't you give in? And today is the transfer of ownership. We have already found the relationship in the real estate bureau. Can you stop being childish?" Xu Meng stood in front of Su Wei's car, preventing Su Wei from leaving.

After all, she knew about her family's situation and needed the money to buy a house very much.

"Xu Meng, I don't care what you and your father think, but I just buy a house normally.

I don't believe it. With my [-] billion yuan, I can't buy a house in these forty-nine cities.

Well, I don’t want to talk to you anymore. What’s the matter, you can talk to my lawyer. Let me know. I’m a little tired from flying today, so I’m going to take a rest.” Su Weiken spent so much money to buy a house , just because I like it expensive and its scarcity.

But if you think that Su Weifei didn't buy this house, or it was because he wanted Xu Meng to treat him to dinner.

Then Su Wei will let them know what a big mistake is.

Seeing Xu Meng standing there and not letting go, Su Wei took a step back, and then turned around directly.

"Xiaomeng, what are you doing? You don't want to die? It doesn't matter if he doesn't buy this house. Some people buy it. Mr. Ma of Tianlong Group said that he likes this courtyard house very much. He told me last time that if someone didn't After deciding on this courtyard house, he is willing to spend 16 billion to buy it.” One of the main reasons why Xu Jinguang is dissatisfied today is because Mr. Ma of Tianlong Group said that he would spend 16 billion to buy this courtyard house.

As for Su Wei's disrespect for him, or the fact that he is surrounded by women, these are actually minor problems.

After all, he has been in the business world for so many years, and money is the most important thing.

Now that Su Wei didn't buy it, he turned around and sold this courtyard house to Mr. Ma of Tianlong Group. There was an extra [-] million inside and outside.

"Dad, what you said is true? Mr. Ma is really willing to spend 16 billion to buy this courtyard house in our house? What if he just talked about it?" Xu Meng heard that Mr. Ma of Tianlong Group would spend 16 million 16 million to buy their courtyard, then she must hope that this courtyard can be sold at a price of [-] billion.

She doesn't doubt that Tianlong Group has this strength, but the only variable is whether this horse will really pay for it.

If Mr. Ma doesn't buy it, then this courtyard house will fall into his own hands.

"Don't worry, I have been friends with Mr. Ma for many years. And even if this courtyard house is not sold, this Su Wei can still take over. Then you go to coax him. Since he is willing to lick a dog like him, I would like to have dinner with you, so I will buy this house, if I don’t buy it today, it’s just for show.” Xu Jinguang’s calculation is really good, if Mr. Ma of Tianlong Group doesn’t buy it.

He then sold this courtyard house to Su Wei, a licking dog.

Why did he think Su Wei was a dog licker? It was because too many people came to tell him.

There is a super rich second generation who spent 15 billion to buy his courtyard house just to have a meal with his daughter.

He didn't really believe it at first, but there were too many people who said it, and his third brother also said there that Su Wei bought this courtyard house because he liked Xu Meng very much, and that's why he brainwashed him. Such an impression.
Boundary ---
"Boss Su, you really don't plan to buy this courtyard house?" Zhang Ruoyu looked at the navigation, her boss seemed to be going back to the Fanhai family.

And looking at him like this, he has no intention of turning back at all.

Only through the chat between Su Wei and Xu Meng did she know that the courtyard house her boss wanted to buy cost [-] billion yuan.

With so much money, even Tomson Yipin can buy dozens of sets.

Moreover, in this matter, it was somehow somehow related to her.

"This courtyard house? I don't know now. Anyway, it is impossible for me to spend 15 billion now to buy this courtyard house. But if it is reduced by [-] million or [-] million, then I can still consider it. By the way, if the The next time Xu Meng came to talk to me about the courtyard house, and then you come to talk to her, and I won’t come forward about this matter.” Su Wei recalled now, was it because he was so talkative at that time that he didn’t even pay back the price, so he agreed directly .

So Xu Meng's father thought he could sit on the ground and raise the price.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain what he wanted to do in today's behavior.

As for the woman beside him, Su Wei never believed it from the beginning to the end.

"Ah, when the time comes, let me come and talk to them. If Ms. Xu really comes to talk again, what price should I quote?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that one day, she would be able to negotiate ten-figure business.

My heart is both nervous and excited.

I was nervous because the unit was too big, and I didn't know if I could negotiate well.

I was excited because my boss actually trusted her so much and didn't treat her like a job rookie.

"You can quote whatever price you want, but you must see their sincerity. If the sincerity is not enough, there are so many courtyard houses in Kyoto anyway, so there is no need to waste time on this house." What does it mean to be sincere, of course it is to reduce the price.

What is very sincere, of course it is a big price cut.

"Alright Mr. Su, as long as Ms. Xu comes to talk to me this time, I will definitely negotiate a good price."

 Nucleic acid testing every day, the throat will be poked out calluses.

(End of this chapter)

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