Chapter 203 Impatient

"Alright Mr. Su, as long as Ms. Xu comes to talk to me this time, I will definitely negotiate a good price." Zhang Ruoyu has her own plans for this negotiation.

She will definitely negotiate a price this time that will impress Su Wei.

As for the failure of the negotiation, it is a big deal not to make a deal. After all, Su Wei has said that there are so many courtyard houses in the capital, so this is not the only way.

But if she negotiated an extra [-] million with each boss, the boss would spend [-] million less.

She was originally an assistant who came to apply for the job. Although she became Su Wei's life assistant because of her salary, she couldn't really position herself as a nanny.

So if Xu Meng really came to him this time, then Zhang Ruoyu could only apologize to her in his heart, because this time she would definitely not show mercy.

"If Xu Meng really comes back to talk to me and you can negotiate a good price, then I will definitely give you a surprise." Su Wei still has a certain degree of confidence in whether Xu Meng will come to him.

After all, this courtyard house was not sold in 2018.

So if Zhang Ruoyu helps him make a deal, he plans to give her a gift then.

Doesn't she like motorcycles? He had originally planned to buy a Ducati, and he could buy one for her then.

"Mr. Su, are we going to Oceanwide Family now? Wait, why don't you put me in front of the hotel I booked today? This road just passes by that hotel, so I can go We've moved in." Zhang Ruoyu heard Su Wei say that when the house was sold, he would prepare a surprise for her.

She just wanted Xu Meng to contact her as soon as possible, so that she could express herself and take the surprise that Su Wei said casually.

"What's the name of the hotel you booked? I'll just set the destination there." At this moment, Su Wei remembered that Oceanwide Family has all the furniture in it.

But most importantly, life-like things, there is nothing there.

Toothbrush and toothpaste, towels and bath towels, it’s fine if you don’t have any of these, not even quilts and bed sheets.

After the house was renovated, the owner had no money, so he had to sell the house to raise funds.

"President Su, you are driving, let me set it up. I will book this hotel because it is just next to Oceanwide Family. It is only one kilometer away from the community, but the price is a little expensive." Zhang Ruoyu decided In that hotel, the price of a room is more than 600, and she booked three rooms.

What she thought before was that 600 yuan per room was not too expensive.

But now she has really given all the financial power to her. After careful calculation, the three rooms cost almost 2000 yuan a day.

If you only live for a few days, it's not bad, but if you live for ten days and a half a month, the accommodation fee alone will cost tens of thousands.

She regrets it so much now, she would have ordered a cheaper one if she knew it earlier, and even if she wants to change it now, it's hard to say.

"Is it very expensive? Then the room you booked for Liu Qiang is the same type as yours?" Su Wei heard that Zhang Ruoyu's room was a bit expensive, and thought that the room she booked was a luxury suite that costs thousands of nights .

But he doesn't care about this, because his assistant is considered an executive in the company.

It is normal for an executive to live in a room of several thousand yuan a night.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhang Ruoyu booked such an expensive room without telling him.

Although he doesn't care about the money, she doesn't take her boss seriously.

"Master Liu, they have different room types from mine. I have a double room, and they have a double room. This hotel costs more than 600 a night, isn't it too expensive? I didn't expect to stay for a long time when I booked it, so I have already paid today's money, and I have to wait until tomorrow to change hotels." At this time, it happened to be a red light, and Zhang Ruoyu looked at Su Wei directly at her.

She almost didn't dare to look into Su Wei's eyes, and her words became less and less confident, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"More than 600 per night? Ha, no need to refund, after a while, you can open a room for me, I want to rest for a while. There are no daily necessities in the house of Oceanwide Family, I will take the elevator I'll give you the card and password, and you can help me to see what I want to buy inside." Su Wei thinks, it's cool now, if there is anything, just arrange an assistant to do it.

In the past, he had to deal with such trivial matters by himself, but now he finally liberated himself.

And because he didn't sleep well in the morning, he is now feeling uncomfortable all over. If he doesn't catch up on sleep at noon, he will be uncomfortable all day.

And he also happened to be nourishing his spirit, because he had an appointment for dinner at night, and that person was Liu Meng.

Liu Meng has been looking for him on WeChat for several days, saying that she is alone in the capital and would like to ask when he will come, and she wants to invite Su Wei to dinner.

Last time because of his boyfriend's presence, she didn't have an in-depth chat with him.

If Su Wei goes this time, she wants to have an in-depth chat with Su Wei about the script face to face.

Su Wei has been greedy for her body for a long time, and now seeing her take the initiative to deliver it to his door, he knows that her boyfriend's investment is not going well.

Other investors didn't like her boyfriend's script, but Su Wei didn't care.

Su Wei has plenty of money, so asking him to spend tens of millions to make himself an actor would be a bargain.

After all, who doesn't have a dream of being an actor, more or less wanted to be an actor when I was a child, and being a hero in the movie is very enjoyable.

Moreover, Su Wei didn't expect whether the film would be able to pay back or make money. In fact, he was equivalent to this money, and it was a waste of time.

"Boss Su, why don't you just sleep in my room, anyway, I'm going to go shopping later, if you just take a nap, then it's okay." Zhang Ruoyu is now a bit concerned about money, and thinks it can be saved, then Just save some.

Anyway, no one was in my house in the afternoon, so Mr. Su went to open a room by himself and just slept for an afternoon, wouldn't that be a complete waste.

"Sleeping in your room? Think about it too." Su Wei looked at Zhang Ruoyu a few times and found that she was very calm.

Knowing that she is just trying to save money, not those popular gold diggers who want to seduce her.

Su Wei drove the car to the Wangfu Hotel, and found that it was like a huge courtyard house, with only two floors at the highest.

Although not as magnificent as Bulgari, it still has its own characteristics.

And this hotel, leaning on an inner lake, the scenery is quite good in Kyoto.

Su Wei parked the car in the parking lot. His pista still attracted the attention of many hotel guests.

After all, the target of this hotel is the middle class. Most of the cars in this parking lot are ordinary family cars. Even the better cars are basically executive cars and Alphards.

Su Wei's Ferrari is the only sports car in this parking lot.

"This is your room? Are you sure it's okay for me to sleep here?" After checking in, Zhang Ruoyu left her own room card and handed over the other two room cards to Liu Qiang.

According to the room card information, she led Su Wei into her room.

Su Wei's first feeling when he entered the room was that the house was not bad.

But, this room is a big bed room, and Su Wei doesn't know whether to sleep or not.

"It's okay, Mr. Su, you can go to sleep, oh, I know, maybe I'm here to influence you, then I'll go shopping directly." Zhang Ruoyu didn't think it was a big deal, anyway, she asked the waiter to change the quilt at night, can there be What a big deal.

After saying hello to Su Wei, she took the Ferrari key and went out.

She is not going to drive, but to pick up Su Wei's luggage in the Ferrari. Now she has to go to Oceanwide Family first.

Looking inside the house, what is missing now, after she finishes counting, she will buy everything one by one later.

This time she went shopping, she didn't go alone.

Liu Qiang arranged two bodyguards for her to carry her things and help her.
Dividing line---
"Xiao Zhang, where are you? Why haven't you come back yet? It's almost dark." Su Wei slept soundly this afternoon, because people from the bank came several times during the middle of the day.

He even found out that the gang at the bank had monitored him.

Otherwise, how would they know that he lives in the Wangfu Hotel, after all, the person who opened the room is Zhang Ruoyu's name, not him.

"Boss Su, I'm at the door now, do you have anything you want to eat? I'll reserve a seat for you." Zhang Ruoyu is really busy this afternoon, and it's finally over after six o'clock in the evening .

She ran to Oceanwide Family first today, opened the door, and found that there seemed to be nothing missing.

It wasn't until I opened the bedroom door that I realized that there was a bed and mattress inside, but there were no quilts or sheets.

There is nothing in the toilet, let alone towels and toothbrushes, there is no toilet paper.

Today, she ran to two large shopping malls all afternoon, and finally bought some things she needed.

The main reason is that the capital is too big, and she is not familiar with many places. If there are not two coolies by her side, it would be really difficult for her to buy all the things today.

"It turned out to be at the door of the room. I thought you were at the door of the hotel. You don't need to book the restaurant. I was invited to dinner tonight. The two of us can just go there later." Su Wei was about to say something when he found someone Knock on the door, open it, and it turns out that Zhang Ruoyu is outside.

Today's meal was definitely invited by Liu Meng. She said that she is often in Kyoto and knows that there are many delicious restaurants.

Now that Liu Meng said so, Su Wei didn't say anything, but said that since she invited her to dinner, he would arrange the evening activities.

If there is any good activity for Su Wei, of course it is going to the bar.

When the people at the bank came to him for the first time today, he had already sent a message to Xiao Xiao, asking him to book the best booth for him in OT.

And in order to have fun tonight, he called someone from the bank and gave him 50 cash to be happy.

It happened that Liu Meng came to the door today, so Su Wei would definitely not let her escape.

Because Liu Meng is 1.7 meters tall and has long legs, he didn't go to Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei, and planned to go to them tomorrow.

"Someone else invited me to dinner, why don't I change my clothes? I think this dress is a bit too formal." Zhang Ruoyu heard that today was someone's treat, so she hurriedly expressed that she wanted to change.

She is sweating in the clothes she wears today because of walking all day.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing for Su Wei if he wore this dress to meet guests.

"Then I'll wait for you in the lobby. By the way, you should dress better tonight. I have reserved a seat in Kyoto OT tonight." Su Wei actually likes Zhang Ruoyu wearing a suit, because it suits her very well.

But don't you want to go to OT tonight? It's still not so convenient to wear a suit.

"Are you going to the bar tonight? Well, then I'll look for it." Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect to go to the bar today, and the clothes she brought were mainly formal clothes.

I can only open the box and see what other clothes I can wear besides formal clothes.

Finally, I chose a white shirt with floral upper body and a pair of linen yellow slacks on the lower body.

She regrets it so much now, why didn't she buy some clothes when she was in the mall just now.

When she went out before, she really had no money. At that time, her whole family had more than 1000 yuan.

But now I have money, not to mention the 1000 million transferred out of the card that Su Wei gave her, and now there are more than 3000 million in it.

Even her own card has more than 2 yuan.

The money came from Gemini Star Property Company when she was buying things for Su Wei.

She was baffled at the time, and then called Xu Liyang, only then did she know that the money was paid for her clothing by the company.

But because she wanted to use the money to rent a house, she saw the clothes she liked today and didn't buy them.

"Are you going to wear this? Don't you have more casual clothes? You won't come without casual clothes. Forget it, this dress is very good, you don't need to change it, just this one, here, here are the car keys, Come tonight to drive." Su Wei looked at Zhang Ruoyu's clothes and found that although they were better than suits, they were still very formal.

But I don't know if it's because of Zhang Ruoyu's beauty. Although this dress is very ordinary, she looks good in it.

"Okay, then wait for Mr. Su, let me open it." Seeing that Su Wei handed her the key again, Zhang Ruoyu didn't refuse this time.

Anyway, my boss doesn't care, he is willing to give her a new car to practice.

Then she has nothing to be afraid of, at worst, drive slowly.

When Zhang Ruoyu came to the parking lot, opened the door of the pista, sat in the driver's seat, and held the steering wheel, she still felt that today was really incredible.

"Boss Su, this car is so cool to drive. It feels like there is no room for cornering. How much did you pay for it?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect the sports car to be so cool to drive, and it feels no worse than her motorcycle. .

At that time, she felt that driving an ordinary family car was like driving a boat.

That's why she spent 10 yuan to buy a second-hand Ducati.

The reasons why I bought it at that time were very simple. One was that the Ducati car was very handsome, and the other was that it felt like running, which was really not comparable to ordinary four-wheelers.

Of course, people who don't like motorcycles will never understand her, such as her parents, or her childhood sweetheart.

One of the big reasons why she didn't call her childhood sweetheart was that he was a very boring person.

In my 20s, I live the life of a man in my 50s.

Obviously, I have only graduated for less than 4 years, but I have started to bring a thermos to work, and there are goji berries in it.

He is obviously only 26 years old this year, so young, he would actually buy a Camry, the most important thing is that it is still a 2.0.

"This car is not expensive. It seems to be about 480 million, but it needs to be sold with another Portofino. It cost me more than 800 million at that time. By the way, I still have a car at Bulgari." When Su Wei picked up the car, he remembered that his Lamborghini was still in the Bulgari Hotel.

At that time, Su Wei and the others went from Kyoto to Qiantang, and only drove three cars to the airport.

At that time, the Lamborghini had been parked under the Bulgari Hotel and completely forgot its existence.

Maybe it's because Su Wei really doesn't like that car. After all, that car is just like a family car, without passion at all.

"What kind of car? Do you want me to pick it up?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect the pista car to be so expensive, she originally planned to.

After she has worked for a while, see if she can buy a second-hand car from Pista.

But I didn't expect Su Wei to buy this car and even add a Ferrari. From this point of view, the second-hand price of this car can't be stopped at 200 million.

"No, I'll ask Liu Qiang to pick it up later. Do you like sports cars? I have a lot of sports cars in Shanghai. If you like to drive, you can change them every day." Su Wei has so many cars, many of them are bought. It has been left on since it came.

The main reason is that Su Wei can't drive. After all, he has too many cars, and he will definitely continue to buy cars later.

Now that Zhang Ruoyu likes to drive, he will let her drive, so that the car can be powered on.

The car is not afraid of you driving it, but afraid of you letting it go.

"Is it really possible? Then I want to drive that Lamborghini, can I?" Zhang Ruoyu looked through Su Wei's circle of friends and knew that he has a lot of sports cars.

And her favorite car happens to be a great Lamborghini. She thinks that car is super handsome. Every time a Lamborghini passes by on the road, she has to check to see if it is a great car.

She originally thought that it would be a little difficult for her to drive it in her life because it was so expensive.

But I didn't expect the dream to come so simple, my boss actually asked her to drive his car.

"If you want to drive a Lamborghini, it's fine. As long as you negotiate the courtyard, I'll drive this car to and from get off work every day." Su Wei himself can't imagine that someone can drive a big bull to and from get off work every day. of.

Since Zhang Ruoyu likes it, he can open it for her.

But it can't be so simple for her to get it, just set a small condition for her.

In fact, he wanted to give away this car a long time ago, but every one of these women around him wanted this car.

"Really? Thank you, boss." If it wasn't for driving the car, Zhang Ruoyu would have stood up and hugged Su Wei.

Zhang Ruoyu just wanted Xu Meng to contact her as soon as possible, she was already impatient to bargain.

"Fuck, slow down, slow down"

(End of this chapter)

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