Chapter 204 Shu Mafan

"Fuck, slow down, slow down." Su Wei didn't expect Zhang Ruoyu to step on the gas pedal when he got excited.

Su Wei was so frightened that he grabbed the handrail tightly, thinking that this guy really is a woman who likes to ride motorcycles.

"Ah, Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was so excited all of a sudden, I gave this car as a motorcycle, and it became my family car. I didn't expect the power of this car to be so strong." Zhang Ruoyu originally wanted to say that she regarded this car as a motorcycle, but when she realized it, she couldn't let her boss know that she was the female knight who pretended to be dumb that day.

He could only forcefully swallow the word motorcycle trailer, and then abruptly turned it into a family car.

She was able to drive so fast just now because the car was so fun to drive.

Stepping on the accelerator, the power feedback was something she had never felt before in a family car.

Its accelerator is very similar to her Ducati, so she stepped on the accelerator without knowing it.

It was also because the road he just came out of was not the main road, so there were very few cars on the road, so she was a little presumptuous.

"What are you thinking, this is the road, this is not a racetrack. If you like to drive fast, I will often go off the track in the future, and you can go with me when the time comes.

But I don't want to see you driving fast on the road next time, understand.There are no trophies on the road, only tears." Su Wei knew immediately that Zhang Ruoyu must have thought he was driving a motorcycle.

Su Wei is really afraid. If something happens to him with such money, it won't be worth it.

He decided to take Zhang Ruoyu's car less in the future, because she is used to riding motorcycles like her.

Especially for those who are used to riding this kind of large-displacement motorcycles, their speed perception is different from that of ordinary people, and they do not have a basic awe of speed.

For the rest of the journey, Zhang Ruoyu kept her driving speed between 15-50.

Because she knew that Su Wei was really angry just now.

But she was really unintentional, and she blamed the recent Ducati motorcycle. Because she just bought it, she rode it out every day when she had nothing to do.

"Boss Su, we've arrived. Shall we park in the underground garage?" Zhang Ruoyu drove near the parking lot and found that the ground parking lot was empty.

She doesn't dare to speak loudly now, because the atmosphere in the car just now was too depressing.

If Su Wei hadn't been forced to make a decision now, she really didn't want to disturb Su Wei.

"No, you just park the car here. After Liu Qiang comes over, you give him the car and he will arrange it. The two of us can just go in later." Su Wei put down his phone, looked outside, and found that At the door of the restaurant.

But this restaurant looks familiar. Isn’t this the Japanese grocery store with packs of cigarettes?

It seems that Liu Meng really spent a lot of money this time.

"Is it really okay? This is the aisle, oh, I saw Master Liu coming." Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect Su Wei to tell her to get off the car directly, and her place happened to be the place to get off the underground parking lot.

At first, she was thinking whether to move the car to the side, after all, she didn't see Master Liu and the others following her just now.

But unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, she saw Master Liu coming from the side.

It seems that she still underestimates Master Liu and his personal bodyguards.

Now that Master Liu came over, she didn't turn off the car. When Master Liu arrived, she turned around and went after Su Wei, because Su Wei didn't seem to have any intention of waiting for her.

"Brother Su, you are here. I just heard the exhaust sound of a supercar outside the restaurant. I knew it must be Brother Su. When I came out, I saw that it was really you. Er, who is this?" Jing Du There are so many sports cars, if she can tell which sports car Su Wei is driving, how is that possible.

In fact, she was the one who had been waiting at the entrance of the restaurant. Seeing Su Wei get off the car, she quickly dressed herself up and pretended to be a coincidence.

When she came down, she gave Su Weixu a special hug, and before he could react, she had already hugged him.

It's impossible not to let go, because she saw Zhang Ruoyu running over.

Originally, Liu Meng thought she was a guest of this restaurant, but seeing that her target was Su Wei, she knew that this woman was brought here by Su Wei.

I thought it was Su Wei who knew that he was delivered to her door today, so he didn't hide it in front of her, and brought other women to her directly. Is this because he is sure that he will not tell Wang Xiaoyuan?
"Oh, this is my new assistant. What kind of eyes do you have? She and I are innocent. If there is something wrong with us, I can bring her to see you. You are Yuanyuan's best friend. Ah, am I not afraid that you will tell Yuanyuan?" Su Wei was hugged by Liu Meng just now, and when he was about to hug him, Liu Meng had already stood back.

At this time, Zhang Ruoyu also came over, so he couldn't go over and hug her back, after all, Zhang Ruoyu is his subordinate, if she sees her boss is so anxious, then Su Wei will be ashamed.

Su Wei had seen Liu Meng at KTV a few times before, and she was always wearing a hip skirt.

But today, Liu Meng is wearing a bright red dress, the hem of which is just above the knees.

Although this dress is not so sexy, it is very eye-catching, and Su Wei's eyes are almost straightened.

"Oh oh, it turned out to be an assistant. It seems that I misunderstood. I said that Brother Su is brave, but he shouldn't be so courageous. He brought the woman to see me directly. Hello , I'm Wang Xiaoyuan's best friend, my name is Liu Meng, I was really sorry just now." Liu Meng heard that Zhang Ruoyu was just an assistant, but she didn't dare to underestimate her, and even apologized to her.

After all, Su Wei is worth tens of billions, and the assistants around him must be the kind of super capable bones.

Although she looks young, it may just be that she is well maintained. After all, if she is an ordinary person, how can she be Su Wei's assistant.

This time Liu Meng kept her posture very low because she wanted something from Su Wei.

But she also didn't want to be underestimated by Zhang Ruoyu, so she reported Wang Xiaoyuan's name in order to let Zhang Ruoyu pay more attention to him in the future.

"It's okay, it's okay, I can understand, because you're not the first person to be so skeptical. Let me introduce formally, my name is Zhang Ruoyu, and I'm just the assistant of President Su." The first person who was skeptical was Xu Meng, the daughter of the landlord of the courtyard house, The relationship with Su Wei is unclear.

Because of her relationship with Zhang Ruoyu, Su Wei's 15 billion courtyard house ended without a problem.

And this Liu Meng, she told herself, saying that she was Wang Xiaoyuan's best friend, meant that Wang Xiaoyuan was Su Wei's girlfriend.

But this Liu Meng and Su Wei, the relationship between the two of them is not innocent.

When she came over just now, she saw that Liu Meng came down from the steps and gave Su Wei a hug.

If she hadn't come, she might not have simply hugged, so what is she doing, prying into the corner of a girlfriend's wall?

And who is Wang Xiaoyuan, and why is she not there? In Su Wei's circle of friends, he has seen pictures of women. Doesn't his circle of friends officially announce their relationship?

Zhang Ruoyu didn't know what was going on. Why did these women treat her as Su Wei's woman in the first place.

She didn't know, it was because of Su Wei's reputation, she was so beautiful, they didn't believe that Su Wei could bear it.

"Then Brother Su, Miss Zhang, let's go in now. Brother Su, I'll introduce you to a friend later, you must be interested." When Liu Meng was speaking, she came over and took Su Wei's arm.

Now that she knew that Zhang Ruoyu was just an assistant, she stopped hiding it.

Anyway, today, at best, she is giving Su Wei a little advantage.

The person who really wants to deliver it to her door is not herself.

She is going to be the director's wife. If this matter is known and reaches Ge Xiang's ears, then Ge Xiang will never want her again.

So she brought her best friend here today, and she believed that her best friend would definitely satisfy Su Wei.

"Friend? You brought other people here? Your boyfriend won't be here today. Hey, be careful." The place where the restaurant enters is dimly lit.

Liu Meng turned her head while talking, stepped on something, and thought of Su Wei all over.

When Su Wei saw the girl throwing himself into his arms, he immediately hugged her, and hugged her full, making up for the regret of not being able to hug her outside just now.

And Su Wei didn't expect that Liu Meng, who looked not fat, was not small at all.

"Brother Su, thank you, I'm fine now, can you let me go?" Liu Meng didn't expect to fall back, but fortunately Su Wei hugged her, otherwise she would have made a fool of herself.

The main reason why she is wrestling today is that the pair of shoes she is wearing today are a new pair of shoes.

Because Su Wei likes tall girls, she specially wore one today. She only wears seven centimeter high heels when she walks on the catwalk.

She was originally 176 cm tall, but after wearing these high heels, she is now 183 cm tall. Standing beside Su Wei, she is half a head taller than him.

"Be careful next time. I'm not always by your side to protect you. By the way, you haven't answered what I just said." Although Su Wei took advantage of it just now, if Liu Meng's boyfriend is here.

He must have said nothing, must have turned around and left.

After all, what does this mean, to deceive yourself?

Your boyfriend is here, so how can Su Wei let go and play.

"Of course my boyfriend didn't come today. The friend who came this time is a best friend of mine. She is a beautiful woman, and she is also the host of TV station." Liu Meng knew that Su Wei didn't want his boyfriend to come, so she How could it be possible to call him.

This time, her best friend is one of the best among her best friends, not because of her looks, but because of her identity.

"I'm not interested in any of these things. It's not like you don't know what I'm interested in." There are only a few hostesses on TV station Su Wei knows.

And it's all because of the program on the night of the New Year's Eve that I know them.

Because of him, he has not watched TV for many years.

Even if it is watching TV, it is impossible to watch one, at most it is to watch a movie.

And the hostesses he knew were basically in the age range of 30-50.

"Brother Su, you haven't seen her now. Of course you said that. After you see her, I believe you will change your words." Liu Meng is really full of confidence in her best friend.

She is only worried about one thing now, that is, if Su Wei and her best friend play for real, what will happen to Wang Xiaoyuan.

But if you don't bring this girlfriend over, then she will do it by herself.

For this investment, it seems that I can only feel sorry for Wang Xiaoyuan, who wants her not to help me.

"I was told by you, and my curiosity was ticked off. If people are really satisfied, that movie is a small problem." Seeing Liu Meng's certainty, Su Wei was also very curious.

After all, Liu Meng herself is not bad looking, and Wang Xiaoyuan is her best friend, but she is still so sure.

Did she know that she liked Miss Dong for a while before?But now Miss Dong's face has collapsed.

Or is it Miss Li inside?But if Liu Meng had this resource, why would he be in such a miserable situation.

"Fanfan, it's been a long time. The person I picked up has finally arrived. You don't know each other yet. Let me introduce you. This is my best friend, Shu Mafan. She is the hostess of TV station Man, he is now hosting a football-related program. This is Su Wei, Brother Su, and next to him is Brother Su's assistant, Miss Zhang." Liu Meng pushed open the door of the box and saw her best friend, who was bored on the phone.

Knowing that he just went outside, he went for too long and left her alone in the box.

She and Shu Mafan have known each other for many years. The two of them met for the first time in 2011 when they went to participate in a city's image ambassador selection contest.

When Shu Mafan was playing, something went wrong, and Liu Meng comforted her backstage for a long time.

The latter two met again at the birthday party of their two mutual friends, in a KTV in Kyoto at that time.

When the two saw each other, they were also very pleasantly surprised, and then left each other WeChat messages.

After going back and forth like this, the two of them gradually became familiar with each other, and now they are already good girlfriends.

"You are Shu Mafan? I have watched the football world hosted by you, and I have also watched your last stand to the end." Zhang Ruoyu did not expect to meet Shu Mafan today.

It was a coincidence that she knew Shu Mafan.

Because Zhang Ruoyu's father is an old fan, and his favorite watch is Wutai.

And as long as it is the year of the World Cup, the TV remote control at home will always be in his hands.

And Zhang Ruoyu likes to watch TV, but she can't get the remote control, so she can only watch TV with her father, so she often watches football programs.

"You know me? Do you also watch football?" Shu Mafan didn't expect that two people came in.

The man didn't seem to know who she was, but the girl next to her recognized her.

Like a little fan of hers, shouting and shouting gave her a great sense of satisfaction.

Today, she was deliberately pulled out for dinner by Liu Meng, a best friend.

Because Liu Meng told her that she was going to invite a big boss to dinner today.

She was asked to come over and accompany her, because Liu Meng said that she was alone, and she was afraid that she would suffer.

Shu Mafan didn't want to come, but Liu Meng told her that this big guy is only in his 20s.

And her worth is not less than tens of billions. If she hadn't had a boyfriend, she definitely wouldn't have called her.

When Shu Mafan heard that he was such a big shot, he immediately agreed to come over. After all, the hostess of their station would not want to marry into a wealthy family.

They looked like they were working at the same station every day, and they were very glamorous on the surface, but the money was really only a little bit.

Look at the hostesses of Mango TV and Tomato TV, which ones don't earn tens of millions a year.

"My dad likes to watch football very much. Every time he is in the World Cup, he has never missed an episode. Sister Fanfan, will I see you in this year's World Cup? My dad likes you very much." Zhang Ruoyu didn't know that he could meet Shu Mafan today , otherwise she would definitely bring a football over.

When the time comes, let Shu Mafan sign her football, and then go home and bring it to her dad.

Maybe her father can agree to not let her be a civil servant.

"Xiao Zhang, although I know that you are very excited to appear in front of the people you saw on TV, but you have to ask Miss Shu to sit down." Su Wei knew Shu Mafan, not because of football.

But because of the 2021 Spring Festival Gala, she replaced Huang Binbin and became a new national goddess.

Although he didn't pay attention to this matter at the time, he still knew a little about the fact that the fans on both sides were arguing.

After all, there are too many news pushed by Douyin, and he sometimes reads it.

At that time, he felt that those who liked Huang Binbin had bad eyesight.

Huang Binbin and Shu Mafan stand together, are they comparable?

And today Shu Mafan is wearing a white shirt inside and a black casual jacket on the outside.

Su Wei vaguely gave Liu Meng a thumbs up, which meant he was quite satisfied.

But although he is very satisfied with Shu Mafan, it doesn't mean that he will let Liu Meng go.

"Why are you standing up, sit down quickly. Brother Su, you sit here, Fanfan, you sit next to Brother Su, Xiao Zhang, let's sit together." Liu Meng originally asked her best friend to accompany Su Wei today, So Shu Mafan was arranged by Su Wei's side.

She herself sat opposite Su Wei, and Zhang Ruoyu, the assistant, sat diagonally opposite Su Wei, that is, opposite Shu Mafan.

"This year's World Cup, I should still be there, but this year it's not football world, it may be another sports program." Although Shu Mafan wanted to chat with Su Wei, she couldn't speak first.

I can only chat with her little fans first. After all, she is just a leftover character in the football world. She is very happy to be liked by others.

"Brother Su, this is my boyfriend's script. You can take a look at this. He has specially edited this script with an editor. It must be a good script." Liu Meng saw Shu Mafan and Zhang Ruoyu chatting vigorously, she wished this .

If no one bothered, she happened to chat with Su Wei about the script first.

"You brought the script, right? It's still a manuscript, please show it to me first."

(End of this chapter)

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