Chapter 205 Script
"You brought the script, right? Wow, it's still a manuscript, show me first." Su Wei didn't expect that in this day and age, there are still people who don't use electronic files, but handwritten scripts .

This story took place during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, in Shanyin County, Jiangnan Prefecture, where a frightening case of flower-picking robbery occurred.

Originally, if it was just an ordinary flower-picking case, it would not have such a great influence.

But this flower picker sneaked into the boudoirs of several women in just one month.

How could this matter be exposed? It was because one of the women was the new magistrate of Shanyin County, his unmarried concubine.

Therefore, the county magistrate of Shanyin County issued a death order, ordering the shops in Shanyin County to catch the flower pickers within one month and impose a severe punishment to prevent more good women from being harmed again.

After investigation and visits in Shanyin County, it was determined that a total of seven women had been violated by the flower-picking thieves.

At that time, Sima Jing, a hot-blooded policeman, was selected to join the Shanyin County Yamen, ambitious to flex his muscles, cut evil and eliminate rape.

He would come to the pawn shop in Shanyin County, all because of a secret in his heart, that is, his father also encountered a case of chasing down a flower picker back then.

His father was the head of the shop in the neighboring county of Shanyin County at the time. After tracking down the traces of the flower pickers in Shanyin County, they did not notify Shanyin County in order to avoid alarming the enemy. As a result, they quickly added 8 people to the shop. All of them died strangely in Shanyin County.

So this time he came to the pawn shop in Shanyin County to find out the flower picker and avenge his father.

Sima Jing was already investigating secretly because he hadn't been ready for the bunk yet.

So after he officially took office, he first set up a net, and then used a trick to lure the snake out of the hole, and caught the flower picker who was committing a crime on the spot.

This flower picker is none other than Nangong Jie, son of Nangong Shourong, the richest businessman in Shanyin County.

Although Sima Jing got all the stolen goods from Nangongjie, the capture of Nangongjie was only the beginning of a series of unsolved cases.

Because soon, the flower thief case happened again, and the murderer's method of committing the crime was exactly the same as that of Nan Gongjie.

And the previous flower pickers only stole incense and did not kill people.

But the current flower picking thieves will kill people every time they finish picking flowers.

When the county magistrate was frowning because of this incident, Nangong Shourong beat the drums and complained that his son was wronged, and then invited friends from the Jiangnan Mansion to reverse the case for his son Nangongjie.

After all, Nangongjie is still in prison in Shanyin County. If the flower picker is not Nangongjie, then who is responsible for this new murder?

Sima Jing encountered many obstacles in the process of tracing.

There are not only people from the Shanyin County Yamen, but also various gangs in Shanyin County society, and those big shots in Jiangnan Mansion, who have been making things difficult for him.

The person who hates him the most is Nangong Shourong, and he can't wait to put him to death.

Fortunately, Sima Jing was able to persevere and continue to investigate the case thanks to the assistance of his fellow arrester Wu Neng and the county magistrate of Shanyin County.

But the truth behind it is even more unbelievable, because the last enemy involved the previous county magistrate of Shanyin County, who is now the magistrate of Jiangnan Prefecture.

Moreover, Tong Junhu, Sima Jing's father's good friend back then and the current Jiangnan Mansion Tutor, also participated in it.

After Su Wei finished reading the script, he found that the script was incomplete.

There are many things that are not written in it, such as how the protagonist's father died.

Why did the people in Shanyin County help Nangongjie instead of the county magistrate.

And Nangong Jie is in the prison, who is going to commit the following cases? How can the richest man in the county have such great energy.

Between him and the magistrate, how did the two of them get connected.

Sima Jing's father back then, the reason for his death, and whether it was written by Tong Junhu.

As for the magistrate of Jiangnan Prefecture, as the biggest official of Jiangnan Prefecture, why did the county magistrate of Shanyin dare to take the risk of offending the magistrate and insist on investigating the truth? Is it really because of a concubine?

And whether it's a female pig's foot or a female character, it doesn't mention it at all.

Whether the protagonist caught all the prisoners in the end, and whether he avenged his father was not mentioned.

Su Wei didn't know that Liu Meng's boyfriend's script hadn't been finished yet.Or he intends to keep the suspense of this story, to prevent others from getting his story, and then directly kick him out and find a new director.

However, although the script was not complete, Su Wei found that he liked the script very much after reading it just because of him.

Because in this script, there is one of his favorite characters, that is Nan Gongjie, the flower picker.

Su Wei's dream in the past was that he would make an ancient movie, in which he would be a flower picker who kept fighting wits and courage with the protagonist.

"Brother Su, how is this script? Isn't it very well written? This script is our Lao Ge's, who has been thinking about it for several years before he conceived the plot. This time he is going to make a movie, and he thought of this script immediately "Liu Meng didn't expect that Su Wei would watch it for so long, and even after the food was served, he would watch it while eating.

This must be because I like this script and didn't run away, otherwise I wouldn't have watched it for so long.

This script is actually Ge Xiang. He found it casually on the Internet. After peeling off the skin, he used it as a script to start looking for investment.

But now even if you are looking for a professional screenwriter, it is actually the same. Most of them just pick up the skin and use it.

The only difference between looking for them and not looking for them is that if you don't look for them, your script won't cost you any money, but if you look for them, your script will cost a lot of money.

"I really like this script, but this should not be the complete version. I think it lacks a lot of plots, such as the cause of the protagonist's father's death, the hidden identity of the magistrate of Shanyin County, and the female pig's feet. I didn't mention it, do you have the full version of the script? If you have one, please show me." Su Wei must have voted for this movie, and he wanted to read the story behind it, which was different from what he thought.

A big reason why he invested was because of this flower picker, Nangong Jie.

If he had very few roles, then Su Wei planned to change the role, because he would play the role himself.

"This script is deliberately designed like this, because many investors will want to add characters into it, so now in this script, there are only male pig feet and the main line. After chatting with you investors, I will summarize it. The characters to be added should be written out." Liu Meng knew the script at the time, and it was integrated by Ge Xiang online.

But facing Su Wei now, she must not be able to tell the truth.

After all, which of the current investors will not add characters to the team after investing money.

Many investors will settle accounts. It costs so much money to sleep with a female celebrity, so it is better to train a celebrity to sleep.

"Well, what is your budget for this movie? Is it going to be released in theaters or not? How many investors are there? Have you decided on a female role?" Since Su Wei wants to invest in this movie, of course he needs to know clear.

Looking at their budget, they only plan to make a small-budget movie, and then release it on the Internet.

Or, for Liu Meng's boyfriend, the movie he wants to make this time is a serious theater movie.

Let's see how much investment quota they have found, and whether all female characters have been allowed out.

"The movie we are going to make this time is of course a theater movie.

But because if you enter the theater, you can't save equipment. Our budget is about 1500-1800 million.

And if we still plan to have male pig feet, we should invite a second-tier to third-tier male star to bring us some heat, so the investment is relatively high.

Our current film has raised 700 million, and only one female lead is allowed to go out, which means that the difference is only 800 million, so our film can be launched immediately." Ge Xiang's film was originally planned It's just a big online movie.

But now that Su Wei asked if he would go to theaters, of course Liu Meng was bragging that his boyfriend's movie was going to theaters.

After all, theater movies are definitely more expensive than online movies, but they are also better at attracting investment.


In fact, it is not impossible for Ge Xiang's movie to be shown in theaters. After all, so many of his classmates and alumni are from the movie industry.

In fact, Ge Xiang planned to raise an investment of about 500 million yuan because the investment was not going well, so he finished the movie. After all, he really couldn't find so many people who took advantage of him to invest in him.

The quality of the auction at this price must be relatively low. Even if someone is found, it is basically impossible to go to the cinema.

There are also movies with very low prices that have been released in theaters, but those directors are actually backed by big companies, or they have worked as assistant directors for big directors before and have their own connections.

In fact, if Ge Xiang can get more than 1000 million real investment, then he really has a way to go to theaters.

But it's a pity, Liu Meng and the others have raised a total of 200 million investment so far.

Among them, 100 million was the last time they met Su Wei at the KTV in Shanghai. They met the investor at that time and invested 100 million for them, asking for a female number two.

There is another 100 million, two advertisers who know Ge Xiang, and one of them voted 50 for him out of face, but there is also a requirement, that is, there must be advertisements in the movie.

"From what you've said, I'm also very interested in this script, can you let me read it too?" When she came, Liu Meng actually planned to show it to Shu Mafan.

But at that time, Shu Mafan knew that this movie was a big Internet movie, so she was not very interested, and she didn't even read the script.

After all, she is the host of a TV station, and it would be a very cheap act to act in an online movie.

But now talking about it, it seems that this script is going to be released in theaters, so she is interested.

After all, if it's a theater movie, as the host of a TV station, she won't lose the price if she acts in it. On the contrary, she might be able to gild herself with gold.

Although Shu Mafan said that she was the host on TV[-], but the competition on TV[-] was so big, and she didn't have much money, so she was still renting a house.

In fact, she has wanted to act in movies for a long time, because the money is fast for acting, but there have been no movies that come to her door.

"Fanfan, if you are interested, how about you take a look at this script? In fact, I think if you become the number one female, you will definitely be popular. Although the host of the first station looks very high-ranking, but you really don't make money as an actor." I have a lot of money." Of course, Liu Meng knew that Shu Mafan was not interested in it before, but now he wants to read the script because Su Wei is likely to need a large investment.

As Shu Mafan's best friend, she has nothing to look down on this kind of behavior. After all, if it was her, she would do the same.

"I don't invest 800 million in this movie. I plan to invest 800 million. You have to withdraw all other investors, and the actors in this movie need me to nod." Su Wei would not just Investing 800 million, after all, who knows what other investors will throw in some ghosts and monsters.

In the current TV series and movies, the appearance of the leading actors is getting uglier and uglier.

The appearance of the male pig's feet is just like that of a passerby, so he can play the leading role just like that.

The heroine is even more extreme. Many of those ugly-looking girls choose to play the beauties who are all over the country, and then compared with the maid next to her, she is beaten by the maid for her appearance.

Since Su Wei spent money, he has a standard for casting this time, good-looking.

Regardless of whether it is a male pig's foot or a female pig's foot, it must look good.

He remembered the story of the promotion of the princess that was very popular at the time, even though it cost a lot of money to market.

But the heroine did not make a mistake at all. The heroine really hooked all those LSPs at that time.

"Ah, Brother Su, you want to invest 800 million? You want to kick out all other investors? Brother Su, are you sure you're not joking?" Liu Meng didn't expect that Su Wei would invest 800 million. As expected of a billionaire.

But those previous investors were all found by Ge Xiang, and she had to ask Ge Xiang's opinion whether to kick them or not.

And she was afraid that Su Wei would use this movie as a tool for him to choose a concubine, so it would be difficult for her to explain to Ge Xiang.

"Of course I'm not kidding, it's only less than 2000 million. Why do so many people come in for such a small investment? Does it affect the progress?

For the casting this time, I have only one request, all of them must be cast by that kind of handsome men and beautiful women. I think Ms. Shu is very suitable to play the lead actress in this movie. "The host" Su Wei asked Shu Mafan to play the female lead, but it was actually selfish.

Because Su Wei planned to play Nangong Jie in person, this role is a flower picker.

And Su Wei's dream has always been to play a flower picker, and then to be a dragon knight.

If you don't compete with the female pig's feet, how can you be a dragon knight?

Even if there is no such paragraph in the script, it is not a routine operation for him to invest so much money in it to change the play.

"Then Brother Su, wait a moment. I'll call my boyfriend to discuss it. Wait a moment, and I'll be right back. Fanfan, please entertain Su Ge for me." Liu Meng was sure that Su Wei was not joking, and she immediately He planned to call and tell Ge Xiang the news.

After all, with an investment of 1800 million yuan, it is completely possible to make a theater movie.

Then she will be the legitimate director's wife when the time comes.

"Boss Su, are you sure? I can really play the lead actress? But I have no experience at all." Shu Mafan definitely wanted to act, after all, the investment of this movie is not very low.

If you don't invite any big-name actors, then the production cost of this movie is about the same as that of tens of millions of movies.

When she made this movie, it was like stepping into the movie circle with half a foot.

As long as the filming this time is not too bad, there will definitely be more movies in the future.

"Why, you don't have confidence in yourself? I think you are so beautiful, so it must be fine to act in a movie." Su Wei didn't know if Shu Mafan could act, he asked her to be the number one female, just to be in In the movie, it's just taking advantage of Shu Mafan.

After all, he was going to play Nangong Jie, and this character was a flower picker in the movie.

And as the only investor, this movie must be made according to his ideas.

Anyway, this movie is only 800 million, so it doesn't matter if it loses, as long as Su Wei is happy.

"Really? If this scene is really filmed, Mr. Su, you must not forget what you said today, or I will be sad." When Shu Mafan spoke, he looked into Su Wei's eyes sincerely.

She was really grateful to Liu Meng for bringing her here today. If she hadn't come here, how would she know Su Wei.

"What I said is sure to be true. When Liu Meng comes, I will tell her that I will choose you as the female pig's foot in this movie." Su Wei looked at Shu Mafan and found that she is really beautiful.

No wonder a few years later, she will be so popular after going to the Spring Festival Gala, who can resist it.

"Brother Su wants to tell me something, did you choose Fanfan as the female pig's feet? I have 1 people in favor of this matter, after all, Fanfan is so beautiful." Liu Meng heard Su Wei said that Shu Mafan should be the number one female.

Just now Liu Meng went outside to call Ge Xiang. As soon as she told Su Wei's conditions, Ge Xiang immediately agreed without thinking.

After all, Su Wei invested 800 million yuan, and this money can make his movie go to theaters.

This is the first time for Ge Xiang to be a director. He is different from many directors. He originally wanted to be famous, not for some bullshit dream.

So for him, as long as investors give money, then you are the father of this movie.

He didn't care if this movie would become Su Wei's concubine selection tool.

After all, the Dream of Red Mansions is such a big deal, apart from the occasional remarks from netizens.

Did the director delay making money?Has the female star in the delay become famous?

(End of this chapter)

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