Chapter 206 pick out
"Where is my Mengmeng, what you say is so good, I don't care so much about whether I am the number one female, as long as Brother Su can promise me and let me play a small role in it, I will be satisfied." Shuma Fan came to act, of course he wanted to be the lead actress.

But she is in front of Su Wei now, of course she can't say that, if she says it, it will appear that her EQ is too low.

If the two are familiar with each other, then of course it's okay to say that, but this isn't the first time I met Su Wei today.

Even if you know that they know what you think, but where you should pretend to be reserved, you still have to cooperate with them to pretend.

"As long as you are willing to act, how can I only let you play a small role. As long as this drama can be negotiated, the female number one is yours. I will let it go. It doesn't matter who comes." Su Wei is serious Those who want to praise Shu Mafan, after all, Su Wei likes her face very much.

As long as she and Su Wei are together, not to mention this drama, it is the drama of other big directors. Su Wei can also spend money and bring someone to join the team.

But it's too early to talk about those things now, and it's not too late to talk to her when filming.

At that time, Shu Mafan, as the female lead in the movie, will be treated lightly by him, the flower picker, and it will be exciting to think about it.

"Fanfan, then you are safe as the number one female. Brother Su, I just told our old Ge about your conditions. He also thinks that there are too many investors in the movie. It's not good, and the opinions are too noisy. Sometimes this movie may cause a lot of troubles. So he decided, let you invest in this movie alone." If Ge Xiang has any opinions, he hopes that Su Wei will invest in it all.

Which director would like to have so many Lafayettes on his head, there is no way, these investors only invest a little, and they all want to share the risk.

And even though Ge Xiang got 200 million, it is still a question of whether he can really cash it out.

"That's right. If I invest alone, even if I want to change the play, I will pay more for the extra expenses. Then it will be fine." I just came to invest in this movie.

The main reason is that in his impression, 800 million yuan is used to make a movie, and the props must be very simple when the time comes.

And to achieve his effect, there will definitely be additional investment in the later stage.

If there are multiple investors, Su Wei needs to add more money, what can others do?

"Brother Su is too grand, and when the movie starts, can I be in it and play the second female lead?" Liu Meng didn't plan to act in the past, because she couldn't play the first female lead.

For this movie, although her boyfriend Ge Xiang is the director, he didn't plan to spend a penny himself, and all the funds for the movie were planned to come from investment.

If you look at it this way, it is definitely impossible for this female number one to fall on Liu Meng's head. After all, the investor and Liu Meng are not related, so why don't you arrange for your own woman to play the female number one role? Let Liu Meng pick up this bargain.

Liu Meng just knew that it was impossible to play the lead actress, so she had no idea of ​​acting.

But it's different now. This movie is fully invested by Su Wei alone, and the funds have reached 800 million. It's going to go the way of the cinema.

Liu Meng is now in a TV series and can play a small role like a vase. She has never touched a movie before.

Then if she can play the second female lead and the third female lead in this time, then she will take on the role in the future, then she will have a good role to play.

"You want to be the second female lead. I have to wait for the complete script to come out. After all, I can make money now, but I still haven't figured out whether your movie will definitely be released in theaters. Why don't you explain to me in detail why you can enter the theater. I don't want to spend almost 2000 million on a movie, but I can't get into the movie theater, so I can only go the Internet." Su Wei this movie , Whether it is entering the theater or the Internet, it must be voted for.

But for theaters and the Internet, the cost of filming is not the same price.

And he plans to test the waters with this movie first, if the theater movie is so popular, he can make a real blockbuster movie in the next movie.

When the time comes to spend money to find some big-name stars to play, he will also try to see if he can unspoken rules, those so-called first-tier and second-tier actresses.

After all, there are many big-name actresses nowadays, and there are many of them who are worth hundreds of millions or billions.

If you just spend money, how much money do you have to spend to sleep with them?

But if you spend a lot of money to make a movie, many actresses will rush to accept the unspoken rules in order to join the group.

In fact, Shu Mafan is like this. When Su Wei first came in, she and Su Wei kept a social distance.

When she heard that Su Wei was going to invest 800 million to make a movie, she immediately began to show courtesy to Su Wei.

Su Wei is still not the same Su Wei, neither his people nor his money have changed, what has changed is that he has Shu Mafan, a resource he needs.

Through this point, Su Wei suddenly realized that money alone is useless.

If I really want to sleep with those big stars, I must have the resources they need.

No wonder the big directors in the entertainment industry, although they don't have as much money as those actresses, but the actresses are rushing to curry favor with them, because they have the resources these actresses want.

"Brother Su, it seems that you don't seem to understand how a movie can be shown in theaters, so I'll call Lao Ge and ask him to explain it to you over the phone.

Hey, Old Ge, Brother Su, he wants to ask you, why do you think that your movie will definitely enter the theater? "Liu Meng heard that Su Wei asked this matter, and knew that Su Wei was serious.

Immediately call Ge Xiang, after all, as long as Su Wei's doubts are eliminated here, the matter will basically be considered a success.

"Boss Su wants to know why I am sure to enter the theater, right? Then I will briefly talk about it.

Think of a director like me who has not joined a production company and wants to make a movie.

The first step is to take my script and come to a big boss like Su Ge to attract investment. When the investment is obtained and the money comes in, then I can go to approve the film project.

When a movie project is approved, we will fill in the shooting cost of a movie, if it is 800 million.

Then the above will check our movie account to see if there is no less than 30% of the filled amount in the account.

After the funds are all right, they will check our script to see if it is a complete script, and then check to see if there are any violations in it.

After we find that there are no problems, the above will issue us a shooting permit.

With this shooting license, we can talk about the main creative personnel, such as the actors and actresses you care about, Brother Su, and the staff in the movie Fu Huadao and Camera Beauty.

When these people have almost talked, then we can form a crew and start shooting.

After the filming is completed, we still need to find someone to do the post-production, such as dubbing, special effects, and editing.

When all this part is finished, the film will be almost finished. At this time, we can submit it for review.

Above, they will conduct a content review of this movie to make sure that there is nothing unhealthy in it.

After the review is passed, we can get the dragon label. At this time, the movie is not over yet.

The final packaging still needs to be done, such as end credits, credits and the like.

After these are completed, there will be another technical review. After the technical review is passed, the film can be released.

At this point, we can find a company for distribution and publicity.

And this is the least thing to worry about, because many of my classmates are doing this.

Although it may not be possible to reduce the share of the distribution, it is not a big problem to give a good schedule and let the movie be released.

In terms of publicity, among our 800 million yuan, there are 100 million to 150 million used for publicity.

The specific amount of money depends on how much money is left later.

After the schedule is confirmed, when the scheduled time comes, the movie will be officially released.

After the movie is released, Mr. Su, you can get the box office share from the distribution company." Of course, the process is not as simple as what Ge Xiang said, but there is nothing wrong with the process.

But now it is attracting investment, of course we have to keep things simple.

He said it was very troublesome, and it might cost money in the later stage, so what if Su Wei didn't vote.

"Is it so complicated? I used to think that to make a movie, you have to get the dragon badge first." Shu Mafan heard someone say that he thought that the dragon badge was obtained at the beginning.

Now after hearing what Ge Xiang said, she realized that Long Biao applied for it after the filming was finished.

And according to Ge Xiang, Long Biao is only a public screening license, and it has to wait until the opening and closing credits come out, and then go through another review. If it passes this time, the film will be considered as completed.

"How is it possible? Longbiao censors the content of movies. We haven't got the funds in place yet, and we haven't applied for a shooting permit. How can there be Longbiao?" Why did Ge Xiang start making online movies? , it's really not easy.

Of course, the biggest reason is that there is no money.

If you have enough money, as long as you make movies normally and don't play tricks in the movie, it is still very easy to pass the review.

"So that's the case, then when you apply for this filming license, do you want to be affiliated with a company, or can you apply for it as an individual?" Su Wei is definitely not happy to be affiliated. His idea is that if he needs a company, then he Just set up one directly, anyway, it can be used in the future.

"Individuals can't apply, this requires a company to apply, but you don't have to worry about Mr. Su, because the company under my name, although it is just a leather bag company, has complete qualifications. At that time, I started the company for the purpose of filming Movies, who knows that for so many years, I haven’t made any movies, and I’ve done all commercials.” Ge Xiang also knew that Su Wei didn’t mind, he was just a director of commercials, so he told the truth.

However, although Ge Xiang didn't make a movie, he has been in this circle for so many years anyway.

There is still no shortage of contacts, after all, so many of his classmates, teachers, and friends are in this circle.

Although they can't help him with money, it's not a big problem to let them add to the cake.

"This movie is only 800 million yuan in total. If you want to save money for publicity, can the quality be guaranteed? How about this, you will use all of the 800 million yuan for the movie. If it is for the promotional expenses, I will pay for it." I will give you a sum of money to pay for the quality of the movie when I watch the movie." Since Su Wei wants to play movies, he doesn't plan to be stingy.

If he didn't know anything now, he would have wanted to directly start a big production with hundreds of millions of dollars.

After all, he has too much money now, and he can earn billions of dollars every year. He now has so many houses and cars in his hands, and even bought a private jet.

In the future, there will be fewer and fewer places where large sums of money can be spent every year.

"Really? Brother Su, don't worry, you invested so much money in this movie, I guarantee that Ge Xiang will make it well, Lao Ge, do you think so?" Liu Meng has seen it today, what is a big brother, This is the boss.

Hearing that the publicity cost was only more than 100 million, he directly added another sum of money for publicity.

Although I don't know how much it will be, but seeing how he doesn't like this little promotional fee at all, it will be at least 300 million or more by then.

Their family, Lao Ge, is really going to stand out now.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, Mr. Su, I will definitely make this movie well, and it will definitely allow you to pay back your capital and make some money." Ge Xiang was so excited when he heard that Su Wei would invest more in the later stage.

But it's a pity that he is in the magic capital, otherwise he must have gone directly to him, and he doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't become a dog's leg for one night.

"Xiao Zhang, find a time to sign this contract with Liu Meng's boyfriend in the past two days. Then you can call Xiao Xu and arrange financial affairs from the company. Ge Xiang, right? I tell you to make a good film, if the film is good, we will have a lot of fun in the next movie, by the way, in this movie, I want the role of Nan Gongjie." Su Wei invested so much money, although he spent it no matter what Lost.

But the finances still have to be distributed, otherwise the director would spend all the money from the movie on buying a house and a car. It's not unheard of.

Now that the film is finally about to be discussed, Su Wei has also revealed the matter of playing Nan Gongjie.

"Okay, okay, then President Su, why don't I fly over tomorrow?" Ge Xiang heard that the contract was about to be signed, and he wished he could fly over now.

For theater movies, I, Ge Xiang, are here.

"You don't need to look for me for this matter, you can just look for my assistant." Su Weicai didn't want to see Ge Xiang, after all he would invest.

It's all because there are flower pickers in this script, and for Liu Meng's sake, it has nothing to do with Ge Xiang.

"Miss Li, let's leave a phone number now. When Director Ge comes to the capital, you can contact me then." Zhang Ruoyu found out that her boss really doesn't treat money as money.

Liu Meng's boyfriend said it himself, this is his first time making a movie.

As for the female number one, he gave it to Shu Mafan so easily, and he also wanted to play the role of the flower picker in the movie himself.

Hearing this, Zhang Ruoyu's head was really buzzing.

It is such an unreliable crew, Su Wei actually dumped 800 million, and in view of this, he plans to invest a few more million in the promotional part.

To be honest, she doesn't like this movie at all. What's the difference between this and throwing money away.

"Ah, Brother Su, you want to play Nangong Jie. I thought that if you played the role, you would at least play Sima Jing. Then the two of us would have no rivalry." Shu Mafan heard Su Wei say that she would play the female lead No, she thought Su Wei was going to play the leading role.

But I didn't expect Su Wei to play the role of a flower picker instead of the male lead.

"Fanfan, you don't understand this, right? You are the number one female, and Brother Su is a thief who picks flowers. When the time comes, call our Lao Ge and write the two of you together, and then it will be fine. No one has any rules. Female The pig's feet must be with the male pig's feet." Liu Meng didn't know until Su Wei said that he was going to play Nan Gongjie. It turned out that Su Wei's goal was actually this.

I can only lament the evil taste of the rich, which is really different.

"Yes, yes, anyway, Su is always an investor. I'm the director. The script is still being polished. Everything is possible." Ge Xiang already knew what Su Wei was going to do, but he didn't want to object.

Because this movie was paid for by Su Wei, it has nothing to do with him if he lost money.

He can only wait until the contract is signed, and talk to Su Wei to see if he can change his mind.

"Of course the female pig's feet should be with the male pig's feet. After all, we are shooting a serious movie, so we still have to ensure a positive energy." Su Wei just wanted to play some excitement, and if he played the male lead, it would be exciting.

The reason why he wants to play the flower picker is that he intends to eat all the head soup of the first woman, the second woman and the third woman in the movie.

As for the audience scolding at that time, let's scold him, anyway, he didn't intend to make money with this movie.

"My stomach is a bit uncomfortable, Brother Su, I'm sorry, I have to go to the bathroom first." Shu Mafan's stomach has already started to hurt, but wasn't he talking about the movie girl pig's feet just now.

Now I don't know if it's because the female pig's feet are talking, after she relaxes, she can't bear the pain in her stomach.

She was so annoyed, when her stomach hurts, why did it happen at this time.

"Fanfan, don't worry, Ge Xiang and I happened to chat with Brother Su about the complete plot of this movie." Liu Meng's focus now is on signing the contract. think.

After all, if she wasn't here, it would be embarrassing for Su Wei and Ge Xiang to talk on the phone.

"Okay, it just so happens that Mortal Shuma is not here, let me tell you something.

In this movie, the hero and heroine must be together in the end, but there can be no intimacy or kissing scenes.

And as the flower picker in it, I can't miss the kissing scene and sex scene."

(End of this chapter)

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