Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 207 Then You Shouldn't Come

Chapter 207 Then You Shouldn't Come

"Alright, it happens that Shu Mafan is not here now, so let me just say something briefly.

In this movie, the hero and heroine will definitely be together in the end.

But for the two of them, they have to be passionate and polite, and they can't have too intimate movements, let alone kissing scenes.

And as the flower picker in it, there must be kissing scenes and bed scenes with the female pig's feet." Why is Su Wei willing to spend this money to make a movie? Isn't it because he can eat a lot in front of the camera in a fair manner Goddess of people.

Shu Mafan is the hostess of TV[-]. Although she is only a small host of the football channel, she also has many male fans.

"There's nothing wrong with this, but I want to ask Mr. Su, does the female number two or the third female number also have this plot? If that's the case, it's hard to say about the box office." Ge Xiang didn't expect Su Wei She would be so perverted that she actually wanted to have kissing and sex scenes with the heroine in front of the camera.

In fact, if it's the same as the female pig's feet, then it's okay, after all, when filming The Legend of Condor Heroes, didn't Xiaolongnv have the same experience.

But if other female characters in the movie are filmed like this.

Then when this movie is released in theaters, Ge Xiang can imagine what he will be sprayed by angry audiences.

Although he didn't want to make a classic, but after this movie was made, he was afraid that his career as a director of commercials might be cut off.

After all, with an investment of more than 2000 million yuan, he may not even be able to recover the cost.

"I'm not going to hide it from you. I'm willing to invest in this movie because I want to realize a scene that was impossible before. As for whether it makes money or not, I don't care about it. After all, I'm really Look down on.

And as long as this movie of yours suits my wishes, then we can still have the chance to cooperate again. When the next movie is made, it will not only be 2000 million, but it may be [-] million." Su Wei heard Ge Xiang I'm very upset, after all, his request is indeed a bit too much.

Su Wei saw that there were no outsiders here, so he opened the skylight to speak frankly, and confessed his thoughts.

"Brother Su, what Lao Ge said just now has no other meaning. He is just afraid that the box office will not look good at that time. After all, he also wants to make more money for you as an investor.

But since Brother Su, you don’t care about the box office, then Lao Ge knows how to perfect this script. Don’t worry, Brother Su, his script will definitely satisfy you when the time comes.” Liu Meng heard her boyfriend ask, My heart was also sweating.

After all, her boyfriend has been the director of commercials for so many years, how could he have no temper.

But Su Wei really gave too much money, so she could only act as a peacemaker in the middle and speak well for Ge Xiang in front of Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei said it himself, he doesn't care about the box office, he just wants to be happy, so what else is there to say, just satisfy his request.

"President Su, I was too shocked just now, so my tone was a bit heavy. I already know what the movie you want to make is like. Don't worry, give me two days, and I will definitely bring one. Come over with the script you are satisfied with." Ge Xiang didn't expect that Su Wei would say that he didn't care about the box office.

If what he said was true, he would have no pressure.

After all, he won't invest a single penny in the 2000 million yuan for making a movie. Since the funder has said so, of course he can make the film according to his requirements.

It doesn't matter if the cost can't be recovered, after all, this movie is just for the happiness of the sponsor's father.

There are so many big-name actors in that movie, it's because the father of the sponsor wants to realize his dream of a movie.

And Su Wei said, as long as this movie is finished, [-] million will be invested in him as the director of the next movie.

Then he will follow Su Wei's request, and shoot whatever he wants.

At that time, even if there is not 5000 million yuan, it is not bad to invest [-] million yuan.

"That's right. You guys are here to make money, so why bother with the money? Honestly follow my plan and change, I can treat you badly." Su Wei didn't believe it, a director could refuse capital.

Sure enough, Ge Xiang, who was timid just now, changed his attitude immediately when he heard that Su Wei didn't care about the box office and that he would invest hundreds of millions in his next movie.

In fact, if Ge Xiang is unwilling, Su Wei plans to find a well-known director in Kyoto and film this story for him.

Fortunately, Director Ge is still an outstanding person who knows current affairs, and he didn't continue to be obsessed with obsession.

"Oh, Fanfan sent me a lot of messages. Just now my phone has been calling and I didn't see it. Then Brother Su, take your time. I'll go over to see her and give her something by the way." Liu Meng hung up the phone, just watched On WeChat, Shu Mafan sent her a lot of messages.

It should be that her mobile phone was talking just now, so the call didn't come in, so she could only send a message.

The three people here, Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu are here, and she hasn't had time to leave their contact information yet.

"Then she's been in the toilet for a while, hurry up and go there." Su Wei thought it was because there was no paper in the toilet, wondering why the restaurant is so low.

In a restaurant where so many celebrities come to check in, there is no paper in the toilet.

"Boss Su, you really want to invest in Liu Meng's boyfriend's movie. Why do I think this movie seems unreliable?" Zhang Ruoyu started talking to Su Wei about her after seeing Liu Meng walk out of the box. view.

After all, she is Su Wei's assistant. Seeing such an abnormal thing, of course she has to ask what's going on.

"I know this movie is unreliable, but so what?" How could Su Wei not know that this movie is not unreliable, but quite unreliable.

After all, the director Ge Xiang has never directed a movie, and he probably has never been an assistant director of a movie.

If you had this experience, you must have said it long ago.

But so what, what Su Wei needs is not a very good director. After all, those big directors will definitely not agree to direct a movie that may ruin his reputation.

And the purpose of Su Wei making this movie is to enjoy himself. By the way, let every audience who watched this movie say from the bottom of their hearts, the flower picker in it is really cool.

Of course, this kind of movie can only be made by obedient directors, and it happened that Ge Xiang himself delivered it to the door, and his script Su Wei also liked it very much.

If Ge Xiang doesn't come, he will also find a director next month. Of course, he will find a professional editor for the script. It can only be said that it is God's will to meet Ge Xiang.

"Boss Su, you know it's unreliable, so why are you still voting? You can't just make fun of them." Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect Su Wei to say that he knew it was unreliable, so she couldn't understand.

Why does my boss still vote? It's not just playing with them.

If this is the case, then she will feel sad for Shu Mafan, Liu Meng, and Liu Meng's boyfriend. After all, the three of them must have already started imagining the filming scene just now.

If they knew that Su Wei was lying to them, they would curse Su Wei every night.

Oops, at this moment Zhang Ruoyu remembered something, she just added Liu Meng's WeChat and sent her the phone number.

At this moment, Zhang Ruoyu really felt like a clown.

"How can I be a picture cake? This movie is only 2000 million. If it makes me happy, don't you think it's worth it? You are by my side as a life assistant. I hope you can keep up with your boss and me as soon as possible." After all, I am really too rich." Of course Su Wei knew that Zhang Ruoyu was doing it for his own good and didn't want him to invest indiscriminately.

But the problem is that he is so rich, the money for this movie, he sleeps at home for three nights, and the bank interest money is enough to make two movies.

"To make you so happy, the boss, the 2000 million is really worth it." At this moment, Su Wei, in Zhang Ruoyu's eyes, is so high school.

Fortunately, there was no one else here, otherwise, she would have said that she didn't know the person in front of her.

These words are not like the words of a business tycoon at all, but rather like the words of a nouveau riche.

But thinking about what my boss said carefully, I feel that my boss may indeed be right.

Because it is impossible for a person who is still working to understand a person who spends 2000 million for nothing just to make himself happy.

After all, the wealth gap between two people is too large, and their perception of the world must be different.

"What's wrong with Xiao Shu? This is, you seem to be very uncomfortable. Do you want to take him to the hospital?" Su Wei watched as Shu Mafan was supported by Liu Meng after the door was opened.

He hurried over to help Shu Mafan sit down, and when he touched her hand, he felt her hand was cold.

And Liu Meng also looked sad, Su Wei thought something happened to Shu Mafan.

"Brother Su, no need, I just feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, and it's useless to see a doctor, I'll just go back to sleep." Shu Mafan was nothing but her aunt who came just now.

Call Liu Meng and send a text message, just to tell her to take sanitary napkins to the toilet.

In fact, she already had a premonition yesterday that she should come to her aunt in the next two days.

But yesterday and today were all fine during the day, she thought she would be fine today, but she didn't expect her aunt to come to her as soon as she relaxed.

It's a pity that today is a great opportunity. I finally got to know such a rich man as Su Wei, and I just want to have a good chat with him to enhance our relationship.

It seems impossible now, because on the first day she came to the aunt, it would hurt to speak.

Now she is lying on the table, not daring to move, because it feels like there is a knife stirring in her stomach.

"Brother Su, Fanfan is not feeling well. I might have to send her back now, or I'll come to you later." Liu Meng was frowning just now because Shu Mafan came to her aunt.

This made her plan to let Shu Mafan accompany Su Wei tonight completely shattered.

Now she can only send Shu Mafan back first, and see if she can bring a girlfriend back by the way, otherwise, she can only go to accompany Su Wei in person tonight.

If she hadn't been with Ge Xiang, she would have wished to sleep with Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei is so rich, if you cast a little, she might be in a movie.

But now that she is with Ge Xiang, of course she doesn't want to sleep with Su Wei at this time.

"Liu Meng, don't send it off. You don't have a car in the capital. Besides, let's wait, don't we have to chat with Ge Xiang about the script? If you leave, Ge Xiang and I will have nothing to do with the female pig. The control of the feet is not so in place.

Xiaozhang, you can go and see Miss Shu off. It happens that the car I parked at Bulgari, Lao Liu has already driven over, so you can drive that SUV, and you can come back after sending Miss Shu home. "Su Wei doesn't know what's going on with Shu Mafan, and now he wants to leave when he sees Liu Meng.

Su Wei immediately became unhappy. After all, he had just promised Liu Meng that he would invest in her boyfriend's movie. Now that she was leaving, who could agree?

And it's just to send Shu Mafan home, isn't Zhang Ruoyu here.

Moreover, he asked Zhang Ruoyu to send him off, and by the way, he could also find out what happened to Shu Mafan.

Do you really want to go home and rest, or do you pretend to have a stomachache and make appointments with other people.

"That's right, I was so worried about Fanfan just now that I almost forgot the business. Fanfan, the script of this movie has reached a critical moment. Ge Xiang hasn't finished talking just now. When I saw you looking for me, I just I hurried to find you. After all, this movie is my boyfriend’s dream, so I can only ask Miss Zhang to take you home.” Liu Meng heard what Su Wei meant, as long as she dared to send it, Su Wei would Just don't vote.

There is no way, she can only feel sorry for Shu Mafan, after all, this movie can change too many things.

If Shu Mafan didn't play the female lead, she would still be that glamorous hostess.

But if Ge Xiang didn't have this movie, he might still be a commercial director who couldn't afford a house.

If she wanted to marry Ge Xiang, without a house, it was impossible for her parents to agree.

If you miss Su Wei, a rich man, it is basically impossible to think of another investor who is willing to invest so much money.

"It's okay. In fact, Ms. Zhang doesn't even need to give it away. It's an old problem for me. I just need to stay for one night. You can leave me alone. Let's get the movie done first. I'm still waiting to be a girl." Pig's feet?" Shu Mafan has been on TV for several years, and has been hosting football programs.

Although football is very popular, men are the group with the weakest consumption power in the market.

Some merchants have done statistics, women and children have the highest spending power, followed by cats and dogs, and then men.

So these hostesses who can't break the circle really don't have much money, otherwise she wouldn't be renting a house.

"Miss Shu, I know what's going on with you. No one can take care of you. I'd better help you out. The light is not very good when you enter the door." Zhang Ruoyu probably knew what she was after seeing Shu Mafan's appearance. The situation is gone.

She just wants to take Shu Mafan out of here as soon as possible, otherwise it will be strange to wait here.

After all, when the three of them called, she had been here the whole time. Of course, she knew that the script chat was over.

But now Su Wei kept Liu Meng and said that he wanted to discuss the script, as long as he was in his right mind, he would know what he was going to do.

The same is true of Liu Meng, she has a boyfriend, and she actually agreed to stay.

No wonder my boss had to find four bodyguards because he was afraid of being beaten.

"Xiao Shu, don't worry, the female pig's foot in this movie, since I said it, it must belong to you. I think you have the potential to become a big hit. Take a good rest today. When you get better, we will Make an appointment at that time, and I will treat you to dinner." Su Wei saw that Shumafan was sweating, and knew that she must have a real stomach upset, not just pretending.

"Brother Su, I'm really sorry today. I'll be in good health in a few days. Then I'll be the host. I'll treat you to some special dishes from Kyoto." With Su Wei's promise, Shu Mafan finally felt It was a worthwhile trip today.

If the number one female was lost because of the aunt, she would really cry to death.

After all, in this movie, she, as the female lead, has a salary of hundreds of thousands, which is much higher than her salary in Taiwan.

She is now working at a TV station, and her annual salary is less than 20 yuan.

She is not like other hosts, she can also host a wedding, host a ceremony, or go to a variety show.

"The car is already waiting outside, Xiao Shu, let me take you out." Su Wei and Zhang Ruoyu helped Shu Mafan to the dining room.

Liu Qiang has already parked the Lamborghini URUS at the stairs of the restaurant.

"Wow, boss, your car in Bulgari is actually a Lamborghini?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that the car her boss forgot in Bulgari turned out to be a Lamborghini.

Her favorite car brand is Lamborghini, and her favorite car is Lamborghini Daniel.

Although it was the Lamborghini URUS in front of her instead of the Lamborghini Bull, she was too excited.

"Slow down, Ms. Shu is not feeling well, you will send her home, come back again" Su Wei hoped that Zhang Ruoyu would not come back, anyway, she would be a light bulb when she came back.

Liu Meng is determined to eat tonight, and it's useless for anyone to come.

"Goodbye Suge, goodbye Mengmeng" Shu Mafan sat in the Lamborghini, and felt that the central control of this car was like a fighter jet.

It really is the boss's car, she has never seen this car before.

"Bye, Ms. Zhang, take your time on the road. Fanfan, drink a cup of hot water first when you get back, and get a good night's sleep. The pain will be gone tomorrow." Liu Meng didn't realize it until Shu Mafan got into the car.

She had been looking for someone on WeChat just now, and wanted to see which of her girlfriends were in the capital, and had been sending them messages.

"Liu Meng, what's going on with Shu Mafan?" Su Wei actually sort of figured out what happened to Shu Mafan, but she was in too much pain.

"Brother Su, Fanfan's aunt is here." Liu Meng entered the restaurant after seeing the car leave.

Su Wei has already put his hands on her waist, it seems that he has no intention of letting her go.

"Oh, it turns out that her aunt is here, so you probably didn't come."

(End of this chapter)

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