Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 208 Who is she?

Chapter 208 Who is she?

"Oh, it turns out that Shu Mafan is the aunt who came, so you probably didn't come." When Su Wei spoke, he had already put his arms around Liu Meng's waist.

Anyway, Shu Mafan has already left, maybe Liu Meng dared to resist him.

I remember the first time I saw her, Liu Meng still wanted to seduce him, but because Wang Xiaoyuan was there, she didn't have a chance.

Su Wei also didn't expect that after a year, Liu Meng actually found a boyfriend, and she seemed to plan to get married with this boyfriend.

"Brother Su, will you believe me if I say that I'm here as an aunt?" Liu Meng saw Su Wei hugging her waist, but she didn't refuse, but she was alone at an angle that Su Wei couldn't see. wry smile.

She knew that after Shu Mafan left, Su Wei would definitely not be honest, but she didn't expect Su Wei to be so impatient.

If Shu Mafan hadn't come to the great aunt's reaction, she would have told her to drag Su Wei, and then she would run away first.

It's impossible for her to run away now, but she doesn't know if Su Wei is willing to let her call a girlfriend over.

After all, she still has quite a lot of beautiful girlfriends. Although she is not as good as Shumafan, it is just that she does not have her halo, and her appearance is not inferior to Shumafan.

"There's nothing unbelievable about it. We're both old acquaintances. If you say you're here as an aunt, I won't believe it. I definitely believe you.

But the necessary inspections are still necessary. Let’s go to my car later, and I’ll help you see if you’re really here. I’m quite curious about this matter.” Today, because Liu Meng is the host , so Su Wei didn't rush to check out.

When Liu Meng was checking out at the front desk, Su Wei hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear.

"You are so perverted, Fanfan just came to see my aunt, why didn't you go to see her, you want to see me" When Liu Meng just paid the bill, Su Wei whispered in her ear very lightly, but The waiter must have heard it, and kept covering his mouth and laughing.

Her ears were red at the time, and Liu Meng started to settle accounts with Su Wei when she was outside after paying the bill.

"Shu Mafan is the first time I saw her today. If I told her that I wanted to see her aunt, she would definitely think of me as a pervert, but you are different.

He just straightened up the topic. After all, there are only two of us now, so there's no need for secret words.

"Brother Su, didn't I ask Shu Mafan to come here today, but she has come to be my aunt, there is nothing I can do about it, you can't blame me, I'm too wronged." It's not that Liu Meng doesn't want to accompany Su Wei, It's because she doesn't want to accompany him so cheaply.

After all, Su Wei didn't really send money now, and she was also afraid of what would happen if Su Wei went back on his word, so she would suffer a big loss.

"You think I'm stupid, even if Shu Mafan didn't come to my aunt today, can I take her down in just one night?" A woman like Shu Mafan even wants to be a rich man.

It's impossible for her to be taken down on the first night, even if the man is really rich and rich.

"Brother Su, I know what you mean, you're just lonely at night, right? If you really want me to accompany you at night, it's not impossible, unless you can drink me down." Liu Meng's drinking capacity is really not good. I know how many times I drink and lie down, and I have unreasonable thoughts about her.

Seeing how she looked today, Su Wei must sleep with her, so she set out the conditions.

If she can't get drunk, then it can't be that she doesn't want to sleep with him, it can only be that Su Wei can't drink enough.

"Can you ask someone for help? I'm looking for my friend, you can also look for your friend." Su Wei has seen Liu Meng's drinking capacity. She had a night of drinking and had nothing to do. She even went to catch a plane in the early morning.

As for Su Wei and his group, most of them were drunk and lay down, and Wang Xiaoyuan was already lying on the sofa to sleep halfway through.

If he didn't call for help, Su Wei wouldn't be an opponent.

"Okay, but if you call a helper, I will call a helper too. Let's find a place and fight for it later, but let's make it clear first, we can only call girls to help." Liu Meng thought for a while, and agreed to Su Wei's call Helper, after all, if two people drink, Su Wei sees that the drink can't win, what should the Overlord do?

And she knew that Su Wei was from the Demon City, and he was not very familiar with the people in the capital.

As for her little sisters, there are all over the country, and all of them grew up in wine vats, and there are even more drinkable ones in them than her.

"Then you can call your girlfriends here. I just contacted OT's marketing and told him to set up a table. Don't say that I bully you later. You'd better call more people over, otherwise you can only be obedient." Come with me." Su Wei said that it was Xiao Xiao who had just contacted him, but when he came to eat again, he had already reserved a table.

He just sent a message to ask Xiao Xiao to open a few more tables for him, and then he called all the girls in his WeChat group.

Anyway, today he wants Liu Meng's side, no matter how many girls come, he will give them all to drink and lie down.

"Go to OT, that's ok. Then Brother Su, I'll go outside and make a few calls, and you wait for me in the car." Liu Meng heard that he was going to the OT bar, which is nearby, and it takes a few minutes to drive there.

Then she has to contact her girlfriends as soon as possible, or if they come too late, she is afraid that she will capsize in the gutter.

"Oh, what kind of awesome person are you going to contact, and you have to hide my back when you call, so go ahead, someone just happened to call me.

Hey, Lulu, what's the matter, are you coming to Shanghai tomorrow?Why are you coming to Shanghai, oh, you want to celebrate my birthday, right? But I'm in Kyoto." After Su Wei answered the phone, he heard Chen Lu explain that he would come to Shanghai at noon tomorrow.

Only then did I recall that I had forgotten to tell Chen Lu that his birthday was not in the Gregorian calendar.

When he came to the capital, he felt that he had forgotten something in the devil's capital. It turned out that the devil hadn't forgotten it, but Qiantang had forgotten it.

"Yeah, I was thinking about your birthday. I must be very busy. I must have no time to come to Qiantang, so I will come here by myself. I will come back after celebrating your birthday." Originally, it was Su Wei's birthday. She didn't want to go to Shanghai, she planned to let Su Wei come to Qiantang after his birthday was over, and she would give him a make-up birthday.

But didn't the incident of Li Jiawen happen, which greatly increased her sense of crisis.

I can't wait for him to come to Qiantang, but plan to take the initiative, find a gap on his birthday, and celebrate his birthday with him.

"You wait for me obediently in Qiantang. After I go back in a few days, I will come to you then. Tomorrow is only my Gregorian birthday, but I don't have a Gregorian birthday, I only celebrate a lunar birthday." Su Wei and Wu Fei this time What they said was that he only had a Gregorian birthday.

But what he told Wang Xiaoyuan and the others was that he only had a lunar birthday.

As long as there is Chen Lu, because she is on the Qiantang side, so he forgot to tell her.

"That's it, then okay, then I'll wait for you in Four Seasons." Chen Lu actually regretted it now, why did she stay in Qiantang at that time.

Since Li Jiawen went to Su Wei on the tower, her circle of friends blocked her.

She specially bought 2 yuan, and bought a mobile phone belonging to Li Jiawen's colleague. The WeChat account in that mobile phone has Li Jiawen's WeChat account.

She and Lan Ke both read Li Jiawen's recent Moments.

At that time, Lan Ke saw that Su Wei bought several million clothes for Li Jiawen at one time, and she was really itchy with anger.

If Chen Lu wasn't pregnant, Lan Ke would have asked her to sell the house and move to Shanghai.

"Well, you should take a good rest. When the time comes, you give me a son, and I'll give you a huge gift." If Chen Lu really gave birth to Su Wei's son, then this son would be his first child.

As the mother of her eldest son, it is normal for her to be expensive based on her son.

"Brother Su, I may have called too many people this time, I hope I won't scare you later." Liu Meng didn't call too many people, and only called her six girlfriends.

Of the six girlfriends, only four could come. After all, she was calling for someone temporarily, so it would be nice if four could come.

However, although only four girlfriends came over, they all said that they could call someone for her, and they were all people around them who were especially good at drinking.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of too many people, but I'm afraid that you will call too few people, and you won't have the atmosphere, you know." Su Wei really didn't mind that there were too many people coming today, and he wished that there were as many people as possible today.

After all, today is his birthday, why did he come to the bar, just to show off.

If it wasn't allowed, he would have spent tens of millions to invite the people of Kyoto to watch a fireworks show for free.

"Brother Su, let me tell you first, if you lose after drinking at night, you can't be impatient." Liu Meng is not afraid of anything else, but Su Wei is afraid of losing.

If he felt that he was at a disadvantage and refused to vote in Ge Xiang's movie, then she would be dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, although I'm not a gentleman, there is no such thing as being anxious to lose." Su Wei didn't know how he lost. Although he asked Xiao Xiao, he called a group of women to help.

If he really can't win by drinking, there are so many female marketers in the bar, and the atmosphere team, and he will all be given to him by then, he doesn't believe that he can still win by drinking, anyway, there is no set number of people.

"Brother Su is bright, no wonder Yuanyuan will be your girlfriend. By the way, Brother Su, I'm in your Moments, and I seem to see that your 488 is white? Why is it red now? Have you put a film on it?" Liu Meng For La Suwei's investment, I have been frantically looking for his information recently.

And Su Wei's circle of friends has been the focus of her observation these days.

She clearly remembered that in Su Wei's circle of friends, the 488 was white, why it turned red now.

The main reason is that Liu Meng didn't expect that Su Wei would buy two 488s, although one is a regular version and the other is a track version.

"This is not the 488 convertible I bought in Shanghai. This is the 488pista I bought in Kyoto. Don't you think the appearance of this 488pista is more handsome?" The 488pista just came out not long ago, and Su Wei basically drove it on the road. Personally, it is very difficult to find someone who knows his car.

Just like Zhang Ruoyu, when she saw this car, she was not as excited as she was when she saw the Lamborghini URUS.

"If you really want to compare, then I think your Lafa is more handsome, mainly because I feel that your 488 is not very different from my friends and their ordinary 488." Although Liu Meng only drives a Mercedes-Benz SLC, but among her friends, there are quite a lot of people who drive 488.

As a result, although she has never driven a Ferrari, she has ridden in a Ferrari too many times.

"Not much difference? Then I want to show you how this car drives. Fasten your seat belt and we're going." Su Wei lit the ignition, and after Liu Meng fastened his seat belt, he turned the knob to RACE mode.

The Ferrari 488 has a total of five driving modes. The mode Su Wei tuned is the third mode of the 488. This mode is called the sports mode.

It is best not to adjust the latter two death modes on the street, so as to avoid harming others and yourself if the technology is not up to standard.

"Wow, Brother Su, this car picks up really fast, and it's almost there after turning a corner ahead, ah, ah, ah, ah." Before Liu Meng finished speaking, he felt the car turn 180 degrees rapidly.

Liu Meng was so scared that she almost peed her pants. She didn't expect Su Wei to play so wildly on the street.

"Are you okay, are you scared? I've seen it just now, I just played it like this when no one was around." Su Wei was actually in a lingering fear, because he didn't do the tail flick just now.

But when he was turning, someone sprinkled sand on the ground, and the rear wheel had no grip, and then ESP forcibly intervened to rescue the out-of-control car.

But he definitely couldn't tell Liu Meng the truth, but pretended to be himself just now, and came here on purpose.

When the rear wheel of the car swung up just now, Su Wei felt that cold sweat was about to fall off his head.

"Brother Su, you know, I almost peed just now, and my soul was almost scared away by you. The chassis of your car is too hard, and it is much more uncomfortable than the 488 I used to ride. Is it like this in the track version? "Liu Meng really believed Su Wei's words, thinking that Su Wei just deliberately scared her.

In fact, Su Wei himself was scared to death, otherwise why would he stay here for a long time.
Dividing line---
"Brother Su, you are here. This must be sister-in-law. Wow, sister-in-law, you are so tall. Brother Su asked you to be his girlfriend. After that, all the children will be at least 185" Xiao Xiao said early. Waiting for Su Wei at the gate of OT, after all, he is Xiao Xiao's God of Wealth now.

Nowadays, when many rich second generations come to OT, they will specifically ask Xiao Xiao to book a table, because Su Wei only asks him to book a table.

"I'm not your sister-in-law. The real sister-in-law is much prettier than me. Brother Su, I'll go get in touch and see if my girlfriends are here." Liu Meng heard the marketing call her sister-in-law, but she didn't take it seriously.

After all, the next time Su Wei brings other girls, they will still call them sister-in-law.

"Well, you go. I told you to arrange the booth, how did you arrange it? Is it the best seat?" Su Wei spent so much money in such a short time in OT.

If he can't get the best position, it means that the bar looks down on him.

"Brother Su, don't worry, you are here, then the best seat in OT must be yours. The booths I arranged for you tonight are 121, 122, 128, and 129, which happen to be in Below the DJ booth, the most conspicuous place in the entire OT is here." The four seats that Xiao Xiao helped Su Wei book today are indeed the best four seats in the OT.

Of course, the 101 and 118 next to it are also very good, but they are a little far away from other tables, not as close as these four seats.

Su Wei set this position today, in fact, he took someone else's position.

Because Su Wei only booked one table at first, he told Xiao Xiao half an hour ago that he wanted him to book a few more booths. Today, there are a little more people on his side.

Seats 122 and 129 were originally reserved by his colleagues for the guests.

But Su Wei wanted to book a table, and the bar heard that Su Wei would bring a lot of people here today, so he must give priority to meeting the requirements of big customers.

His female colleague could only obediently change the seats to 123 and 130 at the back.

"The girls I called you, are they here? Are they drinking too much?" It was already 10 o'clock in the evening, but Su Wei looked at it, and it seemed that there was no line full of women at the gate of OT, men and women. There are quite a lot of teams.

If Xiao Xiao is not strong today, he will have to replace him next time. After all, such a simple matter can't be done.

"Brother Su, don't worry, the few who came this time are all from the alcohol battlefield. Most of them have already come. Among them are your acquaintances. She brought all the girls to the booth. I wanted to order wine in your name, but I had no choice but to give them a bottle of Ace of Spades that you, Su Ge, kept in the bar at the time, would I be too self-assertive?" Xiao called him Niu, and Xiao Xiao sent a group message directly at that time.

But he didn't expect that among the people who came this time, there were people who knew Su Wei, and they were very arrogant to order wine directly when they came.

Xiao Xiao knew her and knew that she and Su Wei had an unusual relationship, so he gave them a bottle of Ace of Spades.

After all, Su Wei ordered millions of drinks in OT, how could they all be drunk.

Now in the OT, he still has more than 20 unopened bottles of wine, but Su Wei didn't take them out.

"Just drink it, but are you really a woman I know?" Su Wei didn't care at all for them drinking his wine.

I just wonder who the woman is here tonight, and she is so bold that she is going to order wine in his name.

After all, his time in Kyoto was very short. Although many people wanted to know him, he was not interested in meeting them.

"You must know each other. It's Li Qiuhua who came here today, but I clearly remember that I didn't send her a message." Although Xiao Xiao sent the message in a group, he is not a bad guy, so how could he call Li Qiuhua to come.

After all, he was able to know Su Wei only because of Li Qiuhua's introduction, otherwise he would not have known Su Wei at all.

And this time he was looking for someone to accompany Su Wei, how could he find Li Qiuhua on his head, isn't this purely insulting.

"Li Qiuhua is here? Damn, what is she doing here? Forget it, just come. Liu Meng, haven't your girlfriends arrived yet?" Su Wei really didn't expect that this acquaintance turned out to be Li Qiuhua.

But today isn't Thursday, this girl is not staying at school, is she going to stay out at night again?It seems that next time Wu Fei should be told to stay away from her, otherwise it would be bad if she led her to spoil her.

Although Li Qiuhua is the roommate of Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei, Su Wei is really not afraid of her telling the truth.

Because she is not a fool, she knew that telling the truth would not do her any good, but would offend Su Wei instead.

And a gangster girl like her, wandering around in circles, actually wants to make money, and money is precisely the last thing Su Wei lacks.

"They're still on their way here, why don't we go in first, and they'll come in by themselves later?" Liu Meng called all her girlfriends, but because she notified her too late, they are still waiting. on the way.

In addition to having a best friend, just wait nearby and you can arrive.

It will take about half an hour for her best friends to come over, after all, Kyoto is too big.

"Brother Su, the four booths you booked today are a bit big, and your bodyguards may not be able to guard them. Would you like me to call a few infields for you, and wait for them to come with your bodyguards and give them to you?" You surround the place" because now that Su Wei comes to OT, it is Xiao Xiao who serves him.

So now Xiao Xiao is considered a little celebrity in OT, this time knowing that Su Wei is coming, several infielders begged Xiao Xiao to arrange them next to Su Wei.

Because Su Wei is very generous, the tips are hundreds or thousands.

Who doesn't want to get closer to Su Wei, if they are lucky, they can be regarded as a pony by Su Wei, then they will be prosperous.

"Okay, you can call them all over here. The rules are still the same. Good-looking women can be allowed in, but men and unattractive women can be stopped by me." Su Wei is not reluctant to bear others Rubbing him for drinks, and if those men come in, they will not only rub alcohol, but also rub girls.

But Su Wei paid these women to come here, not for free, so he wanted to put an end to this matter.

"Brother Su, don't worry, I will definitely arrange this for you." Xiao Xiao has received Su Wei several times, how could this happen.

After all, these women were all called by him. If this happens, it will be his who will be lost.

Why is he still calling out so many girls at this point, and all of them are tall and long-legged girls.

It was because he had already told his sister that as long as the girl came to drink, the boss would tip at least 3000.

So if they were dishonest, there was no need for Su Wei to say that, Xiao Xiao must have blocked them directly here.

"Brother Su, everyone here knows you. Do you come here often?" Liu Meng saw that Su Wei had been greeted by security, marketing, or customers since he entered the bar.

And the way they looked at Su Wei, regardless of gender, was full of surprises.

"It's just that there are more people here recently, and I don't know how they know me." When Su Wei was speaking, another girl rushed over, took a photo with Su Wei, and quickly kissed Su Wei on the face when she left. down.

If it weren't for the fact that this woman was so ordinary, he would definitely buy her a drink, because she looked so much like the one he had found.

"Su Wei, you are finally here, who is she?"

(End of this chapter)

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