Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 209 Crazy Plan

Chapter 209 Crazy Plan

"Su Wei, you are finally here. Who is this sister? She is so beautiful, why don't you introduce me to her?" Li Qiuhua was chatting with the younger sister, and said that today's boss is her best friend's boyfriend.

At this time, I saw Su Wei hugging Liu Meng, and the two of them entered the bar.

Li Qiuhua didn't receive Xiao Xiao's group text message today, she would know about it, or her friend asked her on WeChat if she would go to OT tonight, and if she did, the two of them would have a companion .

The words of having a partner are actually a code word among these gangsters.

That is, if they catch Kaizi, and this Kaizi agrees to invite her to the bar, then these women will not go alone, but will call friends or girlfriends.

The two covered each other at the wine table, and then the man was in the bar, and the money was spent and the wine was opened, but Mao didn't get a single one.

As for Li Qiuhua and the others, they earned the commission for the wine in the bar, drank the good wine they opened, and took pictures in Moments to pretend to be aggressive, and then they didn't lose anything, so they just went home and slept.

Although they are not professional bartenders, people like them are more deceiving than those professional bartenders.

Of course, they are not like this for everyone.

If the man is super handsome, or super rich, then they are also willing to talk about a relationship that will never break up.

But most of the people they met were the second-generation young rich, so they wouldn't be merciful if they tricked people.

Li Qiuhua heard from her friend that she didn't know what was going on tonight.

Then her friend saw that she didn't know, so she sent her a screenshot of Xiao Xiao's group message.

When she saw this request, she felt that it was so familiar. She had to be tall and good-looking.

And as long as the girls in the past can get at least 3000 yuan.

Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be Su Wei's favorite way, and it just so happens that Su Wei will come to Kyoto again in the next two days.

Could it be that Xiao Xiao was calling Su Wei a girl? She thought it was necessary to take a look, after all, he was the boyfriend of her roommate and best friend.

If it wasn't for Su Wei, she would have gone back to school to sleep immediately.

When she arrived at the door of the bar, she saw that Xiao Xiao had already counted the number of people at the door.

She asked a salesman she was familiar with, and it turned out that Su Wei was coming today, and he even booked the four tables in the center by himself.

After she knew the news, she went directly to Xiao Xiao. Sure enough, when Xiao Xiao saw her, she was in a panic. She might have thought that she was here to catch the rape, or that she had accidentally sent the message to Li Qiuhua. Know.

Now that she knew that Su Wei was coming, she didn't hesitate to take her friends with her, and then called these girls into the bar.

Then Xiao Xiao was asked to bring her the drink list, she ordered wine, and it would be on Su Wei's head later.

After all, she felt that the relationship between her and Su Wei was not ordinary, and drinking Su Wei's wine was nothing.

"Why are you here today? Is there no class tomorrow?" Su Wei didn't want to answer Li Qiuhua's question, after all, she wasn't someone like him.

And Su Wei didn't like her tone just now.

Although Li Qiuhua had slept with him, he gave money later.

And if it wasn't for Li Qiuhua being Wu Fei's roommate, the two of them probably wouldn't have had the chance to meet again.

"Su Wei, you're boring. Why, you found an internet celebrity as your girlfriend, and now you can't even talk about being good friends." Seeing that Su Wei didn't answer her question, Li Qiuhua thought he was afraid that she would sue her.

She thought she had caught Su Wei's handle, and she was secretly happy.

And this woman, she happened to have seen her photo, but she is not as good-looking as the one on the Internet.

"It's not that you can't say it, but you misunderstood Brother Su. I'm not his girlfriend. We just know each other, and I have a boyfriend. This time, I came to OT with Brother Su. It's just a coincidence. Brother Su, you Say yes." Liu Meng thought that the person in front of him was Su Wei's lover, otherwise he would speak with a gun and a stick.

This made her very embarrassed, and she never thought that one day she would be caught and raped.

She is also convinced, this Su Wei is so flirtatious, to be approached by his lover, but that's fine, she can leave later.

"You are crazy, what are you explaining to her, she is not my girlfriend. Li Qiuhua, let me tell you, don't make trouble for me, you can play if you can, if you don't want to play, I will pay you for a taxi, and you go back to school by yourself Alright." Su Wei came here today to celebrate his birthday alone, and he didn't want Li Qiuhua to disturb his interest.

If she wants to stay and play, then he welcomes it, after all, Li Qiuhua is really pretty.

But if she doesn't play, then Su Wei will transfer her a car fee for the sake of Wu Fei's roommate, which is a trivial matter.

If she deliberately made trouble, then Su Wei would not spoil her.

"I'm not going back, I'm just asking who she is, but since you don't want to say that's fine, I don't want to ask anymore." Li Qiuhua saw that Su Wei didn't give her face, she couldn't help it, after all, it was impossible Really go back.

And she came here this time for a purpose, to see if she could win Su Wei tonight and ask him to buy her a car as well.

Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei are now driving sports cars when they go out. She is very envious, after all, driving a sports car in school is so beautiful.

She has been around for so long, let alone a sports car, she doesn't even have a family car.

"Brother Su, here is the wine list. Many of these girls came here today because they have heard of your name. Why don't you call me when you come here? Hurry up and introduce yourself to Brother Su." Xiao Xiao just stood aside Speaking, he didn't come out until Su Wei hated Li Qiuhua.

Originally, he thought that Li Qiuhua had succeeded in his position, so he came here today to arrest him.

It turned out that he was thinking too much. For a mixed-circle girl like Li Qiuhua who wants to be a superior to Su Wei, it seems that there is really little hope now.

It's not impossible if it's an ordinary young rich second generation, but Su Wei is different.

Who is Su Wei? He was able to take away seven women at once last time.

The twins came to thank him afterwards. After all, without him, they would not have been able to get in touch with a big shot like Su Wei.

They also chatted about gossip at that time, and he asked them if the seven of them had squeezed Su Wei dry.

The older sister was shy and didn't say anything, but the younger sister Yunyun chatted with him.

It is said that although Su Wei is very strong in that aspect, facing the seven of them, he is still a bit outnumbered.

Before Xiao Xiao left, he asked them if they were willing to come out if there were still big bosses in need.

The two sisters directly refused, because the money they got from Su Wei last time combined exceeded 20, and they had no idea of ​​making money for the time being.

When Xiao Xiao was on the way back, when he thought of this incident, he was envious to death.

After all, it doesn't matter if Su Wei is rich, and his ability is still so strong, should an ordinary person like him live.

"Hello, Brother Su, my name is Liuliu, and I'm Qiuqiu's best friend" Liuliu is the one who sent a message to Li Qiuhua today, and she didn't know until after she came that today's boss is Su Wei.

Su Wei is very popular in the bar circle in Kyoto now, as long as he often comes out to play, everyone has heard his name.

"Hi Brother Su, my name is Yueyue, I've heard your name a long time ago, I didn't expect to see you in real life today." This flattery, if it wasn't for the money, how could these women be so humble what.

. . . . . .

"I don't need to introduce, forget it, let me introduce myself. Hello Su, I'm Qiuqiu, I'm still a college student, and I'm only 19 years old this year." After introducing more than ten people From now on, the last one will be Li Qiuhua.

She didn't want to introduce herself because she felt that she was different from everyone else.

In addition to the women who came today, she knows half of them and is familiar with them, but thinking that there are people brought by Su Wei, she can only introduce herself formally, and the last sentence is sarcasm Liu Meng is older because she is less than 20 years old, but Liu Meng is at least 25 years old.

"Brother Su, my best friend is here. I'm going outside to pick up some people. Why don't you order the bar later? After my best friend comes in, you can order according to the number of people. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to order later. By the way, your name is Qiuqiu, right? I remember you." When Liu Meng first came in, she was taken aback by Li Qiuhua, and really thought she was Su Wei's underground lover.

Now knowing that she is not, but after a misunderstanding, she still dares to ridicule her old age.

Liu Meng is not a person who is willing to suffer. She plans to drink this girl to death later when she is drinking, and see if she pretends to be next time.

"Yes, you must remember her. If I remember correctly, she can drink it all the time. Later, you will compare with her to see who can drink better than the other." Su Wei saw Liu Meng and Li Qiuhua He can't wait to make a fuss.

After all, only when you are really angry, you will drink a lot after drinking.

If there is no smell of gunpowder on both sides, then it will become a health care bureau later.

"Su Wei, what does she mean? She picks up people as soon as she picks them up. Why do you want to ask me?" Li Qiuhua didn't expect that here today, all of them are her acquaintances, and Su Wei dared to ask her when he brought this woman.

This made her feel that if this woman thought she was not Su Wei's girlfriend, she would look down on her.

She decided, isn't this woman good at drinking, and she will let her know later that it's useless to talk big at the wine table, everything depends on the amount of alcohol she speaks.

"Didn't you first satirize her for being old? Isn't it normal for her to Q you? As I said, she drinks a lot. If you don't like her, you can drink her under the table yourself." Su Wei didn't How do you plan to drink it? Now I see Li Qiuhua and Liu Meng fighting.

Then he must be on fire, he can't wait to see a good show.

"Then if I let her drink to the bottom of the table, is there any benefit?" Li Qiuhua came to his senses at this moment, no, Su Wei seems to have been fighting.

He figured it out all of a sudden, he wanted to borrow her knife to get that woman drunk.

Fuck, that woman is indeed Su Wei's goal today.

"If you want benefits, it's simple, just get her drunk, and I'll buy you a bag." Su Wei also knows that blindly fighting is useless.

It must be to add some rewards in it. Women like bags, so he just buys them a bag.

"That's what you said. If I drink her down, I want to buy a GUCCI bag. I have been fancying that bag for a long time. It is a bamboo bag made of ostrich skin. It costs 6 yuan. If you don't If there is a problem, I will fight it out today." Li Qiuhua heard Su Wei say that Liu Meng would buy a bag when he was drunk, and it happened that she took a fancy to a GUCCI bag.

Because the price is too expensive, she can only look at it. After all, 6 yuan is really not a small amount of money to her.

But now with Su Wei's words, she plans to show her true strength tonight.

"Brother Su, can we also participate? I've taken a fancy to a presbyopia from LV, and it costs about 6 yuan, but I don't have the money to buy it." Who would want to get a bag for free? See Su Wei said that as long as the girl can get drunk, they will also participate.

"I want to participate too. I have never been drunk in Northwest Shanxi. If I come, I will definitely drink her down."

"I am an invincible player who has drunk all over Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and I want to participate"

"Don't quarrel, don't quarrel with me, you can participate if you want, just make sure that you are the only one who is not drunk at the end of the drink, then this bag is yours, if you don't want the bag, you can also come to me to directly discount 5 [-] yuan." Su Wei didn't expect that they could all be settled in one bag.

The most wonderful thing is that he said that there is only one person left, and then no one can escape and be toasted later.

"I seem to see them coming. Why are there so many people? It seems that we have to unify the outside world first. After drinking them down, we will have a showdown." Liuliu had been staring at the door. I thought that Liu Meng's girlfriends might only be one or two.

Unexpectedly, a bunch of people squeezed in. Although there were not as many people as there were on the deck, there were still seven or eight people.

The most exaggerated thing is that there is even a foreigner inside, and judging by the appearance of that foreigner, she is a girl who can drink very much.

"We must be together. Who are this girl's girlfriends? Why is there such a hulking back? This is definitely a girl." When the others saw Liu Meng's girlfriends, their momentum was already weakened by three points before fighting. .

It was mainly the girlfriends that Liu Meng brought over, who seemed to be the kind of drinkers who were particularly good at drinking.

They have been in the bar for so long, and if they see if anyone can drink or not, they will not be able to tell, so they have spent so many years in nightclubs for nothing.

"Brother Su, these are my girlfriends and their friends. You may have to pay this time." When Liu Meng went out, she was actually a little panicked. She didn't expect Su Wei to call so many girls over.

But as soon as she went out, she didn't panic at all, because the friend her best friend brought was really the kind of girl who was good at drinking.

Now that she saw so many women in the deck, she was not panicked at all, and even wanted to smile contemptuously.

"Hello, Brother Su, I'm Liu Meng's best friend, my name is Gu Gu" Gu Gu was shopping with her best friend today, and when she heard Liu Meng asked her to come to OT for a drink, she had better bring a friend.

Isn't this just right, her best friend is a judo practitioner, or from Inner Mongolia, drinking is like drinking water, so she brought her best friend here too.

. . . . . .

"It doesn't matter, as long as you drink happily, what do I pay for this little money. Xiao Xiao, how many bottles of Hennessy Richard and Louis XIII are there in your store now, check Hennessy XO again?" Su Wei didn't expect, Liu Meng's friends are either foreigners, or from Inner Mongolia or Northeast China.

He is really suspicious now, can Li Qiuhua and the others be opponents?
But even if Li Qiuhua wasn't his opponent, Su Wei didn't panic, after all, OT was his half home game.

"Brother Su, there are still six bottles of Hennessy Richard, 13 bottles of Hennessy XO, and seven bottles of Louis XIII." A bottle of Hennessy Richard is more than 7, Hennessy XO is 5, and Louis XIII is also more than 5.

Xiao Xiao figured it out, there are so many people here today, if Brother Su casually clicks, it will be at least hundreds of thousands.

Especially the women who came later, he felt that they were all reincarnated alcoholics, so they were not easy to mess with at first glance.

"Just order wine like this? Forget it, you can serve up all these wines, um, add two big dragon sets, otherwise it won't be enough." Su Wei didn't expect that the order of wine in OT is only 20 Multiple bottles.

And there are more than 20 people in their booth, Su Wei can only add two sets of big dragons to enter.

In fact, Su Wei originally didn't want to add the Ace of Spades. He probably thought that the drink was average and not very intoxicating.

"Brother Su, I'm really sorry, mainly for high-end products like Hennessy Richard, which are all limited. If you can get a lot of bottles, it's all fake wine." Xiao Xiao really didn't expect that Su Wei would give him directly today. High-end wine, all bought by one person.

If other customers want it, they can only go to other stores to get the goods.

"What's the situation here today? There are so many people here, isn't there so many people on weekends?" Normally, the noise in OT can no longer be heard, but today it is relatively quiet.

But it's strange, the inside is already full of people, and the outside is still queuing.

"Today at 10:30, the top 110 DJs will come over. Brother Su, do you want to meet?" Xiao Xiao won the [-] million sales today, and he will basically be able to win the top sales in April.

"I'm not interested in this. By the way, you help me prepare more Ace of Spades. When it's twelve o'clock, you give me two bottles for each table in the audience, and then I'll see, um, how many champagne kings do you have?" , Forget it, take them all out for me, I want them all.

After twelve o'clock, you arrange someone to spray all these champagne kings on me." Su Wei just wants to have fun today, and he not only wants to have a good time for himself, but also for the guests in the bar to have a good time with him.

The main reason is that this year is too late, and next year, he plans to bring dozens of hundreds of girls, charter a few planes, and fly to the Maldives.

At that time, we will charter an island there, and live a closed life for a week.

"Giving wine to the audience, and spraying it with King Champagne, Brother Su, are you kidding?" Xiao Xiao couldn't even imagine Su Wei's idea, how much would it cost, at least 300 million, plus The wine that Su Wei ordered by himself cost at least 400 million today.

If this matter comes true, then OT will definitely spread this matter through various channels in the next few days.

If this is the case, Su Wei's kind is not a small fire, but an explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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