Chapter 211

"How do you know? Have you watched my video of throwing money? Let me tell you, throwing money is very cool. I'll grab some for you later, so that you can also feel the thrill of throwing money." Su Wei said to Liu Meng knew that he was throwing money, and he was not surprised at all.

Because Su Wei threw money last time, too many people took videos, and on UC, there are often marketing accounts leading him to the rhythm, leading everyone to hate the rich, but Su Wei doesn't care, after all, he doesn't steal or grab his money , Spend whatever you like.

"I don't want it. Why do you throw those good money to others? Oh, Brother Su, don't be like this, there are so many people. Xiao Zhang, you are here, let's send Fanfan safely." Liu Meng looked When Zhang Ruoyu came, he felt that he had opened Su Wei's hand, and arranged his clothes by the way.

Because Su Wei and Liu Meng have been hugging and playing disco just now, his hands are not honest at all, wandering around Liu Meng's body.

In fact, if this was a darker environment, or a place with fewer people, Liu Meng might have followed in public.

After all, she now knows how rich Su Wei is, and he is very willing to spend money.

But she passed by, all the girlfriends she called, and those good friends of her girlfriends.

When she was outside, she was still telling her girlfriends that she didn't want to accompany the boss tonight, and asked her girlfriends to help him get drunk.

Well, when she knew the strength of the boss, she forgot what she said to her best friend, and played disco together with the boss, and kissed him from time to time, having a good time.

If I feel that there is no one, there will be a live broadcast. Isn't this a slap in the face of what I said before.

"It has been delivered, and I came here after I boiled a pot of hot water for her. Mr. Su, this is your bag." Zhang Ruoyu was not in high spirits when she spoke, and she was a little listless.

The main reason is that she has just been wronged, and this is the first time she has been so wronged after living for more than 20 years.

"Xiao Zhang? What's the matter with you? Why do you look so bad? Sit next to me and tell me, did you have a conflict with someone at the door just now? Damn there are still people who dare to bully my assistant, I will definitely avenge you" Su Wei looked back, and it was indeed Zhang Ruoyu who came, and he was right behind him.

However, her complexion was a little bad, her eyes were red and red, and it looked like she had just cried.

This made Su Wei very upset, her assistant, and someone dared to bully her.

Su Wei intends to hear who dared to bully Xiaozhang. If he doesn't come back with revenge, everyone will think that Su Wei is made of mud.

"President Su, no one bullies me. I cry because I had some conflicts with my family. Can I drink the wine on the table? I want to drink some." Zhang Ruoyu is indeed crying because of conflicts with her family, but this This time, it must be a bad thing.

In fact, she had already come to the bar. After all, it took more than half an hour to send Shu Mafan home.

When she arrived at the bar, Zhang Ruoyu didn't intend to come in, because although she only came for a day, she was very gentle about the fact that her boss was a pervert.

Originally, she was waiting in the car outside, but her childhood sweetheart called her.

After she connected, she asked her why she didn't go home today, and it's already 11 o'clock.

Zhang Ruoyu didn't like him in the first place, so when she heard his tone, she told him directly that now she had found a class and was on a business trip today, and now she was in Kyoto, so of course she wouldn't go home.

Her childhood sweetheart, Xu Shipeng, heard what she said, and asked her very angrily, didn't she plan to take the civil service exam?

Zhang Ruoyu felt that today was a good opportunity, so she told him straightforwardly that her current annual salary is 60 yuan, she has no interest in a permanent job, and she doesn't want to obey the family's arrangements.

Then she hung up the phone, and she didn't expect her parents to call in less than 5 minutes.

It turned out that when Xu Shipeng called just now, he was at her home, and her parents heard everything she said just now.

Her parents called to ask her what she meant by what she just said.

What do you mean you don't want to obey the arrangement of your family? Does it mean that you don't want to take the civil service exam, or that you don't plan to get married early.

Zhang Ruoyu used to have no confidence, but now that she has a job, she just said it straight away, she will not take the civil service exam, nor will she marry Xu Shipeng.

Her parents waited until she had finished speaking, and then began to reason with her, trying to convince her with their behavior, but found it was useless.

In addition, Xu Shipeng was still at home, her parents' tone became more and more severe, and Zhang Ruoyu refused to give an inch, as if the tip of a needle was pointing at the wheat, and the two sides quarreled on the phone.

Although Zhang Ruoyu quarreled with her parents and seemed to have won, but after hanging up the phone, she cried herself into tears.

Because she was depressed, she wanted to go to the bar to find Su Wei, but because she didn't know what station Su Wei had reserved, she was asked by the security guard to queue up.

After all, there are hundreds of DJs coming tonight, so there are a lot of people today, no one is allowed inside, and there are dozens of people queuing outside.

Of course the security guards knew Su Wei, but it was impossible for anyone to say they knew Su Wei, so they would let them in.

That's why Zhang Ruoyu called Su Wei and asked him to pick her up.

"It's okay, just drink whatever you want. Today your boss is a boy of good fortune. You can drink as much as you want. Come on, let's drink one first." Liu Meng saw that Zhang Ruoyu must have quarreled with his family.

So she didn't persuade her not to drink. After all, when you are depressed, drinking some wine will make you feel better.

"Su Wei, who is this? You brought enough girls today. What would Wu Fei think if she found out?" Su Wei was between Li Qiuhua and Liu Meng. Pulling Liu Meng to dance, and Li Qiuhua could only rub the dance behind him, she was already very upset.

Now another woman came, and Su Wei directly placed her in her previous position, so that Li Qiuhua had no choice but to back away.

"Hello, I think you may have misunderstood something. I am President Su's assistant. It is normal for me to be by his side." Zhang Ruoyu was between Li Qiuhua and Su Wei. She was drinking with Liu Meng of.

But because the bar was too noisy, when Li Qiuhua and Su Wei talked, their voices were very loud. It would be strange if she couldn't hear them.

Only then did she realize that the four desks belonged together, except for her boss, all of them were women, and most of them were tall and long-legged.

She was a little used to Li Qiuhua's misunderstanding of her and Su Wei, after all, Xu Meng thought so at the time.

"Like I said, you don't mind my affairs. I came to drink with you, not to inquire about information." Su Wei didn't care at all that Li Qiuhua knew about him.

Because Li Qiuhua is the kind of person who cares about girlfriends, but more about money.

"I'll just ask. It's okay to be curious. I'm a tight-lipped person. So you are Su Wei's assistant, and I'm Wu Fei's best friend. Then we are not outsiders. I saw you want to drink just now. Come on, I respect you too." Only then did Li Qiuhua know that Zhang Ruoyu was Su Wei's assistant. She didn't expect Su Wei's assistants to be so beautiful.

No wonder she was wearing the same work clothes. It turned out that she hadn't left work yet, so it was too miserable to be Su Wei's assistant.

"Come, come, drink, let's raise fish."

"I'm empty here, it's up to you"

Li Qiuhua tonight was only chasing after Liu Meng, and Liu Meng has always lived up to his boldness before, and has been hiding from drinking.

Because Liu Meng had changed her mind and planned to leave with Su Wei, she knew that Li Qiuhua also wanted to be taken away, but she didn't want to give her this chance.

And her girlfriends already know that as long as there is only one person left at the last wine table, they will get 5 yuan.

There were nearly 20 of them, and a scuffle started, and they began to respect people with wine glasses.

The only two people who were not affected were Zhang Ruoyu and Su Wei, but although Zhang Ruoyu was not affected, she drank alone there, and occasionally had a drink with Su Wei, it seems that she might be the first to fall down later .

"Boom, boom, boom" at 12 o'clock OT, huge fireworks fell from the sky.

"What kind of DJ is this? What kind of song is this playing?" On booth 109, a girl in a miniskirt was dancing vigorously. Suddenly, the bar changed from that explosive electronic music to happy birthday electronic music.

The girl in the miniskirt came out to play with her friends today. After a few people jumped for a while, they found that they couldn't continue because the rhythm was wrong.

"Is it some big guy's birthday? It's the first time for me to hear a DJ in OT playing the song Happy Birthday with electronic music." One of her male friends realized that this is a big guy celebrating his birthday in OT. .

After all, only when the boss celebrates his birthday, a large bar like OT will not care about the feelings of ordinary customers at all, just to give big customers the biggest face.

"Wow, look, what's going on here? Could it be that someone is serving wine today?" The girls in miniskirts are old customers of OT, and they were there when the wine was served last time, but that time they were in When the atmosphere group.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, when they came to play by themselves this time, another boss in OT started serving wine.

They quickly took out their mobile phones, and while taking pictures, they posted to Moments, the scene of free wine in the OT bar.

"Hey, Jing Jing, you guys opened the table today, so you are lucky, today is the boss's birthday, promise, here are your two bottles of Ace of Spades, and three bottles of luminous champagne" There are too many wines today, the waiter It's not enough, so I called their atmosphere team to help.

When the atmosphere group was sent to booth 109, it was discovered that the guest here was also a member of the atmosphere group, but today she came to open the stage by herself.

"Xiao Qi, who is this boss who celebrates his birthday and gave away so much wine?" Jing Jing found out that it was her friend who served the wine, so she quickly grabbed her and asked her to reveal some secrets.

After all, she found that the marketing of the bar is very busy today, and she just searched for a long time but couldn't find anyone.

Now that I have finally found an acquaintance, I must inquire about the inside story.

"Who else, Nuo, of course it's Su Wei and Young Master Su. The four seats 121 and 128 are reserved by him today. Why are you wearing this clothes today? Then you will be miserable later, and I have to give you wine. I won’t chat with you anymore.” Xiaoqi saw Jingjing, today she is wearing a miniskirt and a backless top, so when there is a water fight, there is no difference between her clothes and not wearing them. And it's easy to reveal.

But she just reminded her, after all, Jingjing, who hangs out in the bar every day, doesn't care at all about being looked at by others.

"Fuck, don't leave, explain what you mean clearly." Jing Jing didn't expect Xiao Qi to leave directly, leaving behind her and her friend with a confused look.

When a few people saw the wine being served, they opened the Ace of Spades first, regardless of what it meant.

"What do you mean by serving this wine? I haven't ordered it before. I ordered the Jager set meal. If you put these five bottles of wine here, I will tell you that I will not pay for it."

"This wine doesn't cost money. There is a boss in the bar celebrating his birthday today. This is a free drink for you."

"It's a shame, if I had known that OT would give away wine today, then why would we buy wine, but this Su Wei is too a prodigal, so I don't want to spend a few million to go out."

"You don't care if he's a prodigal or not. Didn't you say last time that you dislike him the most? Why did you accept his wine?"

A lot of people who didn't book a seat, just spent 100 yuan to come in for a disco, saw that every deck today has the Ace of Spades and the King of Champagne for free, that envy.

But they don't have booths, and marketing won't give them wine, they can only see if they can grab a drink.

. . . . . .

"Who spit on me, you crazy, why spit on me with wine, you have the wine, see if I don't spit you to death" There are many guests on the deck, because they think the electronic music version of the happy birthday song is weird Yeah, so they sat down and tried the free ace of spades.

But at this time, it felt like someone was spraying it. When I turned around, I found that the people from the marketing and atmosphere team were holding a bottle of champagne by themselves, and started spraying randomly at people.

Only then did they know that Su Wei sent so many bottles of champagne, not for them to drink at all, but for them to use this wine for a water fight.

After realizing this, they opened the wine, took a sip for themselves, and then sprayed it on the people around them.

The atmosphere quickly spread to the whole bar. Who is still playing disco at this time? Just pick up all the wine on the table, no matter if it is champagne, beer, or whiskey, just sprinkle and finish.

"Brother Su, it's all coming to us, should we spray them back, anyway, we have so much alcohol here." Li Qiuhua is a militant, and he saw that a water fight had already started in the bar.

She couldn't wait to get involved, after all, being passively beaten was not in her character.

"Boss, forget it, with Master Liu and the others here, there won't be much alcohol coming in." Zhang Ruoyu didn't know what was going on, why the bar started to turn into a water fight.

She seldom goes to the bar to hang out in Shanghai. She usually just sits in the bar with friends or classmates for a while.

It was her first time in Kyoto, not to mention the bars in Kyoto, she thought it was a repertoire of bars here.

She felt fortunate that Master Liu and the others were there, and no one else could rush over. They were safe here.

"Forget it, I bought so much wine just to fight the water fight, you tell me forget it, hurry up, get a bottle of champagne by yourself, and spray them to death with me." How could Su Wei listen to Zhang Ruoyu, After all, he had spent millions of dollars just waiting for this moment.

He himself took the lead, holding a bottle of Ace of Spades, and rushed out of Liu Qiang's protection circle.

"Ah, hey, wait for me, the boss is here too." Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that all the champagne in the bar was bought by his boss.

No wonder the people at the wine table checked the time from time to time. It turned out that they all knew that there would be a water fight after 12 o'clock. She came late and didn't know anything.

She was unhappy today, seeing the boss rushing out, she couldn't care less, picked up a bottle of champagne king on the table, opened the bottle, and followed Su Wei to spray people.

I originally used champagne to spray people, because there is no bottle of champagne in hand, and it would be good if it lasted for 10 minutes.

But Su Wei, the B, didn't think it was enough, so he asked Xiao Xiao to take out all the champagne in the bar, no matter what it was Perrier-Jouët or Mingrui, let the people in the bar take whatever they wanted.

There are more than 300 bottles of champagne in the entire bar. Although they are not particularly top-notch, they still cost Su Wei about [-] million.

Two thousand bottles of champagne were launched, and the whole bar went crazy. After all, who has seen so much wine.

And these wines are better than most people come to the bar to drink, but today they are just used for water fights.

Su Wei took advantage of everyone's fierce water fight. He took the bag containing money, Zhang Ruoyu and Liu Meng, and ran to the DJ stage. He threw money down in front of him, and Zhang Ruoyu and Liu Meng were right there There are people who spray money.

 I hurt my thumb, and it hurts to press the keyboard, so there are fewer updates.

(End of this chapter)

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