Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 212 I admit the wrong person

Chapter 212 I admit the wrong person
The next day.

"Hey, who is calling so early?" Su Wei was sleeping comfortably when he was woken up by the phone call.

He picked it up by feeling in a daze, without even looking at who was on the other side, and just started talking.

After all, who doesn't know, he usually sleeps until the afternoon before getting up.

"Ah Wei, why are you still sleeping? It's already one o'clock in the afternoon. Didn't you agree with me that you're going to come to Kyoto to celebrate my birthday with me?" Wu Fei knew from the sound that Su Wei last night Must be hungover again.

But she doesn't care about this matter, after all, he is not only her boyfriend, but also her best friend Liu Jing's boyfriend.

Most likely she was with Liu Jing last night, so she didn't dare to call him all day yesterday.

She was afraid that Liu Jing would find out that her best friend was already with Su Wei.

"How could I forget, I, I am on a plane at two o'clock, I set the alarm clock, don't worry, I will pick you up at your school at around five o'clock." Su Wei just wanted to say that he was in Kyoto Ah, fortunately my mind turned around and I casually said a time.

At this time, he forced his eyes to open, looked around, and found that he was sleeping in a strange room, but this room gave him a very familiar feeling.

But he can be sure that this is not a hotel, because the decoration style is completely different from the hotel.

"Then, let me pick you up. My driving skills are already very good now." Driving is a matter of getting started, and it is easy to practice the skills well.

Wu Fei really wanted to see Su Wei sooner, after all, they hadn't seen each other for almost a week.

A girl like her who just fell in love just wants to be with her boyfriend every day.

It's a pity, her boyfriend is a Neptune, he has so many girlfriends, and he likes to hook up with wild flowers.

"No need, it's not like you don't know that there are so many people around me, and your car only has four seats, so there's no room for it. My assistant has already arranged for a car to come over. When I'm going back to Shanghai, You can drive me away again." Su Wei is in Kyoto now, how could she be picked up.

In fact, his plan yesterday was to take Xu Meng to the bar at night after buying the courtyard house and transfer the ownership in the afternoon, and then take her down.

But didn't the courtyard fail to buy later, he didn't want to find Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei at this time, so he found Liu Meng who had been looking for him for dinner.

"Well, by the way, Zhang Xuewei and the others said this morning that they also want to have dinner with us. After dinner, they will leave. I have already promised them. Will you be angry?" Liu Meng didn't know What's the situation, the other three of her in the dormitory must go to dinner with her this time.

They said that everyone hadn't had dinner together yet, but this time it was Wu Fei's boyfriend's birthday, and it happened to be a celebration for Wu Fei's boyfriend, after all, there were so many people.

Originally, she disagreed, but later Zhang Xuewei said that after the meal, they would not disturb her and Su Wei's two-person world.

Wu Fei saw that they all said that, so what else could she say, she could only agree.

The main reason was that she didn't know what she and Su Weineng were going to do tonight. After all, she was not very familiar with Kyoto, and it was her first love, so she really didn't know where ordinary couples would go.

"You and the others have also called? All right, you have already called, ouch, time is running out, so I won't tell you anymore, give me a kiss quickly, I have to catch a plane" Su Wei After making the phone call, I planned to see where it was, and lifted the quilt, only then did I realize that I was not wearing any clothes.

Looking under the bed again, it was a mess, there were pieces of clothes everywhere, not only his clothes, but also women's clothes.

It looked like they had fought this morning, and the battle was still fierce.

But at this time, Su Wei really couldn't remember who he brought with him last night.

Wrap yourself in a quilt and come to the window. Looking out from the window, it happens to be in the middle of the community, and the environment is not bad.

But if he wants to know which community it is, it will be a bit embarrassing for him, but he guesses that it is probably in Fanhai Family.

The main reason is that the last time he bought the house of Oceanwide Family, because of the positioning problem at the beginning, he didn't look at it so carefully, he only bought it when he knew that the house type was okay.

He took the mobile phone and was about to call Zhang Ruoyu, only to find that a bunch of people on WeChat had sent him messages.

There were still a lot of text messages. He clicked on the text messages first and looked at them. They were all blessing text messages from major banks, and they also said that they had sent him exquisite gifts.

Because he was not in Shanghai, and these gifts were all sent to Gubei No. [-], so he didn't see any of these gifts.

After reading the text message, he clicked on WeChat. At least hundreds of people had sent him messages.

When most of them send birthday wishes, they still carry money transfers.

Only then did Su Wei realize that so many people knew that it was his birthday today.

In fact, many people don't know, after all, Su Wei didn't inform everyone.

But yesterday's video of him in Kyoto OT became popular, and it wasn't a small fire, it was really the kind that exploded, and it broke the circle very badly.

Originally, it was a hot search topic, but OT saw that the matter was getting bigger, and was afraid of being suppressed by the top, so he asked a publicist overnight to reduce the hot search, and suppressed the popularity of this matter.

Although the popularity has been suppressed and it has not rushed to the top of the hot search for bibs, Su Wei has basically become popular in the rich second generation circle, internet celebrity circle, and bar circle.

And the video of the water fight last night was really enjoyable, because at that time in the bar, many women showed their bodies because they were wearing too little clothes and moving too much.

Kyoto OT is already very popular, and many anchors also like to come here to broadcast live. Yesterday, there were eight if not ten anchors who were banned for shooting water fights.

And those two bills that add up to more than 700 million have gone crazy in the circle of friends.

After all, 18 million yuan in 700 years can buy a small three-bedroom house in the third ring road of Kyoto.

This time, Su Wei was for real, and entered the sight of ordinary people.

However, although he was famous, he was also labeled as a prodigal son.

Under the water fight videos in the bib, all of them scolded him one-sidedly.

After all, he spent 700 million in one night, and he used all the money to buy wine.

It's fine if you just buy wine. After all, there are many limited edition wines that cost millions or millions per bottle.

But he didn't drink Su Wei's wine, but used it as ammunition for water fights, which was really too extravagant.

Su Wei looked at his friends on WeChat, and the transfers were basically 520 and 1314, and a small part were 5200 and 13145.20.

This time, his women and real good friends didn't come to join in the fun, because they knew that his birthday was on the lunar calendar.

Su Wei roughly calculated that if he took all the money, at least a small 10 yuan should be no problem.

But how could he accept it? Not only did he not accept it, but he sent it as much as the other party sent.

But I don't know if many people know that Su Wei doesn't take money, but also sends money.

A few of them later sent 5200, but Su Wei is not stupid. Not only did he not send it back to these people, he even took the money directly.

Just when he felt that he had done a good job, he heard the sound of someone walking in the living room outside, and he realized that the purpose of his holding the phone was to ask Zhang Ruoyu about his situation last night.

But now that there are people outside, there is no need for him to call Zhang Ruoyu, just ask.

Su Wei saw a bathrobe on the recliner in the bedroom. He put on the bathrobe and opened the door to the living room. He became more and more sure that this was Oceanwide Family.

Because he didn't wear shoes, the person who took things from the refrigerator didn't know that Su Wei had come out.

Su Wei took a look. This woman's figure is uneven, big where it should be big, and small where it should be small.

It was her clothes, with a tear in the back. Su Wei thought about the torn clothes in the room, and felt that this woman should have slept with him yesterday.

He walked over quietly, hugged her waist from behind, and then burrowed his hands directly into the clothes.

"Ah, who are you, President Su? What are you doing? Even if you are the boss, you can't play hooligans." Zhang Ruoyu was getting water from the refrigerator because she drank too much last night. Good job, this is the second bottle of water she has taken.

But she didn't expect that when she opened the refrigerator to get water, someone hugged her from behind, and then started to touch her.

Fortunately, she reacted in time, opened his arms immediately, and then retreated to the door of the room clutching her chest.

When she turned her head and wanted to see who this gangster was, she didn't expect it to be her boss, and he looked at her in a daze.

This made her ashamed. She knew that Su Wei told her to live here without good intentions. In just one night, he exposed his true nature.

"Xiao Zhang? Why are you? Why are you here? And where is this place? Could it be that you slept with me yesterday?" Su Wei still maintains the movement he just hugged, because he saw Knowing that this woman is Zhang Ruoyu, I was a little too speechless.

Although Zhang Ruoyu is very beautiful, he really doesn't want to sleep with her. After all, Zhang Ruoyu is a woman, and he intends to train her to be his life assistant.

After all, there are so many good-looking women around Su Wei, there is no need to eat the only grass around him.

"You still want to sleep with me. You think beautifully. The one who slept with you yesterday was Ms. Liu Meng Liu. Well, I slept in the second bedroom. Have you really forgotten where this is? This is Oceanwide Aristocratic family, didn't you insist on going back to sleep here yesterday? You were already in the hotel and had rooms for everyone, but you forced me to come here too.

You also told you that I am your life assistant, and I just want to live in the same house with you, and I am not allowed to leave, have you forgotten all this? "When Zhang Ruoyu mentioned this, he was furious.

It turned out that Su Wei had a good time last night, and then bought all the champagne in OT.

Many people knew him, and rushed over to have a drink with him even if they were sprayed with alcohol by him.

He saw that other people were so sincere, as long as they were sprayed by him to toast him, he would not refuse anyone.

When they came out of the bar after four o'clock, Su Wei was already dazed.

Then Liu Qiang and his bodyguards arranged for a car to take everyone to the Wangfu Hotel.

When he arrived at the Wangfu Hotel, Su Wei couldn't stay there, he must stay at Oceanwide Family.

He didn't want to go alone, he also wanted to bring Liu Meng and Li Qiuhua there.

But at that time, Liu Qiang was confused about which room Li Qiuhua was assigned to, and finally asked Su Wei to take Liu Meng away.

Although Zhang Ruoyu was drunk at the time, she was still sober and started vomiting when she returned to her room.

After spitting out all the wine in his stomach, he felt comfortable. At this time, Su Wei came back.

He told Zhang Ruoyu that she was his life assistant, and she just wanted to live with him. Where would a life assistant live in a hotel? Sea family lives.

Zhang Ruoyu had no choice but to follow Su Wei back to the Oceanwide family.

After all, although Su Wei was drunk, there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Her room was next to Su Wei's master bedroom. Liu Meng didn't know if she had taken the treble course, the voice was very loud and penetrating.

When Zhang Ruoyu heard Su Wei's singing from the master bedroom, she was so frightened that she locked the door and leaned against the door with a chair, just because she was afraid that Su Wei would do something to her.

"Where is Liu Meng? Why haven't I seen her? Whose clothes on the ground belong to?" In fact, Su Wei probably guessed that it would be Liu Meng, because if it was someone else, such as Li Qiuhua, he would definitely not be in a hurry to leave of.

Only Liu Meng must have left early because of her boyfriend.

"That's Ms. Liu's clothes. She wore my clothes when she left because she told me that her clothes were all wet with wine and she couldn't wear them anymore." just woke up.

The main reason was that she was afraid of Su Wei rushing in, and she was not familiar with this place, so she actually didn't sleep well last night and kept dreaming.

When she woke up to get water and was about to go back to her room, Liu Meng wrapped the bath towel that Su Wei was wearing now and asked Zhang Ruoyu if she had any clothes she could wear. Her clothes were all wet, and she was in a hurry to go back .

Zhang Ruoyu gave Liu Meng a set of her own clothes.

Now there is a hole in Zhang Ruoyu's clothes, because she only brought three clothes this time.

I wore that suit yesterday because she ran all afternoon and washed it after sweating, and it hasn't dried yet.

Last night, I had a water fight with Su Wei, and it was even more impossible to wear that dress, because it could squeeze out wine.

The second set was given to Liu Meng, and the third set was worn by herself. Because she was a little hot, she didn't wear a coat, which made Su Wei misunderstand that she was the one who fought fiercely with him.

"So that's it, that's fine. By the way, you can order lunch now. I'm very hungry now. I hope I can eat lunch after I wash up. It's okay." After Su Wei finished speaking, he went straight into the room .

After all, there is still embarrassment between him and Zhang Ruoyu.

"Ah, hey, you..." Zhang Ruoyu looked at Su Wei as if nothing had happened, and walked into the master bedroom in such a swaggering manner.

Although Su Wei really touched her just now, she didn't dare to go to Su Wei.

It's not that she's afraid of losing her job, but that Su Wei didn't wear any other clothes in his bathrobe just now.

When she walks, she can see what makes her shy.

If she ran into the master bedroom, it would be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.
Dividing line---
"Xiao Zhang, is there no money in the card I gave you?" Su Wei looked at the KFC in front of him, really dumbfounded.

He spent more than 700 million yuan last night, and he spent 50 yuan in all his money.

At noon the next day, my assistant arranged to eat KFC.

"Also, I spent a few thousand yuan on this card yesterday, and now there are still 3000 million in it, Mr. Su, do you want to use the money?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that nothing happened, as if she just ate her tofu That thing doesn't exist.

Although Zhang Ruoyu was upset, but Su Wei said he was hungry, she put work first and ordered a KFC that could be delivered as soon as possible.

But she really didn't expect that her boss stayed in the room for almost an hour before coming out of the room.

"You also know that there are more than 3000 million in the card, so you just order this for me? How much did you and I spend last night? I spent almost 800 million." If Su Wei didn't think she looked good, and Just ate her tofu.

He had already started complaining. After all, he had given her a card to spend as she wished, but she didn't even know how to spend money.

"President Su, but isn't this card that you will use to invest in movies in the future? And you just said yourself, you are hungry, I thought you would come out soon, and I didn't know you would stay in the room for so long Ah" Zhang Ruoyu's voice became smaller and smaller, after all, the KFC meal cost hundreds of dollars.

Compared to Su Wei's worth, it is indeed a bit too cheap.

"Your card is only used for our daily use. I asked you to transfer 1000 million to Xu Liyang because I wanted you to get acquainted with Gemini Property.

correct.Just talking about movies, you asked Xu Liyang to arrange someone to register a movie company for me in Shanghai.

Then after she finishes working on the plane, ask her to recruit all her old colleagues and merge them into the film company." Su Wei's registration of this film company is not just for making movies.

One, he can ask Xu Liyang and her former colleague to set up a department specializing in the production of marketing accounts and official accounts.

Two, he also plans to sign those good-looking girls to make movies and TV series.

Anyway, he is not short of money, what is short is resources, so he spends money directly to create resources.

After all, it is better to give these resources to others than to his own, and he has resources that the company can't use, and he can exchange them.

At that time, he will have more resources, such as Mimi, Reba, Yingying, first- and second-tier female stars of all kinds, so they will all come to curry favor with him.

"Boss Su, are you planning to sign actors yourself? Then I think we can start a girl group now, because Tencent is going to broadcast a girl group audition soon. Look, this is their trailer." Zhang Ruoyu saw Su Wei and said directly The matter of setting up the company was handed over to Xu Liyang.

She refuses to accept it, as a life assistant, she also wants to be on her own, and she also wants to become an urban bone spirit.

"This, it's really very interesting. Anyway, the salary of trainees is also low. It doesn't matter if you recruit hundreds or thousands of people." Su Wei looked at it, isn't this the creation of 101?

After being reminded by Zhang Ruoyu, he realized that the girl group is about to become popular.

He recruited a large number of girls to be trainees, those who became popular went to filming, and those who were not popular became female anchors.

"Boss, do you still want this KFC? How about I order another steak now?" Zhang Ruoyu now knows that the card Su Wei gave her was originally used to pay living expenses.

I lamented that my boss is really rich, more than 3000 million, just his living expenses.

She still doesn't know that hundreds of thousands are deposited in this card every day, because she has no text message reminders and rarely checks the accounts, so she still doesn't know anything about it.

After a while, she will find out why the money is spent more and more.

"Forget it, when the steak comes, it will be dark, so let's eat this.

By the way, we are going to pick up my girlfriend for dinner at five o'clock, you remember, we flew over from Shanghai on a private plane at two o'clock today, so don't tell me you're showing off."

(End of this chapter)

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