Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 215 He Agreed To Buy Me A Car

Chapter 215 He Agreed To Buy Me A Car

"Is this right here? Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini, Bentley, all the cars here are luxury cars, isn't it too high-profile?" Wu Fei got out of the car and looked, and there were three 4S stores on the side of the square, and they were all there. A brand that ordinary people cannot afford.

None of these three car brands is worse than Ferrari.

But she always felt that if she bought a car here and drove to school, it would go against her original intention of keeping a low profile.

After all, her original intention of changing the car was that she didn't want to drive a sports car because it was too noisy.

Another thing is that I hope that the classmates in the school can talk less about her.

"You are with me now, do you think you can keep a low profile.

You think about those people in your school, why would they spread rumors about you? Didn’t they think that your family’s conditions were average before, and everyone went out by bus or subway.

But you suddenly developed, drove a Ferrari to school, and the gap between you and them was quickly widened.

If you were them, would you feel comfortable seeing Li Qiuhua in the dormitory buying a Ferrari?" Su Wei still couldn't figure it out when he saw Wu Fei, he turned off the engine and came to Wu Fei's side.

Pulling her into his arms, he touched her heart.

"I should be a little uncomfortable. After all, the gap between our two families is not very big. If she really drives a Ferrari to school, I may really feel uncomfortable as you said, but I won't Go spread rumors." Wu Fei thought about what Su Wei said, and it really made sense.

When she was isolated in dormitory 306, she actually developed her own circle of friends.

This time she ate, she only called the people in the dormitory instead of them, because after she drove a Ferrari back to school last time, those good friends automatically alienated her.

At that time, she thought they were busy with their studies, but thinking about it now, it must be that they were feeling uncomfortable, so they haven't been looking for her recently.

"They will spread rumors about you because you didn't have money at the beginning, but after you got to school, you found a boyfriend before you could drive a Ferrari. They would think that if they find a rich boyfriend, They can also drive Ferraris.

So at this time, if you drive another expensive car to school, I promise, they will definitely not spread rumors about you anymore, because the gap between you and them has widened." What Su Wei said, It's really not nonsense.

Many people will be jealous of those around them who are a little better than him, but they will not be jealous of those who are much better than them.

Because when the gap between two people is too large, jealousy will turn into admiration.

When Ms. Deng just married that old American man, a bunch of people ridiculed her, thinking that she had found such an old man for her green card.

After she found Murdoch, many people changed their positions, saying that Ms. Deng is a role model for women.

"Feifei, why are you here? Are you going to buy a car? I almost thought you went the wrong way." Zhang Ruoyu parked the car next to Su Wei's car, and Zhang Xuewei beside her had already pressed the glass of the car.

At this time, she actually had mixed feelings in her heart, because her 718 had been on for a few days.

I once told Su Wei that she wanted to change a car. After all, she looked at Wu Fei's Ferrari every day, and her 718 was really a bit poor.

They are also looking for the same man, why can she only drive a 718, while Wu Fei can drive a Portofino.

At that time, Su Wei told her that she had just bought this car, and she could change it after she drove it for a while, or if Wu Fei changed her car recently, she could also buy an expensive one.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei took Wu Fei, and the two cars had only driven out for 5 minutes. He didn't know what they were talking about, so he brought Wu Fei to buy a car.

"I was in the car just now and said that the Ferrari car was a bit noisy. Ah Wei immediately took me to buy a car, but I think the brands of these three cars are too high-end." Ever since Wu Fei was alienated from her friends at school , she will be able to chat with Zhang Xuewei.

Of course, she still chats with Liu Jing the most. The two of them video chat every day, but Liu Jing is also Su Wei's girlfriend.

Wu Fei can't talk to her about many things, so most of the time, she is the one who listens, while Liu Jing talks over there.

"Since your boyfriend is not short of this money, then if you want to buy it, then buy it. After all, if you drive too much of a car you don't like, you will be very annoyed." Zhang Xuewei's words, although she was trying to persuade Wu Fei, she was also saying Su Wei listened.

After all, he agreed, as long as Wu Fei changed the car, he would change her to a car worth several million.

"Your troubles, no one in our dormitory knows, isn't it because you are afraid of being pointed at you.

If you want them to stop pointing at you, then you can buy a Rolls-Royce, yes, just buy a Rolls-Royce, when you drive back to school, I don’t believe it, who else will make you Li Qiuhua is the most understandable person in dormitory 306 in terms of people's hearts.

It was because she had already experienced all this in high school, so she knew how to deal with it too well.

"I also think that if you want to buy a car, you definitely can't buy a cheap car. If you buy a cheap car, they must think that you broke up, and then the disturbance may be even bigger." Sun Yanfang substituted herself into it, What to do if you see this.

She didn't want to come today, but Zhang Xuewei and Li Qiuhua forcibly brought her here.

In addition, I also wanted to see the upper class society, so I followed.

But in the past, in order to show that she was unique, she had been playing with her mobile phone.

Seeing that Wu Fei was going to buy a car again, she finally let go of her pride and talked about her feelings.

"Really, you guys didn't lie to me, if I really drove a Rolls Royce to school, they really wouldn't spread rumors about me." Wu Fei didn't even know what was going on in this world, why it was so boring.

They have time to gossip and slander, so why not read a few books? If you can't read books, you can read novels.

"See, I'm not the only one who said that, let's go, buy the car as soon as you still have time, otherwise the vehicle management office will be on holiday tomorrow." Seeing that Wu Fei was moved, Su Wei said, He is not trying to persuade her.

Instead, he hugged Wu Fei directly and took her to the Rolls-Royce 4S store.

"Miss Zhang, I won't lock the car. President Su and the others have already entered, so I'll go there first." Zhang Ruoyu saw clearly just now, and Su Wei sent a message to Zhang Xuewei.

Zhang Xuewei is still at the side of the car, and she must read the information later.

"Okay, my feet suddenly went numb just now, Qiuqiu is here to accompany me, Fangfang, you go in and have a look too." Zhang Xuewei didn't leave, one was to see what message Su Wei sent her.

The second is that she prepared a birthday present for Su Wei, but today Wu Fei is here, she has no way to give it to Su Wei in person, she can only see where it is hidden, and then send a message to tell Su Wei, let him go find it.

"Everyone has already left, so don't pretend, what's the matter, tell me." Li Qiuhua couldn't believe that Zhang Xuewei's feet were numb, and knew that something must be wrong with her.

Because she is too familiar with Zhang Xuewei, she knows that every time she cheats, it will be like this.

"This gift of mine is going to be hidden in the car. Do you think I should hide it better? How about this place, but will Miss Zhang see it?" Zhang Xuewei flipped through the glasses case and found that it was too small.

Then he looked back and forth again, and finally decided to put the gift in the co-pilot's storage box.

"This place is very good, you should have more than that." Li Qiuhua saw that Zhang Xuewei was looking for a place to put gifts, and finally put them obediently in the storage compartment in front of the co-pilot.

The main reason is that her gift is not too small, and there is no other storage compartment that can hold this thing.

"Then put this gift here, and you will accompany me to look at the car later." After Wu Fei finished speaking and went to look at the car, the smile on the corner of her mouth couldn't be held back.

Just now she read the wechat message sent by Su Wei and asked her to choose a car by herself, and she will come to buy it in two days after the choice is made. The gift she prepared this time is not in vain.

The birthday gift Zhang Xuewei bought for Su Wei this time was an LV crocodile leather wallet, which cost her more than 6 yuan.

Because she found that Su Wei liked LV clothes very much, but the wallet was an ordinary LV model. When she was shopping this time, she saw that LV had crocodile leather ones, so she bought this special model as a birthday present for Su Wei.

"No, Su Wei promised to change the car for you? Did you say how much is the budget?" Li Qiuhua heard Zhang Xuewei's words, although she was very happy for her best friend, she still felt sore in her heart.

My best friend already has two cars, but she still can only drive No. 11 car.

"He didn't say that, he just told me to look at the car by myself, and when I change the car, I'll lend you this 718." Zhang Xuewei knew her best friend and liked to drive sports cars out.

Because she often drives her car out for half an hour at night, and then takes a lot of photos and sends them to Moments.

But she has no money now, only 10 yuan a month, otherwise she wants to give Li Qiuhua a sports car directly.

"Really, my dear, you are so kind. Then what car do you want to see, Rolls-Royce? You don't like it, what about Bentley? I didn't see it before. It turns out that you like the limelight so much that you like Lamborghini, Then let’s go and see Daniel, he’s really handsome.”
Dividing line---
"Hello, welcome to Rolls-Royce. Are you here to see the car, or to do maintenance on it?" Lan Jinglin had seen Su Wei and his group a long time ago. After all, they drove a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. , They sell luxury cars, how could they not know each other.

But what she was most afraid of was to come over and tell them that later he had a Rolls Royce to send over for maintenance, and asked them if they could send it now.

She has encountered this situation many times, so now she always asks every guest.

"Ah Wei, why don't we go buy a Bentley? Isn't a Rolls-Royce for the elderly?" Wu Fei didn't like Bentleys, but felt that Bentleys were cheaper than Rolls-Royces.

And in her impression, the Rolls-Royce was really driven by the old man.

"Bentleys are all old models now, and there is nothing to buy after seeing them. Now the Rolls-Royce GT sports car is doing well. You will know when you see the car. Many young people drive this car. Beauty, you here Do you have any existing cars of Yaoying and Phantom?" Su Wei bought the car for Wang Xiaoyuan, and she often posted it on Moments.

Su Wei saw that it looked pretty good. Just now Wu Fei told him to change it, and he immediately thought of Rolls Royce.

"Miss, this gentleman is right. Our Yaoying and Phantom are really classic and beautiful, and they are especially suitable for young people. The age of our current Rolls-Royce owners is getting younger and younger. , the youngest is only 16 years old. It just so happens that we have a new batch of cars today, you can come over here and take a look.” Lan Jinglin has met too many customers, and customers like Wu Fei are not rare.

They will not talk nonsense with the guests, but will bring the customers directly to the car and let them enjoy the charm of Rolls-Royce by themselves.

Because if you argue with the client and you don’t say win the client, it means that the client is absolutely right.

If you say that the customer has won, and the customer can't hold back, then you will most likely lose a customer.

"This car, just arrived, is a navy blue Rolls-Royce Phantom, and one of its interiors is also blue. This car is a front-rear drive, V12 engine, with 632 horsepower , although it is just a GT sports car, the 0-100 acceleration of this car is only 4.6 seconds. I don’t know how many people are satisfied with this car.” After Lan Jinglin finished introducing, she stepped back and asked Wu Fei and the others to approach Look at the car's paintwork and interior from a distance.

In fact, she introduced this car first to see if Su Wei was interested in this car.

After all, the few people here can tell at a glance that the person who paid must be Su Wei.

"I don't think this car is suitable for me, but for Ah Wei and you. Hey, where are Wei Wei and Qiu Qiu? Why didn't I see them?" Wu Fei originally wanted to ask Zhang Xuewei for reference, but found that Zhang Xuewei was not there.

She thought Zhang Xuewei and the others didn't like Rolls Royce, so they didn't come in.

"Weiwei's foot just hit a numbness, and I should wait a while before coming over." Since Sun Yanfang let go of her pride, she stopped playing with her mobile phone.

After all, she has been rejected by boys all the time, and she also has a temper.

"This car is really not suitable for girls. Beauty, is there any color suitable for girls? I bought it for my girlfriend." Su Wei didn't like this car very much, because it was a regular version.

When he buys a car now, he buys a special version if he wants to buy it. The ordinary model is too easy to bump into others.

"It's driven by a girl, right? Then I made a mistake. Let's go this way. There is also a blue and white Yaoying. This color is very suitable for girls. This is the car. It is a BB version. I don't know if you like it. I don't like it." Lan Jinglin introduced it for a long time before she realized that this car was bought for girls.

Quickly brought them to Yaoying's side, the color of this car is sky blue and white, especially suitable for girls to drive.

"This blue and white Rolls-Royce is indeed more suitable for girls than the car just now, but if I drive this car to school, will it be too high-profile, Fangfang, Miss Zhang, do you think?" Wu Fei didn't I plan to ask Su Wei, because he must have a word, whichever car is more expensive, then buy whichever one.

So Zhang Ruoyu and the others have a point of reference, after all, everyone is a girl.

"Rolls-Royce is not high-profile, so it's still called Rolls-Royce, and the color is really beautiful." If Sun Yanfang had no money, she would buy this car at all costs.

After seeing this car, she feels that she is starting to dislike her mini now.

"I think this car is high-profile, but at the same time it also enhances the temperament." Zhang Ruoyu talked less since meeting Wu Fei.

Because she also knew that because of her good looks, she aroused the suspicion of the proprietress.

Now that Wu Fei asked her, she immediately started to praise the car.

Because when a person asks you, she has already made a decision, and your answer is not that important.

"Why, haven't you chosen the car yet? Wow, this car looks so good, Wei Wei, you want to buy this car." Zhang Xuewei had just gone to the Lamborghini 4S store and came back after a tour.

Originally, the two of them wanted to see Daniel, but there was none in the store, only Hurricane and URUS.

She took a fancy to Lamborghini's Hurricane, mainly because she thought the car was really handsome, and Su Wei already had a URUS.

"Xiao Wei, your feet are alright, next time you have to be more careful, don't bump into numbness again. This car is really good-looking, but I don't really like convertibles." Wu Fei has been struggling because of this The car is a convertible.

She can really be said to stay away from convertible cars now.

Every time it rains, she has to go out to see if the car is leaking.

Now she has parked the car in a place that can shelter from the wind and rain, but at that place, it takes hundreds of meters more to go to the dormitory than the previous parking place.

"Ma'am, you don't like Yaoying, but you like this color, right? We happen to have a BB version of Phantom in our warehouse, which is a hardtop version. If you are sure you want to buy it, I can show you right now. Because the car has just arrived at the store, it may be a little dirty on the outside." Lan Jinglin thanked the beauty who came in behind because of her words.

In one click, she asked the real thoughts of her customers.

"I definitely want to buy it. If we don't buy it, why don't we come to your store to play?" Su Wei thinks this sale is for a joke, don't you want to buy a car and come to the store to play?

His assets are hundreds of billions, but he has no time to do such boring things.

"Okay, everyone, please come with me. Behind this is our warehouse. This morning, only 11 cars came to our store. Four of them have been ordered, and there are seven new cars left. Just now The blue and white BB version Yaoying outside is one of the seven. Xiaoqian, what's the matter, you are in such a hurry." Lan Jinglin saw that she was trotting to the front hall on the way to the warehouse .

Generally speaking, Rolls-Royce does not have so many cars. Usually, the customer places an order, the manufacturer receives the order, and the car will be shipped after the production is completed.

But this batch of cars this time is because their store has sold relatively few manufacturers' cars in the past few months, and all they sell are cars from their peers.

That's why the manufacturer compulsorily arranged for a batch of cars to come over.

"A prospective client of mine is here, tell me if I'm in a hurry"

(End of this chapter)

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